
The stairs leading upstairs were strange, as soon as my feet touched the third step my body was transported into mostly white corridor. After entering the hallway on the right side you could find a holographic pad with the floor layout. It was a long white hallway with multiple doors on each side. Robs' office was at the end of it, with his nameplate clearly visible. Each door had a sign over it, explaining what said room is. Starting from workshops, restrooms, hospitals, personal quarters, gyms, restaurants, shops, and so on, multiple different kinds of rooms could be found in the hall.

The first thing I visited was the personal shop. After entering I was greeted by a white room with a long counter and holographic screens levitating a few centimeters over it. In front of each screen, there was a comfy-looking chair so I sat down and checked the contents of them. What spiked my interest was the list of mundane Earth items on it.

Water bottle 1L | 2 WP

Simple Rations | 1 WP

Filling Meal | 5 WP

Small Backpack | 3 WP

Backpack | 7 WP

Large Backpack | 20 WP

Comfy Sleeping Bag | 20 WP

Tent | 40 WP

Mundane Set of Clothes (Male) (Earth-Prime) | 15 WP

Underwear 7x (Male) | 10 WP

All Terrain Boots | 15 WP

Hunting Knife | 120 WP

And the list went on and on and on, I even found firearms, bullets, baseball bats, even porn. The only sad part was that it only contained Earth-related stuff. So no magical metals or skill books. It did however, contain a lot of normal books, and those might be useful later on, especially for learning skills and stories related to different worlds. After what seemed like an hour of scrolling I bought a small backpack, 2 meals, 3 water bottles, and a new hunting knife, with a rubber handle and a longer blade. I wasn't planning on staying in that slime world for too long and even if I can't finish the million slime quest, I could come out, buy some rations and reenter. With my shopping spree done, a screen to accept the transaction appeared before me which I promptly accepted. The items materialized on the table and I packed them all into my new backpack. My wallet still had around 11 WP, but I'll keep it for any unforeseen events. Exiting the shop, I walk around the hall and enter the private quarters. I'm transported right into the middle of an almost bare apartment right into the living room, behind me stands the door to the exit. A large kitchen with an empty fridge, could be found connected to the living room which only had a table and a sofa. On the right side, the door to the bathroom with a large bath, shower, mirror, sink, and a toilet, but no toilet paper, could be found and a bedroom with a king-sized bed and a wardrobe right next to it. By my calculation, the whole apartment should be around 50 square meters.

"Hmm, quite nice, better than my old apartment. I guess this will be mine when I'm not staying in another world. I'll have to get some necessities. I feel like taking a bath before going to the slime world would be counterproductive." I leave my broken knife on the table in the living room, just to check if I'll be transported back to the same room later on, and losing it won't be an issue. So with nothing else to do in the apartment, I leave it and continue exploring. The workshop area was the most intriguing one by far. Entering it I found the same white room but this time the holographic screen was placed right next to the door and now it displayed a list of available workshops. Selecting the alchemy one the room turned into a fully functional alchemical workshop with, as far as I know, all the necessary spirally glassware, cauldrons, and whatnot. The next one I selected was a high-tech blacksmith workshop, the room morphed into it and I was amazed. I wasn't familiar with more than half of the equipment.

"The machinery is too futuristic for my liking. I wish there was a guide on how to use them." As I said that a manual appeared in my hand describing the usage of all the machines in the workshop.

"Nice." I say out loud "But I've got no materials to work with, maybe sometime in the future." I say as I exit the room.

'That room is a copy of the Room of Requirements from Harry Potter.' I stop in my track "Can I go to Harry Potter?" Realizing I probably couldn't waste 7 years in Hogwarts, plus without any mana in my system I couldn't cast any spells. "I'll have to be smart about it." I say and start thinking about it.

First finding a wizard taking his biological sample, creating a race card from it, and equipping it would be hard. The easiest one would be Harry because I know his address, but his blood wards might block me or worse notify Dumbledore. But the main problem is finding the Leaky Cauldron, getting a wand and all the school and additional books requires money, which I don't have. The [Coin Purse] upgrade from the inventory system could help me out. "I will shelf that idea for later."

I popped my head into the restaurant and found a few people chilling. It didn't seem anything special, multiple tables covered the floor, but surprisingly none had chairs. After closing in on one of them a chair materialized right under it and a holographic screen with the menu over it. I'm not a culinary expert but that list probably had all types of food available on Earth. A few thousand pages of different kinds of food from all cultures. Thankfully a search bar and grouping by culture could be done on it. Checking the menu, I find it a bit too expensive for my current taste, so I exit and head back downstairs.

"Ok Index, I'm ready, give me the Sunny Day world." The book materializes in front of me and I check if it's the same one. Thinking about entering it, the same screen as last time appears.

{World "Sunny Day" selected.}

{No edits allowed without the [Background System]}

{Due to temporal anomaly continuing the story is not possible.}

{Placing spatial coordinates near a clear area.}

{Transporting user in. 3...2...1...}

{Good Luck!}

With a flash of light, I'm taken to a barren world. Everywhere my eyes could look, only gravel and bedrock could be seen. The air was a bit stale and the terrain was sloppy and filled with craters. It felt like I was transported right into a warzone.

"It seems like these slimes can eat even dirt. Not sure how advanced this civilization was, but I hope there are a few houses still standing." Taking out the knife from my bag I hold it in my hand and pick a direction. I'm not even 10 steps away from my starting point when I'm greeted by the first slime.

A cute little green blob, not larger than a tennis ball, was jumping towards me. Not sure how it detected me, because it didn't have any visible eyes. Each time it jumped and fell, it gave a "Boing!" sound. Keeping in mind that these little shits could dissolve even dirt, I didn't want to step on them. As it closed in I thought about it and gave it a light slap. It flies off, hits the ground, and bursts.

[Green Slime x1 slain 1 XP Received]

[Quest: [Kill Quest 1] Kill 1/1 slime. Completed 10 WP(x2) Received]

"That was anticlimactic... But at least the notification and the quest system work." I said with a smile. "How the fuck this the natives have troubles with these... I just jinxed myself didn't I?" I say as I start to hear multiple boings all around me. Looking ahead I see a massive wave of these guys.

"I knew it won't be that easy." Laughing at myself I head towards them. "While I'm at it, it would be smart to level my weapon skills."

I move in and start swiping my knife in a wide arc, killing dozens of them with each motion. Not even five minutes in and I'm starting to feel tiered. "Shit there is no end to them." I sigh and change my approach, my movements become slower and I start slapping the cute little guys away. "This world won't be fun..."

[Yellow Slime x151 slain 151 XP Received]

[Orange Slime x101 slain 101 XP Received]

[Red Slime x182 slain 182 XP Received]

[Pink Slime x140 slain 140 XP Received]

[Purple Slime x76 slain 76 XP Received]

[Blue Slime x120 slain 120 XP Received]

[Green Slime x91 slain 91 XP Received]

[Global Level up x4]

[Global Level has reached Level 7]

[Class: [Rogue] level up x4]

[Class: [Rogue] has reached Level 7]

[Skill: [Dodge] has reached Level 5]

[Skill: [Small Blade Mastery] has reached Level 7]

[Quest: [Kill Quest 2] Kill 10/10 slimes. Completed 40 WP(x2) Received]

[Quest: [Kill Quest 3] Kill 100/100 slimes. Completed 100 WP(x2) Received]

I take out my water bottle and sit down on the only clean surface I can find in hundreds of meters around me. My clothes are ruined, but thankfully I wasn't hurt. It seemed that the slimes needed a few seconds of contact to start the dissolving process, a few sneakier ones managed to jump and attach themselves to my back and started dissolving my jacket. Thankfully, none of them got to my backpack, so my food and water were safe. On a side note, rolling over them kills them. If only their body fluids weren't some kind of acid, it would be a viable option. Getting up from my position I look towards the west.

"I moved around today more than I did the last few years combined." I say out loud as I watch the tsunami of annoying little buggers close up to me. "Okay time to get to work." Putting back the bottle I move towards the next wave.

There is no real fight here, just swing your weapon left then right, then dodge a random blob. To be honest, these guys are slow. I could just walk away and they couldn't catch up to me. There is no real danger. I'm basically just farming XP and WP, but as the quest requirements increase by ten times, it's going to be a pain to complete them. The only real benefit here is the free XP but even collecting it is getting old. I calculated it beforehand and if the XP requirements keep increasing as they are now, I can max my class with a total of 9,835 XP. So I wonder if there is a point from where these guys won't provide any more XP. It's probably tied to my Global Level and not my Class level. If not, then I might come back here after I get some AOE spells.

Twelve hours, 10 breaks, and a lunch later, the never-ending river of blobs has stopped. It seems these fuckers stop moving when it gets dark. I have no idea why. They don't even have eyes, but a long break from them will be welcome. While walking around I found a cave on a cliffside. It's not too far up, but far enough that the slimes cannot reach. I'll be using it as a shelter for tonight. My smart ass didn't think about bringing a flashlight. Thankfully, without light pollution or clouds, the night wasn't as dark as I thought it would be.

From the remains of my jacket and bag, I made a little bed. Yea the fuckers got the bag and one water bottle. I still have one full bottle and one meal, so I won't be staying here for too long. My knife is in perfect condition, but my clothes have a few too many holes in them. The best part was that as I was increasing in levels, my farming speed went up.

[Yellow Slime x4125 slain 707 XP Received]

[Orange Slime x3571 slain 643 XP Received]

[Red Slime x4012 slain 464 XP Received]

[Pink Slime x2134 slain 816 XP Received]

[Purple Slime x5067 slain 927 XP Received]

[Blue Slime x3920 slain 821 XP Received]

[Green Slime x4584 slain 910 XP Received]

[Global Level leveled up to 21]

[Class: [Rogue] has reached Level 21]

[Skill: [Dodge] has reached Level 15]

[Skill: [Small Blade Mastery] has reached Level 21]

[Quest: [Kill Quest 4] Kill 1,000/1,000 slimes Completed 220 WP(x2) Received]

[Title: [Slime Slayer] received]

[Quest: [Kill Quest 5] Kill 10,000/10,000 slimes Completed 360 WP(x2) Received]

As can be seen from my notification screen a few things happened in the last 12 hours. It seems I cannot get any more experience from them. I assume it's because these blobs are 20 levels below me, but I have no way of confirming it. I even received a title after killing a thousand slimes, but it's completely useless against an enemy you can one shot with a slap. Tomorrow I'll finish the [Kill Quest 6] and get the hell out of here, I'm not going to waste any more time here. The sound they make is already going on my nerves, I'm probably going to hate slimes for the foreseeable future. I take a look at my stats and check the new title before trying to get some shut-eye.

[Slime Slayer]

- Increases damage dealt towards slime-based lifeforms by 25%

System Info:

Name: Andrew Thompson | Titles: [Slime Slayer] | Race: Human | Tier: 0

[Global LVL: 21 XP: 5,727/6,400]

[Class: Rogue LVL: 21/25 XP: 5,727/6,400]


STR: 4

DEX: 11 => 29

AGI: 7 => 25

INT: 7

WIS: 9


Spells: [None]

Skills: [Sneak 1] [Muted Steps 1] [Dodge 1 => 15] [Small Blade Mastery 1 => 21] [Deception 1]

[WP: 1,471]

Yep, that one counts as one of the worst sleep I got in ages. Not only was the makeshift bed uncomfortable, but the little fuckers started moving around at first light, which means the annoying "Boing!" near the entrance of the cave woke me up pretty early. On a side note, I totally forgot about the doomed passage I've read before entering the world.

Doomed: After a magical accident the mana of the world was changed and allows the birth of ordinary slimes anywhere on the surface of the planet without an end.

You got it right, at some point in the night a few slimes spawned inside the cave. Thankfully, they were not close to me and didn't start moving till sunrise, so I didn't lose any equipment. Sighing I got up, ate my breakfast, had some water, then prepared myself for today's massacre. Yesterday I was planning on leaving most of my stuff in the cave, but the last night's events changed my mind. Getting up I packed my stuff into what remained of my bag and headed out of the cave.

Under the entrance of the cave, practically, millions of these guys were jumping about. Trying and failing to climb over each other, to reach the entrance. Jumping down, I get 10 kill notifications which I promptly ignore and proceed to wave my knife like a lunatic. With one swing four dozens of pops could be heard. On the side note, I had to disable my kill notifications yesterday, because they filled up my view. Thanks to my upgraded Agility, Dexterity and with the help of the Dodge skill, avoiding, sidestepping, and moving between them was easy. The only danger you face while fighting them is, funnily, when you kill them. The acid that makes up their bodies continues on the same path as they were moving before the pop. I have multiple smaller burns on my body, nothing too severe, only smaller patches of hair missing from my arms and a light reddening of my skin. Still, I don't know what would happen if the stuff got into my mouth or eyes, and I'm not planning on finding it out. After this world, I'm taking a long bath and sleeping in a real bed. I'm pretty sure Vitality or P. Res would combat the discomfort of lying on the cold hard ground, but without enough WP I won't find out, so back to swinging my knife.

As minutes starch to hours, the fatigue starts setting in. Not just the physical but the mental too. Repeating the same thing for two days straight isn't good for my mental health. My muscles are aching, but wasn't far away from the finish line. Last time I checked, I still had over a thousand slime to slay. With one last swipe of my blade, a quest notification enters my view.

[Quest: Kill Quest 6 Kill 100,000/100,000 slimes Completed 520 WP(x2) Received]

"FUCKING FINALLY!" I shout out in happiness, as I turn around a run off toward the cave. Climbing up the cliff side I enter the barren cave. Lay down on the floor and say "Eject", while praying to whichever god is listening right now, that no slime spawns the next five minutes, and as they always do, no one hears my prayers. As the countdown for ejection closes on zero, a blue blob come into existence not even 2 meters away from me. Not giving me time to protest, it "Boings" his way over to me and lightly touches my feet.

[Ejection canceled. Reason: User has entered combat]

"FUCK!" I yell out as I punt the little fucker out of the cave and lay back down, then repeat the process.

[Green Slime x1 killed 0 XP Received]

"Fuck you!" Thankfully, whichever god was watching me, had enough fun the first time around and after the countdown ends, I'm transported to the library's first floor. Not wanting to stand before people, almost fully naked. I rush up the stairs and head to the shop. Slowly opening the door, I look through the gap and spot no one. Sitting on the first available chair I quickly filter and buy the stuff I need.

Backpack | 7 WP

Mundane Set of Clothes (Male) (Earth-Prime) | 15 WP

All Terrain Boots | 15 WP

Underwear 7x (Male) | 10 WP

Shampoo | 3 WP

Toilet Paper x12 | 5 WP

Towel | 3 WP

Toothbrush | 1 WP

Toothpaste | 1 WP

I jam my stuff into the backpack and rush off to the personal quarters. The broken knife I left here a day ago, was still sitting on the table, so my theory about this place only being mine seems to be true. Dropping off all my clothes into the nearest trash can. I find my way to the bathroom, fill the bathtub with hot water and plop myself into it.

After a relaxing bath, in which, I have to admit, I almost fell asleep, I dry myself off and put on a clean set of underwear then head straight to the bedroom. Just before my body hits it the exhaustion catches up to me and fall asleep.