
 It's been 3 days since he got the news on the passing of his parents. Timeless was standing in the office of the Lead supervisor after being given a few days to mourn and calm his mind. It was a Sunday morning at the moment and a few days prior he attended the burial of his parents with only the camp commander and a few officers being present which was a surprise to him as he knew the camp commander was usually busy and didn't involve himself in mundane things.

"It's a sad loss, the passing of your parents," the Lead supervisor said softly. "Although you need some time to grieve, it is of utmost importance that we find someone to take you in. You're too young to take care of yourself, and that is why the orphanage agency has been called to assist you. It is imperative that you make a decision soon"

Timeless felt overwhelmed by the words said but he nodded in understanding after thinking things through as he stood expressionlessly.

Thinking that Timeless wasn't catching on to things he added "Even if you have a place to return for now. Do you have the means to support yourself? You do know how costly the nutrient solutions are, and the strenuous training you have to go through requires a lot of them. At the orphanage, you'll be given the required amount as you bide your time in wait while they process your info into their database in search for a good family"

Timeless made no reply to the words spoken and stood with the same expressionless face waiting for the Lead supervisor to conclude his speech.

"Timeless, why have you come to see me today? From your expression, I see you're not interested in what I am saying. Have you perhaps come to cash in on that request then?" the Lead supervisor said with a smile.

"Remember, it must be something within our limits" the commander added "We cannot break the rules. So if you are requesting a top-tier martial skill or unlimited nutrient solution, that would be impossible. Think carefully about what you want"

"I've already made my decision," Timeless said hastily. "I know there are surveillance cameras everywhere, and I'm sure what I'm asking for is easy enough for you to grant me."

Seeing as the supervisor wasn't making any comment, Timeless added "A few hours before the strength test commenced, I was beaten by a group of bullies and in passing they stated the fact they were sent by someone, so I'll like to use my request to get the info on this subject"

"Hahaha, I see. If that's what you wish for, the info will be brought to you. You could have gotten a good martial skill or asked to be trained by me, which I would have granted, but you choose something out of my expectation," the Lead Supervisor laughed subtly and continued " I could say I'm a bit disappointed but at the same time intrigued by you. Anyway, the information you require will be brought to you. That settles the request."

Timeless was relieved that his request was granted, and he couldn't help but feel grateful to the lead commander. He thanked him and was ready to leave when the lead commander called out to him. "Wait, Timeless. Before you go, I just want to say that your parents would be proud of the choices you've made. You're a strong and determined young man with a calm head above his shoulders, and I have no doubt that you'll make it far in life."

The words of the lead supervisor touched Timeless deeply, and he felt a sense of comfort from them. He bowed in thanks and proceeded to leave the office, heading back to his quarters.

Back in his room, he saw a mysterious device resting on his bed. With a sense of curiosity, he approached it and examined it carefully before finally reaching out to touch it. Suddenly, a bright light burst from the device and a holographic video appeared in mid-air.

Seeing the video he felt stupefied by the efficiency of the military in carrying out their task. As he watched on as the video played he could see two people standing along a quiet alley, upon closer inspection he noticed it was Aman and Haru.

"It is a disgrace for a Legacy holder to lose to a punk kid in a fight, that fool Anthon has brought great shame to the rest of us, Aman said with a stern tone "I want you to rough him up a bit so he knows his place."

"Of course, leave it to me. I'll make sure to turn his life into a living hell," Haru said with a smirk.

Timeless stood in the room feeling stunned and uncertain. Just a few days ago, he had felt a sense of awe towards Aman's strength and abilities, but now, seeing this side of him, he felt his respect evaporate. He clenched his fists tightly, his emotions swirling inside of him but knew ultimately he could do nothing about the situation.

Feeling frustrated about the event and the fact he couldn't do anything even after knowing who the mastermind was. He decided to go for a walk outside the camp to clear his head since as it was a Sunday and the camp was usually empty. Looking around he quickly grabbed what he could and headed out.

The camp was located in a Vast open region far from the Federation or the reach of the outskirts but with the hover cars available Sundays, it was just a few hours away. He took advantage of the military's perk and hopped in one of the hover cars, eager to get to his destination; the outskirts.

A few moments later, Timeless arrived at the outskirts. It was the first time he had explored the area since the passing of his parents, and despite it being a Sunday, the place was surprisingly crowded than usual. He meandered through the bustling streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the unfamiliar place. The change of scenery helped to clear his mind and ease the frustration he had been feeling back at camp. On his walk, his eyes caught onto something - a lily flower that his dad had gotten for his mom before their passing. He approached the stall where it was being sold and after bargaining with the stall owner, he paid for it with one nutrient solution. Holding the lily, he decided to take a detour to his parent's graves. At that moment he felt a deep longing in his heart to be near them again.

As he arrived at the house and approached the grave site emotions hit him again as tears welled up in his eyes as he stood at the headstone. He knelt down and placed a bouquet of flowers at the base of each headstone and simply stood there in silence lost in thought.

"I miss you both so much" he whispered to himself.

"I want to go back home," He said, his voice breaking, "I want to feel the love and comfort of your embrace again, who will patch me up when I get beaten and bullied, who will tell me good stories and make jokes with me"

I want it all back!!!

He screamed as he sat there in thought and memory. Longing for the home he had lost. His heart feeling nothing but emptiness.


"We have arrived at the portal hall, Mr. Timeless"

The voice of the pilot awoke him from his sleep as he gazed at the glass window. Observing his surrounding.

Finally !!!

"A place I can feel at peace, a place I can call... Home" Timeless muttered as he got down from the jet and walked towards the portal hall. His steps heavy.