HP 21

(Andrew POV)

I was relieved. I shared almost every memory with her, I purposely skipped a few keynotes in this world, but she still chose to stay with me. With that, a huge weight was off my chest, and I felt a lot lighter. Even with her ultimatum, I was happy she agreed to join me in my multiversal travels, as I gained a new companion. From my memories, she gained knowledge about the library, [Nexum] was on and even if she tried to hide it, she was intrigued by the idea and the possibilities.

Showing Olivia around the magical, larger-on-the-inside trunk left her in shock, unable to comprehend its wonder. She was amazed by all the magical furniture, especially the kitchen, however, she was dejected that none of the appliances seemed to work for her.

A pout formed on her face as I reassured her. "These items require you to have mana, as soon as you gain it, it will start working for you." I said with a small smile.

Just as we agreed prior, I was going to start teaching her some weapon skills, so we went to the living room and started to move the furniture around, creating a small area for practice. Once we cleared out the room, I turned to her and asked.

"So, any weapon you'd like to try?"

"I think I saw you use knives." She replied. "I'll try those for a start."

With her thin frame and short stature, she might be a perfect assassin. Although I still had my doubts, she was too gentle of a soul to handle assassinations jobs. But I still nodded then transfigured two pens into blunt daggers and handed them to her. She was surprised at the sudden appearance of the weapons, but chalked it up to magic and accepted them with a shrug. After a moment of waving them around, and doing some 'acrobatic' maneuvers, that almost made me chuckle, she grimaced and handed them back.

"They feel weird in my hands." She said and with a pleading look asked for something else. "Can I try something else?" Without hesitation, I granted her request and transfigurated her a sword, which she immediately took hold of. As soon as her hand made contact with the hilt, it was as if she had been wielding the sword all of her life. The sword somehow resonated with her being, and after she swung it a few times, she began to relish the experience. The sound of the sword as it sliced through the air, the way the hilt felt in her hand, it all felt perfect.

Using [Nexum], I shared with her everything I figured out about swordsmanship, even though I had no prior training, my weapon skills provided some instinctual knowledge regarding them, which was a good starting point. Enhanced by the power of my [Teaching] skill, she quickly picked up the art and seemed like she was born for it. Her prior experience with dance, as well as her natural flexibility and agility, tied well into the sword practice.

Once we established the fundamentals, we proceeded to practice and engage in sparring sessions. I limited myself to what was humanly possible, as there was no need in abusing my system-granted strength. We spent the entire weekend honing our skills within the limited space available. To my amazement, Olivia quickly grasped the techniques and even caught me by surprise a few times, skillfully exploiting my mistakes to gain the upper hand. All of that was a surprise, but a welcome one.

Monday finally arrived, and after a heartfelt goodbye, I donned my invisibility spell and teleported away, right before her sight. With my secrets out in the open, I could use magic before her. From now on the power of [Nexum] could be used to communicate with each other whenever I needed or wanted, even from the other side of the globe.

Olivia's plans for these days were quitting her boring job and tying up some loose ends, as by Wednesday we were planning on leaving this world. However, to achieve that, I needed to step up my game. I still had six quests, well realistically only five, to finish before the jump on my 100th day in this world.

So with all of that out of the way, my teleportation brings me right into the office, with a bearded guy and a flaming chicken.

(Dumbledore's POV)

While sitting in my office, I was shocked to read in the newspaper about a massive break-in at Azkaban. Surprisingly, it was a break-in and not a break-out! The chaos resulted in the disappearance of all the Dementors and the loss of forty-seven lives. Some of the most notorious criminals either vanished or suffered gruesome deaths. As I read about these "poor" souls lost forever, I couldn't help but feel the irony and let out a chuckle.

Being alone, I could be myself without worrying about being judged. As the headmaster, I had the privilege of delegating work and taking it easy throughout the day. Unfortunately, poor Minerva was struggling to keep up with everything, but I couldn't resist but smile at that. I had handed most of the responsibilities to her when she became the deputy headmaster.

I couldn't help but wonder about this year; it was horrible. Harry was killed in a freak home invasion, but thankfully I prevented the information from leaking. The death of their savior would shock the wizarding world, resulting in hate crimes against muggles. While I had nothing about a few cleansings here and there, as they provided the wizarding kind the much-needed new blood, and as the only ones that could do so, they were needed.

I was baffled by Harry's death, especially since the prophecy was still in effect. After hearing the news, I hurried to the Hall of Prophecy, but when I arrived, the one under his name was grayed out. I was confused at first because the prophecies are supposed to be absolute, except for the possibility of a higher power or time travel, nothing could truly affect them.

As far as I could tell, Quirrell remained possessed, which meant that Voldemort was still at large, and the prophecy remained unfulfilled. In a desperate bid to find out what had happened, I tried using a time-turner. However, each time I attempted to travel through time, the device shattered into pieces. Upon further investigation, I discovered that this phenomenon wasn't limited to just me - reports of malfunctioning time turners were pouring in from all over the globe. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but then I realized that it coincided with the death of Harry and the arrival of our new professor.

As doubts about him began to surface, I decided to conduct some research. He was a young man, and I still remembered our first encounter vividly. He strode in with a confident air, flashing a wide smile at the acceptance board. To my surprise, he easily blocked each of my legilimency probes - he was a natural and simultaneously posed a great danger. Though his accomplishments suggested that he was capable of teaching any subject, I offered him the Muggle Studies position, which happened to be the only available vacancy at the time. My primary objective was to keep him close and observe him closely, and I was relieved when he accepted the job.

In hindsight, it may have been a grave error on my part. As I delved further into his background, inconsistencies began to emerge. He had performed highly in school records, with excellent marks, show up in multiple photographs, and his teachers could only praise him. On the surface, he appeared to have been a model student during his time at a Japanese magical school. However, upon closer inspection, I discovered a disturbing fact - none of his former classmates had any recollection of him whatsoever. Not a single person he had supposedly spent seven years with could remember his existence. It was at this point that I began to suspect something sinister at play – Andrew Thompson was an enigma that seemingly materialized out of thin air at just the right moment.

My attention was interrupted by a piercing noise coming from beside me. Fawkes, my companion, was displaying uncommon behavior - his feathers were ruffled and he was fixated on a particular direction. Despite not detecting any other individuals around us, nor sensing any unusual energy from the school's ward, I trusted Fawkes with everything I had and believed that there must be something or someone present.

As I lifted my arm to aim my wand at the area where Fawkes was fixated, but a sudden, incomprehensible event unfolded. Before I could react or even process the situation, my arm vanished in a split second, leaving me feeling only a slight tug and a pricking sensation as it was ripped from its socket. Blood sprayed all around, and in the chaos, my body was abruptly thrown to the ground and crushed under an intense weight. I couldn't open my jaw to scream for help, and my vision blurred as I saw the very person I had just been thinking about appear out of thin air, his grin stretched wide across his face.

"Good afternoon, Headmaster. Did you have a pleasant weekend?" he greeted me, a smile plastered on his face as his gaze locked onto mine. My ingrained habit of using Legilimency on others kicked in, and before I could stop myself, I attempted to delve into his thoughts. This caused the man, who was a monster wearing a man's face, to scowl and intensify the pressure weighing down on me. I could feel my aged bones crack and my breathing becoming ragged under the force.

Fawkes sprang into action to defend me but was suddenly immobilized in mid-air. The phoenix fiercely resisted, igniting its feathers in a desperate attempt to set the room ablaze. However, our attacker merely laughed at his fiery display and with the magic, he was using, effortlessly plucked a single feather from the struggling bird. Just as Fawkes was about to flame away, the man cast a spell I'd never heard of.

"Primus Frigus." He uttered the incantation, and the room's temperature immediately plummeted. I was hit by an intense unease, then an excruciating pain that nearly caused me to black out, but I gritted my teeth and fought to remain conscious. I heard my lifelong friend let out a feeble cry, just before our familiar bond was severed forever. Summoning all my strength, I gazed up at my sole friend, dreading what I was about to witness and to my shock, I saw something that I had believed to be impossible.

The majestic bird, once noble and free, was now encased in ice and suspended in mid-air. But he didn't stay that way for long, the ice shattered into countless pieces taking the bird with it, before disappearing into the wind moments later. Nothing was left where the phoenix stood, nothing.

A wave of profound grief and fear of what was to come washed over me, and I understood that this was not the conclusion of the matter. Despite my desire to negotiate, the man did not give me the chance to utter a single word. He casually dusted off his hands, as if signifying a job well done, and then turned his attention back to me.

"Alright, Dumbe-dork, let's see what you've got." He sneered before launching a merciless barrage of mind probes at my mental defenses. Unfortunately, I was no match for his power, and I could feel my mind shields crumbling under his relentless assault. The last image that burned into my mind before I was consumed by the abyss was the sight of the monster's twisted grin looming over me.

(Andrew POV)

[Non-Humanoid races not supported till Tier 3.]

[Race: [Phoenix] locked.]

[Phoenix] [HP]

+5 STR +10 VIT per Global Level

- Gain the skill [Eternal Flame], granting you high-speed regenerations.

- Gain the skill [Phoenix Tears], allowing your tears to gain a healing and antidote property.

- Gain the skill [Flame Travel], allowing you teleportation to any location that can support an open flame.

- Gain the skill [Phoenix Song], granting your vocal cords the ability to instill courage, support, or comfort.

I grin in satisfaction at the newly acquired race, this one will be huge, and I can barely wait to try it. However, I had no idea how to achieve Tier 2, not to say Tier 3. I turn my attention back to the still floored Dumbledore, telekinesis doing a good job of keeping him grounded.

With a feral grin on my face, I walk up to the old man and say.

"Alright, Dumbe-dork, let's see what you've got." Before unleashing the full potential of my [Mind Arts]. Eighty-six mind tethers, enter his mind, easily cleaving through most of his defenses, spearing his mind, and taking away all of his knowledge.

By the end, the old wizard is nothing but a shell of his former self, his mind irreparably damaged and incapable of a single thought. To prevent the school from reacting and notifying everyone, I didn't need to kill him, as he was already way beyond repair. Some of his memories were quite the revelation and some were quite shocking. The old coot found evidence of the system interference, and from now on I'll have to be careful how I add myself to a story.

Retrieving his wand, one of the three deathly hallows, I expected to feel the same sense of dread as with the stone, but instead, I breathed a sigh of relief as nothing happened. After sifting through his memories, I discovered the location of the cloak and opened a cupboard near his desk, revealing the neatly packed box. A smile of satisfaction spread across my face as I saw the wrapped-up item.

As my finger brushes against it, the world turns gray, and a sense of forbidding grips me. The atmosphere shifts suddenly, and my heart races as the air grows colder and still as if all life has been sucked out of it. The castle around me begins to crumble before my eyes, its walls decaying as though millennia have passed in mere seconds. The very stones beneath my feet seem to turn malleable as if they were no longer solid ground.

My muscles tense with fear as I realize I am not alone. A cloaked entity stands before me, holding a scythe in its bony hands. Its presence is suffocating, and the silence is deafening. Primal fear assaults me, and I can feel every hair on my body standing on end. The entity's eyes seem to bore into my soul, and I can't shake the feeling that it has come to collect my very essence.

The sound of a girlish chuckle echoes through the air, and in an instant, everything around me returns to its former state, as if what had just happened was nothing more than a mere illusion, cast over the world to deceive my senses. However, despite this, the experience felt more vivid and concrete than anything I had ever encountered before. The sensation of goosebumps and cold sweat covering my body serve as the only evidence that the ordeal was indeed real. Suddenly, system notifications appear, flashing brightly in the corner of my vision, jolting me out of my stunned state. After shaking my head to dispel the last remnants of anxiety, I stowed the cloak in my inventory beside the wand and stone. Then, I gave the notifications a quick look, and to my surprise, I couldn't help but stand there, stunned.

[Title: [Master of Death] received.]

[Master of Death]

- Gain the ability to revive yourself upon death, allowing you to return to life with full health and mana. (Cooldown 365 Days)

[Quest: [Prevention is the Best Medicine] Completed 650 WP Received]

[Quest: [Remove an Obstacle] Completed 2,000 WP Received]

The new title I just received made all others seem irrelevant. The power to come back to life after death was simply too overpowered to ignore, so I equipped it immediately.

Resuming my day as if nothing had happened proved to be a simple feat. I teleported back to my office and within minutes, started my 9 o'clock class without any issues. It wasn't until ten minutes had passed that the school shook violently, announcing the second death to occur on its grounds within the past two weeks. I didn't receive any experience from his demise, but I was pretty sure it was Dumbledore that died, probably due to blood loss.

The fifth-year students appeared confused, failing to grasp the situation at hand. However, I swiftly calmed them and told them to continue with self-study while I looked into the matter. To my surprise, they were disappointed, as they grew fond of my class. I appointed a capable student to oversee the class in my absence and made my way toward the Great Hall. I hated playing the caring professor, but I had to maintain the façade at least for the next two days.

Upon arriving at the Great Hall, I found the other teachers already present, all donning a worried expressions, all except for the missing Dumbledore.