DanMachi 10

[Spell: [Celestial Eyes] learned]



[Celestial Eyes lvl 1]

- A continuous pulse of mana travels out of the user going through all obstacles and returning information of what it passed through.

- Grants the user perfect information about everything surrounding him.

- The information is then displayed on a mental map and can be filtered in real-time.

{Affinity: Space}

{Chant: Reveal all, Celestial Eyes}

Five hours of painstaking spell crafting later, my new spell, [Celestial Eyes], was born. Focusing on the input runes you can adjust its size. It can go from 1 meter to my maximum mana in meters. The actual cost of the spell cast is around 500 mana, which is not a lot, but filtering the information you want from it and adjusting the size of it will drain mana quite fast. After the initial cast, the spell continues to send out pulses and allows you to track monster movements from a distance.

I actually tried using the inverse rune on the Field rune. It does what you would expect. Any area not targeted by the spell gets scanned and the scan travels, from what I've understood, forever, or, which is a bigger possibility, until you run out of mana. Had to learn that the harder way.

While crafting the spell, my [Spellcode] skill has gained 7 levels and at the same time [Runic Language] has reached its max level. As the spell is pretty complex, composed of around a hundred Runes, manually casting it would be pretty time-consuming, not saying it's impossibly long, just longer than needed. So I shortened the chant to the minimum, and if I ever gain a parallel processing skill or something similar in the future, I could drop the chant completely. Thankfully, the spell still gains 250% from [Sage's Wisdom] boosting the spell from a meter radius to two point five for every single drop of mana invested into the cast.

The parallel processing skill reminded me of the TenSura world, I should be able to gain multiple amazing skills from that place, we'll probably need to fight a few demon lords or similar entities, but it would be pretty fun. Plus, that world has evolutions. What are the chances that those evolutions are based on the Libraries Tier ranks? Even if they are not, becoming a demon lord would probably boost our overall stats. Putting that thought to the side for now, I start working on the second spell on my list.

The next spell I wanted was nothing special, only a sphere of mana that would continuously shoot out rays of particles toward selected locations. Nothing too complex, the only real challenge was forcing the spell to always stay active and continue accepting mana. I needed the spell to be able to shift between different affinities on the fly, so a preprogrammed variable rune was placed into the rune script, containing all possible combinations of Affinity runes, we'll all that I know of, and all that could be used as rays. Sending a ray of light or a jet of water is possible, but doing it with dirt was not really. The spell could simultaneously fire multiple rays with different affinity typing, but it was not autonomous, I still had to tell it where to attack.

[Spell: [Alter Orb] learned]



[Alter Orb lvl 1]

- Creates a high-density orb of mana that floats above the user, firing off rays of particles toward a chosen location.

- Before firing, rays can be transformed into an element chosen from a pre-programmed list. Can target multiple things in a circle around the user.

- Has continuous upkeep.

{Affinity: None}

{Chant: None}

Last but not least, I focused on a spell that would exponentially increase my farming speed. This spell was not an offensive one, but at the same time could be used as one, it wasn't a defensive one, but could be used as one. This spell created two small openings in the space and connected them, then allowed something to go through it, to appear on the other side.

[Spell: [Gate] learned]



[Gate lvl 1]

- Creates a portal connecting two points in space.

{Affinity: Space}

{Chant: None}

The spell contained barely any runes, but the mana expenditure was proportional to the size of the gate, and it grew exponentially. The distance didn't matter, only the size of the opening, the forces of the universe clamped down on it, and were forcing the opening to close. The larger the opening the larger force, and the more mana you need to invest into the spell to keep it open.

For the first experiment I tried to create a gate large enough for me to fit through, I wasn't stupid to go through it, it was my first experiment after all, but after expanding the gate to about half a meter in size I dropped to the ground breathing heavily without a drop of mana in me. On the other side, keeping a 1 cm hole in reality, cost less than 1/10 of my mana regeneration. While a 5 cm cost about 60 mana per second to upkeep.

Now, you might be asking why I created these spells. And there is a perfectly good answer for that, just because I can. Well that, and it's a perfect farming combination of spells. Search the map, open a gate fire off a beam of light that kills it, then pick up the drop item and continue the walk.

Having a picnic in the wilderness with your loved one? Use the [Celestial Eyes] so you won't be surprised in your lovely dovely time. Spotted an enemy 20 km away? Don't want him to ruin your date? No problem! Excuse yourself for a second, open a quick gate into his ear canal, and fire off a plasma beam into his brain, then continue your picnic. The perfect combination of spells for all occasions!

Now that the fun is out of the way, I check the time, and it's already close to midnight. A quick [Celestial Eyes] tell me Olive is not home. Expanding its radius by two kilometers I spot her in a bar with two amazons', a blond elf and a blonde stoic girl. The filtering effect of the spell works perfectly. She was having fun, so I leave her for now. I'll keep an eye on her throughout the night and jump in if anything bad happens. I had something to eat, and after a bath went to bed, but could fall asleep, not without my warm hug pillow. I kept rolling in bed till two hours later, a clearly tipsy Olive stumbled into the room.

"Hey, sexy!" She says "Are you still awake?"

"Yep couldn't fall asleep, I see you had some fun." I say and smile at her failing attempts of getting her top off.

"Um hum. It was awesomeeee! I met these twins, and youuu won't believe it but they don't even look like each other!" She says with so much enthusiasm that I can't help but smile.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yesh they... one is tall and huuuge," she says making a circle in front of her chest and keeping her eyes wide. "And the other is short and cuuute." I couldn't hold it in any longer and a snicker escapes my mouth.

"What's so fuunny?" she says putting her hands on her hip.

"You're cute when you're drunk, plus the description of your friends was just, perfect." I say with a smile.

"Ohh you think I'm cute?" she says while slowing down her undressing. She turns away from me and slowly bends over pulling her pants down while looking in my direction. "Am I still cute?" she asks rising her eyebrow.

Knowing that she's a bit drunk, i attempt to keep my head straight, but as soon as she starts shaking that ass, all my reasoning goes thought the window and my little brain takes over.

-NSFW Start-

Without answering her, I move behind her and pull her into a hug. She starts grinding her ass right against my already erect pole. Not wanting to be outdone I pull up her bra and grab her left boob with my right hand wrapping my arms all the way around her, pulling her close to me, while my other hand reaches into her panties and attacks her clit. Digging around it I found her pussy already extremely wet.

"Someone's really eager." I whisper into her ear which causes a shiver to pass through her body. Her grinding increases, as I play with her sacred bead, while my right hand is playing with her nipple. Her breathing intensifies and I quickly move my right hand from her breasts to cover her mouth. With a "Hic" she grabs onto my hand and her body tenses, her mouth opens wide, and her back arches. Her panties and my hands get soiled by a light squirt, as she reaches the end of her climax.

"Hah, hah, hah." She pants heavily after prying off my hands. She turns around and kisses me passionately, while her hands pull down my shots, she grabs onto my member and starts jerking it off. She breaks the kiss and looks deep into my eyes, slowly descending onto her knees, while never looking away from my eyes. Kissing my bare chest on her way down. Her hand never stopped moving, and when she arrived before it she opened her mouth and placed it on her tongue, after giving it a few licks, she paces it into her mouth and starts sucking it.

"Glug, glug, glug" The bobbing of the head increases in tempo, only to suddenly stop as she pushes herself to the limit and goes down to the base of it while humming she gives my balls a lick.

"Ahhh." Pulling herself off to catch her breath, she coughs a bit but forces it down again. She removes her bra and starts squeezing her nipple. Increasing the tempo of her movements, while at the same time playing with my balls with her other hand, she continues humming. My release approaches and I grab her head and push it down roughly, her eyes, which never looked away from mine tremble and roll back in ecstasy, as she squirts into her panties for the second time while giving out a cute muffled moan.

"Ugh" I come with a grunt deep into her throat.

She slowly pulls herself off of it and a light "Pop" could be heard.

"Thank you for the meal." She says with a smile.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I pick her up and place her on the bed with her stomach facing downwards. She lifts herself up a bit, allowing me to pull her soaking-wet panties off. Mounting her legs, while being on my knees, she props her ass up right in front of me. She rises on her elbows turning towards me. I reach around her chest grab onto her boob and pull her towards me, [Acrobatics] helping with her flexibility, as her back arches and her mouth meets mine, I kiss her deeply and slowly insert myself into her. As I reach her lowest depths, her breath hitches. "Ughhh" I pull back and slam myself into the entrance of her womb, making her scream my name and drop-down hard, grabbing onto the first thing she finds. She bites into the pillow as I repeatedly impact her most sacred place. Her moans increase in volume as she closes on to her third release of the night. I grab onto her butt and spread it while increasing my tempo.

"Ughhh, Andyyyy!" she screams out as she cums. Her breathing was rough, her perfect skin glistening with sweat, but I'm not done yet. Spinning her around I pull up her legs and place them on my shoulder. Holding both of her legs with my hands, I insert myself into her. I bend over bringing her legs all the way to her shoulders and invade her mouth with my tongue. Not allowing her to have any downtime, my hips keep moving back and forth, slamming my member against the entrance of her womb, inducing some heavy moans, that are muffled by my mouth.

My release nears and I increase my tempo, her moans couldn't be contained anymore as she screams from ecstasy, probably waking up all our neighbors in the process. Her legs wrapped around my back and pulled me in with surprising strength I couldn't hold it in any longer. With a heavy grunt I cum inside of her, painting her insides white, her toes curl up and her voice hitches as my last slam reaches the deepest parts of her crevice, she lets out another high-volume moan, as a shiver runs through her whole body. "UGHHHH!!"

I fall into her embrace and tightly hug her, while we both try to catch our breath.

"I love you, Andy." After catching her breath, she whispers, then starts playing with my hair.

"I love you too, Olive" I say without breaking the hug. While still planted inside of her and laying between her boobs, dreamland pulls me in and I fall asleep.

-NSFW End-

While sleeping on her bosom was extremely comfortable for me, it wasn't for Olive, so sometime during the night, I was dropped off her chest, and she resumed her rightful place on my shoulder, and wrapped her arms around my chest.

I woke up to find her all snuggled up, acting all cute, while at the same time, covered with all kinds of bodily fluids. A few light slaps on the rumps, and a few kisses on the top of her head, break up her light snoring and wakes up the sleeping beauty.

Her eyes flutter as she wakes up, and she moves in for a morning kiss with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Morning. What's the time?" she asks and the system answers her before I can.


"Okay we slept in, wanna take a bath together?" she asks fluttering her eyelashes.

"Shoot me if I ever say no to that." I say and I'm pulled into the bathroom.

After the bath, we went down for a... Late breakfast, an early lunch, brunch? However, you want to classify it. She retold me last night's happenings and how she used [Void Step] and accidentally ran into a wall. After laughing at her misfortune for a bit, I gave her a kiss on her head, and we introduced a new rule. Without a good cause, no more [Void Step] under the influence. That rule will probably be broken quite often, but what can you do, it's too useful of a skill not to use it.

Getting ready to head out, we walk into our back yard and after a few [Void Step]'s we find ourselves in front of the Loki Familia estate. This time the guards were expecting us and we were escorted towards the estate, while another guard ran ahead to inform her.

"Quite the welcoming today." I say it out aloud.

"Yeah, I wonder what changed her mind so much..." She says but we both knew she read the notebooks and wants me to teach her how to manipulate mana directly, without that she can't really use the knowledge from the books.

On our way there I notice we took a turn, we weren't supposed to, so I ask our escort.

"So dude where are you taking us?"

"Loki has ordered me to take you to her office when you arrive."

"Ehh... We have nothing to do with Loki, we're here for Riveria. I don't really care about what your goddess wants."

He turns towards me with an angry expression. "You will be respectful of our goddess!"

"Or what?" I lean in and ask, leaving only a few centimeters between us.

"You will suffer the wrath of the Loki familia!" He shouts bringing out his weapon ready to attack, only to be disarmed, literally, by Olivia. He starts screaming from the top of his lungs holding his stump, pulling quite a lot of attention our way, I grab onto his face with a lot of strength and force him to shut up. A spell circle forms around his stump, rewinding time, and his hand reforms as if he never lost it in the first place. The only evidence left was the blood and an ownerless hand laying on the floor still holding a sword.

Time affinity is tricky, the runes require a combination of Life, Death, and Water, but they are not all that powerful. I cannot go to the past to prevent an incident, because the cause of my going back is the incident, and it already happened, my going back to remove the cause will lead to me never going back, so the incident will ultimately happen. Confusing, I know, but there are no multiple timelines, no alternate realities only the present exists. The runes, however, can warp time locally and could be used for healing injuries, growing plants, aging wine, and similar things. Surprisingly, the mana cost isn't even that huge, well, only if you don't overuse the time multiplier.

"Reveal all, Celestial Eyes" I cast [Celestial Eyes] and locate Riveria, then I grab Olive's shoulder and take a step appearing right inside Riveria's office, startling the High-Elf in the process.

"Good morning!" I say with a wave. "Sorry for barging in uninvited." I add with a smile.

"No problem, I was expecting you." She says gesturing towards the armchairs. "Please sit. There is a lot we need to discuss."