I envy you

"A fruit that unlocks one Gene evolution?"asked Timeless, feeling quite intrigued by the subject

Gene evolution has always been a mystery. Everyone knew that it unlocks upon getting to the epic stage, but information pertaining to the subject couldn't be found anywhere. No one knew what abilities one got, so seeing the Frost Clan leader delve into the topic was actually quite surprising to him.

Wanting to know more, Timeless was about to ask, but paused after a thought came across his mind. After reorganizing his thoughts, he asked, "If the fruit does indeed unlock one's gene evolution, wouldn't the person be stronger than the rest in the First Domain? Why is it that the rule of power isn't broken as a result?"

After taking a moment to think things through, he felt that things weren't as they seemed. There couldn't be such a perfect thing without any side effects, and if there weren't any, then why didn't they just bombard their way over every obstacle, and claim it for themselves? Why choose him instead of the leader going by himself? If the fruit had such a great benefit, then why didn't those that were said to have gotten their hands on such fruit not take the opportunity to seize control for themselves? Why wasn't the Frost Clan leader cautious about him? Everything was so confusing!

"You intrigue me greatly, boy," the Frost Clan leader gave a low sounding laugh. He said vaguely, "There is a theory behind the fruits and the changes they bring. The fruit forcefully allows one to tap into their potential early but at a great cost. The people that got their hands on the fruit died a week after they took the fruit; all except for one that is. Supposedly, those that died were still lacking some stats, and the only one that was said to have survived was maxed out. Of course, the Light Clan tried to hide this information, but I still got access to it anyway."

'I see. That's why he's not cautious about me taking the fruit for myself,' Timeless silently grumbled.

"When will the fruit reach maturity, who will be participating in the retrieval, and what enemies will I encounter?" Timeless asked relentlessly, wanting to get this over with.

The Frost Clan leader leaned back slightly and replied unhurriedly, "Everyone. From the beasts, to members of the Top 4 clans, to solo hunters, and the military top experts. All are itching to get their hands on the fruit. So, you have a month to prepare, get as strong as much as possible as fast as possible. Your team will be known to you a week before the date of departure."

"If that's all, then kindly allow me to extend my gratitude for the stay thus far. You have been a wonderful host. Hopefully, our paths do not cross after this," said Timeless perfunctorily as he bowed and took his leave.

He wasn't bothered about the fact that the Frost Clan leader might take it in the wrong way. The way he saw it, the Frost Clan leader needed him, not the other way around. If the Frost Clan leader believed that the ability he used was something he still had, then even if he tried to argue, it wouldn't matter. He would probably assign Timeless on the mission anyways.

"I guess I'll just have to make a miracle happen," Timeless muttered to himself.

As he walked towards the exit of the room with heavy steps, dreading what awaited him a month from now, he couldn't help but sigh at his misfortune and lack of strength. Just as he opened the door to leave the room, he could see Luoyang standing in wait.

"How long have you been listening Luoyang?" Timeless asked with a hint of pity.

"Not long. I just arrived a moment ago," Luoyang said with a smile.

"You try so much to hide it, but I can see it Luoyang—the facade you put on. You talk about Guinevere and her struggles and how she always put on a mask, but you've worn yours for so long it seems natural. Even I was deceived, but now that I know you a bit, if you think you can still hide it from me, then you must be naive," Timeless said after closing the doors behind him.

"I do not know what you're saying Timeless. I was summoned by Father, but since you were inside, I've had to stand here. Like I said, I haven't been here for long," replied Luoyang without a change in her expression.

Timeless, seeing that bright smile on her face, walked up to her and held her tightly by the shoulders as he said in a hoarse voice, "It is good to cry sometimes. The pain you feel, the hatred you've harbored within for so long—let it all out Luoyang. Scream to the skies if you have to; punch a dummy till you bleed if that's what makes you happy! Don't live life this way, don't allow yourself to be miserable," he paused a while to catch his breath. He continued, "Unlike mine, which is spiraling out of control, you have a chance to change yours! The past few days I've spent with you have been the best in a long while for me, and seeing you this way breaks my heart, Luoyang. How could you say you don't know what I'm talking about?! Seeing such denial saddens me..."

"I envy the life you live, Timeless," Luoyang said as she gently moved his hands from her shoulders, not bothering to reply to him as she walked past him and opened the doors to the room. She stepped in and shut the doors behind her, but not before sneaking a last look at him as a single tear escaped her eye.