Chapter 23 Finally Learn Avoid Step

After feeling that I finally became a Warrior and could use aura, I was very happy. Like my long wait was not in vain.

After I adjusted my body to the aura, I also saw uncle and deactivated my aura. "Hehe, how is uncle? I have become a real warrior right?" I said with a smiling face.

"Yes kid, you have now become a warrior and you now have the opportunity to enter the academy with the Genius path," uncle said to me and patted my shoulder.

"So how? You still need these five Cores?" Uncle also asked me if I still want to borrow the Core from him.

"Yes uncle, I still need those Cores" I still need those Cores because even though I've become a Warrior, I'm still a very weak Warrior so I still need those Cores to get stronger.

"Okay then, since you are now a Warrior I think you can take care of this Core" Uncle also gave the five Cores to me.

"Thank you, uncle." I received the five Cores and thanked uncle.

"Well, you continue to practice there," uncle asked me to continue my practice and he returned to sit in his chair.

'Now that boy has become a Warrior, I think it's time for me to go hunting in the forest with the others' Uncle looked outside the shop.

After receiving the Core from uncle I went to the backyard to continue my training. "Now I can absorb this Core myself, so I don't have to bother uncle anymore. Haha"

"All right, time to practice" I took out my sword and started practicing my Slash Skill.

'Slash' Swosh... 'Slash' Swosh... 'Slash' Swosh...

After almost 2 hours of practicing and running out of energy, I checked the progress of my skills.

"Oh" other than the energy required for my Aura Skill to appear, it also appears for every Skill I have. It seems that every time I achieve something a new feature will appear later.

"Okay, it's time to absorb this Core yourself" I took out one of the Cores from my pocket. Then I started absorbing it by flowing my aura. The aura that previously disappeared somewhere, suddenly became very easy for me to control like breathing.

After that, I began to channel the aura from the Core into my dantian. My dantian as usual didn't feel like it would be full no matter how much I absorbed the aura from the Beast Core. Is it possible that my body is special? I didn't feel what uncle said when my dantian felt full I had to stop immediately.

I forgot about that and continued absorbing the aura from the beast's core.

While I was absorbing the aura from the Beast Core uncle looked at me from a distance 'Looks like this brat has almost no limits on his dantian, being able to absorb 4 Cores in just one day, it took me just 2 days to be able to absorb that one Core. And I'm already better than the people in the village' uncle sighed.

'I don't think this kid's limit is at a level 2 Warrior, maybe he can become a level 3 Warrior, I'll look forward to seeing this kid become a level 3 Warrior' Uncle smiled and stopped peeking.

It doesn't feel like the aura of this Beast Core has been used up, I think it's faster than before. Is it possible that because I have become a level 1 Warrior absorbing Beasts will also be faster? Who knows


I allocated the Free Attribute to Str and Vit.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 36 (10/40)

HP: 370/370

Energy: 185/185

Str: 27

Agi: 15

Vit: 12

Total Attribute: 54

Free attribute point: 0

Battle Exp Point: 50

"Good" my energy is full again, it's time to practice again, I also took my sword that was on the ground. The moment I was about to use my Slash Skill, I seemed to have forgotten something.

"Wait a minute, it seems I forgot something, what is it?" I try to remember back to when I was a Warrior all I could do was use Aura. If I can use Aura what do I want to do?

After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that I haven't gotten the Skill from Uncle, namely "Avoid Step! Why can I forget this important thing, okay now I will get Uncle's Skill. Let's go..."

I started training to get Uncle's Avoid Step Skills. As far as I remember using it was to channel some of the aura to the soles of my feet. Then make the aura on the soles of the feet quite thick then explode.


The leg that I had thickened was the right leg and when the aura on my right leg exploded I still wasn't ready for the balance and went head over heels.


Even if it ends in a failure, I still get a notification that I'm learning a Skill. Alright, I'm on the right track, I won't stop before getting this skill today. Hiyaa...

At first, it was very difficult to find the right timing when you exploded the aura at your feet in a moving position, so I couldn't direct where I was going.

But the longer I tried, the more I got used to it and was able to find the right timing when detonating the aura. I don't know how long I practiced but when I was able to control it left, right, up, down, forward and backward. The notification you've been waiting for has arrived.
