Chapter 85 1.000 Exp To Level Up

When I returned to where the Goat Beast's corpse was, I could still feel its soul still there. Then I started absorbing the soul from the Goat Beast, after 1 minute absorbing the soul from the Goat Beast. My potential also increased by 1 point to 225, which means I don't have to kill humans to absorb souls but that also applies to Beasts.

With the Absorb Soul skill, I can continue to increase my total attribute without meeting a total attribute limit that will hinder my growth. While I was walking while looking for a Beast that I could hunt, I remembered that the skill scroll was still in my bag.

I took it and decided to destroy it because I don't want anyone else to find out I used this skill. Because I feel that this skill is a skill that a Warrior shouldn't learn.

I destroyed the skill scroll with my sword by cutting it into very small pieces and throwing it around the forest. After destroying the skill scroll, I realized that it was already quite late and I felt that it was time to stop hunting and head back to the academy for lunch.

I returned to the academy for lunch and ended today's hunt. Unfortunately, on my way back to the academy, I didn't find any Beast. So that I don't get additional Beast Cores or souls.

After returning to the academy gates I told the gatekeeper that I had returned and wrote in the entry and exit book of the academy. After that, I went to the dormitory to have lunch at the cafeteria.

After finishing lunch, I went to the place where I usually practice with Nanda, Adel, and Roony. Luckily this place is still not being used by anyone, so I can practice my skills without being disturbed.

Today I will increase my Moonlight Slash here because I can't practice this skill in my room because the attack range of this skill is 5 meters. So that I can only train it in an open space like this, I also started training it by using it continuously when its cooldown is over.

"Moonlight Slash!"


"Moonlight Slash!"


"Moonlight Slash!"



I can only use this skill 20 times before my energy is almost depleted. This skill really used up a lot of my energy, to the point that out of the 412 energy I had left before starting to practice I could only use it 20 times.

"This skill really drains my energy"

But it seems that because I keep using this skill, I feel that now it's getting easier for me to use it. Because now I don't need to focus so much on gathering energy when casting skills and can do it while moving.

Then I sat under one of the trees in my practice area and started absorbing the energy from the Rabbit Beast Core that I got from the Beast Hall in the Trade Hall this morning. This is the second Rabbit Core I have absorbed to date.

It seems that now I am getting faster in absorbing the energy in the Beast Core. Previously I could absorb all the energy in the Beast Core for about 10 minutes, and now I can absorb it for only about 9 minutes or less to 10 minutes. I don't know what affects my speed in absorbing energy in this Beast Core.

I put my free attribute points on Str.


Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Uncommon).

Level: 100 (70/1000)

HP: 1010/1010

Energy: 322/510

Aura: 0/2

Str: 63

Agi: 50

Vit: 40

Total Attribute: 153/225

Free attribute point: 0

Element Affinity:

Metal: 1

Battle Exp Point: 830

Absorbing the energy in the Beast Core only recharges me by 300, so it will only be enough for me to be able to use Moonlight Slash 15 times before my energy runs out again.

When looking at my status, I noticed that the experience required for my next level up had drastically increased from 100 experience to 1,000 experience. That means I need 10 Beast Cores to level up. Luckily right now I still have 19 other Beast Cores, it's time to see my current skill progress.


My Moonlight Slash currently only has 12.5 Exp out of 100 Exp that I have to collect, so I still have to spend a lot of my energy to make the Exp bar full. For Metal Sparrow Aura, I get 10 Exp from absorbing a Beast Core and currently the Agi stat needed to increase my Metal Sparrow Aura level has been fulfilled, only the Exp is left.

I only need to absorb 9 more Beast Cores to level up Metal Sparrow Aura. I continued my training to gather experience for the Moonlight Slash and exhausted my Energy to be able to absorb other Beast Cores.

"Moonlight Slash!"


"Moonlight Slash!"


"Moonlight Slash!"



I continued to use my Moonlight Slash until my energy was depleted and absorbed the energy from the Beast Core when my energy was depleted and repeated it. Until I finally exhausted the Beast Core of my last Rabbit Beast and acquired a new skill.