DanMachi 25

Throughout the night, the awkward atmosphere between us was dispersed by furious lovemaking. Keeping up, not only our housemates but the neighbors at well. The following day started, to the horror of Olivia, with a baggy-eyed Hestia and Lili, berating us for all the noise we made last night.

The day then continued on with breakfast, a bit of training for Lili, and finally, with me teaching Olive all the new spells she needed, and that I created yesterday.

"What do you guys think that noise was yesterday?" Asks Lili after our training.

"No idea." I replay making eye contact with Olive.

"The whole town shook! Then there was that roar, it shattered so many windows in the town!" She comments.

"Yea the glass industry will have a bloom, for some time." I say with a smile. "But I guess that was some kind of monster, I do hope the top familias will send their executives, or at least scouts, to find out what it was. We really don't need something like that appearing in town." My smile turns awkward, while Olive gives me a deadpan look.

The creation of accessories, especially now, that I had a material that could withstand the strong impact of my blade, was moved to another day. With the training and spell teaching, and the promise to Hestia and Lili to soundproof our room, done, Olive and I descended the dungeon.

Knowing the 59th floor was crazy and cold, we spent our day on the dragon infester 58th floor and farmed experience and excelia. The newly upgraded skills worked like a charm. I kept [Destiny] running nonstop, with its aura shifted to ice affinity and froze the literal hell around me. Magma, or lava, however, you wanna call it, formed obsidian all around us, while the damage and the coldness totally ignored us. The spell was amazing. [Arsenal] came to a rescue when we found ourselves in a predicament, surrounded by multiple parties of creatures at one time. Forming the weapons into chakrams, and spinning them around us, created another level of security. I did use my new sword, but learning from yesterday's experience, without reinforcing it with too much mana.

With Olive learning both the upgraded [Blink] and [Infuse] she singlehandedly killed parties of fifty dragons, without even breaking a sweat. Additionally, she did use her [Destiny] ability, but with death affinity. Instead of slowing down enemies, as mine did, the death affinity one corroded them, slowly dissolving their flesh and killing them fairly quickly.

Our total kills counted in the hundreds, and thanks to that both of us leveled up like crazy. Not long into it, Olivia finally maxed out her Adventurer class level. It being only her second class, it only cost twice the starting one. After it, she straight up chose the Mage class, for all of its benefits regarding magic and the bonus towards her magical stats, and proceeded to level it up.

Mage 0/25

+1 DEX, +1 INT, +1 WIS per level

50% increase in the learning speed of magic.

25% increase in damage dealt with spells

20% reduced damage received from failed spells.

Allows a better understanding of magic.

However, the class didn't stay equipped for too long, throughout the day she carried on to effortlessly max it out, and gain a class I didn't see yet. Considering we were gaining hundreds of experiences per kill, it wasn't a surprise she could max out a max level 25 class so fast, but that did increase her experience requirement multiplier.

Spellblade 0/50

+1 STR, +1 AGI, +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 VIT per level

40% increase in the learning speed of magic and sword arts.

15% increase in damage dealt with spells and swords.

10% reduced damage taken from magic.

Gain the ability [Sword Aura], allowing you to become one with your sword.

Her other available classes were Rogue, Archer, Chief, Warrior, and Swordsman, and with the maxing out of Mage, she gained a few magic-related classes, like the one she chose, Spellblade, then Arch-Mage, Black Mage, Blue Mage, Burst Mage, Green Mage, Red Mage, and finally, White Mage. It wasn't even a surprise she went for the Spellblade class. It helped her out by increasing the stats, she was mainly focusing on, and extending her inventory slots, by granting her wisdom per level. Knowing now, that maxing out the mage class grants you some pretty overpowered classes, if nothing better is available, I plan on choosing it the next time i max out my class.

Sword Aura was a strange ability, she explained to me, that her sword felt like part of herself. While active, her sword gained an ethereal glow. The skill allowed her to use anything as a sword, and I mean anything, we tested it out with a pebble, which after she threw it at an enemy cleaved right through it. She could even turn her body into a sword, but as she lacked the sturdiness required to do so she didn't use it. Her swipes could be projected, becoming projectiles. Thankfully, I didn't waste my time upgrading [Infusion], because the spell and the skill interacted reasonably well while boosting each other's powers to another level. If all that wasn't enough, it added bonus damage to all of her sword attacks. The ability she gained from the class, was truly amazing.

[Skill: [Sword Aura] unlocked.]

[Sword Aura LVL:1/100]

- Anything can become a sword.

- Sword swipes can be shot off like projectiles.

- Sword aura surrounds your swords, increasing their damage output by 2%/LVL

As the day continued on, she reached all the way to class level 30, and global level 65, but that's when her leveling process slowed down. At that point for a single class level, she needed to kill fifteen level 5 enemies, and for a single global level, she needed 90. While farming, we completed one of our repeatable quests, granting us a 200 WP bonus. One of these days I'll just go in and complete all the low-level ones using my [Gate] [Alter Orb] combo, but that can wait.

[Quest: [Slay 5 (R*12)] Completed 50 WP(x4) Received]

As I suspected, because we increase in our tier, the reward multiplier decreased, it halved all the way to four times the normal, but even that was a nice little bonus. My level gains were similarly amazing, I have finally maxed out my Wizard class, and I could finally check out my unlocked classes.

My list was a bit longer than Olives, and it contained, Assassin, Samurai, Archer, Gunner, Painter, Bookworm, Chief, Cartographer, Blacksmith, Actor, Teacher, Adventurer (DanMachi), Warrior, Mage, Sorcerer, Sage, Enchanter, and finally the class I gained from maxing out Wizard, the Arch-Wizard. I mainly focused on the interesting ones.

Sorcerer 0/50

+1 DEX, +2 INT, +1 WIS, +1 CHA per level

The user gains the ability to manipulate the atmospheric mana in the local area.

Removes the requirements for chants.

75% increase in the learning speed of magic.

25% reduced damage taken from magic.

50% increase in Spell Damage.

Sage 0/100

+1 STR, +2 DEX, +4 INT, +4 WIS, +1 VIT, +1 P Res, +1 M. Res per level

Allows imagination-based spell casting. (Spells cast this way cost 10x the normal.)

50% reduced damage taken from magic.

100% increase in learning speed.

100% increase in Mana capacity.

100% Mana Regeneration.

Arch-Wizard 0/100

+3 DEX, +4 INT, +3 WIS, +3 VIT +1 CHA, +1 M. Res per level

Removal of magical focus, rune, or consumable items requirement for any type of spell cast.

150% increase in the learning speed of magic.

35% reduced damage taken from magic.

200% increase in Mana capacity.

75% increase in Spell Damage.

Mage could wait a bit, as out of all of these classes, the one that caught my eye was Sorcerer, the ability to manipulate atmospheric mana was, truthfully, overpowered. Particularly, in this world, where the atmospheric mana is abundant, especially, in the dungeon. The small bonus to spell damage and the removal of chants didn't even catch my eye. It was only a max level 50 class, but it held a lot of potential.

While Sage's imagination casting was tempting, from the description I could see that it was mana intense, and I could theoretically get the same magic from the Fairy Tail world, one of the top contenders for my future must-visit worlds. While the world might be weak considering my current abilities, the magic it held was on another level. However, there were magic systems and skills I would like to collect in other worlds too, some of them, truly, game-breaking.

The Arch-Wizard class however was an interesting choice. If it really worked the way it was described, it would allow me to cast rituals and ritual magic, without the need for a sacrifice. That was an utterly overpowered bonus, but currently useless to me. I did research rituals in the [Harry Potter] world and took all the knowledge Voldemort and Dumbledore had about them, but most of them came at a cost I wasn't willing to pay. Losing your humanity, for the increase of mana capacity, wasn't a fair trade. Nor was splitting your soul to gain partial immortality.

So after a closer inspection of the classes, I chose [Sorcerer], and as soon as I did, the world turned different. I gained a new sense, describing it wouldn't make sense. It was a feeling, like no other, mana all around me communicated with me, and so did I with it.

It vibrated with excitement, ready to act on my command. I wave my palm, and a spell circle forms in front of me, out of the atmospheric mana only, not a single drop of mine was wasted. With my newly gained ability, I could sense mana all around me, and with that ability came another. Sensing where mana was channeled or where it wasn't present, I could identify where entities were, even without [Celestial Eyes].

However, this ability had a limited range, tied straight to my intelligence stat, and currently stopped at a radius of 189 meters. It, however, did allow my farming to become even more interesting, changing the affinity of the mana around monsters, to let's say gravity affinity, allowed me to crush them to paste before they even spotted me. Doing the same thing with poison affinity, allowed me to kill off an entire group just by thinking about it. My new ability, while not directly as strong as Olives, if used in a smart way, could be a game changer, especially in a group fight.

The same ability allowed me to view the dungeon in a different light, as I expected, the walls were radiating out massive amounts of space affinity mana. Expanding all of its insides tremendously. It was strange seeing it in progress, as the size of the dungeon still grew. Something with a massive mana pool was feeding the dungeon, there was no other option, no other way. Just by inspecting the walls of this floor, I could see trillions of points of mana flowing through it, and my attempts to interact with it were all rebuffed, resulting in an angry tremor from the dungeon.

"Yea seems like we could add, 'Do not try to manipulate the mana inside of the dungeon walls' to the list of dungeon rules." I say with a deadpan look, as the nearest walls open and a dungeon party, consisting of a few hundred dragons exits it.

"You think so?" Olive asks me with a wry smile on her face, not expecting an answer.

So with my class pick done, I continued helping Olive, slaughter the inhabitants of this floor, only to have the levels of my new class reach all the way to 21 and my global reach 67. After spending around 20 hours in the dungeon, and maxing out our falna stats long before that. We decided to head home and wait till the morning for a level update.

Our tired bodies took a nice and warm bath and without dinner, fell asleep the instant our heads impacted the pillows. The next day started with both me and Olive, leveling up to level 5 and after we did so we received a notification for a quest complete, one which I totally forgot about.

[Quest: [Lvl 5] Completed 1,000 WP(x4) Received]

[Magical Embodiment LVL: Max]

- The user gains the ability to transform into an elemental form, using the affinity he chooses, gaining total immunity towards the selected affinity, while increasing the damage taken from its counterpart by 100%.

The skill I gained from the level-up was actually quite intriguing. It gave me a form of immunity towards specific magic affinities, considering this world's dungeon was thematic, it was a pretty nice ability, but from only its description, it felt like a letdown, and I was quite sure why I received this ability.

The available options weren't really inciting, so the development ability I choose this time, considering I'm using an actual physical weapon, was Swordsman. The flat increase in sword damage, not only could affect my [Arsenal]'s damage but also Omen's. Not like that one really needed a damage boost.

[Swordsman LVL: 1/120]

- Increases the damage and speed of your swing while using a sword by 0.5%/LVL.

[Falna Status] (Andrew)

Level: 4 > 5

Strength: 981 (S) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Endurance: 998 (S) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Dexterity: 992 (S) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Agility: 977 (S) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Magic: 1,500 (SSS) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)


[Mage C>A] [Spirit Healing D>B] [Magic Resistance I>H] [Swordsman I]


[Void Step D] > [Blink B] [Mistilteinn D] > [Arsenal C] [Celestial Eyes E>D] [Alter Orb F] [Gate F] [Celestial Forge G>F] [Clean F>E] [Infuse G>E] [Svalinn I] [Gift of Life I] [Fly I] [Destiny I>F]


[Sage's Wisdom] [Mana's Blessing] [Magic Penetration] [Magical Embodiment]

Next up to level up was Olivia. She was excited expecting another amazing skill, and as expected, she was gifted one. She finally received a boosting skill, based on stamina, and damn was she happy about it.

[Heroic Empowerment LVL: Max]

- Rise the limits of your body, gaining a boost to all your physical stats.

- While active it constantly drains stamina depending on the boost percentage.

- After the deactivation, mental fatigue can set in, the duration depends on the strength of your mind, boost percentage, and the duration the skill was active.

The skill, same as mine, had a downside, which can thankfully be combated with rising intelligence and wisdom. She tested the skill out straight away and she could boost her Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Agility, and Perception by up to 23%, without suffering any downsides. After that, she described the effect of mental fatigue as being in power-saving mode, being lethargic, or being low on caffeine. The highest she tested out the skill was going up to 50%, losing 500 Stamina points per second, and keeping the ability running for five minutes, which gave her a slight headache for 1 minute, but the effect quickly disappeared after that.

While active the skill surrounds her with a yellowish aura, making her quite easy to spot. As she increases the boost percentage, the size and the brightness of it increases as well, but for some strange reason doesn't affect her eyesight.

[Falna Status] (Olivia)

Level: 4 > 5

Strength: 1,002 (SS) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Endurance: 985 (S) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Dexterity: 658 (C) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Agility: 1,058 (SS) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)

Magic: 780 (B) > 1,500 (SSS) > 0 (I)


[Swordsman B>A] [Chain Attack F>E] [Crush G>F] [Abnormal Resistance I]


[Icicles D>C] [Void Step C] > [Blink B] [Clean F>E] [Infuse E>C] [Fly I] [Destiny I>G]


[Heart's Desire] [Sacred Dance] [True Cut] [Heroic Empowerment]

For her development ability, she surprisingly chose Abnormal Resistance, which granted her resistance to poison and diseases. The only side effect of the skill was that it raised her alcohol tolerance.

[Abnormal Resistance LVL:1/120]

- Increases the body's resistance to poisons, toxins, and diseases by 0.25%/LVL, making it more difficult for harmful substances and pathogens to affect the user's health.

- Enhances the body's natural defenses, such as the immune system and detoxification processes, allowing it to respond more quickly and effectively to threats.

- Allows the user to build up a tolerance to certain substances and toxins over time, making them less harmful or even beneficial in small doses.

- Does not grant complete invincibility or immunity, as some poisons and diseases may be too potent or unpredictable for the body to handle, and some environmental hazards may require specialized equipment or techniques to counter.

She made tremendous progress in only a few days, and she didn't want to stop there. Considering we were still tired from yesterday's dive, we decided on taking a day off. Olive went back to our room and I went outside to finally craft the accessories.

For the main crafting material, I used the horn. I started off [Celestial Forge] extended its radius, as much as I could, and dropped the horn inside of it. The horn fought against the spell, the moment it entered it, the radiating void energies destabilized the whole spell. I had to activate [Focus] right from the bet and force the spell and horn into stability. Even after the spell reached a million degrees Celsius the effects on the horn were minimal, a bit of charring here and there was all I could see. I increased the pressure inside of it and raised the temperature to an all-time high, at fifty million degrees, the material started to shine, and slowly melt away. All the contained mana was explosively released from the drop item and thanks to my prompt intervention, and Sorcerer class, it was converted and dispersed to the atmosphere. I didn't want a repeat of what happened to the forest, right inside of the town, as the escaping void energies could easily rip space apart. The size of the material, shrank and it lost some of its mass, some of it disintegrated some just ceased to exist. My [Blacksmithing] skill, granted me a welcome insight into void-based materials, and with that, I knew the material was a bit finicky, highly enchantable, and ultra-rare everywhere under world tier 5.

I created a few hundred ingots from the material and deposited them to the side. Only leaving a small amount inside of the spell still flowing about. Next up I added Dir Adamantium, smelting it barely in an instant, and forming two hollow rings. I created a few millimeter-thick grooves on the outside of each of the rings, circling around the ring and going down all the way to the hole in them, then inserted the void material only into the groove, leaving the hollowed inside empty, as I already had other plans for it.

Next up, all my attention was on enchanting the rings, the runic script had to be small enough to fit on the inside of the ring, while at the same time functional, and for that, the runes had to be a few millimeters in size. I was probably creating the first micro-enchantment this world has ever seen. With the complexity and rune count of the enchantment I was planning on adding to it, I had a long and hard job ahead of me.

One of my most missed spells from the last world was [Nexum], the ability to feel the needs and wants of each other while communicating with telepathy. Thanks to my understanding of runic language, the DanMachi version of the spell was light years ahead of its cousin.

[Link lvl 1]

- Connects two or more entities into a mental link, disregarding distance between them.

- Allows the transfer of thoughts, senses, knowledge, and emotions.

- Creates a sturdy mental barrier.

- Allows the knowledge of the location of connected links.

{Affinity: Space/Soul}

{Chant: None}

The spell consisted of a few hundred runes, carving all of that into both of the rings, took hours of hard work. Each time I made a mistake, even if it was just a millimeter, the rune had to be erased and rewritten. The runes went deep into the rings, reaching all the way to the hollow inside. Finishing the engraving process of the [Link] spell, I added a few other, smaller, enchantments to the ring.

The runic variation of the sticking charm was added to it, preventing us from accidentally losing the rings, while at the same time allowing us the removal of them, by inserting mana into a specific rune. Yea, I did think ahead and didn't want the ring stuck to my fingers forever. Next up was the durability enchantment, even with the high-class materials I used for crafting, there was a chance the rings could get damaged, and this runic script prevented it.

Both rings had a bit of space left for additional enchantments, and I already had plans for them, but sadly didn't have the runic knowledge to create them. I might need to wait for us to leave this world, and add them using the Harry Potter type of enchantments.

Done with all the enchantments I added a level six magical core into [Celestial Forge], melted it in an instant, then filled the runes and hollow part of the rings with the liquid crystal, allowing the runic script stable support, and stopping any accidental overheating in the process. Finally, I smoothed out both rings and added a shiny finish to both of them. The end result was a silver ring, with a black band going through the middle of it, while its back side had shiny blue engraving on them.

The void material enhanced the ring's ability to transmit information, with this, we could communicate even if we were separated world apart. However, the upkeep of the spell was dependent on the distance, but only one of us had to pay the mana cost for the connection to be established. It was the perfect gif and accessory for my girl. I stashed them both into my inventory and went back into the house.