Chapter 105 The Enemy Lurks In The Shadows

I returned to the Hall of Beasts to sell some Beast Cores so I could pay for my sword making fee in the Hall of Weapons. Because right now I only have 7,800 Dollars, the money I still need is another 2,200 Dollars.

By selling 3 Beast Cores (Normal) then the money I need to make swords will be enough. But I'm confused about what Beast Core to sell because I really need to add an attribute to make myself stronger.

But right now what I need the most is a weapon, because if I don't have one my attacks will be drastically reduced. Therefore I decided to sell 3 Goat Cores.

Because I still have 13 Beast Cores to add to my Agi. From the sale of the 3 Goat Cores, I got 2,700 Dollars, and with that money. I will be able to pay for the cost of making my sword.

After receiving the money from the Hall of Beasts I went to the Hall of Weapons to order and pay for the cost of making my sword.

"Oh, you're back again? I thought you changed your mind and don't want to change your weapon." The uncle guarding the Hall of Weapons thought I didn't make my sword.

"No, I still want to make my sword here uncle. It's just that the money was still not enough. So I need to sell something in the Hall of Beasts." I told him that I still intend to make weapons here and I left because I was short on money.

"Not enough? You have enough money earlier. Alright, give me your money and your sword will be done tomorrow" He asked for my money back so he can make me a gun.

"Okay, this is material from Horn Goat Beast and Bull Beast (Uncommon) along with 10,000 Dollars for the making cost" I gave him the material and money to make a sword.

Seeing me take out the materials of the Beast (Uncommon) and 10,000 Dollars in cash made him very surprised. "I didn't expect you to be able to gather materials from the Beast and this much money. Alright we will make a nice sword for you, you can come here tomorrow morning to pick up your sword"

"Oh yeah, uncle why is the material needed to make my sword less when using Material Beast (Uncommon)?" I asked about a lesser amount of material to make a sword of the same size.

"You should realize that the Horns of Normal and Uncommon Beasts have a difference in size. So it will make the material needed is also less. Do you understand now?" He said while showing me the size difference between the two Normal and Uncommon Goat Horns.

"Now I understand, alright then I'll be back tomorrow morning. Thank you, uncle" After that, I left the Hall of Weapon and returned to my dormitory to rest, because today I lost a lot of my HP.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Uncommon).

Level: 100 (1000/1000)

HP: 643/1010

Energy: 217/510

Aura: 0/2

Str: 75

Agi: 68

Vit: 40

Total Attribute: 211/321

Free attribute point: 0

Element Affinity:

Metal: 21

Battle Exp Point: 5230

I lost quite a lot of HP today, due to using three skills at once. Looks like I have to immediately increase my Foundation skill level in order to increase my HP and energy.

Then I fell asleep in my bed because I was so exhausted and unable to practice and spend my remaining energy. I also skipped my dinner today because I fell asleep so soundly that I was snoring.

Elsewhere still in the academy area...

"So you're saying that Bobby managed to finish off Chris and his team?" someone was sitting on a wooden chair holding a paper and a drink in his hand.

"Yes, Boss. At the scene of their fight, I found 4 bodies of Chris's team each split into two and I didn't find Chris's body anywhere. Just find the sword." The green-haired person handed the Fire Bone Sword to the person sitting on the chair.

The man took the sword and looked at it. "Yes, this is Chris's sword. That means he also died at that person's hands." Then he threw the sword aside and stood up.

"Looks like we can't underestimate that skinny brat's strength, he even managed to wipe out an entire team of peak Warriors (Normal). That means he's not an ordinary Warrior (Uncommon)." The person stood up while talking to the green-haired person.

"Yeah, you're right Jeff. I think we have to finish him off with our own hands" the green-haired man said that they had to go down and kill Bobby right away.

"Yes, but that will have to wait since we are currently making preparations to enter the dungeon. We'll take care of that scrawny brat once we get out of the dungeon." The person who was only visible in his shadow said.

"Yeah, because right now we only need about another 100,000 Dollars for one person's entrance fee. After that we can go into the dungeon together and get a skill for ourselves" The green-haired man said.

"Good, this time we have to reach the third floor and get the Uncommon category skill" the man named Jeff clasped his hand. The green-haired man nodded his head.

"Unfortunately James is not strong enough to join us in going into the dungeon, if he can come then our chances of getting the (Uncommon) skill will be even higher. Oh, yes how about hunting James with his friends?" Jeff asked the green-haired man.

"The four of them are still amateurs in hunting, and their current attributes are not balanced. So to kill one beast is still very difficult for them to do." The green-haired man gave his report to that person.

"Hem... yes, that's natural because the four of them just became warriors. Alright then, you can return to continue your task again" He asked the green-haired man to leave him alone.

The green-haired man lowered his head slightly and left the room.

"Dungeon, this time I will conquer you" The man named Jeff gripped his glass very hard. "And Bobby, you are a nuisance at this academy, you shouldn't have to come in here and stay in your rotten village." Then he closed his eyes as if thinking.

"Hoam..." I slept so well yesterday, that I forgot to eat my dinner. Luckily a Warrior's body is stronger than a normal human, so skipping one meal won't be a big problem.

After finishing breakfast I went to the Hall of Weapons to get my weapon which will be today. I can't wait to see what my new weapon looks like.

Finally, I arrived at the Hall of Weapons, after that I met the uncle who helped me make my weapon yesterday. "Hey uncle, is my sword finished?" I asked about my sword.

"Hahaha, looks like you're getting impatient. Don't worry, your weapon is finished, I'll get your weapon first." He went behind to get my weapon.

Not long after he returned with a sword covered in a scabbard. "Ta-da… this is your new sword. Please open it and check using your Analysis Eyes." He gave the sword to me and asked me to check the status of the sword.

I received it and opened the sword from the scabbard, but for some reason when I opened the sword from the scabbard. There was a reflection of light from my new sword.