Chapter 76 Vent Frustration

The aura that enveloped Beval was currently thicker than before. From what Rony had said, Beval had already reached the middle-level skill mastery for his Foundation Skills. That was what made his aura stronger than before.

At this moment, Nanda's facial expression looked very serious because her opponent had become stronger than before. "Hehe, okay, let's continue our match." Beval, who was covered by a green aura that was thicker than before, smiled looking at Nanda.

"Swoosh!" Beval jumped up using his Wind Step, then he pulled the bowstring with his right hand and released "Wind Arrow!" towards Nanda.

"Swoosh!" The green arrows made from his aura this time had a faster speed compared to the arrows he released before. Nanda tries to block Beval's attack by using her Azure Edge.


It seemed that not only the speed of his attacks had increased, but his strength as well. Nanda's Azure Edge couldn't hold Beval's Wind Arrow and kept the Wind Arrow speeding towards Nanda quickly after destroying Azure Edge.

Nanda, who saw that her Azure Edge could not hold the Wind Arrow, also tried to avoid the Wind Arrow. But unfortunately this time the Wind Arrow was faster and stronger than before. So even though Nanda had used Wind Step to dodge. unfortunately, it still couldn't make her avoid the attack.


"Ah!" The attack hit Nanda's body and sent her flying far enough to finally leave the field. Nanda is currently in a condition that is more badly injured than what Livy received before.

Teacher Ryan, who saw that it seemed that Nanda was seriously injured, approached her and saw her condition. After he checked Nanda's condition, it seemed that Nanda did not receive any fatal injuries. Because teacher Ryan's facial expression was not tense anymore.

"Because Nanda has been off the field, the winner of the first match, the second round is Beval!" Teacher Ryan also announced that Beval had won this fight because Nanda had left the field.

After teacher Ryan announced the winner. It wasn't long before the people who brought Jane before came here and took Nanda out of here to be treated. Beval returned to where we were to rest.

Adel seemed to be annoyed when Nanda was beaten by Beval, "Damn, he even beat Nanda like that. I'll pay back later" Roony who saw Adel was angry, sweat broke out on his head, "Ah, Bobby, you think she won't take out her frustration on me later, right?" Roony also looks a little scared because Adel's next opponent will be him.

"Ah... I hope Roony" I saw the expressions of the two of them confused about what to say.

Not long after, teacher Ryan called Adel and Rony to start the next match. Currently, the two of them were standing in the middle of the field and facing each other.

Seeing that they were already in their respective positions teacher Ryan said, "The rules are still the same as before, whoever surrenders, leaves the field, or is unconscious will be declared the loser of the battle. Do you understand?" as before he explained the rules of the match.

Adel and Roony nodded their heads as a sign of understanding. "Alright, second match, second half between Adel Vs Roony. Started!" teacher Ryan started the match.

Adel and Roony immediately activated their respective Auras. After that Roony immediately took the shield on his back and activated his Water Shield. Adel who was currently running towards Rony with a large ax in hand.

Roony was able to complete his Water Shield before Adel attacked him. Even so, Adel continued to attack Roony who was taking cover behind his Water Shield. "Bang!" Adel's attacks are not as strong as mine, but if she uses her Fire Ax then Roony's Water Shield will sooner or later be destroyed.

But I don't understand why Adel didn't use her Fire Ax to break Roony's Water Shield and just keep attacking him using normal attacks.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

Adel continued to attack Water Shield Roomy without using her Skills, I don't know what she was thinking right now. Adel is currently frustrated because in the first round, she didn't fight and in the second round she saw Nanda who was defeated by Beval. Therefore she was venting her anger using Roony's Water Shield, so she didn't want to immediately destroy it with the Fire Ax.

Roony, who could only remain silent while waiting for his Water Shield to break, was resigned to letting Nanda attack his Water Shield.

In the audience, the students were watching the match between Adel and Roony. "What do you think, Eric, his shield or yours which is stronger?" Bert asked Eric who was sitting nearby.

"Hmm... My shield is bigger than his but, I didn't make myself into a full defense-type Warrior. I still want to attack my enemies and can hunt alone, whereas Roony. He becomes a complete defense-type Warrior, so even if he later has an Attack Skill it won't make him able to defeat his enemies." Eric explained that Rony's defense was still above him.

"Oh, so Rony won't be able to hunt alone and will have to hunt with someone?" Bert continued asking Eric. "Yes, maybe that's why now he's already friends with the three of them. Because the three of them would make an ideal team with 1 Strength type, 2 Speed type, and 1 Defense type" Eric mentioned that Rony had formed a good team and looked at me who was watching the two of them fight.

Right now Adel was still attacking Rony's Water Shield and it didn't look like it would break soon. Then Adel stopped attacking Roony and you could see on her face that she was refreshed. It seemed that her frustration had been dispelled by now from constantly attacking Roony.

"Okay Roony, thank you for refreshing me" Adel then thanked Roony. Roony, who heard her thanking him, saw Adel confused But finally, he smiled at Adel and said, "You're welcome.."


The Water Shield was destroyed by Adel using her Fire Ax. Then he saw Adel's eyes which were red like a monster and immediately gave up "I give up!" Adel stopped her attack because Rony had given up.

"Because Roony gave up then the second match, the second round was won by Adel!" Teacher Ryan announced that Adel had won this match.