Mysterious Master

"Devil's void"

Timeless stared in awe as the elderly figure flashed about in a serene manner looking like a being from a fairy tale book.

"As the old man moved he discovered that it was a movement skill that allowed someone to Teleport but as he observed further he figured it wasn't true teleportation but an instant burst of extraordinary speed. Due to the sudden burst of speed and suddenness, it looked like one vanished"

"How is he doing that? and why is he in the Newbie section though, this is unprecedented, with such a technique he should be at the top of the food chain but he decided to stick to the newbie section just who the hell is he?" Timeless silently muttered to himself.

Soon enough the weird dance came to an end as the old man stood In front of him, without waiting for Timeless to say anything he said

"Today, the world has become too complex for any one of us to understand fully. Back then we often think about progress in terms of our technological advancements. We rarely stop to consider that the most outstanding achievement of humankind is the way in which we are able to constantly evolve" he paused for a while and continued "Do you know what the greatest strength of humans is when they find themselves in a new environment?"

Without waiting for Timeless to reply to his question, he said "The ability to adapt, that is humans' greatest strength, for 300 years in Gods domain we have adapted to the harsh environment by battling these creatures, sheer strength alone wouldn't have been enough to conquer the first domain even with the possibility of gaining beast soul, it was still not enough to change the tide of the battle in our favor, the unexpected spawn into this strange domain without time to prepare made it impossible to gather most of the ancient technique which has now been lost forever, only a few surviving humans were able to figure out the possibility of creating something that was accepted by the system as a skill, the top clans alone isn't strong for just their elemental ability but the number of unique skills they possess, but still all that couldn't be compared to what you just witnessed boy, that is a skill that has broken through the mortal realm and the only gift I can bestow to you.

Timeless stared at the old man in a daze as an image appeared in his mind after listening to the words being said. A man who has achieved something great in his life. He has overcome all obstacles, unburdened by the shackles that bound him and become what he always wanted to be, a man who was free.

"The human species is capable of achieving things no other animal species are able to achieve. We can create new technologies, we can build cities, make weapons, travel through space, communicate across vast distances, cure diseases, etc... The list goes on and on. Humans are truly amazing creatures! But why are they still at an disadvantage inside the domain still?" The old man asked as he gazed intensely at Timeless who was still lost in thought awaiting a reply.

Being brought back to reality by the sudden question posed to him he thought about the words said just now in silence and after a while he said "some of the beasts now possess an intellect on par with humans and are even capable of laying traps, so we are still at a disadvantage even after finally adapting to the environment"

The man nodded his head in response to Timeless answer as he felt the youth was more knowledgeable than he thought.

"Have you understood the principle of the art I just

displayed?" The man asked in waiting

"It is a skill that focuses on speed, the movement is so fast that it feels like one is teleporting but on closer observation I figured it was just a massive burst of speed" Timeless replied nonchalantly

The man eyes widened in shock as he heard this, "such a scary kid, I just performed it a couple of times but he has grasped the real essence of the skill" he silently thought.

"You possess a keen insight kid I'll give you that but if you feel you've grasped it then why don't you show it to me" the man said with a smile.

"Of course I possess keen insight, I do have a skill of my own, how else would I have figured it out" Timeless silently grumbled not expecting the old man to make such a request.

Weakness finder was a skill made his mind relatively calm giving him keen insight into most things, he could vividly observe the enemies movement as if everything slowed down for a moment but that wasn't the case as his brain was working at a faster process which made him have such a feeling. It is mostly effective while in combat as that is where it shows it's true potential as it allowed him to observe his enemies movement trying to discern anything that could be used to his advantage, it could also be said to be a passive skill.

He walked back a bit to create some distance as he attempted to try his luck at the skill as he muttered "Speed huh, all I need to do is just to burst forth with every ounce of strength I could muster into one sudden fast move"

He dashed forward in the same manner he witnessed pushing every ounce of energy into his movement.


A loud noise resounded in the arena as Timeless came crashing down like an elephant falling from a Tree.


He stayed in that position for a while due to the embarrassment he felt after such an epic fail, after taking a moment to comes to terms with the awkward situation he stood up and turned to look at the old man and what he saw left him speechless.