DXD 15

(Andrew's POV)

After taking care of the troublesome kid, I reduced the intensity of [Mana's Blessing], stemming the massive amount of mana leaking from my body, and approached Olivia.

"You should have called sooner; the town is in ruins," I said with a sight, as I placed the Longinus, [Dimension Lost], into Nexus. Since it was technically a soul or at least part of it, our inventory system couldn't handle it, so Nexus was my only other option, at least for now. I planned to thoroughly inspect and maybe do some research with it, to try to widen my comprehension of souls, and maybe even get a deeper insight into dimensional travel.

"At first, there was just one explosion, and I had it under control, so I didn't want to bother you. But things quickly spiraled out of control," Olivia replied, shaking her head, while sounding ashamed that she hadn't been able to handle the situation on her own.

"You did what you could," I reassured her with a comforting pat on the head. "And I did warn Yasaka beforehand, so anything that happened was on her." I stopped for a moment, letting another wave of [Celestial Eyes] wash through our surroundings and locate the old fox, "Speaking of her, we better hurry. She's currently fighting against the rest of the wannabe heroes."

Space warped around us, and we suddenly appeared in a newly formed clearing. The scorched earth and ruined masonry bore witness to the intense battle that had raged here. Before us, the scene was chaotic, with Yasaka towering over the terrain in her Kyuubi form, surrounded by foxfire that sent waves of flame in all directions. My dominion over mana didn't affect the non-mana-based ability of Foxfire, just as it didn't affect Sacred Gears and their users, who Yasaka was currently battling against. Her nine tails flailed around, swatting away physical attacks with ease, her claws intercepting the monsters that were summoned out of thin air.

Suddenly, the flames surrounding her condensed into a thin, brilliant, laser-like beam that shot toward a group of "Heroes," only to be swallowed by shadows and sent back her way. The ground trembled as she dodged her own attack, requiring her to get into range of three sword-wielding fighters, while the leader of the attack on Kyoto, Cao Cao, held an intricate spear in his hand, surrounded by seven glowing orbs, and commanded his underlings from the back.

Olivia's worried look didn't escape my notice, and I couldn't help but sigh. I didn't even need to contemplate on it, I knew I could dispatch them in a multitude of ways. My abilities far exceeded almost anything that this world could throw at me, and I knew that I could easily erase them from existence with a mere thought. I could manipulate space and teleport away only half of their bodies, or control time and make them experience millions of years while unable to move. I could even poison them and let their souls slowly erode.

Despite these many options, I chose the easiest one - the one that would benefit me the most. Activating my [Mental Domain], I commanded, "Kneel," and as if an overwhelming weight bore down on everyone, all were forced to the ground, including Yasaka. The ground shook as the mighty fox prostrated herself then grumbled, but her demeanor quickly changed, and her tails wagged happily like a dog.

She immediately noticed our presence, and a smile spread across her ferocious fox-like jaw. Knowing she was not in danger, without any hesitation, she opened her maw, and a ball of flame condensed before it, aimed directly at her kneeling enemies. But I couldn't let her kill them just yet. Just as she fired off her death beam, I appeared between her and her targets, my palm coated with annihilation, and I eradicated the attack in its entirety.

She gave me a surprised look, shocked that I would stop her from executing her vengeance, but I only shook my head and said, "Be a good girl and wait a minute," making her growl, but the glare I gave her made her give up and look away.

As I walked up to the attackers, a gray magical circle formed in my hands, crackling with ethereal energies. Without hesitation, I plunged my hand into the chest of the nearest assailant, ignoring his scream of agony as I ripped out a black and red orb from his soul, irreversibly damaging it in the process. His eyes lost their luster, and the young boy with dark skin, gray-blue hair, and purple eyes fell forward, still alive but not truly.

Annihilation Maker disappeared from my hand, joining Dimension Lost in Nexus, at the same moment as a notification appeared in front of me.

[Quest Update: [Collector] 3/5 Completed]

As the remaining attackers pleaded and protested, tears and snot straining their faces, while I looked at them with a cold, resolute expression. I could have easily shut off their minds and ended their suffering, but I chose to let them remain conscious. I wanted them to experience the consequences of their actions, to witness the suffering they had caused others. They had brought too much pain and destruction to this world, and they would not be allowed to live.

With a wave of my hand, another magical circle formed, and I unleashed a torrent of ethereal energy upon them. They screamed in agony as their bodies convulsed, their souls being ripped apart by the destructive spell. I stood there, unfazed, as they writhed in pain and their faces twisted in agony. Five new Sacred Gears, represented by multicolored orbs of Blade Blacksmith, Variant Detonation, Night Reflection, Aegis Mineralization, and Twice Critical, joined the others in the Nexus. However, I didn't receive a quest completion from the system since they weren't Longinuses, but I didn't care. They will be useful for some future research.

I shook my head and approached the three remaining individuals, Cao Cao, and the Pendragon siblings. I would leave the latter to Yasaka to deal with, but this fool in front of me required my attention. Using telekinesis, I ripped the spear that had pierced Christ out of Cao Cao's hands and levitated it onto mine. And to my surprise, it immediately attempted to connect with me, but my mental and spiritual shields were too strong, preventing it from influencing my mind or forming a bond with me. As with the others, it was placed into the Nexus, triggering another quest update notification.

[Quest Update: [Collector] 4/5 Completed]

I grinned as I grabbed the short black hair of the blue-eyed vanguard of Indra, relishing in his defeat. "How does it feel to lose without the chance of fighting back?" I taunted him.

"You are strong," he spat, his voice hoarse. "But remember, there are others who share my beliefs. This is not the end."

I chuckled, my grin turning ferocious. "Oh, you're so wrong, buddy." I bent forward and whispered into his ears. "Indra and the Chaos Brigade? They'll get what they deserve." I said, relishing in the surprise in his widened eyes. "I'm truly grateful to you. Not only did you bring me five Sacred Gears and three Longinuses, but you also brought me all the information I need to take out both Indra and the Chaos Brigade. So here's my thank you." With a blur of my arm, his head impacted the ground and exploded like a dropped watermelon.

[Quest: [Fox] Completed 350 WP(x4) Received]

Olivia and the fox recoiled in shock, their expressions filled with worry as they took in the gruesome scene. However, I just shook my head and used [Clean] to remove the blood stains and brain matter from my body, restoring my appearance to its previous state.

"All of them, except the obvious one, are alive," I informed the fox. "You can exact your vengeance if you want."

The fox raised an eyebrow at me, displaying surprisingly human-like emotions despite her massive size. It was almost comical, but I stifled a laugh and shrugged. "Alright, alive-ish..." I corrected myself, earning a slow nod from the fox. "Although, the Pendragon kids could be useful to you," I switched to telepathy and added. 'Arthur is being hunted, he stole that sword of his, and he could be easily manipulated through his sister, the cute blonde magician by his side, but before anything, you should take away his sword, it is Caliburn.' I couldn't help but feel puzzled by the presence of both Excalibur and Caliburn in this world. In the legends I had read, they were essentially the same weapon, only having different names due to mistranslation. Yet, in this world, both swords existed separately.

Yasaka's eyes widened in surprise, understanding the power the sword had held, and after thinking about it for a moment, she ultimately nodded and mentally replied. 'Alright, I'll listen to you, but the others will suffer.'

With a shrug, I showed indifference toward their fate and replied, "Do what you must." I concentrated my mind on the two individuals in front of me, rendering them unconscious with a single thought. Then, I released the barrier around us, allowing the guards who had been relentlessly trying to breach it to finally enter. I paid no attention to their sudden arrival and waved casually, saying, "Alright then, I leave the rest to you. I'm off."

But just as I was about to teleport away, Olivia pulled on my sleeve and gave me a pleading look.

Confused, I asked, "Yes?"

"Could you do the same thing you did in Orario?"

Her request took a moment to sink in, and when it did, I hesitated. I had the power to revive the people in the town, thanks to all my accumulated divine energies and the different world laws here. However, I knew it would come at a cost. The grand scale of that magic, the required Holy affinity mana interwoven with tremendous amounts of divine energies, would put the town on the radar of those pesky angels and those annoying devils. Additionally, the spell will definitively anger the gods who ruled over death.

Yasaka, who had meanwhile transformed back into her human form and was issuing orders, overheard our conversation. "Do what?" she asked, but Olivia's attempt to reply was thwarted by my hand. She looked at me in surprise, shock evident on her face, but I remained unfazed. The gods in this world were not to be trifled with, and I knew the risks.

Could I really fight off these powerful gods at their best? I wasn't sure. But Olivia's pleading look tugged at my heartstrings, making me hesitate. I let out a sigh, torn between the risks and the desperate request of my lover.

"Alright," I finally gave in, "but this will cost your booty quite a lot," I said with a grin, ignoring the sudden silence that had fallen around us. Olivia flashed me a worried smile, her face turning crimson from embarrassment. "And you'll be the one to try to explain to the gods, if they appear, what the hell happened."

Olivia's expression shifted from relief to apprehension as she grasped the magnitude of her request. Yet she nodded solemnly, determination visible on her face, acknowledging the consequences that will come. Yasaka raised an eyebrow, curiosity mixed with suspicion in her voice. "What are you planning to do?" she inquired.

I looked between Yasaka and Olivia and took a deep breath before speaking. "Restore the town and revive the dead," I said, my heart heavy with the weight of my words. "There will be consequences, but hopefully not too dire," I added, letting out a sigh, while the clearing grew even more silent than before.

Yasaka's expression turned solemn, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, while tears streamed down her cheeks. "C-can you really do it?" she asked, her voice laded with suspicion and hope.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I can," I said, but what happened next surprised even me.

Yasaka dropped to her knees and her head planted on the ground. "Please, if you have the power to save them, please do. I will offer you anything you want in exchange. You can take my body, my soul, anything you wish, just please save my people."

The atmosphere grew even more awkward, with the still present guards holding their breath, looking back and forth between me and Yasaka, afraid of what my answer might be. It was clear that as the guardian of this realm, Yasaka cherished her people, but, in my option, her display had gone too far. Olivia attempted to approach Yasaka to stop her and help her up, but I stopped her with a wave of telekinesis, and I knew there would be consequences for this later, but she needed to steel her heart.

She tried to protest, but I raised my palm to silence her, while simultaneously sending her a mental message to just watch. I then turned back my attention from the glaring Olivia to the still-kneeling Yasaka and grabbed her chin roughly. Making the guards around us tense up, but not attempt anything stupid. "Anything, you say?" I said with a wicked grin, making Yasaka's body shudder.

Despite her fear, Yasaka was determined. "Yes," she said, starting to lower her shoulder straps, and trying to flash me a weak flirtatious smile, but I grabbed her hand, freezing her mid-motion. "Yeah, none of that, girl. I was just teasing you. Thank Olivia if you want to thank someone, she's the one paying," I said with a snort, dispersing the tense atmosphere while noticing the hint of disappointment in Yasaka's expression.

I shook my head, knowing all too well why she offered up her body, but she wouldn't get what she wanted from me. There was no chance I would become her daughter's new daddy or even her "Daddy". I had my own priorities and responsibilities, and becoming involved with Yasaka in that way was not part of my plans. I let go of her chin and took a step back, allowing her to stand up, and wipe away her tears, though I could see her expression was still filled with uncertainty and longing.

I rose up into the air, channeling [Mana's Blessing] to its maximum output, my power surging through me and uncontrollably affecting my surroundings. I began weaving my spell, pouring all my energy into it, hoping that it wouldn't end the way I expected it to. The air crackled with magic as runic inscriptions littered the sky, forming a city sizes magical circle, and causing another wave of widespread panic. But as soon as the soothing holy energies basked the town in their golden radiant glow, the panic suddenly ceased.

Silence descended on the city as their inhabitants looked up at the sky, their eyes wide with anticipation. Yasaka had a glimmer of hope in her eyes, while Olivia looked on with a mixture of pride and trust, and I knew I couldn't let her down. The guards, who had been silent witnesses to the entire exchange, were now staring up at me in wonder, holding their breath as they waited to see the outcome.

The first phase of the [Grand Restore] had unfolded with flawless precision, mending not only shattered buildings but also lifeless bodies. Yet, the second phase, proved to be a formidable challenge, pushing the boundaries of my powers. Perhaps it was the unique makeup of souls in this realm or the fact that they were already locked away in another realm, but progress was hindered, as I faced an unseen force that sought to impede my efforts to revive the 17,219 souls that had perished in the heinous attack.

The air crackled with raw energy as my mana surged and my divine powers roared, clashing with the opposing force. Every fiber of my being vibrated with a surge of power, and with a resolute mind, I activated my mental skills, propelling my cognitive faculties to unprecedented heights. In an instant, two majestic spell circles blazed into existence in the celestial expanse, one seething with Demonic Energies, and the other crafted with the arcane formulae of this realm. Undeterred, I invoked the power of [Focus], honing my concentration to new thresholds, allowing me to flawlessly fuse these three incompatible magical systems into a seamless whole.

A single word, laden with authority and determination, reverberated in my mind, and I thundered it with unwavering conviction, "[Requiem]!"

The world quivered in response as the magical circle blazed with a renewed brilliance, its golden glow temporarily blinding all who dared to behold it. The runes etched on the surface of the spell danced in an incomprehensible array of ever-shifting shapes and forms, as I exerted my indomitable will upon the world, forcing it to yield.

A cataclysmic surge of mana erupted from the spell, unleashing a tidal wave of power that reverberated through the entire world. At that moment, couldn't help but sigh, as I knew I will become the epicenter of every faction, the focal point of their hopes and fears. The world itself seemed to darken, as if in deference to the immense power that now radiated from the spell. The air crackled with raw, primal energy, and the ground quivered with anticipation.

Then, in a breathtaking spectacle that defied description, 17,219 beams of pure, celestial light descended upon the earth. The very fabric of reality trembled and cracked with the sheer magnitude of the energies at play. Each beam carried a single radiant soul, untainted and pure, as my monumental feat of revival reached its awe-inspiring culmination.

As I stood there, my divine energies nearly depleted from the monumental spell I had cast, I could feel the exhaustion creeping in. My divine reserves, once massive, had been drained to their limits, but I knew that they would gradually replenish over time. Despite the fatigue that threatened to overwhelm me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The miracle I had just performed had left an indelible mark on the minds of all who had witnessed it or felt its effects.

Yet, I hoped to remain an enigma to most, a faceless savior or perhaps benevolent god. I wished my identity to remain shrouded in mystery, known only to a select few who had been privy to my extraordinary abilities, or else I could draw too much-unwanted attention to myself from those that I currently do not possess the power to oppose.

As I descended toward my stunned observers, a sense of relief washed over me as nothing I was expecting to happen occurred. I was eager to bid them farewell and retreat to the comforts of my own abode, where I could indulge in some well-deserved leisure time and resume my studies. However, this world never ceased to remind me of why I already hated it so much, and I could only curse my luck as a sudden ominous feeling appeared behind me.

I swiftly turn around, and there she was - a statuesque, stunning woman with lustrous, ebony hair cascading down her back. She was adorned in a white yukata embellished with delicate flower patterns, adding to her otherworldly presence. Her aura was both mesmerizing and intimidating, radiating an undeniable sense of power that sent a shiver down my spine, and I instantly knew that I was no match for her, especially in my current, weakened state.