DXD 18

Upon activating [Mystery], my surroundings burst into a mesmerizing display of colors, and I found myself standing in an empty void with only the nine fluid shapes of concepts before me. However, these shapes were different from what I had encountered before - they felt more intense and distinct in their appearance, taste, sound, and color. Upon closer observation, I realized that they were sharper, spicier, and darker than those in the DanMachi world.

As I delved deeper into these concepts, I began to notice subtle differences that distinguished them from their counterparts in the DanMachi world. While the description of [Mystery] indicated that I could imbue a concept into an object, it didn't specify where the concept would originate from. I couldn't help but ponder whether I would encounter different sets of concepts in other worlds, each with their unique properties that I could utilize.

"Another question for Rob," I mumbled, in dissatisfaction as I knew I didn't have enough time here to contemplate about it.

I rose to my feet, grasping the two daggers tightly in my hands, and began to examine each of the nine concepts before me with intense scrutiny. Utilizing the power of [Intuitive Aptitude], I was able to decipher a fragment of the meaning behind the intricate details of the concepts, allowing me to comprehend a portion of their potential uses.

The world around me continued to shake and rumble, urging me to make a decision before it was too late. With my newfound understanding of the concepts, I carefully weighed the pros and cons of each one, considering their potential applications in battle and other situations.

After much deliberation, I made my choice and focused my mind on infusing the selected concepts into the daggers. I opted for the third concept from the right, which I associated with destruction, and pointed the black blade toward it. As for the seventh concept from the right, which I identified as the concept tightly linked to the concept of connection, I pointed the white blade. As I channeled my mana into [Mystery], the very fabric of reality began to warp and twist in response to the immense power being wielded, and the concepts accepted the offering, sinking into their respective blades, causing the world around me to grow even more chaotic.

After the offering was complete, I was ejected out of that strange realm with an explosion of colors, and I found myself standing in the material world once again, holding the two newly enchanted daggers, which glimmered in my hands.

The daggers had undergone a remarkable transformation, becoming more tangible and complete. Their colors intensified, with one turning to a black as dark as the void, while the other gleamed with a white as pure as a pearl. The runic inscriptions that once adorned their surface had vanished, merging seamlessly into the blades themselves. I couldn't help but feel awestruck at the incredible power that radiated from them.

One blade possessed a gentle yet deadly aura that could consume life force, while the other felt like a dangerous force capable of melting away even the strongest steel with a single stroke.

Raising the daggers up, I gave them names. "From now on, you will be known as Aurora's Light," I said, addressing the white blade, "while you will be called Death's Kiss," I added, looking at the black blade. The daggers responded with a brilliant flash of light, pulsing with ethereal energies. The sheer power they radiated created a massive vortex of mana that was quickly consumed, as the daggers vibrated with excitement, accepting their new names.


After placing the daggers into my inventory, I fashioned and enchanted a sheath for both of them, allowing Olivia to attach them to her belt and with a thought have access to them. Exhausted from the intense crafting session, I turned off all of my skills, and my body slumped from the fatigue. I was fighting the urge to test them out in combat, yet I knew it could wait. While cleaning up the remnant of the crafting ingredient, I couldn't resist giving my massive list of skill notifications a quick glance.

[Skill: [Intuitive Aptitude] has reached Level 79.]

[Skill: [Adapt] has reached Level 94.]

[Skill: [Data Savant] has reached Level 85.]

[Skill: [Optimize] has reached Level 39.]

[Skill: [Focus] has reached Level 132.]

[Skill: [Mind Discipline] has reached Level 98.]

[Skill: [Parallel Processing] has reached Level 236.]

[Skill: [Alchemy] has reached Level 141.]

[Skill: [Chemistry] has reached Level 113.]

[Skill: [Geology] has reached Level 113.]

[Skill: [Mathematics] has reached Level 227.]

[Skill: [Physics] has reached Level 259.]

[Skill: [Craft] has reached Level 37.]

[Skill: [Blacksmithing] has reached Level 146.]

[Skill: [Arcane Blacksmith] has reached Level 167.]

[Skill: [Metalworking] has reached Level 159.]

[Skill: [Technopathy] has reached Level 5.]

[Skill: [Healing Toxicity] has reached Level 7.]

[Skill: [Enchanting] has reached Level 144.]

[Skill: [Code Master] has reached Level 56.]

[Skill: [Coding] has reached Level 136.]

[Skill: [Spellcode] has reached Level 173.]

[Skill: [Runic Language] has reached Level 126.]

[Skill: [Mana Manipulation] has reached Level 186.]

"Five hundred and twenty-five skill levels gained from a single crafting session," I muttered to myself. "I really need to craft more often." Glancing at my status, I was pleasantly surprised by the changes brought by skill level-ups I had accumulated over the past few weeks.


[Global L: 93 XP: 6,707,970]

[Classes: [Artificer: 1/100] [Programmer: 1/50] [Thief: 1/25]]

[Titles: [Master Blacksmith] [Training Addict] [Rune Master: DanMachi]]

[Race: [High Elf] [Vulcan] [Renard] | Tier: 3]

[WP: 41,230] [UC: 199,998] [HS: Healthy]

Stamina: 3,026,997 (65,480/s)

Mana: 5,613,324 (711,584/s)

Ki: 3,460,420 (5,767/s)

STR: 834 > 1,019

VIT: 1,119 > 2,545

DEX: 1,102 > 1,189

AGI: 948 > 1,018

PER: 513 > 553

INT: 1,266 > 1,345

WIS: 1,211 > 1,287

CHAR: 339 > 355

LUCK: 98 > 104

P. Res: 4 (25.29%) > 155 (42.30%)

M. Res: 98 (26,23%) > 276 (43.51%)

[Skill List Img]

Despite feeling stronger than ever, I knew I still had a long way to go. It was ironic that the most significant gains I had made were in terms of survivability. I had gained almost one and a half thousand points in vitality, thanks to leveling up skills such as [Regeneration Healing Factor] and [Bestial Physique]. While it may not have been as glamorous as increasing my damage output, it was a crucial step toward surviving in dangerous situations.

Having delved into the minds of Ajuka and Azazel, I felt confident in my ability to create an even better Sacred Gear than the one I had intended to give to Olivia. However, with the events of the day and the long crafting session, I was far too exhausted to start working on it. I exited Nexus, setting it into power-saving mode, before collapsing onto my bed, falling into a deep and much-needed slumber.

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed, still dressed in the same clothes from the day before, covered in sweat and grime from head to toe. To my surprise, Olivia was sleeping soundly next to me, snuggled up to my filthy body as if she didn't care about my state. Overseer was still active, yet the little bugger failed to notify me when she entered my range.

"Damn these parallel mind instances and their ability to make decisions." I could only sigh, as I tried to remember when I had arrived home the previous night, I had lost track of time, and almost instantly fell asleep. I also hadn't noticed Olivia joining me in bed, and that was a clear sign I was overworking myself.

With the traumatic events that had occurred in my soul realm and the encounter with Izanami, I still felt like I wasn't doing enough. The memories were still vividly etched in my mind, and in this instance, all I could do was curse my perfect memory. The meeting with the goddess made it clear that I needed to work even harder on myself. If Izanami had been in a worse mood, she could have easily erased us from existence, and that was a wake-up call - I needed a divine domain.

Despite the warmth of Olivia's body next to mine, my mind couldn't help but drift toward my goals and the weight of my responsibilities. I knew that consolidating a divine domain was no small feat and would require a massive amount of effort and dedication.

As I continued to pet Olivia, I opened a parallel mind instance to brainstorm and weigh my options for what type of domain to consolidate. Should I focus on magic or the manipulation of mana itself? Or should I delve into the fundamental forces of the universe, such as time or space, and maybe even learn how to affect strong or weak forces? Or perhaps, as a skilled craftsman, I could even create a domain based on crafting.

Despite the guidance provided by the [Seed of Divinity] on how to create a divine domain, the sheer amount of divine energy required filled me with dread. From my calculations, I estimated that I would need to possess at least five times the amount of divinity that I currently held to even consider creating a domain.

The process would necessitate a soul surgery that far exceeded the one I undertook to create a soul sphere, as well as a substantial quantity of divine energy that I still lacked. Remembering the excruciating pain, I felt when a fragment of my soul was extracted to construct the soul sphere, I winced at the thought. To make matters worse, unlike before, this time, I wouldn't have the aid of a skill to control the process, and I would need to carry it out alone.

As I pondered on the daunting task ahead, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. However, I decided to set aside those thoughts for now and concentrate on accumulating more divine energy. Consolidating a divine domain was a long-term goal that required careful consideration and planning.

Realizing that I needed to prioritize my personal growth for both my own well-being and the safety of those close to me, I closed my eyes and sank into Olivia's warm embrace. As I focused on relaxing, memories flooded my mind and I remembered the protective skill we had acquired from the Seraph race. Though not groundbreaking, the skill provided an additional layer of defense that I was grateful for.

[Holy Halo LVL:1/100]

- The user gains a Halo of light over his head that amplifies the user's light and holy affinity skills, abilities, and spells, increasing their damage or effectiveness against targets deemed impure or dark.

- Grants the user and nearby allies a passive regeneration to all basic resources, including health, mana, and stamina.

- Provides a protective aura around the user and allies, shielding them from harmful effects or debuffs that may target them.

- The magnitude and range of the effects increase with the skill level, allowing the user to protect and empower their allies even further.

The day truly began not long after. We got out of bed and started preparing breakfast, using our replicator to create fresh ingredients. Olivia took care of cooking on the stove, while I chopped up the ingredients and prepared the meat. After the meal was ready, we sat down to eat and chatted about the events that took place the day before.

Olivia took a bite and remarked, "Yasaka seems to be scared of you."

"I can relate to her fear," I replied. "There was a time when I too was afraid of myself, of the person I had become and the person I might turn into. However, I've reached a point where I don't care anymore." Taking a deep breath, I locked eyes with her.

"I believe you're starting to understand what I mean. In the multiverse, nothing is straightforward. There are no clear-cut distinctions between good and evil, right and wrong - everything is murky, painted in shades of gray. You could lead a virtuous life, but there will come a time when you face a challenge that cannot be overcome without harming others."

My words had her pondering. "What I'm trying to say is that even if the road ahead is fraught with danger and sacrifice, seizing any available power along the way could minimize or altogether prevent such obstacles. This would enable you to save as many lives as possible when the opportunity arises. It won't bring back those that were lost, but it will certainly make it easier to save others in the future."

"I know you're right, but it's difficult to wield a sword against an innocent person," she confessed.

"Then leave those swings to me," I reassured her, patting her head. "Speaking of swings, I finished crafting your daggers. Would you like to inspect them after breakfast?" She became ecstatic, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement.

"After breakfast," I repeated, with a smile. Sometimes, she acted like a child on Christmas Eve. "Regarding Yasaka, she took my teasing in good humor, but after the town attack and the spell I cast, she now regards me more as a god than a mortal. So, I need to be careful not to provoke her. Last time, she acted up because of my teasing." I sighed, then remembered.

"By the way, did you notice that at the gathering, she didn't say a word and addressed both of us as 'Sama' afterward?" I asked.

"She only addresses me that way out of respect for you," she replied. "You rebuilt the town, revived her people, and even confronted the goddess of death. Don't underestimate your work. It was an enormous task, and you know it."

"Actually, you were the one who faced the goddess of death. I only reacted when she attempted to kill you. If she had demanded the souls back, I would have given them to her. I wasn't willing to sacrifice you or what we had built for strangers, even if there were tens of thousands of them," I clarified.

Olivia shook her head in response to my answer and added, "I understand, but that's a frightening thought." She fell silent for a moment before asking a question that only a woman could ask. "How many people would you sacrifice to save me if I ever found myself in that kind of situation?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, relieved that she hadn't asked me if I would still love her if she were a worm. Thankfully, this question was easily answerable. "All of them."

"All of them?" she repeated, clearly puzzled.

"Yes, every single soul in existence, if necessary. You mean more to me than anything else, so the decision would be simple," I replied with a shrug.

"You're insane," she responded with a stoic, unimpressed expression.

"No, my dear, I'm not insane. I'm just insanely in love!" I declared, raising my voice at the end, eliciting a chuckle from Olivia. "And with you around, the world seems so much brighter, you are my little sunshine."

She flashed a warm smile at my response. "I love you, too." She said, but immediately added, "But, I hope it never comes to that, although, it's reassuring to know where your priorities lie." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Speaking of priorities, we should probably start thinking about our next move."

"My next move involves modifying the Blade Blacksmith Sacred Gear to allow the creation of swords of any kind, not just holy ones." I pondered for a moment and then asked Olivia. "Also, would you be interested in wielding Divine Dividing? It would be a great fit for your fighting style when combined with the Boosted Gear, weakening your foes, absorbing their power, and boosting yourself between attacks," I explained, considering the possibilities.

"Why not take it yourself?" she questioned with confusion.

"It doesn't fit my fighting style," I replied with a shrug, causing her to roll her eyes. "But it's true, I only get up close when I'm certain I can finish the fight in one blow. Otherwise, I prefer casting spells from a distance. Also, I have plans for two other ones already."

Olivia nodded in understanding, before asking, "Will it be as painful as the first time?"

"I'm pretty confident it will be just like last time," I said candidly, causing her to grimace and take a deep breath.

"Okay, let's get it over with quickly," she finally said, and I stood up and extended my hand.

"Excellent, let's head to the Nexus, so we don't disrupt the townsfolk with the energies you'll release."

I grasped Olivia's hand and led her into Nexus for the first time.

"Is this your man cave? It's quite sparse," she observed, looking around the bare room that was currently in power-saving mode, causing me to snort.

"Mai, living room configuration," I commanded, prompting my AI to rapidly shift the room's current configuration into a cozy, fully decorated living room with a large sofa in the middle, facing an already-lit fireplace.

"Nice touch with the paintings and the fireplace, Mai," I complimented her for a job well done before turning to the stunned Olivia. "So, what do you think? Mai can create a full apartment and decorate it with anything we want. The only issue is the mana requirements, which I'm currently shouldering fully. This room alone costs me around 7,000 points of mana per second to maintain. But I already have plans on how to fix that, we just need to visit another world for the magic."

Olivia turned to me, her mouth agape, and asked, "How large can it get?"

"It depends on how much mana I want to invest. If I activate [Mana's Blessing] and push my stats to the limit, I can get it up to the size of a football field. Although, when I get the magic from another world, I'm pretty sure I can get it to the size of a larger park, or hopefully, the size of a small town."

Her expression betrayed a mix of excitement and surprise, and I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but I could see the gears turning in her head.

"Can you control the environment as you see fit?" she asked.

"Yes, why?" I inquired, perplexed.

"After you get that magic, can I have a small garden? I've always wanted to have a flower garden," she asked, feeling somewhat timid.

"Sure, you can even have two if you can manage them," I replied with a chuckle, patting her head.

She gazed up at me with grateful eyes and said, "Thank you, Andy," before giving me a quick peck on my cheek. She then moved over to the sofa and laid down, saying, "Alright, shove that dragon into me," but she froze when she realized how inappropriate that sounded. A rosy blush spread across her face, and she gave me an anxious look as I reached for my belt and started undoing it. "Not that one!" she yelled, before quickly correcting herself. "I mean, you can use that one, after I come back from work."

Her sudden change in tone caught me off guard, freezing my hand mid-motion. She giggled at my astonished expression as I finally replied with a wide smile and a wink, "Alright girl, it's a date." I then turned to Mai and requested, "Mai, please move the Longinuses to this room."

"Understood, Master," Mai replied as she swiftly teleported the items into the living room.

Olivia was surprised to hear Mai speak and asked, "Oh, she can talk?"

Mai explained, "Yes, Mistress. Master has programmed me to respond to inquiries and conversations. You have level 1 clearance, which allows you to summon rooms, modify existing ones, activate my defense and offense capabilities, and interact with me. However, I will only follow your orders if they align with my programming and do not contradict any of Master's orders or restrictions."

"That's really cool," Olivia said, impressed.

"Okay, enough chit-chat. Let's get the dragon soul out of the way," I said, eager to get this out of the way.