In-Between 6

As the door sealed shut with a resounding click, I found myself immersed in the captivating ambiance of the library's crafting room. Before me, it stood in all its majestic splendor, ready to reveal its secrets and assist me in my endeavors.

Directing my attention to the left, my gaze fell upon a futuristic panel embedded into the wall. My fingers danced over its sleek surface, selecting the enchanting room prefab with a sense of anticipation. With a seamless transition, the room began to morph and melt away, its form giving way to a mesmerizing transformation. In its place emerged an enchanting room of unparalleled elegance and modernity, adorned with machinery and apparatuses that seemed to defy conventional understanding. These intricate devices held promises of untold possibilities, fueling my excitement and igniting my imagination.

With a furrowed brow and a tinge of frustration, I meticulously examined each piece of machinery within the room. However, to my dismay, I found myself unable to decipher their intricate workings. Despite my [Intuitive Aptitude] and various other inspection abilities, these advanced contraptions eluded my understanding. It was as if they existed on a plane of knowledge beyond my current grasp.

Adding to my challenge, a peculiar ethereal film enveloped the machinery, seemingly composed of a substance far surpassing mere mana. This enigmatic substance acted as an impenetrable barrier, obstructing my attempts to unravel the secrets held within. It possessed the uncanny ability to block all of my skills and inspection abilities, rendering them useless in the face of its mystery. The machinery, intricately detailed to my vision, appeared as empty voids, devoid of any discernible information, to every other sense.

Despite exhausting every available method, including attempting to scan the machinery with my watch, I found myself consistently thwarted in my efforts. It became increasingly evident that the Library itself was intentionally impeding my ability to inspect and comprehend these enigmatic devices. Reluctantly, I had to concede defeat in my quest to acquire their schematics, at least for the time being.

With a heavy sigh, I settled into the comfort of the chair behind the wooden crafting table, determined to make the most of the situation. I requested the room to provide me with a user manual for the machinery, hoping that it would shed some light on their mysteries. In response, five stacks of books materialized before me with a resounding thud, as if an offering from the arcane depths of the Library.

Drawing upon my [Arcane Book Thief] title, I eagerly absorbed the information available on the pages of these tomes, seeking answers within their depths. However, my dismay grew as I discovered that the books did not delve into the principles upon which the machines operated. Instead, they provided clear instructions on how to operate, power, and program these enigmatic devices. While disappointed by the lack of deeper insights, I realized that understanding their practical functionality would still be a valuable asset in my endeavors. Resolute, I devoted myself to studying the manuals, determined to grasp the intricacies of their operation and harness their potential to the fullest extent possible.

As I immersed myself in the wealth of information provided by the manuals, a sense of awe and astonishment washed over me. The machines that now stood behind me, each bearing their own unique purpose and functionality, revealed a glimpse into the vastness of the Enchanting profession. Crystallizers, Purifiers, Engravers, Centrifuges, Mana Entanglers, Splicers, Separators, and numerous other intricate and futuristic devices, each with its specific purposes, which truthfully eluded me.

With this newfound understanding, it became apparent that my previous knowledge of enchanting had barely scratched the surface. The sheer variety and complexity of these machines hinted at the limitless possibilities and depths awaiting exploration within the Enchanting profession. However, I recognized that it would require time and patience to fully grasp the intricacies and purposes of each of these apparatuses. For now, I decided against experimenting with them, opting instead to rely on the tried-and-true method of enchanting by hand that had served me well in the past.

With unwavering determination, I averted my gaze from the captivating machines and directed my attention back to the familiar wooden crafting table. While I chose not to utilize the advanced enchanting machinery behind me, it didn't render everything in the room obsolete. There was one particular set of tools that piqued my interest - the handheld engraving devices. Their magitech design appeared within the realm of my current understanding and capabilities, making them a prime candidate for reproduction.

Carefully removing the crystalline Core of Nexus, Mai herself, from my inventory, I gingerly placed her spherical vessel on the table. In a similar fashion, I retrieved her pedestal from my inventory and positioned it beside her. Activating a fascinating contraption that employed levitation and allowed for effortless manipulation of their position and rotation with my thoughts, I secured both items in place.

With a firm grip on the mana engraver, its intricate and delicate design fitting comfortably in my hand, I embarked on the task of engraving Mai's core. The device hummed with energy as I etched thousands of intricate runes, transmutation circles, and advanced capabilities onto her surface. Each stroke of the engraver imbued her with newfound powers, strengthening our connection and enhancing her abilities to serve both her purpose and my own.

The process was meticulous, requiring unwavering focus and precision. I poured my knowledge of enchanting and alchemy, combined with the minimal insights gained from the manuals, into each stroke and symbol, ensuring that the engraving would yield the desired results. As the runes took shape, an aura of magic enveloped the room, crackling with potential and anticipation.

Hours passed, but I remained steadfast in my endeavor, driven by the desire to unlock the fullest potential of Mai's essence. With each completed engraving, a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment washed over me. The culmination of intricate symbols and carefully crafted enchantments would breathe new life into Mai, enabling her to unleash her power and aid me in my future endeavors.

Finally, as the last stroke of the engraver danced upon Mai's surface, I paused to admire the masterpiece before me. The runes shimmered with a radiant glow, pulsating with the promise of extraordinary possibilities. The process was complete, and I felt a deep sense of satisfaction and excitement at the prospect of unleashing the boundless potential contained within Mai.

Despite completing the enchanting process for Mai's core, there was still an important task at hand. With a slight grimace, I carefully returned her Core to my inventory, ensuring its safety. The focus now shifted to the pedestal that had served its purpose admirably until now. However, with the advancements made and the grand scale of my project, it had become clear that the current design was inadequate.

Originally created a few months ago, the pedestal's primary function was to expand Mai's range of influence and allow her to interact with the world around her. It also served as a crucial anchor for the realm she created. However, its composition of mithril base, surrounded by orichalcum and mana stone-based mana channels, would no longer suffice. The energy demands of Mai, especially with the incorporation of the Dyson sphere's mana, would far exceed the pedestal's capacity.

While mana stones, renowned for their exceptional mana conductivity, provided a possible solution, they too had their limitations. Even the most potent and pure mana stones would be insufficient to support the magnitude of energy required. The thought of constructing a pedestal on a scale large enough to meet those demands, encompassing multiple galaxies, brought with it logistical and gravitational challenges that were far from practical.

As I contemplated alternative solutions, my attention turned to the philosopher's stone resting safely within my inventory. Its potential for storing and transferring energy far surpassed that of mana stones. The stone held immense power, capable of supplying the necessary energy for my project. However, it presented a unique challenge.

Despite its remarkable attributes, the philosopher's Stone posed a conundrum. Its ethereal nature rendered it inscrutable to my replicator's scanning capabilities. The stone appeared as an empty void, defying any attempts to analyze its composition or understand its inner workings. Even my most advanced technological and magical sensors failed to yield any insight.

Furthermore, the stone's unconventional properties brought about additional complications. Its size, although relatively small compared to the power it contained, would still require careful consideration when shaping it into a pedestal. Also, the stone's energy transfer mechanism operated on a different principle than mana stones, necessitating a modified approach to harness its potential effectively.

As I deliberated on potential solutions, the idea of combining mana stones and the philosophers' stone crossed my mind. Such a fusion could potentially overcome the limitations posed by both materials. However, I quickly dismissed the idea. The complexities and challenges involved in such an endeavor were not something I was prepared to tackle at this moment.

As I contemplated the limitations of the materials at hand, an idea sparked in my mind. "Maybe the Uru metal would work." My eyes shone with excitement, as a smile spread across my face.

The legendary metal Uru was said to have exceptional properties and held the potential to be a game-changer in my current predicament. Its rumored superior mana conductivity and durability, mainly used in crafting weapons for gods, made it an intriguing prospect for upgrading Mai's pedestal. However, I knew that world was a perilous one, laded with hidden dangers and entities capable of manipulating multiple realities with a single thought.

With a sigh, I acknowledged my current limitations as well as the current constraints imposed by the materials at my disposal. "Maybe at Tier Five, I could tackle that world." I sighed and with a sense of acceptance, made peace with the fact that I would need to scale down my project for the time being. The limitations of the available materials meant that I would have to work within their boundaries. Although it was a compromise, I held onto the hope that future discoveries might yield a material with superior mana conductivity, paving the way for an upgraded pedestal capable of accommodating the full scope of my plans.

With that decision in mind, I retrieved my personal replicator from my inventory, placing it on the table before me. Through a simple manipulation of its appearance, it transformed into a sleek and sophisticated personal computer, equipped with light-based keyboards and multiple quantum computing units. My fingers danced effortlessly across the keyboard as I inputted the necessary commands and instructions, while the quantum computing units strived to keep pace with my lightning-fast input speed.

As I immersed myself in the task of designing the new pedestal, time seemed to slip away unnoticed. The replicator interface became my canvas, and with each keystroke, the blueprint of my vision materialized. The persistent chimes of system notifications went ignored, as my focus remained fixated on the intricate details taking shape before me.

The new 'pedestal', the dimensional anchor, took the form of a massive cube, measuring 20 meters on each side. It was a stark contrast to the previous design, but its simplicity belied its true complexity. The inner walls of the room were adorned with countless jagged protrusions, resembling sharp shards of crystal, all reaching towards the center but stopping just 15 centimeters short. It was within this space that Mai's core would find its snug resting place.

Each protrusion was meticulously connected to different types of arrays, carefully engineered to grant Mai unparalleled control over the environment. These arrays would enable her to manipulate dimensions, alter material compositions, and command a multitude of other functions beyond imagination. The potential contained within this anchor was awe-inspiring, and I felt a surge of excitement coursing through me as I envisioned the possibilities it held.

The design process was intricate and meticulous, requiring a deep understanding of mana flow, dimensional mechanics, and advanced enchanting principles. Every detail was considered, and every connection was strategically placed to optimize Mai's capabilities. I spared no effort in ensuring that this anchor would be a masterpiece of engineering and enchantment, a worthy vessel for Mai's power.

As the hours passed, the design took shape before my eyes. The replicator faithfully translated my vision into reality, bringing to life the intricate network of arrays and protrusions within the pedestal. It was a testament to the power of both technology and magic, a fusion of craftsmanship and ingenuity.

As the design of the anchor was finalized and saved, I turned my attention to the crafting room itself. With a few adjustments on the interface panel, the enchanting room liquefied seamlessly transforming into a spacious starship engineering port. The walls expanded, revealing a vast expanse of gleaming metal and advanced machinery, providing me with ample space to bring my project to life.

Gently, I placed the replicator in an open space, ensuring its stability, and as I selected the anchor blueprint, the machine emitted a humming sound, absorbing the mana I had generated and channeling it within. Within a few seconds. it commenced a remarkable transformation, altering its form to match the desired size and arrangement

An exasperated groan escaped my lips as I bemoaned my lack of foresight. "I should have brought something to read," I muttered under my breath, acutely aware that the process would take a considerable amount of time to complete. Resigned to the fact, I settled into a patient stance, knowing that waiting was the only option.

Utilizing the abundance of free time at hand, I seized the opportunity to access my status screen, curious to see what the previous chimes were. To my astonishment, a plethora of notifications flooded the display, signaling an extensive array of level-ups and skill evolutions.

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 135,712 XP]

[Class: [Artificer] has reached Level 61 (x3).]

[Skill: [Spellcraft] has reached Level 243 (x54).]

[Skill: [Alchemy] has reached Level 289 (x13).]

[Skill: [Enchanting] has reached Level 234 (x71).]

[Skill: [Mystery] has reached Level 189 (x44).]

[Spellcraft III LVL: 200/300]

- Allows the user to create spell matrices by combining formulae and runic symbols.

- Augments the likelihood of successfully crafting a spell matrix by 0.2% per level.

- Provides a 30% cognitive boost during the creation of a new spell matrix.

- Unleashes the capacity to imbue spell matrices with the user's distinct magical essence, rendering them inseparable from the user and impervious to replication or theft, while also intensifying their potency and adaptability.

[Enchanting III LVL: 200/300]

- Bestows the capability to infuse items with special effects.

- Enhances enchanting speed and efficiency by 2% per level.

- Decreases mana expenditure for enchanting by 0.1% per level.

- Enables the utilization of various resource types for enchanting purposes.

Content with the progress I had made and pleased with my decision to acquire the Profession system, I redirected my focus to the ongoing replication process. However, it was apparent that the pace at which it was advancing resembled that of a snail, testing my patience even further.

Seeking to occupy myself, I requested the room to supply me with manuals detailing the various equipment present in the surroundings, and just as in the previous room, an abundance of books materialized before me. While un-equipping my [Arcane Book Thief] title, I settled onto the cold hard ground, my back pressed against the replicator's side, and immersed myself in the mundane world of starship machinery.

The persistent hum of the replicator provided a melodic backdrop to my diligent study, gradually transmuting my mana into a crystalline essence. Though the passage of time felt laborious, I seized the opportunity to refine my skills and expand my knowledge.

At long last, after what seemed like an eternity, I turned the final page of the last manual, sensing the replication process approaching its conclusion. Filled with anticipation, I set aside the manuals and redirected my attention to the replicator. Its humming grew in intensity, signaling the imminent fulfillment of its task.

As the replication process reached its culmination, the air crackled with energy, and a blinding light enveloped the room. With a final, resounding ping, the replicator powered down, reverting to its original cubic form. Satisfied with its successful task, I carefully retrieved the replicator and stowed it away in my inventory, grateful for its invaluable contribution.

With the replicator secured, my attention shifted to the newly replicated anchor. Its crystalline structure glistened with intricate patterns, and I proceeded to meticulously inspect every facet of its design. I traced the mana pathways, ensuring they flowed smoothly and efficiently throughout the anchor. Each enchantment was activated and tested, confirming their proper functioning and synchronization.

Satisfied with my thorough examination, I reached into my inventory and retrieved Mai's core. The air shimmered as I invoked my command over space, bending it to my will. In a seamless motion, I directed the space around the core, guiding it with precision and depositing it gently into the heart of the anchor.

As Mai's core settled into its rightful place, a surge of energy pulsed through the anchor. It resonated with power, becoming a vessel for her essence and the once-inert anchor now thrummed with life, ready to fulfill its purpose as a conduit of mana.

I took a step back, admiring the completed creation before me. The anchor stood as a testament to my skill and determination, a symbol of my commitment to harnessing the power of the realms, and a grand step to completing my Genesis project. With Mai's core embedded within, it was ready to serve as the foundation for the grand plans I had envisioned.

But the journey was far from over. The anchor was just the beginning, a crucial component in the complex machinery. There were still countless tasks to be undertaken, intricate enchantments to be woven, and the monumental task of constructing the Dyson sphere lay ahead.

With a surge of determination, I activated the [Link], establishing a connection with Olivia. The familiar sensation of our bond enveloped my consciousness, and I reached out to her through the ethereal connection.

In the midst of her slumber, Olivia's weary voice resonated, laden with grogginess and concern. "Hey, what's going on?" she asked, her words infused with a mixture of sleepiness and curiosity.

Apologizing for potentially interrupting her rest, I remained oblivious to the late hour. "I need your assistance in the crafting room," I explained, urgency evident in my tone.

A groan echoed through our connection as she voiced her weariness, barely audible. "Can't it wait until tomorrow? It's the middle of the night. Come to the apartment, and we can tackle it in the morning."

Determined and undeterred, I responded without hesitation, disregarding her tired state. "Nope, it can't wait," I insisted, my excitement shining through. "You can sleep in and catch up later, but this, this is an experience you won't want to miss. Trust me."

Despite her groggy state, another groan reverberated in Olivia's mind as she reluctantly acquiesced. "Fine, give me a minute," she replied, mustering the energy to get out of bed.