HP 13

(A/N: Fair warning, there is an NSFW part in the chapter. If you're not into S&M / mind manipulation/denial plays and similar stuff just ignore it. It's only there to portray the sadistic part of the MC's character but adds nothing else to the story. Plus, I'm pretty sure it can be considered as some kind of grooming or whatever.)

Tuesday at nine o'clock, the bell rings for the start of the second week of Muggle Studies class for the seventh-year students. I have already started the class, but my mood wasn't the best, one of my students was missing, and I was about to send someone to get them when the door to the classroom suddenly opened. A disheveled and frustrated-looking Emily with bags under her eyes trots into the classroom and freezes in place upon noticing that it has already been started.

"Miss Ashenford, nice of you to join us." I say, the tell-tell sign of disapproval showing on my face. I nock my head in the direction of her seat and add. "I'll allow you to join us this time, but don't let it happen again."

"I'm sorry for being late and t-thank you, professor." She says with a thin voice while fidgeting with her hands in nervousness. Her shy demeanor doesn't even let her make eye contact with me.

"Now as I was saying before Miss Ashenford interrupted us..." I continued my lecture like normal, after Emily took her seat, talking about different electronic tools and equipment and their uses, while seldom spiking the girl's arousal. Her attempt to hide her flustered face was a sight to see, and I had to focus on [Acting] just so I didn't break character and maniacally laugh out loud.

As the class progressed, I amped up the feelings she was experiencing and simultaneously started to let her feel some pleasure. I had to thank myself for choosing these types of tables, as the small gap between the tabletop and the compartment below allowed me a clear sight of her reaching between her legs and tightly clamping on them. The lock on her climax was still in place, she could reach the boiling point but never tip over it.

A light moan, almost inaudible to anyone, but those with heightened perception, resounds in the background, muffled by my own voice. I halt my lecture and with a gruff voice berate the culprit.

"Miss Ashenford, not only do you arrive late, but you're also disturbing the class." The moment she was called out, she went wide-eyed, and she swiftly extracted her damp hand from the embrace of her thighs. The commotion she causes, makes the rest of the class look her way, but none realize what she was doing, I make sure of it. "The next time you disturb the class you're going to end in detention. Am I understood?" I angrily announced.

"Y-yes p-professor." She stutters, while she stands, her cheeks burning in embarrassment. I spiked her arousal even more. Her ample thighs start rubbing together as she uncomfortably stands before the class.

"Sit down." I command. Making her quickly plant her soaked behind on the cushioned chair below her and simultaneously lets out a sigh of relief.

I continue the class like normal, and while slowly increasing her arousal, but keep the pleasure she's feeling at a believable level. I seldom look her way and spike it up a bit, and I don't need to wait too long before her hand travels downwards again. I let her play with herself, my senses picking her ragged breathing up without an issue, when it suddenly hitches, I spiked her pleasure unexpectedly, making her release a surprising moan.

She is shocked by herself, rapidly places a hand over her mouth, and tentatively looks around. Her face burned up in embarrassment like never before. The classroom was deathly silent, with everyone looking her way, but the moment her eyes met mine, the spike in excitement she felt on her own, made a smile appear on my face.

"Miss Ashenford, I think you earned a detention. Tonight, seven-thirty, my office." I say with a smile while modifying the memories of the rest of her classmates, replacing her embarrassing display with the memory of her falling asleep. No need for the future ruler of the wizarding world to have an embarrassing high school story.

I'm a generous god, am I not? I know I'm doing this in the most fucked up roundabout way possible, but this way it's way more fun, and I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can. Plus, I get to corrupt a pure girl.

The class ends and the girl similarly to last time is the last to leave. Again casting a cleaning charm not only on her soaked-through clothes but the chair and floor as well. Must have been a pretty enjoyable class, I must say. Before she leaves, I remind her about the detention and set her new arousal levels at a few percentages higher than they used to be.

The rest of the day I spent trying to improve the ice variant of [Fiendfyre]. I have progressed tremendously, I could already cast the spell, but I knew it wasn't complete. The image I was focusing on wasn't perfect. I kept focusing on Freeze, Entomb, and Shatter, and the spell did just that. It hit the target, froze it and cracks started forming on it. But compared to the original spell, which could burn away even souls, this one had almost no power at all. The original spell required you to focus on the image of Excite, Consume, and Perish. I knew I was near the final stretch, and a few more days of experimenting will bring results.

As I continue working on my spell, a knock on my door office door interrupts me. I give the clock a quick glance and I'm surprised at how time flew by so fast, the girl was right on time. [Telekinesis] grabs the door handle and swings it open. Meanwhile, I pack my stuff up and pretend to deposit it inside a drawer, while actually placing everything inside of my inventory. No need for her to accidentally or not, see it just yet, she'll have time to learn.

She takes a tentative step inside my office and the moment her thoughts start revolving around the fact that she's alone with me, I spike up her arousal by quite a large margin.

"Right on time Miss Ashenford." I say flashing her a smile.

"G-good evening p-professor." A light blush appears on her face as she stutters.

"You were quite distracted during my class today, is everything alright, is someone bullying you?" 'Except for me.' I almost add.

"N-no professor." She shakes her head in denial, and doesn't mention anything about what she's experiencing. 'Good...'

"That's good to hear. Now let's discuss your punishment. You have two options: we can do it the Hogwarts way, or we could do it the Mahoutokoro way. Which one would you prefer?"

"M-mahoutokoro way, professor?" She asks confused tilting her head to the side.

"Well..." I stand up and start walking around. "Instead of how Hogwarts punishes students by having them take detentions for a prolonged time, Mahoutokoro applies a more direct and instantaneous approach. Misbehaving students depending on their transgressions receive ten to thirty swats to their bottoms with wooden rulers." I hide my smile with the quick application of [Acting], while her eyes go wide in surprise at that revelation. Meanwhile, her mind starts wandering down the rabbit hole, and I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. I didn't even need to give her any mental suggestions. No, that was all her. To give her a little push I slowly start increasing her arousal levels. Making her already apparent blush, increase in intensity, as she nervously fidgets while swaying in place, attempting to hide the fact that she's desperately trying to rub her thigh together to prevent anything from leaking.

"It's up to you, I'm not going to force anything." I say while I sit down cross-legged on my armchair right next to my desk. "So what will be your choice... Emily." I ask, flashing her an innocent smile.

An audible gulp resounds through the room, while simultaneously three dings resound in my mind, [Deception], [Seduction], and [Acting], all level up.

~*~*~* NSFW START *~*~*~

After giving her a moment to think it through, while monitoring all of her thoughts, she nods to herself and tries to reasonably explain her decision.

"P-professor, I'd rather take it the Mahoutokoro way and be done with it. I'll have N.E.W.T.s this year and I'm already lagging behind, I-i can't lose time in detention." She says trying to sound convincing. I might have even believed her if I didn't know what her actual thoughts were, while a solidary droplet of liquid traced it's way down the inner part of her thighs.

"Completely understandable." I say with a serious face. "Take off only your robe, place your palms on my desk, bend forward, and spread your legs apart." I command while spiking her arousal and standing up. Her eyes go wide and she freezes in place, she hesitates, while thinking that this choice might not have been the best idea.

"P-p-professor?" She stutters.

"Yes?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"I-is all of that n-necessary?" She asks in a thin voice while looking at the ground.

"Oh definitively. How would I otherwise administer the punishment." I answer with a smile. "Now what are you waiting for? Or did you perhaps change your mind? It's still not too late to choose the other one." I point it out.

She takes in a deep breath, shakes her head then drops her robe on the other armchair and stands before the desk. She stands there contemplating and takes another breath, she places her palms on the tabletop and bends forward.

"L-like t-this?" She asks nervously.

"Perfect, now for the instrument." I say waving my hand at the quill before her, which transfigurates into a half-meter-long wooden ruler just before her eyes. Her breath hitches as I reach around her, her eyes following all of my actions as I grab the ruler.

Her heart raced at an unprecedented pace, a million miles per hour, with excitement coursing through her veins. It wasn't just my manipulation that stirred her emotions, but also the anticipation of what was to come. Yet, even as she eagerly awaited this new experience, a sense of nervousness and apprehension weighed upon her.

I pat the inside of her legs with the ruler, making her flinch in fright, while also in a commanding tone, I order her. "Spread them." Her knees shake, but her legs do as I command. A thin film of [Muffliato] covers the walls of the room, keeping all of the noise inside, while the door of my office suddenly locks itself, not allowing anyone in or... out.

"You will count each swat aloud. One. By. One." I say slowly, adding to the dramatic effect, each of my worlds sending shivers down her spine. "When you reach ten, we are done." I unexpectedly bring down the ruler for the first time, and at the same time spike both her arousal and pleasure by an extreme level.

A simultaneous yelp of pleasure and pain resounds in my room. She doesn't count, so while rising the intensity of the curse to another notch, I deliver another swat, this time on her other butt cheek. Her breathing hitches and she grits her teeth to prevent an accidental moan from leaving her mouth.

"You're not counting." I say delivering another swat.

"Ugh, three."

"No, no, no, no... From the beginning, you missed one and two." I say and a sadistic smile forms on my face, just before delivering another swat.

*Smack* "Mmph, one." A grunt escapes her lips.

*Thwack* "Ngh, t-two." The speed of her breathing intensifies, as I suddenly spike her pleasure with each new swat of the wooden ruler. She stops caring for the noises she's making, as her mind starts to go hazy from the simultaneous stimulation of pain and pleasure.

*Smack* "Unh, Oh my god. T-threee." Her back arches, while her hips press hard against the sturdy oak desk. Her hands move to the side, grabbing onto whatever she could find nearby and squeezing it with as much force as she can muster.

*Whack* "Guh, Haaa, f-foouuuurrr. Ugh." All strength leaves her arms. She falls face first between them, while her eye rolls back in ecstasy. In her mind, the rest of the world ceases to exist, only she, the pleasure, and the ruler exist.

*Smack* "Ugh, f-fiiIIIveE. Ahhh." Her breathing becomes erratic, and drool starts traveling down her face falling straight on top of my table, but she keeps smiling expectantly.

By the eighth swat, each of her numbers was followed by a heavy moan, her breathing was rapid, and her legs were shaky. Her left hand was pitching her nipple, meanwhile, her right had traveled under her dress, and was flicking her sacred bead. The floor between her legs has long been coated by her juices, which soaked right through her modest cotton-white panties.

The ninth swat resounds in the room. Her legs are spasming, barely keeping her up, a guttural moan escapes her lips as she says nine and a few new droplets join the puddle on the floor. The curse was affecting her almost at the maximum output. The only thing keeping her away from the blissful ecstasy of a release was me.

As the tenth smack resounds, I max out the curse while at the same time allowing her to orgasm. She screams out ten and squirts all over my floor. Shaking uncontrollably, she drops into the mess she made and continues to spasm on the ground. Her glistening sweat-covered body, lying on the floor, was a sight to see. Her breathing was erratic, but a satisfied smile was plastered all over her face. A self-deprecating chuckle escapes her lips as she catches her breath. She rises her sleeve and brushes off the sweat covering her forehead, while her other hand reaches her bruised behind and the moment she touches it, she takes in a sharp breath.

While all of this was happening I was squatting right by her side, seemingly invisible to all of her senses. When her breathing finally stabilizes I forcefully grab her chin and turn her head to face me. Our eyes meet, and that's when reality hits her. That's when she realizes what she's just done in front of a teacher, her tear and drool-covered face goes from crimson to deathly pale. But on my face only a calm smile is identifiable. "Thank me for the guidance." I command.

It takes her endorphin-overloaded mind a moment to fully grasp what I just said. She nervously and slowly nods then says. "T-thank you for the guidance, p-professor." My smile widens as I slowly rise and place a hand on her head. After affectionately patting her, in an endearing voice I say. "Good girl." A shiver runs through her body upon hearing those words. Her already rapid heartbeat intensifies, and once again a crimson blush spreads on her face. [Seduction] levels up again, while I smile then move back to sit down on my armchair.

"Would you be so kind as to clean up the mess you made?" I ask. "After that, you can head back to your dorm." It takes her another moment to realize what mess I was talking about. But when she does, she suddenly bolts up, still feeling the after-effects of both her orgasm and "punishment", she unsteadily and awkwardly stands. She shakily takes out her wand and requires multiple casts of [Tergeo] to appear presentable. After that, she continues the cleaning by casting the same spell on the table and the floor, while giving me, who's attentively watching all of this, shy glances from time to time. When she's done cleaning up, I disable the silencing charm and unlock the door.

"That's enough. You're free to leave, but remember next time I won't be so gentle, this was a punishment after all. Don't you agree?" I say with a smile, making Emily timidly nod and pick up her robe then move towards the door.

~*~*~* NSFW END *~*~*~

Just before she leaves, I set her constant arousal levels at around ten percent of her maximum and lock away her climax again. This way she won't be able to have any fun without me and shortly she will be back. Finally, I implant the thought into her mind, that this play should be a little secret shared only shared between us, to keep the things happening here from spreading from the confines of these four walls.

The girl however surprises me, a wide smile appears on her face, and the curse informs me about the spike in her arousal, which happened without any of my input. I raise an eyebrow at that development, but before I can delve deeper into that thought, she turns towards me and with a bright smile says. "Sweet dreams, professor!"

The click of the closing door resounds in my office and I can't help but mumble.

"Maybe I went a tidbit too far..." I shake my head and laugh at my silly thoughts.

My only plans with her were to make her a new generation "Dark Lord", that will bring the end to the era of stagnation and start a new renaissance of magic. Nothing much to ask, right? Is using her emotions as a tool to manipulate her smart? No, not even a bit, nor are they ethically moral. But do I care? No, not even a bit, she's just a tool after all. You might be asking yourselves how is all of this even connected to becoming a Dark Lord. Well, it all comes down to the convoluted plan of making her addicted to me while at the same time making her think of me as her master. That way I can order her around without an ounce of hesitation on her part, the pleasure we both feel however is just an added benefit.

If Umbridge could force her students to torture themselves without anyone batting an eye, I can do whatever I want in my detentions. Not to say there will be more participants in these types of detentions. No, these types will only be reserved for Emily. Now that I think about it, maybe I can even prop the idea to Olivia, she'd definitely enjoy this play.

"Now the denial play starts." I say to the empty musky smelling room with a chuckle.

~-~*~* NSFW-ish Omake *~*~-~

(Emily's POV) (Rejoice in the first-ever POV change in the series)

Wednesday morning, on the other side of the castle of Hogwarts, a young birthday girl awakens from her deep slumber even earlier than the roosters welcoming the first rays of the day. She rapidly blinks, dismissing the sleep from her eyes while her mind thinks back at what has happened the previous night.

"There's no way that happened." She whispers, but the pain she still feels from her bruised backside tells her the opposite. Her face goes crimson, she plants her face into her palms stifling a scream of embarrassment. Calming down after her little episode, she remembers where she was and gives swift a glance at her surrounding, checking if she unintentionally awoke one of her roommates. A relieved sigh leaves her mouth, as she doesn't notice, nor hear any movements or shuffles around.

'What was I thinking of doing something so embarrassing in front of Professor Thompson? Ahh!!' She screams again, but this time internally, but the moment her thoughts revolve around the event, the pleasure, the new and exciting side of herself that she discovered, and finally the handsome professor who made her learn all about it, makes her loins dangerously heat up. She looks downwards, spotting her already damp panties, then sighs.

'Damn, I need to change them again.' She grimaces, but suddenly a thought surfaces in her mind. She tentatively looks around and then covers herself with her blanket. One of her arms reaches the depths of her damp panties and starts exploring her folds, while the other reaches for her bosom and pinches her already erect nipple. A moan escapes his lips just as she bites down on the blanket, attempting to muffle it.

Her attempt at self-pleasurement continues for about thirty minutes, while her mind keeps trying to remember every minuscule detail of the extremely satisfying event of last night. She shivers and her bottom painfully quivers, as tremors pass through her body, she bits her lower lip, to stop a loud moan from escaping. She's close, oh so close, the bright light at end of the tunnel can already be seen, but whatever and however hard she tries she's unable to reach it. Frustrated more than annoyed, she is required to give up, school day has started and her roommates were already awake.

'Fuck, I'll continue in the shower.' She grumbled and gets ready for the day.

During the day her thoughts kept returning to the steamy events of the night, resulting in the moistening of her neither region, quickening of her pulse, and losing her focus from the lectures. She wanted to feel all of that again, oh so bad.

She bit her lips, and powered through the day, applying the cleaning charm to herself and each of her seats. She was losing it, her thoughts were in a disarray. She had never before felt this dirty, desperate, and pent-up in her life.

Whatever she used, fantasized about, or tried, the salvation of her release never arrived. She always achieved the edge, but never fall over it, it was maddening in more ways than one. She hoped, she prayed that whatever was preventing her from reaching that sweet awaited release will just go away. But no answer came to her prayers, with each day that came then passed, the need only grew stronger and stronger, until she couldn't think straight anymore until she went to find the one her mind only revolved around.