DanMachi 21

Getting back to my room I lay down on my bed. My head was killing me, and no medicine could combat it, only a longer rest could fix it. I closed my eyes and attempted to fall asleep, but only after rolling in bed for a few hours, did sleep finally take me.

If my mana channels weren't so strained I might have just made a sleep spell and cast it on myself. I wonder if I could resist it with [Magic Resistance], whatever, I'll make it and test it later, it could help me level that skill pretty fast.

I was awoken from my nap by Olive. She had a plate with sandwiches in her hand and looked at me with loving eyes.

"Wakey, wakey." She nudged me. "How do you feel?" Then sits down on the bed right next to me.

"A lot better, now that I can see you." A small smile forms on her face.

"Too cheezy." She says after a snort. "Did you eat anything at all, today?"

"Nah, spent most of my day in bed." I say shaking my head and she pushes the plate into my hands.

"I made them, eat up." She says with a smile.


"So, let's talk about what happened earlier today." She says and I sigh.

"All of you overreacted, I was never in any real danger. Yeah, I had internal bleeding, but I'm pretty sure my natural health regeneration would have saved me. I only took a potion for good measure."

"An elixir." She corrects me. "It must have been pretty bad if you took an elixir." Her eyes squint, and I roll mine, but in the end, I nod.

"Yea, I checked the health system and it was pretty nasty, so I went with the best option I had." I say with a shrug.

"Haa..." She exhales. "What am I going to do with you?" She says and a wry smile appears on her face.

"Love me till the rest of our lives?" I ask jokingly.

"Yea, that won't be too long, if you keep doing stupid shit"

"Oh come on, you know I have that title that will revive me if I die."

"If you die on me, I will find a way to strangle you even if you are a ghost."

"That might be possible if I create a soul spell for you." I point out and receive a slap on top of my head.

"I'm serious!" She exclaims with an annoyed look.

"So was I...." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" Her eyes squint at me, looking quite dangerous placing her arms on her hips.

"Nothing!" I say.

"That's what I thought." She says still squinting her eyes at me. Then she relaxes and sighs. "I love you Andrew, and I don't want to lose you, so be a bit more careful in the future." She says, and I could see a tear forming in her eyes. I place the plate into my inventory and grab her by her waist and pull her on top of me. My lips meet hers and I kiss her with a lot of passion. Her arms wrap around my neck and after breaking the kiss she places her head on my chest, listening to the beating of my heart.

"I know. I love you too Olivia." She's the cutest and the most caring little thing I have, I'm not sure what I would do if I lost her. I've been thinking about it recently maybe I should ask her to be my wife? I know it's way early, but people have wed even earlier, but this is not the time nor the place.

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" She asks looking up at me confused.

"It's beating for you." I say a cheesy line, hiding the fact that I got nervous thinking about our future together. Yea she doesn't need to know about my thoughts.

"Stupid." She says and rolls her eyes, but I can see her cheeks reddening a bit. With how cute she was acting, I just couldn't restrain myself.

My arm wanders downwards and squeezes her firm little rump, making her produce a startled noise, she looks up at me in annoyance and I wiggle my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes again but pulls herself up to me. Not long after, her actions turned from cute and loving, to passionate and lustful. Our long night of bedroom activities started with a fierce make-out session.

'What would I give to have [Nexum] right now.' I wonder.

I wake up covered in all kinds of dried-up fluids and grimace at my crusty and glistering skin. "Better not think about it." I mumble, then spot the pretty lady sleeping on my shoulder, while tightly hugging my right arm.

Her cute puffy face, looking away from me. I poke her cheeks and she produces the cutest groans I've ever heard from her. I turn to my side and wrap my hands around her. She wakes up and snuggles up even closer.

"Good morning, Wifey." I say with a smile, she squeals and turns around I'm my embrace, planting a kiss on my lips. A smile blossoms on her face as she says. "Good morning to you, Hubby." She giggles and wiggles in my embrace and my hug around her tightens. "It feels so weird saying that. Not the bad kind, but a good kind of weird."

"Hearing it feels even better." My face starts to hurt from the width of my smile. "So never stop calling me that!" I suddenly stop, and with the fakest serious voice I can muster, I add. "As a matter of fact! As the man of this household, I will enact a rule, from now on, you are only allowed to call me Hubby, Husband, Dear, and on special occasions 'Oh God' and 'Master'." My joke was met with a loud snort and a light slap on my chest.

She turns her head toward me and looks deep into my eyes, then with a husky tone she says. "Master~"

My lower half instantly reacts, as she has just flipped my switch, I pull her in for a deep kiss and flip her under me. In the end, we don't leave the bed for a few more hours.

At the dinner table, a crimson Hestia and Lili sit, waiting for the happily humming Olive to finish the breakfast preparations.

"Could you two keep it down?! I barely slept anything yesterday!" The annoyed goddess comments with a heavily blushing Pallum joining her with a nod. "You even did it in the morning! You're doing it like rabbits!"

"Sorry about that." I say with a shy smile as Olivia brings in the prepared meal and sits next to me. We dig in, but Hestia didn't finish her rant.

"You need to keep it down or get some sound-canceling enchantments there! For my sake, I have work in the morning!" Pouts the puffy-cheeked goddess.

"You're just jealous." Olivia says pointing her fork at her.

"W-W-WHAT? Me? Jealous?" The goddess goes crimson from embarrassment then looks to the side, and weakly mumbles. "Well, as a virgin goddess, it's not easy to hear you screaming in pleasure like that." Everyone at the table freezes, hearing the goddess's words. Yeah, everyone had some kind of superhuman hearing, thanks to boosted perception or race.

"Anyway." I say after a moment of silence, changing the awkward topic to a lighter one. "What are your plans for today?" I ask Olive.

"I wanted to go shopping." Olivia answers.

"You got my wallet, go crazy." I say with a smile, to which Olivia just rolls her eyes.

When we finish our breakfast I turn and look over to our resident Pallum. A wicked smile appears on my face as I ask. "You ready for your daily training?"

A faint "Save me!" could be heard before she stood up from her seat and started running toward the front door. Making eye contact with Olivia a smile appears on both of our faces and I [Void Step] and catch the petite Pallum by her shirt, lift her off the ground and place her over my shoulder. I turn toward the dining table and see a shocked goddess and a smiling Olivia.

"We'll be in the backyard for a few hours of training." I say waving at the two girls while the shoulder Pallum is furiously trying to protest by repeatedly hitting me in the back and whining. "Have a nice day you two!"

"We missed yesterday's training so today's will have to be double." My already wide smile widens when I see her wide eyes and the horror on her face.

'Sometimes, it feels good to be the bad guy.'

The training lasted for a few hours and Lili was thoughtfully plummeted by me and later on by Olivia. She was repeatedly healed during our tortu- I mean training by the new healing spell I created for Riveria. After the training has ended she fell onto the ground, too exhausted to even move. I could hear faint cursing, directed toward me, but that made it feel even better.

"Stop whining, this is all for your own good." Pick her up by the back of her shirt and like a briefcase and carry her into the house. Then deposit her onto the sofa in the living room. The moment her head touched the cushion, she fell asleep.

"Okay, I might have gone a bit overboard today." I say with a chuckle.

After a good night's rest, my mana channels and mental facilities were up to 100%. We didn't have any plans for today, so after Lili's training, and Olivia's shopping we packed a large lunch and dinner, and went back to farming the dungeon. We arrived on floor forty-nine, I shifted to my High-Elf Race, and Olivia went with her Cat Person Race.

Floor forty-nine is where things start to get interesting. The floor is a huge room with no grass or any vegetation, all you could see around is reddish brown colored rocks and sand, this was the home of the Monster Rex, Balor.

The creature was massive, its width comparable to two airplanes side by side, while its height was comparable to a skyscraper. The quadrupedal creature's front appendages were a lot longer than the back, allowing it to walk straightened up. Its flesh was a wryly mass of black tendrils which had multiple sharp protrusions all over it. It had a single ominously glowing red eye and a maw that could fit at least a bus.

We were nowhere near close in strength to even attempt to contend it, not just his overall power, which was around level seven, but even his magical capacities were way stronger than ours.

It could manipulate the sand all over the floor, blocking our view or even our airways. In a few levels, we might be able to kill him, but right now it was a futile attempt.

We both agreed to ignore the beast and went down to the next floor, the already mentioned, save zone on level fifty. Not seeing any reason on staying there even for a minute, I moved us downwards to level 51.

[Quest: [Dungeon diving 51] Completed 51 WP(x8) Received]

The home of the labyrinth, stretching all the way down to level 57. These floors housed Black Rhinos, Deformis Spiders, and Cadmuses.

The Black Rhinos were a type of rhinoceros monster that could walk on its back legs and was over two meters tall. Had two horns that were located on its head, and its hide was well known for its durability and often used as a crafting material for armor. They tended to use charge attacks, aiming to pierce you with their horns. If that didn't work out they used her muscular hands to deliver punches.

The Deformis Spiders on the other hand were a large spider species, colored red and purple. It had eight legs and eyes too many to count. It was well known for its strong silk and for the sharp hair on its legs. Similar to a tarantula, it could fire off that hair like spiked projectiles and pierce even the strongest of armors. Their venom could paralyze and after getting injected with it your insides would slowly turn into mush.

The Cadmus was a dragon-type monster, without wings and green in color. It was one of the strongest monsters on these floors and tended to be found around a spring, housing water with special properties. Its hide was a sought-after drop because it was used in the creation of the most durable armor available on the market.

There were also some sightings of caterpillar-like creatures, often called Virga, that roamed these floors. Which tended to shoot out a highly corrosive substance and explode upon death.

I mapped out most of the floor with [Celestial Eyes] and located a few groups of monsters nearby. We were in a rare position of being able to choose which monsters we could hunt first. Our choice fell on a group of seven Deformis Spiders, located 100 meters to our right hanging off the ceiling with their nets.

As we approach I keep an eye on them, they somehow spotted us, three corners away. That's when I noticed we've been walking on spider silk.

"Look down at the floor." I say and Olivia does so. A thin, almost invisible string connects the two walls of the labyrinth corridors. It's so thin that, even with our heightened perception, we had to shine a light on it, to be able to perceive it.

"They know we're coming?" She asks and I nod.

"They are two corners away, waiting in ambush. I'll conjure up some fire and fire it off before we reach the corner. That will probably bring them down to earth. Take care of their poison and be careful of their spikes. If they fire it off, ill shield us so stay near me." She nods and moves behind me.

These corridors had a good and a bad side. We could fight a large horde of monsters by creating a chokepoint, but at the same time, we barely had any space for maneuvering.

As we close up on the dangerous corner, I cook up a quick fireball spell and fire it off. Lighting all of the spider silk on fire, and dropping all of the spiders to the ground. One of them, the unlucky one, didn't have time to flip and fell on its back, a loud crunch and a splash could be heard from it, but it wasn't dead yet. It wiggled its legs up and down trying to get back to its feet. The other six meanwhile didn't wait for a start signal. They fired off a massive wave of spikes in our way. I didn't want to waste o necklace charge for this so I blocked it with a quick cast of [Svalinn], my shield spell.

It formed surrounding me and Olivia and after the wave of spikes died down, Olivia sprang to action, dancing through the assault of sharp appendages and separating them from their bodies. I didn't stay still I cast a [Mistilteinn] infused it with lightning and joined the fray. One of the closer ones ran up the side of the wall and moved toward me, reaching me it reared its front legs and attempted to bite jump, and bite me. Its open maw only met a concentrated shard of ice, which promptly exited on the other side of its carapace. After their ambush and projectiles failed the spiders didn't offer too much of a challenge. Removing a few of their legs tends to doom them.

"This wasn't a hard fight." Olivia says. "Should we descend deeper?"

"No it wasn't, and the layout of the dungeon is annoying. But we should at least fight a few rhinos, I could make us some good gear using their hide."

"Alright. Anything you need from the spiders?" She asks looking at what remained of them with a grimace.

"Their silk is nice, but I've got no patience to weave it. Maybe I can create a spell that does it, but I'm not wasting my time on it. But if we find an Arachne somewhere in the dungeon, you can bet I'll be harvesting its silk and making us some nice magical combat gear. I'll need to learn tailoring, thought" I say with a big smile while scratching the side of my head.

She rolls her eyes and smiles back at me. "You're already doing too much." She moves closer and gives me a kiss. "Maybe I should focus on learning to tailor, hmm?"

"It's all up to you." I say with a shrug. "But it will help me with armor creation in the future, so I'll be learning it regardless of you. Maybe you could focus on clothes and not armor?" I tell her.

"Sure." A small smile blooms on her face. "I would love to see you in something I design."

"Hey! For the love of god, please don't make me some slutty clothes!" I plea.

The smile on her face widens and she turns around and then giggles. "We'll see about that."

After our little banter, we continue our dive. Our exploration leads us to a wide room with a group of fifteen Rhinos. Olivia rushes into their mist and dismembers the closest one. That's when the other fourteen notice us. They tap their behind legs on the ground and charge at us, their horns glowing dangerously. Olivia sidesteps the one attacking her while delivering a devastating blow to its midriff bisecting the creature. Their tough hides can't do shit against Severance's sharpness.

I prime and fire off a dozen [Mistilteinn]'s enchanting them with penetration and infusing them with death affinity. I aim at their weak points, right at the center of their chests, and fire off twelve supersonic projectiles that shake the foundation of this floor.

Most of my attacks connect, blowing huge holes in their hides cleaving through the enemies without any resistance. The power-up I received from my last level-up was not flashy but damn was it useful. Attempting this without [Magic Penetration] would probably shatter the magical swords on first contact.

An annoyed huff could be heard from the side. A pouting Olive, with her hands crossed in front of her chest, could be seen sulking.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You killed all of them, I could only kill three!" She whined.

I roll my eyes at her, then give up and say. "Okay, the next group is all yours."

"Wee!" She rises her hands in victory and a bright smile blooms on her face. I feel like I have fallen right into her trap.