HP 10

The classroom redecoration was successful, even if it lasted almost all day. After I showed Tilly what I wanted, she sent out a group of elves to collect the items. I didn't ask where they got all of them, and I didn't plan to.

A few hours later, the gray and murky classroom was well lit, the walls were painted in light blue, multiple posters of the globe and different events littered the walls, the windows were magically expanded and their sills were now covered in plants of mundane kind. The old shabby-looking school tables and chairs were switched up for modern school desks and comfortable chairs with cushions.

Not even my corner of the room could escape redesigning, the sturdy few hundred-year-old desk was switched up for a metal frame and glass top desk, not the most practical for a school, but it looked pretty nice, while the old teacher's chair was switched up for a comfortable one with wheels, finally the blackboard behind the desk was magically expanded and now covered most of the wall.

To complete the ambiance a large aquarium was placed in the right corner, then filled with exotic but mundane types of fish. I always wanted an aquarium, now with the help of the elves I could keep the fish fed even when I'm not here. The aquarium stood right next to the door to my office, which simultaneously served as my sleeping quarters.

I've made a few changes to my office as well, the desk here hasn't changed, however, the shabby looking chair was, the bed was also switched into something more comfortable, while the gray walls were colored into a shade of blue and some plants were placed around the room to create a calming ambiance. I added two armchairs before my desk and a coffee table in between them. I didn't want to spend my time in a depressive atmosphere, so the lighting of the room was also switched to something more appropriate.

The redesign lasted for most of the day, and as I had to supervise the elves, one of them went to the kitchen and grabbed me a nice but greasy lunch. Quite the useful creatures, I had to say. As six o'clock neared, I followed the library map straight to the Great Hall and was met with an almost full room. Most of the professors already sat by the main table, and they greeted me with nods, while the kids were genuinely surprised by my arrival.

I walked up to the teachers and greeted each one of them with a bright smile, and introduced myself to those who didn't seem to have to meet me. Seeing them in person, instead of reading or watching them through a screen, was quite intriguing. Their quirky personalities were well displayed in the books, as most of them were perfect replicas of how they were described there. I strike up a conversation with the charms professor, Filius Flitwick, an enthusiastic, upbeat, and cheerful little guy, who was well-known in his youth for his dueling expertise. I even asked him for some guidance, but he dismissed me saying his back was not like it used to be.

A few moments later the headmaster joined our side, and as I was about to shake his hand my smile almost crumbled. His first task upon greeting me was to try and probe my mind. My mental shield held strong and rebound his attempt at mind reading. I had to reel back my anger not just kill him right now and there. On the surface I showed nothing of my true thoughts, gaining me a level of [Deception] and [Acting]. I simply raised an eyebrow at him a clear indication of annoyance, and like it was no big deal, he just waved it all off with some grandfatherly words and a laugh.

'Soon...' I took a deep breath and refocused on the Great Hall. The place was as beautiful as described in the books, the charmed high ceiling perfectly mirrored the outside sky. I wasn't sure why people thought this was such a big deal, the enchanting work to make something like this wasn't actually that hard. You needed an enchanting array that served as a camera and another one that served as a display. It was basically a TV that you could interact with, well probably a better comparison would be Virtual Reality, but whatever.

Judging by how empty the four large tables looked, the capacity of the school was around two thousand students, while only about a thousand attended it. The four tables housing the members of the four 'great' houses, were already partially filled when Minerva finally entered the Great Hall, followed by the freshman.

I gave a good glance at the newly arrived kids and a smile appeared on my face. Hermione was just as described, and so were Malfoy, Longbottom, and Ronald. Seeing these kids in real life, was like a dream come true. I loved the books as a kid and even stood in line in front of a bookstore to get the latest ones.

This is one of the things I love about the Library system. I never had an anime 'waifu', so I'm not planning on running around collecting girls, like pokemons. I'd rather jump into stories and enjoy the worlds while screwing up the story as much as I can. If I do pick up a chick on the way, it definitively won't be an underage anime girl. Thinking it through, I realize that, depending on how my feeling towards her develop, I might want to extract Olivia from this world.

My thought processes come to a complete halt when I spotted the last kid entering the Hall, the kid had me doing a double and triple take, as I was pretty sure I have killed him. A boy, with thick-rimmed glasses over his green eyes, a black messy hair, and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead entered the hall. The system confirmed the kill notification, so this one must've been a doppelganger or someone pretending to be him. I give Dumbledore a side glance and notice him smiling at the kid. I was sure he was up to something, but I wasn't sure what.

The sorting ceremony commences, and the kids are sorted into their respective houses. Neville was sorted to Hufflepuff, Malfoy to Slytherin, Ron to Gryffindor, while Hermione was a surprise and ended up in Ravenclaw. Seems like she didn't click with Harry and Ron, so they didn't have an influence on her final house placement. Finally, ending the sorting ceremony Potters' name was called and he walked up to the podium with confidence in his stride, the confidence you wouldn't see from the abused child, he put the hat on his head and was unceremoniously sorted to Slytherin.

Silence descended into the hall as everyone, even the headmaster, expected the kid to be sorted to Gryffindor. Thankfully, [Acting] helped keep back the chuckle that almost escaped my mouth. Then out of nowhere the hall exploded in commotion and chatter, Harry stood up his robes shifting into that of Slytherin and he joined the unwelcoming gang.

'Now this will be interesting.' I think to myself. 'A pretend Harry, sorted to Slytherin, the house that hates the original the most. What kind of shit will they put him through?' I wonder.

The commotion was silenced by the headmaster, who choose that moment to warn the kids about the dangers of the third-floor corridor, and finally introduce me and Quirrell as the new teachers of Muggle Studies and Defense against the Dark Arts respectably. I gave a quick wave to the kids while Quirrell bowed in their way. After Dumbledore's speech concluded, and the kids sang that horrible school song, he clapped his hand food appeared on the tables and we silently dug in.

"The food Olivia prepares is better." I mumble to myself, only noticing one of the professors sitting next to me listening in.

"Oh, you're not a fan of the cosine?" Asks the hyperactive Halfling.

"I didn't say that Professor Flitwick, it's just that I've been enjoying the homemade meals my girlfriend makes for a few weeks now, so I'm used to food that's a bit on the light side. Honestly, it's not bad, it's just a bit too greasy for me." He rapidly nods his head in understanding then adds.

"Totally understandably, I also loved my ex-girlfriend's meals." He says while giving Professor Sprout a glance. "Maybe it was the affection or love put in that made it taste so good." He says absent-mindedly while still looking in the Herbology teacher's direction. He comes back to reality and swiftly looks back my way then clears his throat and adds. "Anyway, getting used to Hogwarts cosine even took me some time. If you have any dietary needs, just ask the elves. They would be delighted to make you a separate meal."

"Thank you for your advice, I'll talk to the elves later." Appreciating his advice, I thank him with a nod.

"You're welcome! Now, I've never actually talked to anyone who studied in Mahoutokoro, any noticeable differences between the two schools?"

"Hmm... The first one that comes to mind is that Hogwarts is a lot gloomier, while it looks amazing from the outside, the gray walls inside do make me feel a bit depressed."

"Intriguing!" He exclaims, then excuses himself to the rest of the table, and turns back to me. "Any difference between the curriculum?"

"Hmm funny that you ask, I was quite bored during the wait for the start of the semester so I bought the full curriculum of Hogwarts and went through it." He rises his eyebrow in amazement, and I continue. "I'm guessing that it's because of the British Ministry of Magic, and its Education biro, and not Hogwarts fault, but most of the subjects thought seem to be lagging behind the rest of the world, well at least behind Mahoutokoro."

"You don't say!" He exclaims again, pulling the attention of the other professors, but this time he ignores them completely and focuses on our talk. "What's the biggest difference?"

"Hmm... Well for starters there aren't houses, there are seven dorms, separated into girls and boys. Rituals are also taught in school." He interrupts my bulshiting with a quick question.

"How do you then fight off the corruption rituals cause?" He asks rising an eyebrow.

"With Purification rituals." I say confused. "That's what their biggest use is. But those aren't even the biggest differences, what kids learn in the third year in Hogwarts, Mahoutokoro teaches in the first year."

"That cannot be possible." He says while shaking his head. "Their magical power isn't developed enough to cast so complex spells."

"Why not try it yourself?" I ask pointing at him. "Give some students from the first year an accelerated learning curve. Drop all the theory for them, and only focus on teaching them how to cast the spell. It's no real use for them to learn how a spell came to be, and who and why used it before. They won't remember it, or actually need it in their lives."

"True and it is an intriguing idea." He says mumbling to himself and scratching his chin. "I'll consider it."

Our conversation concludes the moment Dumbledore announces the end of the meal and sends off the kids to their dorms. I excuse myself bid goodnight to the rest of the staff and walk back to my classroom slash office slash bedroom. I cast a locking charm on the door, and a few alarm charms that would notify me if anyone entered the room, placed down my trunk and went in for a good night's sleep.

My alarm clock wakes me up early in the morning, I stretch and after donning my robes I walk out of the trunk shrink it back into a necklace and go to the Great hall to attend breakfast. Some of the staff was already there including Minerva who perked up on seeing me.

"Ah! Good morning professor Thompson."

'I will never get used to people calling me professor.' I think before greeting the staff including the old witch.

Handing me six papers she says. "Your class and patrol schedule are complete. Please try to adhere to them."

"Thank you, I will." I reply and sit down and look through the papers while spreading butter on my toast.

Monday: 09:00 – 11:00 -> 5th year all four houses.

Tuesday: 09:00 – 11:00 -> 7th year all four houses.

Wednesday: 09:00 – 11:00 -> 3rd years Gryffindor and Hufflepuff

Wednesday: 13:15 – 15:30 -> 3rd years Slytherin and Ravenclaw

Wednesday: 22:00 – 01:00 -> Patrol the 1st to 3rd floor.

Thursday: 09:00 – 11:00 -> 4th years Slytherin and Ravenclaw

Thursday: 13:15 – 15:30 -> 4th years Gryffindor and Hufflepuff

Thursday: 22:00 – 01:00 -> Patrol the 1st to 3rd floor.

Friday: 09:00 – 11:00 -> 6th year all four houses.

My timetable wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, nor were the two days of patrols on Wednesday and Thursday. The teaching plan was already created, as I had some free time during my last few weeks in London, but I didn't plan to stay here for too long, so only the first two months were meticulously planned out. With the number of classes, I'll truly have to teach reduced to such a low number, I will have ample time to enjoy my stay here, like my little side project. On Tuesday hopefully, I'll find a compatible test subject and my little side 'project' can start.

I give a quick glance at the rest of the papers, containing the names of the kids that will be attending my class. There were not a lot of them, and as the years went up, the number of children attending it decreased. That actually explained why the fifth, sixth, and seventh years all had classes at the same time. To my surprise I actually recognized two names on my list, the Weasley twins will be attending my class, on Wednesday. That was actually a good thing, as I'll be able to 'politely' ask them for the map.

The meal came to an end and I walked back to my classroom, awaiting my first students. Not long after the fifteen to sixteen-year-old kids enter the classroom and are awed by its new and improved looks. The kids slowly trickle in, and the moment the clock hits nine a wave of my hand shuts the door, making the kids perk up in wonder. Yeah, wandless magic was a big deal around here, I always forget about it.

"Greetings everyone, my name is Andrew Thompson, and from today on I'll be your Muggle Studies professor. You can address me as professor, prof, teacher, or even mister Thompson. I don't truly give a flying fuck." My last words produce a few giggles around the room as the chalk levitates and writes down my name on the blackboard.

"What I do care about is how you behave in class, and disruptions on purpose or not will be punished with detention of my choosing. I don't care who your parents are or who they know in the ministry. This is a school and not a playground, you'll be paying attention and learning and not fucking around in my class. And if you're not comfortable with all of this, as this class is an elective subject you're welcome to give it up and leave right now." Honestly, I was a bit annoyed, even after waiting for a few seconds, no one took up my offer and left the room, so I continue the class.

"Fantastic... Now that we're over my introduction, let's go over yours. I have my trusty little attendance list here. We will be assessing your knowledge from the first few years of this class while playing a little game. I'll call out a name, and ask three questions about the Muggle World, if the person can answer two questions correctly, his house will gain a single point answering all three will give you two. Is that acceptable?" A chorus of yesses resounds in the classroom and a smile appears on my face.

"Perfect, let's start with the first one on the list, and that is... Alastair Cattermole." I announce the name and a gawky and nerdy Ravenclaw kid stands up. "So Alastair, let's start with something easy. Tell me what you know about Darwin's Evolution Theory."

"It's a theory of how a species evolves and adapts throughout time depending on different factors. Also, it says something about, how humans evolved from monkeys." His clearly correct answer causes a few pureblood wizards to snicker. Well, Alistair was clearly a muggleborn, and with those looks, probably not the most popular one in the school.

"Correct, hmm let's stay in the same era. Next question is, what is viewed as the start, and from where did the industrial revolution originate."

"Britain, and the creation of the first steam engine." Again the kid answers correctly.

"Mark me surprised, I didn't think you would know that. The last question, ancient Greeks, had two cities that were heavily at odds with each other. One was focused on military might, while the other on education."

"Umm... Sparta and Athens?"

"Correct, two points to Ravenclaw. You can sit down Alastair. Next up Beatrice Fairchild..."

The first forty-five minutes of the class only consisted of me asking questions and the kids answering them, after I went through the full attendance list, finding everyone present, and distributing only 15 points in total to the twenty-three kids attending my class, I started teaching about the modern era, while conjuring illusions of different machinery and weapons, amazing the kids all around. It was not long before the class bell rang and the dejected kids left the room. Also, during the second part of the class, the system informed me that I received a new skill that will actually help out in my tasks here. All in all, teaching this particular class, wasn't such a horrible experience.

[Skill: [Teaching] unlocked.]

[Teaching LVL:1/100]

- Increases the speed and efficiency of passing on knowledge 10%/LVL