KonoSuba 6

(Olivia's POV)

"So... going back to the topic... If [Appraise] only relies on my knowledge and insight, how does it provide the stats and skills of individuals?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Andrew pondered for a moment, then shrugged. "I believe [Appraise] only requires your knowledge and insight for the description part of its functionality. Otherwise, it would be a rather useless skill and not something limited by the gods. It's an intriguing question, though." He struck a thoughtful pose and continued, "Where does the skill actually pull that kind of information from? If it works completely on our knowledge, knowing that she is a god, why did it show Eris as a human, instead of a race more fitting for a deity, like a Deus? Even if it's not a perfect match, a Deus would have been a more suitable comparison than a human. I can estimate someone's stats, but it requires observing them in various actions..." He trailed off, lost in his own musings.

I couldn't help but interrupt him, bringing him back to reality.

"So... Changing the subject... Is she now free from the curse?" I inquired, my gaze fixed upon the hovering mass of ominous energies, my understanding of their workings limited.

"Oh, yes, she's completely free from the curse," Andrew confirmed with a nod. "However, the person who cast the curse is still at large. Now, we have to decide how we want to proceed. I can eliminate the caster from this position. While the curse is cleverly designed, it has a major flaw—the caster has linked their own being to it. Through that connection, I can send soul erosion energies or even locate them if desired."

"I want him to experience the pain he has caused. Bring him here," I declared, my eyes narrowing as my anger surged once again.

"Alright," Andrew shrugged nonchalantly. He closed his eyes and extended his mana into the mass of darkness, probing and searching. After a moment, he opened his eyes, waved his hand to disperse the remaining energy, and stated, "Found him. I'll be right back." And with that, he vanished from sight.

I found myself alone in the room, surrounded by seven unconscious men and a single teenage girl. It struck me as odd that this entire situation didn't faze me in the slightest. After all, it wasn't even the strangest thing that had happened to me in the past few months. "This is my life now," I sighed, a hint of amusement in my voice as I chuckled. It was both surreal and liberating to realize that my world had been completely upended, yet I couldn't bring myself to care too much about it. I was happy, and that's all that mattered.

A faint "whoosh" and the sound of grunting interrupted my thoughts as Andy reappeared. His hand was wrapped firmly around the neck of a seemingly young individual dressed in a cliché villain outfit, which was charred and smoking.

"You're choking him," I deadpanned, my expression devoid of any emotion.

"Oh, don't worry," Andy replied, tightening his grip around the man's neck and breaking it in the process. To my surprise, the man's head immediately popped back into place, despite his continued struggle to catch his breath.

"You see, his body is infused with stolen life-force, allowing it to heal rapidly," Andy explained, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "But there's one thing his regeneration can't fix—his mind and soul."

Andy continued, his grin widening. "Allow me to introduce you to a man who feared death to such an extent that he would condemn millions to perish in order to extend his own life. Hiroshi Nakamura was a hero summoned from Japan, from the early 2000s, roughly 300 years ago in this world's timeline. Realizing his futile chances against the demon king, he relinquished his heroic path and embraced the darkness. His ability is [Curse Creation], or should I say, it used to be..."

"You took it?" I asked, my confusion evident in my voice.

"Absolutely," he replied with a nod, a wide smile playing on his lips. "He's mostly harmless now. The fool invested all his attribute points into Magic Power, thinking he could support more curses. And speaking of curses, he has quite the harem of slaves. Oh, and did I mention he's currently linked to approximately 100 million people with the Curse of Death?"

My eyes widened in realization, and a mixture of anger and disgust twisted my features. The sheer number of lives intertwined with this malevolent magic was staggering. It sent a shiver down my spine, realizing the scale of suffering this villain had caused. This man had caused unimaginable pain and suffering, tearing apart families and leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. The weight of all the lives he had ruined settled heavily on my shoulders, and a deep, burning rage ignited within me.

Without hesitation, I let my divine power surge forth, enveloping the room in a crimson aura. My hand shot out, gripping his face with an iron grip, crushing it mercilessly. A strangled cry of agony escaped his lips as his body convulsed, desperately attempting to regenerate the damage.

At that moment, I tapped into my divinity even further, forging a connection with all of his victims. Their pain, their anguish, their suffering—I channeled it all, directing it toward him. The sheer magnitude of their collective torment flooded into his being, overwhelming his senses and breaking him piece by piece.

As his cries of agony echoed through the room, a grim satisfaction twisted my expression. This was justice, a punishment befitting his atrocities. He needed to suffer for every ounce of pain he had inflicted upon others, and I would ensure that he did.

The room fell into an eerie silence, the echoes of his torment fading away. Only the sound of my ragged breaths and the trembling of my hand remained, a haunting reminder of the magnitude of my actions. I gazed upon the man, who now lay on the ground, his chest rising and falling with feeble breaths. Yet, there was no flicker of life in his eyes, only emptiness and the shattered remnants of a once formidable mind.

A wave of remorse washed over me, threatening to consume my thoughts. What had I become in that moment of vengeance? Was this truly justice or had I stooped to his level? Doubts and guilt tugged at my conscience, questioning the morality of my actions.

Slowly, I approached his broken form, my gaze fixated on his lifeless eyes. Regret mingled with sorrow as I contemplated the irreversible consequences of my wrath. No longer a hero or a villain, he was now a mere shell of a man, forever trapped in the abyss of his shattered mind.

As I stood there, my emotions raw and overwhelming, a gentle hand wrapped around me, pulling me into a warm and comforting embrace. It was Andy, his presence a soothing balm amidst the chaos that had unfolded. In the safety of his arms, I surrendered to my tears, allowing them to flow freely.

Every ounce of guilt, remorse, and uncertainty poured out with each tear as if releasing the weight of the world from my shoulders. Andy held me tightly, his silent support conveying a sense of understanding and acceptance. No words were needed at that moment, as his presence alone provided solace.

I clung to him, seeking comfort in his unwavering presence, finding strength in his embrace. The tears washed away the turmoil within me, leaving behind a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. It was a reminder that even in the face of our own demons, we could find comfort and love.

As my turbulent emotions gradually subsided, I found myself gazing into Andrew's gentle eyes. His reassuring smile washed over me, and he tenderly pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Let's bring some goodness into this world," he whispered, his hand patting my back as he shifted his gaze toward the prone figure on the floor. At that moment, I understood that he had a plan, and I knew he was doing it for me. With a determined nod, I released my grip on him and wiped away my tears.

Andrew clasped my hand firmly and led me forward, guiding me toward the lifeless shell before us. With a wave of his hand, a magical circle materialized just above the fallen hero, and the world around us transformed into a tapestry of golden threads. Some threads shimmered with vibrant energy, while others remained faint, barely discernible.

"These are the connections he forged through his curse," Andrew explained, his voice tinged with intrigue. As he spoke, a new thread abruptly materialized, snapping into existence before our eyes. It extended from the very core of the hero's being, stretching infinitely toward the West.

"Huh, someone just got laid," Andrew remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His comment elicited a soft chuckle from me, a brief respite amidst the weight of the situation.

With a graceful wave of his hand, Andrew expended a fraction of his divine power, reshaping the spell before us. I watched in awe as it transformed into a sight that defied my ability to adequately describe. It was as if I was witnessing a masterpiece of art come to life. Every symbol, every intricate pattern, and every majestic formation fused together in a tapestry of perfection. Each element pulsed with radiant golden energy, illuminating the room with its ethereal glow. The sheer beauty and complexity of the spell left me speechless, marveling at the divine craftsmanship that Andrew possessed.

With a touch of theatrical flair, Andrew snapped his fingers, and once again a blinding flash of golden light enveloped the room. The spell sprang to life, and the millions of golden threads illuminating the space, pulsated with immense power. I watched in both awe and concern as the fallen hero's body underwent a grotesque transformation. His once youthful appearance deteriorated before my eyes—his hair lost its luster, turning gray, his cheeks sunk, and wrinkles etched their way across his face. It was as if the passage of decades unfolded within mere moments.

Confusion filled my voice as I questioned Andrew's actions, unable to comprehend the purpose behind this macabre spectacle. "What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the deteriorating figure.

A serene tone accompanied his response as he explained his intentions. "I cannot restore the life-force he stole from his already dead victims. However, I can use that stolen energy to grant millions of his potential victims the chance to live a healthy and fulfilling life." As his words hung in the air, the fallen hero's body disintegrated into a cloud of fine dust, swirling and dissipating within the confines of the room.

My heart raced in my chest as I absorbed the weight of his words. A surge of admiration welled within me, directed towards Andrew and his selfless actions. The gratitude I felt for him swelled, knowing that he was willing to alter the fates of countless individuals for my sake. It was a humbling realization, an understanding that with a mere thought, he could have chosen a different path—one that brought devastation rather than salvation—to a hundred million lives.

"Thank you," I muttered, a mixture of gratitude and slight embarrassment coloring my voice. Once again, I found solace in relying on him to navigate through the complexities of a challenging situation.

Sensing the emotions swirling within me, he closed the distance between us, his touch gentle as his hand lifted my chin, guiding my gaze to meet his. In the softly illuminated room, his warm brown eyes shone with deep affection. "You can always count on me," he whispered tenderly. "If you wish for the stars, I shall bring them down to grace your presence. There is nothing I would not do to witness the radiant smile that brightens each of my days." His heartfelt words lingered in the air as he leaned in, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. His other arm wrapped securely around my waist, lifting me effortlessly off the ground, the world fading away at that moment.

Yet, amidst the intoxication of the moment, my hormonal mind got the better of me, and I blurted out, "I want a baby." The words slipped out before I could fully process their impact. Instantly, Andrew froze, his eyes widening with a mix of shock, surprise, and perhaps even fear. Realizing the weight of my words, I desperately wished to retract them, cursing my unbridled hormones.

However, our intimate moment was abruptly interrupted by a girlish squeal followed by an exclamation. "Gah! That was so romantic!" The blonde imbecile, who had at one point regained consciousness once again, managed to ruin the moment, before, once again, collapsing back onto the floor, unconscious.

Andy's gulp was clearly audible, and he exhaled deeply before pressing a tender kiss on my forehead. His suggestion came with a nervous smile as he proposed, "How about we start with a pet first? I actually came across some adorable orphan puppies in a nearby meadow. We could go and check them out."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his nervousness, shaking my head slightly. However, a tinge of disappointment lingered within me. "Sure, let's get a puppy," I agreed, my voice carrying a hint of resignation.

"Perfect!" he exclaimed clapping cheerfully, then disappearing into thin air. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared, clutching a squirming snow-white puppy by its scruff. "Here," he swiftly placed the dog into my waiting hands, "I'll be off. I have some things to take care of. See you later." With a swift kiss on my lips and his parting words, he vanished once again.

"Huh," I muttered, gazing at the spot where he had just disappeared from. "I've never seen him so afraid. I wonder how he'll react when I do get pregnant in the future." Lost in my thoughts, I lifted the puppy up to my face, asking, "What do you think?" I received a slobbery lick on my cheek in response. "Yeah, you're completely right, he IS going to freak out." I said chuckling to myself.

"Although, what should I name you?" I couldn't let Andy name her, as she would end up with a ridiculous name, like that plant he created earlier, or worse, a cringy name like his sword. I sighed, giving the adorable little thing a good look. Her sapphire blue eyes captivated me, reminding me of the ocean or better yet, the clear blue sky. "How about Sky?" I asked, tilting my head, and it followed suit. I didn't expect any response from her, but to my surprise, she let out the most adorable "woof" I had ever heard.

"Yes, yes, Sky it is then," I said with a satisfied smile, giving her a gentle rub, while she responded with another adorable "woof". "You're surprisingly intelligent," I commented, taking a closer look at her and activating [Appraisal].

[Name: Sky]

(Sex: F) / (Age: 4 Months) / (Race: Hati) / (Tier: 3)

[Health: 81,840] / [Stamina: 6,789] / [Mana: 20]

[Domains: {Moon}]


STR: 88

VIT: 93

DEX: 73

AGI: 79

PER: 89

INT: 5

WIS: 4

CHAR: 14

LUCK: 16

P. Res: 500 (5.00%)

M. Res: 500 (5.00%)

Skills: [Playful Bark], [Tail Wag], [Puppy Eyes], [Fetch], [Enhanced Smell], [Night Vision], [Ageless], [Shadow Manipulation]

I chuckled, reading the first few listed skills, realizing that some of them were likely my own interpretations rather than official skills. However, as I continued to read through the entire appraisal results, I froze, my eyes widening in realization. My gaze swiftly shifted back to the top of the screen, and I couldn't help but gulp as I noticed a divine domain. This cute little creature was no ordinary canine, but a divine beast.

"God damn it, Andy," I muttered under my breath, hoping that he hadn't just kidnapped a child of a god. I looked back at the adorable creature, observing as it cocked its head to the side, its ears flopping about. Resigned, I let out a sigh and pulled the little thing back into a hug.

"Whatever, we'll talk to him later. Anyway, what the hell is a Hati?" I wondered aloud, giving the cutie in my arms a smile. "You wouldn't know, would you?" I playfully booped its nose, eliciting another cute response.

My attention was diverted by another flood of notifications, displaying kills and multiple level-ups. I couldn't help but shake my head, a wry smile forming on my face. "Andrew was having fun, maybe I should have some too," I said to myself, glancing over at the blondie who had just groggily awakened from her forced nap.

"Uhh... My head is killing me," she grumbled, rubbing the sides of her head. However, it didn't take her long to notice me standing a few meters away from her. "Umm, Aunty Olivia, when did you come over?"

"Aunty?" I gave her a confused look, but then realization quickly dawned on me. "God damn it, Andy..." I facepalmed, realizing that he must have done something to confuse the poor girl.

"Umm... Aunty? Why are there seven unconscious guards in my room?" she asked, giving me a perplexed look.

"Don't worry about it," I said, waving off her concern as I let Sky run around freely.

Suddenly, Lalatina noticed the adorable white fluff and squealed like a child, forgetting her earlier question and startling the little puppy who sought refuge between my legs.

Looking down at Sky, I couldn't help but smile and give her a gentle pet, soothing her with a soft voice. Lalatina's excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart witnessing her joy. "She's quite adorable, isn't she?" I said, glancing up at Lalatina with a smile. "Would you like to hold her?"

Her eyes lit up at the suggestion, and she eagerly nodded. I carefully lifted Sky and placed her in Lalatina's arms. The puppy immediately snuggled against her, tail wagging with contentment.

Lalatina beamed, cradling Sky with a mixture of wonder and delight. "She's so precious," she whispered, her voice filled with affection.

"Her name is sky Sky. She's still a baby, so be gentle with her," I said, pulling out my notebook from my inventory and sitting down on the sofa near her.

"So, Lala, I've heard some interesting rumors about you..." I trailed off, teasingly raising an eyebrow.