Chapter 67 Entrance Ceremony

We lined up with our seniors from the second and third years, and the difference between us and our seniors was very clear between us. While the first years looked like teenagers, the second and third years looked very mature as if they had gone through many battles during this academy. Because from their faces, it was seen that there were several wounds resulting from the fight.

It seems that life in the academy isn't as easy as I imagined given the condition of my seniors from the second and third years. Meanwhile, the headmaster and teachers line up and there is teacher Tom in that line. They all look very strong, even for the youngest-looking teacher, I think the teachers in this academy are Level 2 Warriors like teacher Tom.

"Hello everyone, for those who don't know me, let me introduce myself as a principal at Balaraja academy, and my name is Mike, you can call me principal Mike. And I welcome my students, especially you first-year students who have just joined this academy…" The Principal finally started his speech.

"I say one more time welcome, and welcome back second and third-year students. Today is the day we will start the lesson to make all of you stronger. So that you can stand up for yourself to protect yourself, your family, and your residence." The principal started to speak at length.

After he spoke at length finally his speech ended as well. "I remind you all, there is only one way to become strong in this place, and that is fighting. Fight in any way whether it's against Beasts, other Warriors, or fighting over existing resources. If you don't fight you will be left behind by your other friends and will eventually become a pushover" Principal tells us to be strong in this place we have to fight.

"Okay, that's all I wanted to tell you. Once again, welcome all of you to Balaraja Academy."

"Prok! Prok! Prok!" We all clapped at the end of the principal ending his speech. As the principal came down from the stage, an old, black-haired man who was near the principal stepped onto the stage. "Don't tell me we're going to hear another long speech this time, huh..." Hans sighed because it looked like he was very bored listening to the speech from the principal earlier.

"Ahem, Ahem. Hello everyone my name is Hendrik, I am the vice principal of Balaraja academy. Don't worry, this time I won't make a speech like the principal" Hearing that the vice principal would not make a speech like the principal made us breathe a sigh of relief.

"But this time I will introduce you to the new students who entered the Genius class this year." heard him talk about the Genius class that just entered this year. All eyes were on us.

"Okay, I'll call your names one by one, if your names are called I hope you come here and stand in front of me. First one James! Come here." James stepped forward in front of the vice principal and faced the other students. Then followed by Livy, Bert, Adel, Roony, Me, Nanda, Jane, Beval, Eric and Hans lastly.

The eleven of us were currently the center of everyone's attention and I felt like they were observing us right now. because I feel like I'm being seen inside and outside of my body. I've never felt this before.

The stronger a person is, the more sensitive he is to the circumstances around him. Because Bobby is currently a Level 1 Uncommon Category Warrior, it makes him feel that he is currently being observed by other people. Unlike his friends who feel nothing.

For some reason, everyone was looking at me with very surprised expressions. Do they think I don't belong here?

'This kid is already a Warrior Uncommon category now. He exceeded my expectations. I thought he would need at least a month to become a Warrior Uncommon category' principal was very surprised when he saw Bobby and he looked at teacher Tom.

Realizing the principal was looking at him, teacher Tom with a very surprised expression also looked at the principal and nodded his head.

'So this kid that Mike gave Metal Sparrow Aura, is really amazing. At this young age, he is already a Warrior Uncommon category' The vice principal smiled as he looked at Bobby.

Then the teachers and students started talking to each other because they found out that Bobby was in the Warrior Uncommon category. Seeing the conditions that were starting to get noisy the headmaster said "Silence everyone!" he shouted to calm everyone down.

I don't know why suddenly everyone is noisy, especially the teachers and seniors. Luckily the headmaster calmed them down with his voice. "Okay, since you guys have calmed down. These are the first-year Genius class. So I hope that you seniors have to work harder so that you are not left behind by your juniors. because I think you already know the strength of the eleven of them right?" the vice principal continued speaking this time.

"Then the eleven of you return to where you were standing earlier" then he told us to return to our lines. "So why were we summoned there? Are we just being used as a spectacle for them?" This time Adel felt strange when they were called to the front and did nothing. Then told us to return to the line.

"No, we're being summoned to the front not just for show" James spoke this time. "So why are we called up there James?" Adel asked James why we were summoned to the front earlier.

"Huh... don't you guys know that our teachers and seniors have the Analytical Eyes Skill?" some of us shook our heads. "Huh... so the Skill is useful for measuring the strength of a person or a Beast, so if you face an enemy you can know how strong they are and decide to fight or run away from them" James then told us what the Skill Analytic Eyes were for.

"Wow! Can we learn the skill here?" Adel asked James if we would learn the skill here. "Yes, my big brother tell me. We will learn the Skill here." James also told us that we would learn the Skill here.

"Means with that skill we can find out how strong seniors, teachers, and principals are?" this time it was Hans who asked James. "Yes, But, the Skill can't just do what you say. As far as I know, it can only measure the strength of a Warrior with a level below you or one level above you." James told us that Skill analysis depends on the user.

"Even so, I think it's still a great skill," I spoke this time. "Yes, you're right Bobby, that's a Skill that a Warrior must have." James also said that the Skill was Mandatory Skill. I can't wait to learn it.

Then we waited until the entrance ceremony was over and were asked to go to our class accompanied by one of the teachers.