Chapter 87 Analysis Eyes

The five of us were currently having breakfast in the cafeteria, and from the looks on their faces, the four of them were currently extremely exhausted. I asked, "Hey, you guys look really tired today, what happened with the hunt yesterday?"

"Huh? You should know Bobby! Our hunt yesterday was very tiring because it took us a very long time just to hunt one beast. Ahh..." Roony looked really frustrated with yesterday's hunt, and that seemed to have exhausted him a lot.

"What made you spend so much time hunting that one beast? The beasts you guys met were really strong?" I asked why they spent so much time hunting a single beast.

They all looked even more gloomy when I asked why hunting just one Beast took so long. Seeing their gloomy faces, I didn't continue my conversation anymore and we all finished our breakfast without speaking. After everyone finished their breakfast, the five of us headed towards the school building and to our class without saying a word.

Arriving at the class, it seems that all the students in this class went beast hunting yesterday. It can be seen from their tired and depressed faces accompanied by several wounds on their faces due to the fight. The class atmosphere was quiet because everyone wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Teng! Teng! Teng!"

Teacher Ryan entered the class not long after the bell sounded in our ears. The bell is used as a sign that the class has started.

After teacher Ryan came into our classroom and saw that his students didn't look very excited today, he smiled. "Morning all!" he greeted us all.

"Morning teacher Ryan" in a weak voice they answered greetings from teacher Ryan. "Good! Looks like your numbers are still complete today, as usually there will be at least 1 or 2 people who won't return to class in the second lesson at the academy." He said that usually there would be 1 or 2 students who didn't return. What does it mean?

"It seems like you all went beast hunting outside the academy yesterday, it's good even though it's tiring but it will make you stronger. So continue with the training you are doing, but you must be careful when hunting outside. Hahaha" Teacher Ryan seemed to know what the students were going through.

Everyone's expressions looked a little annoyed with what teacher Ryan was talking about. "All right, you guys don't need to be gloomy today since we'll be learning a skill for today's lesson." Hearing that we were going to be learning a skill, everyone's looks immediately got excited.

James raised his hand and asked, "Teacher, do we have to pay to learn this skill?" He asked about the cost of learning this skill.

"Don't worry James, you all don't have to pay to learn this skill, that means you all will learn this skill for free." He said that this skill was free. "Yeah!" We were all very happy to hear that we would be learning a skill for free.

"Good! looks like you guys are getting excited again. Then I will call out your names one by one, and those I call please come here. James, you come here" Teacher Ryan asked us to go one by one to his place to learn skills.

Finally, it was my turn to step forward. "Bobby comes here" then he touched my forehead and channeled his aura into me, just like when I got the skill from the Hall of Skill yesterday, I also closed my eyes to understand the skill information that entered my body. After a while, a notification that I can learn a skill appeared.

Analysis Eyes? From the name of this skill, it seems to analyze something. Wait a minute, I think James mentioned this skill at the Entrance Ceremony back then. So the skill James meant to find out how strong someone was was this. Of course, I will choose 'yes'

'Wow' I was very surprised when I read the information about this skill, I can see the status of an object which means I will be able to know the strength of others. Then I opened my eyes and looked at teacher Ryan to try to see his status.

'Analysis Eyes'

It seems I haven't been able to see teacher Ryan's status because his total attribute is more than 100 compared to mine. Of course, he is a level 2 Warrior, and his attributes are far above mine.

I returned to my seat, and waited until everyone got the skill information from teacher Ryan. It seemed the others were currently trying to comprehend this skill, as they were all closing their eyes and in deep thought, it seemed.

Since I didn't know what to do since I had learned this skill, I also tried to see the status of my friends in this class using Analysis Eyes.

I looked at Rony and used 'Analysis Eyes'


Name: Roony

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 43

HP: 480/480

Energy: 220/220

Str: 16

Agi: 11

Vit: 37

Total Attribute: 64

'Yes, it Works' I managed to see the status, and after I saw the status. I noticed that there was a huge difference in strength between me and him even up to 100 Attributes. No wonder he couldn't withstand my attacks the first time we fought, even though I wasn't as strong then as I am now.

This time I will try to see the status of Adel 'Analysis Eyes'


Name: Adel

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 47

HP: 500/500

Energy: 240/240

Str: 41

Agi: 10

Vit: 22

Total Attribute: 73

Adel had a higher level than Rony, but what happened to the attributes of the two of them? Because it's very unbalanced from each other and the difference is quite far, between their Str, Agi, and Vit. Maybe this is what causes their limitations in fighting.

Alright, let's see Nanda's status this time 'Analysis Eyes'


Name: Nanda

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 40

HP: 410/410

Energy: 205/205

Str: 15

Agi: 30

Vit: 10

Total Attribute: 55

Nanda even has an unbalanced Attribute, yes, as I recall, Nanda had only been a Warrior for two months. So I guess Roony and Adel also just became Warriors but longer time compared to Roony and Adel, because the difference in their strength isn't that much.

When I wanted to see James' status, Teacher Ryan spoke to all of us, "Okay, I don't think you guys can learn this skill in one day, because learning skills isn't easy. Even though this skill is not used to attack or defend" then the other students in the class nodded their heads, except for me because I had already learned it. But I chose to remain silent because I did not want to make my friends sad.

"Therefore, you can learn this skill in this classroom until today's class is over. But if one of you is able to learn this skill before class ends, then that person will be allowed to leave this classroom and return to the dormitory or do other activities that he/she likes." He said that the person who had learned this skill today before class is over will be able to leave the classroom early and be free to do activities outside the classroom.

"And! If you can learn the skill today, you will get 20 points." He mentioned we would get 20 points if we managed to learn this skill today. then what is the use of this point?

"You must be thinking what is the use of that point in your hearts." We all lowered our heads because he could guess what was in our heads from the expressions on our faces.

"Hahaha, Alright. You can exchange these points for the resources you need at the Trade Hall, such as Beast Cores or skills. Of course, to exchange Beast Core level 1 Normal category you need 10 points, to exchange skills you need 100 points. Yes, that's not a small amount." He explained that these points could be exchanged for Beast Cores and skills at the Trade Hall.

James raised his hand and asked, "What about Dungeon teacher? Can we exchange points for dungeon entry slots?" James asked about the slot to enter the Dungeon and if it could be exchanged for points.