(Yasaka's POV)

'I was such a fool to take on this job from Mother,' I thought to myself, feeling overwhelmed by the stack of papers on my desk. Despite being thoroughly vetted by my most trusted aides, there were still hundreds of requests awaiting approval. A scowl formed on my face as I perused the first document, causing me to slump my head onto the desk in exasperation.

My eyes darted over to the clock on the wall. It was only early morning, and I had already been buried in paperwork for hours. I needed a break. "I need a vacation," I muttered under my breath, not expecting anyone to hear me. However, the four guards stationed in my room perked up at the sound of my voice, their expressions giving away their amusement at my words. Waving them off, I allowed them to refocus on their duties, 'It must be just as tedious for them to stand there all day as it is for me to sift through these papers,' I chuckled at that thought and tried to refocus on the paperwork, but I just couldn't.

Even though I expected it to be another dull day today, yesterday a scout reported an unusual energy emanating from a specific area of the town. It wasn't a human's magical energy, nor was it demonic, angelic, or even divine. It was a peculiar amalgamation of several different energies emanating from a single individual.

We weren't entirely certain of the individual's intentions, but based on the amount of energy he was emanating, he could be considered a low to medium class. Conversely, his companion didn't appear to have any mystical energies at all. Despite this, I was intrigued, as were my aides. Depending on the extent of his usefulness, we might be able to coax them into joining our faction, even if some members will be against accepting non-Youkai. Frankly, I couldn't care less. If this new energy type proves to be advantageous, I might need to order a few maids to "service" the man to determine if the energy it's hereditary and can be replicated. Given what I've heard of his attractiveness, I doubt they'd refuse.

As I lean back in my chair, I can feel the weight of responsibility weighing heavily on my shoulders. Being the leader of a faction is not an easy task, and the constant flow of paperwork and political maneuvering was draining. But it was necessary if I am to maintain my power and protect my people.

My stomach grumbles, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. But before I can even think about taking a break, Takumi appears before me, causing all four guards to react defensively.

I watch as they draw their weapons, ready to defend me at a moment's notice. Their loyalty is unwavering, and I am grateful to have them by my side. I dismiss them with a wave of my hand and turn my attention to Takumi.

"Do you have any news to report, Takumi?" I ask, trying to hide my weariness.

"They have arrived, ma'am," Takumi replies, and a spark of excitement ignites within me. Finally, some excitement amidst the dullness of the day.

"Excellent!" I exclaim, my fatigue momentarily forgotten. "Did Ryota find anything out about their allegiance?"

The guard shakes his head. "Our information network cannot identify them. We have no knowledge of who they might be, or to which faction they belong."

My interest is piqued. It's not every day that a group of strangers arrives in town without any clear affiliation. I turn to Takumi, hoping for more information. "Did you discover anything noteworthy?"

Takumi's expression becomes complicated. "The woman seems to be more powerful than we initially thought. She used some sort of movement technique to appear next to the man after he called out to her. It wasn't teleportation, as no magical circle appeared, and it was instantaneous. We do not know the technique's true capabilities, range, or requirements."

I listen carefully, intrigued by the woman's abilities. But Takumi's next words catch me off guard.

"Also, when we arrived, one of our top teams was training, and the man asked if they were new recruits, while the woman looked disapprovingly at their display."

I raise an eyebrow, wondering about that. If they are looking down on us, then they must have a lot of confidence in their abilities

"Why do you refer to them as 'man' and 'woman'? Did you not get their names?" I ask, surprised that Takumi has not referred to them by name.

Takumi looks ashamed and shakes his head. "I am sorry, ma'am, but we were so stunned by the woman's display that we completely forgot the protocol."

I sigh inwardly, realizing that they must be quite formidable if they have managed to stun one of my best men into forgetfulness. I make a mental note to keep a close eye on these newcomers and to not underestimate them.

I take a deep breath, attempting to steady my nerves, and face Takumi. "Escort them to the main hall, I'll join them shortly," I command, making sure to keep my voice even. "And Takumi, keep a close watch on them. I don't want any surprises."

Takumi nods in acknowledgment. "As you wish, my lady. I'll ensure everything is secure before they meet with you." With that, he swiftly disappears, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes and attempting to piece together any information regarding these strangers. It's possible that they are hired mercenaries or assassins, but their remarkable abilities suggest a far more dangerous possibility. Whatever their intentions, I must not underestimate them.

After a few moments, I rise to my feet and adjust my robe. Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the main hall where the strangers are waiting. As I approach, I see Takumi standing guard, vigilantly monitoring them, and from what I could sense, there were twenty other guards in the room alone, some hidden in shadows, some standing in clear sight. Quite the overkill, if you ask me, but I know we can't take any chances.

"Finally, Yasaka. You kept us waiting," the man addresses me, devoid of any respect in his tone, making me freeze mid-step. The guards around us grimace at his impoliteness and some even reach for their weapons, however, my stern look stops them from acting out of the order. The man seems to have no regard for my presence at all as if he sees me no more than an insignificant bug, but the woman sitting next to him elbows him in the ribs and turns to me with an apologetic expression.

"I apologize for his behavior. He's just cranky because we missed breakfast. I'm Olivia Lane, and the cranky one is my boyfriend, Andrew Thompson," she introduces herself and her boyfriend with a curtsy. However, their names do not ring a bell. I glance over to Takumi, who shakes his head, then refocus on my guests.

"Nice to meet you two, I am Yasaka, leader of the Youkai Faction in Kyoto," I introduce myself formally, but the strangers seem unsurprised. Their knowledge of me and my position only added to my suspicions that these strangers were indeed assassins or mercenaries.

The man's sudden chuckle startled me, and his subsequent statement only made my heart race faster. "If we were assassins, you'd be dead already," he said, his words dripping with a certain level of confidence that only someone with years of experience could possess. My mind was blown away, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had somehow managed to read my thoughts. As if in response to my unspoken question, his smile turned wider and he said, "Yes, I can read your thoughts."

The atmosphere in the room became thick with tension, and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. It was evident that my guards were on high alert, poised to attack at the slightest provocation. The man, however, attempted to diffuse the situation with a disarming smile and a placating tone. "Relax, I promised Olive not to harm anyone," he said after a sigh, his voice oozing with annoyance. Despite his assurances, I could not bring myself to trust this man, and I remained wary of his every move.

The man's attention then shifted to a shadow to my left, and he let out another chuckle. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned, his voice laced with a hint of danger. My guards tensed up even more, ready to strike at any sign of aggression. But the stranger seemed unperturbed as if he knew that no harm would come his way.

To the surprise of everyone except my guest, a cloaked figure leaped out of the shadows. Moving with incredible speed, the shadowy figure caught everyone, including my guards, off guard. However, instead of attacking the man, he headed straight toward me. My guards, who had been focused on our guests, were caught off guard and were unable to react in time. The figure materialized before me, brandishing a dagger that was dripping with what appeared to be poison. At that moment, my life flashed before my eyes, and I could only think of Kunou, my daughter.

The image of my daughter alone and grieving propels me into a furious frenzy. I sense my transformation happening, but I know it won't happen fast enough to stop the imminent attack. I make a silent vow to take my assailant down with me, as the dagger approaches my chest. Suddenly, an intense surge of rage and power electrifies my body. I give in to the transformation, allowing my Kyuubi form to take over, feeling my body grow in size and my muscles swell with strength.

But suddenly, my transformation is halted by an incomprehensible power that envelops me, and my ears start ringing as all sounds cease to exist. The world around me stands still as if frozen in time.

Amidst the eerie silence, a sudden voice pierces through, declaring, "See, I told you that guy was going to attack her."

"Well, couldn't you have taken care of him before he attacked?" deadpans the girl, while the man shrugs in response.

"Yeah, like me saying yeah the guy in that corner is planning to assassinate your leader, better lock him up before he has a chance." He says with a snort. "Like they would believe me..."

"W-what's happening?" My voice trembled as I spoke, my eyes frantically scanning the still scene before me. The attacker hovered ominously in the air, his face twisted into a wicked grin as he held his dagger perilously close to my heart. It was only upon closer inspection that I realized with horror that the man was one of my trusted shadow guards, someone whom I had known for over a decade. I couldn't fathom what could have driven him to attempt such an act, as I had no recollection of mistreating him in any way. A quick survey of the room revealed that my other guards were similarly frozen in place, their faces etched with concern. Some had tried to react, but they were too far away to intervene and protect me.

Meanwhile, my guests continued their nonchalant conversation as if nothing was amiss. The realization that they possessed an incredible power that made us mere mortals seem insignificant was overwhelming. I gulped in fear as I stared at them in shock, my estimation of them skyrocketing.

Noticing my stare, the man chuckled before addressing me. "I simply paused time in this area. It's not a big deal," he explained with a casual wave of his hand. It finally dawned on me that he was the one responsible for the current situation, and my estimation of him hit the roof.

However, the woman next to him, unimpressed, rolled her eyes and interjected with a deadpan expression, "Don't mind him. He tends to exaggerate. The first time he used that ability, it was quite startling for me too. Even now, it's surprising to see it do something like this." She gives the man a menacing glare and continues, "Was that why my face was wet yesterday? What did you do to me?"

"... So, what's the plan with the attacker? Wanna find out who he works for, I guarantee you'll be surprised." He flashes a vicious grin, clearly attempting to divert the conversation, while the woman next to him tries to protest, but I don't want to provoke him, so after clearing my throat I go along with it.

"That would be extremely helpful," I say respectably with a bow. The man performs an incomprehensible action, snapping his fingers and conjuring a magical circle that radiates with an unfamiliar energy. I feel a tendril connect to my mind, causing my eyes to widen and my heart rate to quicken as I prepare to defend myself. However, his next words jolt me out of my alarmed state.

"Calm the fuck down," he says crudely, causing me to blink in surprise.

My heart races as I try to maintain composure in front of the man who just spoke to me in such a crude manner. I feel a strange mix of shock and excitement, as my body heats up in a way it hasn't for ages, and I can't help but wonder what other surprises he has in store for me.

However, my momentary lapse in control is cut short as I remind myself that this man has already demonstrated his mind-reading ability. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart and compose myself. I try to hide my blush as I give a quick glance at the man, who is still grinning widely, and the girl next to him, who is giving me a menacing stare.

I can't help but feel a sense of unease as I realize that they are both aware of my thoughts and emotions. It's as if they have peeled back the layers of my mind and are privy to my innermost thoughts and desires. For some reason that thought lights a fire inside of my loins, making me uncomfortably shuffle before my guests.

Before, my heated thoughts are quickly quelled as images start flashing before my eyes. As I watched the scenes unfolding before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over me. The images were so vivid and lifelike, it was almost as if I was there, witnessing the events firsthand. It was clear that these were memories that belonged to someone else, and yet they were being projected into my mind with such clarity that it was impossible to ignore them.

The memories centered around a group of Youkai elders, a powerful inner faction within the region who had long been known for their misdeeds. They were the kind of individuals who operated in the shadows, always one step ahead of their enemies and ready to strike at a moment's notice. Despite their bad reputation, they had always managed to evade justice and continue their activities, thanks in large part to their influence and connections, always sweeping their misdeeds under the rug.

As I watched the scenes play out, I could feel my blood boiling with anger. The memories revealed a plot to kill me and take over the Faction by wedding into my family. The very thought of it was enough to make my stomach turn, and I knew that heads would roll for this.

"Those memories belong to one of your subordinates. Do whatever you wish with them," the man declared, his voice cold and unfeeling. But I was beyond caring about his words at this point. All I could think about was the betrayal I had just witnessed and the need to take action before it was too late.

"We can move the meeting to the evening if you want to deal with them now," he suggests, his voice calms and collected as he takes a sip of his tea. The scent of the aromatic blend fills the room, but my mind is elsewhere, focused on the treachery that has just been revealed.

As I nod in agreement, time resumes its normal pace, and the culprit crashes to the ground with a thunderous thud. The floor groans as cracks spread out as if the weight of his guilt crushes him down with invisible force. The guards look on in confusion, trying to make sense of what has just transpired before their very eyes and it takes them a moment to realize that I have moved from my original position.

"Takumi!" I shout, my voice trembling with fury. He appears before me, kneeling with a look of worry etched on his face. "Get a team ready, we're rounding up some of the Elders." My eyes blaze with determination as I turn to the others and point toward the groaning assassin. "Get that trash out of my sight and find out who else was involved in this plan. I want every name and detail on my desk by the end of the day." My voice is steely, my words brooking no argument, and the guards nod in understanding before taking the assailant and rushing out of the room to carry out my orders.

I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of my responsibility as the head of the Faction. The safety and well-being of my family and people rest on my shoulders, and I will do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means making tough decisions. I turn back to my guests, a thankful smile on my face. "You are free to move about the estate. One of my maids will be with you shortly. If you need anything, just ask her. I need to take care of this before the information leaves the confines of the manor."

With a firm resolve, I exit the room, my mind already planning the next steps in dealing with this treachery. It won't be easy, but I am determined to see it through to the end, no matter the cost.