Chapter 102 Slash + Moonlight Slash + Punch

Knowing that the Beast has stronger Str than me made me think about whether to fight it or not. Not only is his Str higher but all of his attributes are also higher than mine. But finding an opportunity like this won't be easy, so I decided to fight this Goat Beast (Uncommon).

Like I did before, I hid behind the bushes around here to try to get close to the beast before attacking it. This tactic previously failed, but I'm going to try it again since I can't just suddenly come in his face to attack him.

I activated Aura (Uncommon) and Metal Sparrow Aura to increase my attribute. After that, I activated Slash, Cover, and Moonlight Slash. Moonlight Slash Casting time has started, and now I'm waiting for my Moonlight Slash Casting time to finish.

When the Casting time was over I immediately swung my sword toward the sleeping Goat Beast.

'Moonlight Slash!'

The half-moon-shaped silver aura rushed toward the Goat Beast. As I thought the Beast would notice my attack once I have done it. The beast immediately stood up and activated its aura, I was very surprised because its aura was not transparent white but red.

That means this Goat Beast has a fire element in its aura. And it seems that soon this Beast will become a level 2 Beast, the Fire Goat Beast. Fire Goat Beast is another variant of Goat Beast which occurs due to the influence of its environment. Because the Beast is very dependent on the surrounding environment.

'No wonder this beast's level has already reached level 100, it's because he has almost evolved and reached Class Beast level 2' it seemed like I kicked a rock really hard this time. The beast didn't seem to know how powerful my attack was, so it didn't dodge and met my attack with its horns.



He reduced my strongest attack to only dealing that much damage. As I expected from a Beast that had almost reached level 2, its strength was no joke. It seems the Goat beast was quite surprised by my attack just now, as it received quite a bit of damage to its body. Since my attack almost used up 10% of his total HP. of course, it would cause damage to his body.


He let out his signature sound and ran towards me to attack because it was useless for me to run from his chase. I decided to fight him head-on without running away. I ran using Rush to get closer to him, our distance was getting closer and only 2 meters.

The goat beast attacked me with its horns, while I attacked it with my sword which had been clad in Slash. "Bang!" our attacks collided with each other. It seemed my attacks were stronger than his and left both of us taking no damage at all from the attacks we did.

The two of us started to attack each other, I currently only use Slash because Moonlight Slash is on Cooldown. Looks like this beast doesn't have a skill because it just attacks me with its horns without using any skills at all. Luckily for me, if this Beast could use the skill I would have received a serious injury by now.

When my skill's cooldown finished, I used Avoid Step to step back and put some distance between us. While I was getting some distance from him, I activated my Moonlight Slash. My aura is starting to collect on my sword, that's a sign that I'm in the casting time period.

The Goat Beast seemed to have sensed that this attack of mine would be able to injure it just like before. So he immediately ran towards me to make me unable to use this skill. However, I used the Avoid Step skill with Rush at the same time which made me further away from him.


It seems that my body has gotten stronger because my Vit has increased. So I can minimize the side effects of using Rush + Avoid Step now. I was immediately 5 meters away from where I was before, and that made the Goat Beast unable to get to where I was before my casting time skill ended.

Finally, the casting time required by my Moonlight Slash ended. I immediately activated my Punch to attack him this time, so that would let me use Slash + Moonlight Slash + Punch three skills at once.

"Moonlight Slashes!" I swung my sword with all my might towards the Goat Beast.




Using three skills at once gives me a side effect of 170 HP, that's almost 20% of my total HP. The beast tried to block my attack like before, but it didn't realize that my attack this time was much stronger than my previous one.



"Hah... hah... Hah..." I managed to beat him by using three skills at once. And now my hand hurts a lot because of the side effect that happened because I used three skills at once. Even so, this wound is worth it with the damage it generates and makes the Goat Beast die immediately.

The beast dies with its body split in two in the middle because my attack becomes very strong when it exceeds the enemy's defense. So that it became an attack that his body would not be able to withstand.

Then I approached the Goat Beast's body to take the Beast's Core and Horn. The Goat Beast's Beast Core was almost half red and I tried to use my Analysis Eyes to see the information on this Beast Core.

After reading the information on this Goat Core I found out that you can obtain element affinity by absorbing the energy in this Beast Core. However, elements can only be used by Beast and Warrior level 2, so far I haven't reached that level yet.

After that, I took the Goat Horn, and I saw that there was a slight difference between the Goat Horn I got before and the Goat horn I just got. The Goat Horn that I just got has a bit of red on its horns, while the previous Goat Horn was only blackish brown.

Of course, I didn't forget to absorb the soul of the Goat Beast. Just now I heard a cracking sound coming from the direction of my sword. I looked at the sword that I was currently holding, and sure enough, my sword was now full of cracks. I also used my Analysis Eyes to see the status of my sword which I haven't done before because I forgot.
