Chapter 48 Big Sister Liz

They both welcomed Uncle Tom with a slight bow. "Thank's" uncle Tom nodded his head to the two of them and entered the academy through the gate they guarded.

"Oh yeah, they are both new students at the academy this year, so allow them to enter the academy too" then Uncle Tom told the gatekeeper to allow me and Nanda to enter the academy.

"Okay Teacher Tom, please come in both of you" The two gatekeepers allowed us both to enter the academy with a different attitude when allowing uncle to enter. If when Uncle Tom came in they greeted him with a smile, but it was our turn to enter they just let us in without smiling or looking at us.

The three of us passed through the big gate of the academy and sure enough, this gate was huge 'Why did they make a gate this big? for what purpose?' I thought to myself why would they use such a big gate for human entrance?

I started to look around me to find out what kind of academy everyone in the village had always dreamed of getting into. But unfortunately, I arrived here at night, so I can't see the scenery of the academy clearly.

But even when it's dark I see that there are several tall buildings here, even though I only see black shadows. My curiosity arose and when I asked him about what building it was teacher Tom he replied "Later you will know for yourself, I don't want to give you a leak for now" then he smiled looking at me.

"For now let's go to the dormitories where you both live from now on," Uncle Tom asked us to go somewhere, and we both followed where he took us to go.

"Because you entered through the Genius path you will get one room for one person. So that you have more privacy in your room" Uncle Tom told us that each of us will get one room for one person on the way to the dormitories.

"And since you are already students at this academy, from now on you have to call me Teacher Tom, not Uncle Tom anymore, understand?" Uncle Tom also asked us to call him Teacher Tom, not Uncle Tom anymore like we used to call him before.

"Okay, Teacher Tom" we both complied and started calling him Teacher Tom. "Good" Teacher Tom smiled after hearing us start calling him Teacher.

After walking for about 15 minutes we finally arrived in front of our dorm, when I saw the dorm where I live from now on. I couldn't hold back my surprise because one of the tall buildings I asked Teacher Tom about was the dormitory where I would live when I was at the academy.

This building consists of eight floors consisting of a reception desk and cafeteria, three floors for ordinary student dormitories after the cafeteria, and three floors for Genius student dormitories above the regular student floors, and the top floor is used for the rooftop. Nanda and I are on the same floor, the fifth floor where the Genius class 1 dormitory is located.

This academy is divided into three batch years, namely the First Class year, Second Class year, and Third Class year. And right now Nanda and I are of course still in First Class Year, for how many classes per year consist of one Genius Class and five Normal Classes. Teacher Tom was the one who told us when we were on our way to the dormitories.

Currently, we are in front of the reception to pick up our room keys. "Hello Liz, please help me to give the Genius Room room key to both of them" Teacher Tom spoke to the receptionist named Liz to give us the room key while Teacher Tom looked at us.

"Okay teacher Tom, wait a moment" then the receptionist started looking for the key in his locker. It didn't take long for him to look for the keys in his locker, then he stood up in surprise and looked at me and Nanda. "Teacher Tom, they both entered the Genius Class?" The receptionist couldn't hide her surprised face.

"Yes, they will both enter the Genius Class and as you might expect they both come from the same village" teacher Tom smiled as he answered the question from the receptionist. Then I saw the receptionist starting to cover her eyes with aura and looking at us.

"This boy?" After looking at me and Nanda, then he looked at teacher Tom. And teacher Tom just smiled at the receptionist's surprised look.

"Okay, here are the keys for you two, beforehand, what are your names so I can write them on this register book?" the receptionist asked what our names were. "My name is Bobby, auntie" I answered her question, "My name is Nanda, Aunty" and Nanda answered the receptionist's question as well.

"Bobby and Nanda, fine. Room number 504 for you Bobby and room number 513 for you Nanda" then the receptionist gave us the room key and wrote something in his book. "Oh, don't call me auntie call me Big Sister Liz okay?" then the Receptionist asked us to call her Big Sister Liz from now on.

Because for me it's just a nickname, I also don't mind calling her Big Sister from now on. Because Big Sis Liz also looks young maybe in her mid-twenties and she also has a pretty face with short blue hair and the white uniform she wears.

"Okay, since you two have received your room keys, please rest in your respective rooms. I'm going back to my room to rest too, Liz I'll leave them both to you" teacher Tom left after we received our room key.

"You two can use the stairs to go to your room, your room is on the fifth floor and you can see your room number in front of the door," That Big Sis Liz told us on the way to our room with a smile.

"Okay then Big Sis Liz, we go to our room first to rest" Nanda and I went to our room up the stairs she told him. "Yes, be careful both of you, and have a good rest" Big sis Liz waved her hand towards us.

Duk! Duk! Duk!

The sound of our footsteps climbing the stairs made of wood. 'The village that Tom visited today is Adiyasa Village, isn't it? To think he could find two kids who were already Warriors under 15 years old in that village and the other one was almost an Uncommon Category Warrior as well. Tom will surely get a bonus from the principal' Big sis Liz thought to herself while looking at Bobby and Nanda.