As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, I stirred awake, greeted by a sense of renewed energy and contentment. With a gentle stretch, I slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb the cozy scene beside me. A soft smile graced my lips as I observed Sky curled up next to Olivia, their warmth and affection intertwined in peaceful harmony.

The sight of our furry companion nestled so effortlessly into our lives brought a surge of warmth to my heart. With cautious steps, I approached the slumbering pup, careful not to disturb her blissful dreams. Leaning down, I tenderly caressed her head, offering a silent apology for the interruption.

Leaving the bedroom, I made my way to the kitchen, my mind already craving the invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee. However, much to my dismay, the search for a coffee supply proved futile. With a sigh of resignation, I reached into my inventory and retrieved the replicator, swiftly creating a steaming cup of liquid gold.

Though I possessed heightened parameters, making the invigorating effect of coffee unnecessary, the taste and comfort of a warm cup were still a pleasure worth indulging in.

With coffee in hand, I settled down on the sofa, turning on the morning news as background noise. My attention, however, was focused on the list of worlds that Index had provided me. The possibilities for new powers and adventures that lay ahead tantalized my imagination, filling me with excitement.

Immersed in the enchanting descriptions of countless unique worlds, I savored the rich taste of coffee on my lips, letting the morning news dissolve into a distant hum.

As if on cue, Olivia entered the living room, her t-shirt swaying with each graceful step. A radiant smile illuminated my face at the sight of her. Her very presence had the power to transform the room, infusing it with an undeniable warmth and joy. My heart swelled with affection as she drew nearer, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Morning," she greeted, her voice filled with warmth and affection. Closing the distance between us, she leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. The touch of her lips sent a pleasant tingle through my skin, and I couldn't help but lean into the affectionate gesture.

"Morning," I replied, my voice laced with a mixture of contentment and adoration. "Did you sleep well?"

Her smile widened, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Like a baby. Your presence always brings me such peace."

I chuckled softly, my heart swelling with affection. "The feeling is mutual, my love."

Settling down next to me on the sofa, Olivia snuggled close, her warmth seeping into my side. The soft fabric of her oversized t-shirt brushed against my arm, adding an extra layer of comfort to our embrace.

Her eyes flickered with curiosity as she glanced at the stack of papers I had set aside. "Are those the worlds Index suggested?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine interest.

"Yes, they are," I confirmed, passing her the collection of possibilities. "Take a look at these. They seem to be the most promising out of all the ones I've gone through."

As Olivia flipped through the pages, her eyes paused on a particular entry, and confusion etched itself onto her features. "Magical Girls?" she questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Yeah, like Sailor Moon," I responded casually, but her confusion only deepened. "Wait, your world didn't have magical girls?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. Her nod confirmed my suspicion. "Huh, Sailor Moon should have started releasing around the nineties. I'm not exactly sure of the precise date, as I wasn't a big fan. Well, no matter," I shrugged. "Do you remember how Serafall used to dress?"

Recognition flickered in her eyes as she nodded slowly. "Yes, I do. She had a... unique style."

"That's the basic idea," I explained, a playful glimmer in my eyes. "Magical girls usually have these elaborate transformations before they engage in combat. It's a bit too fantastical, I must admit, and in real combat, such theatrics would likely be fatal. But they often possess superhuman abilities, don cute outfits, and—though I could be wrong—sometimes have powers related to concepts."

Olivia's lips curved into a sheepish smile as she contemplated the concept. "I always thought Serafall called herself a magical girl because she was... well, magical and a girl."

I chuckled softly, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's easy to see why you'd think that. But in her case, she was just a fan of a silly magical girl series and even starred in one herself."

Comprehension lit up Olivia's eyes, and she chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "I guess I was wrong," she admitted, a playful smile tugging at her lips. She returned her attention to the list and inquired, "So, what makes this world intriguing?"

I took a moment to reflect on her question, recalling the detailed description of the world in question. "This world possesses an interesting blend of darkness and unease," I began. "It revolves around a peculiar divine being who grants extraordinary powers to young girls in middle school, transforming them into Magical Girls. However, these girls are then compelled to combat malevolent entities known as Witches."

Olivia's expression shifted from amusement to genuine concern, the playful smile fading from her lips. She furrowed her brow, visibly disturbed by the description I had provided. Nevertheless, I pressed on, continuing my explanation. "Unfortunately, the same power that empowers these girls also corrupts them, leading to their eventual transformation into Witches. This creates an endless cycle of death and despair."

"That's horrible!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with heartfelt empathy.

I nodded, sharing her sentiment. "Indeed, it is a dark and unsettling world. I chose it specifically with you in mind, hoping that your divine influence could bring salvation to its inhabitants. However, perhaps it would be best to temporarily set this world aside. It's a high-tier realm, and with the system, we can access it whenever we want, so there is no need to rush," I explained, accompanied by a wry smile.

(A/N: This one is "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", but if you want to read a really good Magical Girl manga, I suggest checking out: "I Messed Up and Made the Wrong Person Into a Magical Girl!")

Her reaction was a mix of a sigh and a nod, realizing the fact that we couldn't save everybody. "Alright, let's shift our focus to a lighter topic," she suggested, mustering a smile. "Have you come across anything interesting for yourself?" she asked, peering at the list once again.

I grinned and leaned forward, excitement gleaming in my eyes. "Yes, it's actually the last world on the list," I replied. "It's called Vyrithia." Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Don't worry, I hadn't heard of it before either. But the description provided by Index was truly fascinating. If you're too lazy to read it, I can give you a quick summary."

She placed the stack of papers on the table, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Go ahead, I'm all ears," she encouraged.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before diving into the captivating details. "In Vyrithia, every inhabitant possesses a unique rune within their soul, granting them the ability to wield a specific type of magic," I began, my voice filled with enthusiasm. "Initially, there were only basic elemental runes such as fire, water, earth, and air. But as time passed, people developed the power to control the weather, reshape the earth, summon meteors, and even extinguish stars."

My excitement grew as I continued, "Each rune in Vyrithia is distinct, although some may have overlapping abilities. The people of this world don't rely on internal mana; instead, they manipulate the environmental mana through their runes. However, the most fascinating aspect is how they can strengthen their runes by defeating beasts or other rune wielders of the same or similar kind."

I paused, allowing the information to sink in before delivering the final intriguing twist. "When two individuals with similar runes conceive a child, let's say one controls fire and the other controls heat, the child can inherit either power separately, or both within the same rune. But here's the real kicker: If the parents' runes differ too much, there's another possibility. Their runes can merge, giving rise to a completely new and unique rune. Index mentioned an example where the children of a Fire rune user and a Water rune user ended up with a Fire rune, a Steam rune, and an Ice rune." I leaned back, my smile remaining intact. "So, what do you think?" I asked eagerly.

Olivia's confusion was apparent as she questioned, "So what, you want to go in and steal some runes?" I shook my head, dismissing the notion.

"Not exactly. Don't get me wrong, if we come across something intriguing, I might consider it. However, that's not why I'm interested in this world," I explained. My smile widened, excitement bubbling within me. "I plan on entering that world to analyze the runes and souls of its inhabitants. My intention is to bestow a similar ability upon the race I've been designing."

She tilted her head, a look of concern on her face. "But according to Index's description, that world is doomed due to the excessive consumption of environmental mana by those same runes. Are you sure your dimension can handle that?" she inquired, voicing her apprehension.

"It's not just my dimension, it's ours," I corrected her with a warm smile. "Also, the species in that world never evolved to house mana within their bodies, and are relying solely on environmental mana. However, my creations will possess internal mana because I plan to incorporate Wizard DNA into their design. I may need to experiment with manipulating souls, develop a spell or gain a soul manipulation ability, but rest assured, I am confident that I can modify the function of those runes, ensuring that they utilize internal mana instead."

Concern filled her voice as she posed another question, "Wouldn't that add another layer of danger to our dimension?"

"Indeed, it would. However, I have no intention of allowing them to possess all their abilities right from the start," I replied with a confident smile. "I have devised a two-step plan for my creations. Firstly, each of them will be afflicted with a soul curse that prevents their abilities from manifesting initially. This will ensure controlled progression and development. Additionally, I will create a new AI, perhaps named Observer, which will gather information about the population and their abilities, providing us with valuable data."

As I shared my elaborate plan, I couldn't help but notice a growing concern on Olivia's face. Ignoring her unease, I pressed on. "I plan on creating a ritual for the inhabitants of our dimension. When they come of age, around 12 years old, they will offer prayers to us, beseeching the unlocking of their abilities. In return, we will receive divine energies in the form of their belief. However, not everyone will receive all of their powers immediately. We, or an AI, will selectively choose one or two abilities for each individual, allowing us to control the population's strength and the timing of their power activation. Additionally, the curse will serve as a fail-safe or a kill switch if necessary."

An idea sparked within me, fueling a surge of inspiration. "In fact," I contemplated, "I believe I can create a system of my own, a structured framework to guide their species' development and evolution. This will ensure balance, regulate their growth, and augment our own divinity without excessive interference."

Olivia's face twisted with concern as she posed a question. "But wouldn't that infringe upon their birthrights and free will?"

"Birthrights?" I responded with a mocking expression. "They will only possess these abilities because I chose to bestow it upon them. And as for free will, it's overrated," I scoffed. "They will have the illusion of free will, and that will be sufficient. Consider your own world, Olivia. Reflect on how society, the media, money, laws, and religion manipulated and limited your choices. Even now, due to the entities that brought us together, we find ourselves propelled in a certain direction."

A moment of silence lingered before Olivia let out a reluctant sigh. "You do have a point," she conceded. However, her expression turned contemplative as she voiced her concern. "But wouldn't that make us no better than those who manipulated us?"

I took a moment to deeply consider her words, acknowledging the weight of the ethical dilemma we faced. "It's possible," I replied, my tone tinged with indifference. "However, through this process, we would gain the belief needed to gradually advance our divinity and have the ability to extract powers when necessary. Furthermore, I envision a world predominantly characterized by peace, where conflicts and wars only arise when truly essential."

"What if they discover our manipulation?" Olivia questioned.

"They won't," I assured her, confidence in my plan. "And even if they accidentally stumble upon it, that's why Observer will be there. We can rewind time and remove the cause of their revelation." I nodded assuredly. "Furthermore, I can't wait to design a religion, with the two of us at its pinnacle."

Olivia snorted and shook her head. "Honestly, all of this sounds a bit insane, even for you."

"It is what it is," I replied nonchalantly, shrugging. "However, it is a necessary step for our advancement." I casually put my arm around her shoulder, drawing her closer. "But, on a lighter note," I changed the subject, flashing her a comforting smile, "What are your plans for today?"

She nestled in closer, placing her palm on my chest. "Well, yesterday I was assigned a patrol area, so I thought I could take Sky for a walk and fulfill my patrol duties at the same time."

"Oh, which part of the city?" I inquired curiously.

"I'm not entirely sure, I have it written down somewhere. All I know is that it's near a stadium of some sort," she replied, shrugging. "What about you? Any plans for today?"

"Rescuing a young girl from medical experiments, overthrowing the symbol of peace, invading a city, and maybe creating a rubber duck the size of a moon," I declared with enthusiasm, a sparkle in my eyes.

Olivia looked up at me, her face etched with confusion. "A moon-sized rubber duck?"

"Yes! There was this movie called 'Independence Day' where aliens attacked Earth, and they had a colossal mothership. I want to recreate that, but with rubber ducks," I explained, excitement evident in my voice.

Olivia let out a sigh and rested her head back on my shoulder. "Just don't go overboard, okay?"

"When have I ever gone overboard?" I retorted, but her deadpan expression only confirmed the truth. "Alright, alright... I promise I won't do anything too outrageous," I conceded, rolling my eyes. However, a nagging thought lingered in my mind. Was invading the world with city-sized spaceships considered crossing the line? We'll have to see...

"Thank you," she said, planting a quick kiss on my cheek. She then stood up and asked, "Breakfast?"

"I could eat," I replied, nodding. "Do you need any help?"

"Nah, I was thinking of making pancakes," she replied, her steps filled with energy. "How does that sound?"

"They sound wonderful," I said with a smile.

"Great! You can continue with your villainous scheming while I take about 15 to 20 minutes to make them," she said, her enthusiasm evident. With a spring in her step, she walked out of the living room, and I couldn't help but be captivated by her firm behind.

True to her word, Olivia managed to whip up a fresh batch of pancakes in just fifteen minutes, and after enjoying our light breakfast, we went our separate ways. Olivia set off to fulfill her duties as a Hero, while I embarked on my own mission to save a young girl in need.

Determined to keep my new persona separate from "The Quacker," I transformed my outfit into something more foreboding. My outfit shifted into a sleek, black armor with a metallic sheen, adorned with menacing spikes. Only a small rectangular gap on my helmet exposed a fraction of my face, but tinted contact lenses altered the color of my eyes.

"The Quacker" was a whimsical and light-hearted villain who, up until now, had refrained from causing too much harm or taking lives. News agencies had even acknowledged that the residents affected by my antics had been displaced rather than harmed, though none could explain how. Speculation suggested advanced technology or a companion with a teleportation quirk, but no concrete evidence could be found.

However, this new persona I had embraced embodied a darker essence—a Hero who would not hesitate to embrace morally gray methods in order to safeguard innocent lives. Eclipse, the hero born out of the shadows, emerged as a symbol of necessity rather than popularity.

"Yeah, I'm starting to sound ridiculous even to myself," I mumbled, chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

With AFO's memories guiding me, I tapped into a spell I hadn't utilized in quite some time: Apparition. Space itself morphed and bent, creating a connection between my current location and the hidden hideout. Allowing myself to be pulled through, I suddenly materialized on the other side.

"Now that I possess such extensive control over space, this method of travel feels rather crude," I remarked, a tinge of disdain in my voice.

The corridors surrounding me dissolved, disintegrating into nothingness along with everything else that stood in my way. Unleashing the full power of [Mental Domain], I extracted information from the collective minds of hundreds of individuals, before ruthlessly shutting down their cognitive functions, leaving only two individuals with enough cognitive capacity to wipe their butts. Utilizing [Technomancy], I infiltrated their computer systems, extracting valuable research data and transferring it into my own mind. Afterwards, I wiped their drives clean and disabled their security systems.

With the halls now silent and littered with unconscious bodies, I proceeded slowly toward the concrete cage reserved for a six-year-old girl named Eri. As I approached, my outfit underwent a transformation, shifting into a pink ensemble adorned with flowers and girlish patterns. The spikes and helmet of my previous appearance receded, just before the door before me disintegrated into nothingness.

A warm smile blossomed on my face, and in a gentle tone, I addressed the little girl. "Hi Eri, I've come to save you."