MHA 19

(Haruki Mizushima's POV)

"This day can't get any better," I mumbled to myself while sinking into the comfortable chair in the spacious waiting room.

After yesterday's incident with the member of the vigilante group, now reclassified as a villainous faction, I've spent nearly an entire day with the research division. They subjected me to tests, prodded me with needles, and connected me to countless machines. Their findings left them shocked and me with a sense of unease—what they discovered, or rather, what they didn't find, was deeply unsettling.

Despite my outwardly healthy appearance, their examinations led them to conclude that it was as if my body had never possessed a quirk before. This revelation was both astonishing and unnerving. If it weren't for the lingering pain that pulsed within me and the fact that I had been targeted by that man's ability, I might have been fascinated by the implications and even strategizing a way to recruit him into the association.

Gritting my teeth in frustration, I recalled the doctor's words, informing me that there was nothing he could do to reactivate, trigger, or heal anything within me.

"Mr. Mizushima? Mr. Mizushima!" I was abruptly snapped out of my thoughts by Magdalena, the blonde secretary of the association's chief executive. She was an alluring and statuesque woman, with an hourglass figure and a generous bosom. Her white shirt's buttons seemed on the brink of surrendering, and her black pencil dress did little to hide her stunning, elongated legs.

The official story was that the chief had recruited her from Russia due to her exceptional time management and organizational skills. Yet, that was only part of the truth. Despite being a married man, the palpable chemistry between the secretary and the chief was an open secret within the association. Rumors swirled about their involvement, particularly after a few instances where they were caught in compromising situations.

I gulped, my eyes tracing every curve of her figure, and I only snapped out of my daze when she cleared her throat. "Y-yes?" I stammered, shaking myself awake once again.

"The chief will see you now," she replied, a knowing smile playing on her lips, indicating that she was well aware of my distraction.

"T-thank you," I managed to mutter, my gaze quickly shifting away. Internally, I chastised myself for my stumbling and awkwardness. I had always struggled around women, especially those as striking as her.

Approaching the door, I took a deep breath before swinging it open and meeting my boss's gaze. "Sir, I've come to submit my resignation," I said with a heavy dose of reluctance and remorse evident in my voice.

"Don't jest, Haruki," he waved dismissively, panic flickering in his eyes. "You're one of our finest agents. You can't just walk away like that!"

"Sir, as you're well aware, without a quirk, I can't fulfill my duties as a hero," I responded with a sigh, my tone weighted with resignation.

"We can find other roles for you!" he insisted, but I shook my head once again.

"I never aspired to be stuck behind a desk. My dream was to be on the frontlines, out there in the field, helping people directly," I explained, my voice tinged with disappointment. I bit my lip and continued, "Considering the trouble I caused Endeavor, it's probably best if I step down."

"It's not your fault!" he raised his voice. "You did what was necessary to regain control of the situation. None of us anticipated a villain infiltrating the conference room and launching an attack without any warning! Plus, who's to say that your loss of quirk is permanent?"

"It is, and you know it. The research team conducted exhaustive tests on both me and Gravo. Our quirk factors have been completely eradicated, permanently," I clenched my fist, a surge of anger coursing through me as I vividly recalled the villain's taunting display of my own quirk.

"Stay," he implored, his expression earnest. "We'll track him down and compel him to return your ability, even if it requires force."

A self-deprecating chuckle escaped my lips involuntarily, my wry smile spreading. "You can't be serious, are you?" I asked, a touch of irony lacing my tone. "Who's going to apprehend the person who toyed with All Might as if he were a child? Besides, now he possesses my quirk. It's a miracle the world hasn't crumbled already!" I raised my voice, frustration evident in my words.

"Calm down, Haruki. We'll figure something out," the chief interjected, raising his hand in a placating gesture, attempting to defuse the tension. Yet, my agitation persisted.

"No, Chief, this is the end of my hero career. I'm retiring," I declared with unwavering determination. "I've already made arrangements. I'll be opening a bar a few streets away." I placed my resignation letter on his desk and turned to leave, ready to make my exit.

But before I could take a step, the door burst open, and Magdalena hurried in, her expression troubled. She seemed to have forgotten all decorum in her urgency. "Hiroshi, you have to see this!" she exclaimed, her voice betraying her concern. "Where's the remote?" She scanned the room frantically, quickly locating it and turning on the TV.

"Magda, if this isn't impor-" the chief began to protest, only to be cut off abruptly.

"Quiet and watch, Hiro!" she commanded, her urgency evident. I arched an eyebrow, observing their dynamic with mild curiosity.

In mere moments, the reason for her agitation became clear as a massive army invaded a city, displayed prominently on the television screen. "My word, is that London?" the chief exclaimed, his voice tinged with shock.

"Not just London! Madrid, Paris, New York..." Magda's voice trembled as she switched channels rapidly, revealing the same ominous army, each time against a different backdrop.

A heavy silence settled over the room, broken only by the shrill ring of the chief's emergency phone. He answered swiftly, but I didn't need to hear his side of the conversation to understand the gravity of the situation.

"Dear heavens," I murmured, my eyes drawn to the immense object descending upon the city outside the window. Its shadow cast a pall over everything, plunging the area into darkness.

"Quack!" The world shook and the reinforced windows shattered, glass fragments scattering in all directions as the colossal rubber duck announced its surreal arrival.

(Andrew's POV)

Seated at the helm of my colossal rubber duck mothership, The Quackship, I watched the unfolding invasion on the myriad of screens suspended before me. Simultaneously, I exercised control over an army of five hundred thousand rubber ducks scattered across the globe, all managed effortlessly through [Parallel Processing].

While the majority of the ducks were guided by a rudimentary Magical AI, my personal intervention was still required to issue specific commands. It felt as though I was engrossed in a real-time strategy game, directing my forces, assigning missions, and reaping the rewards in a form of divinity generated from the fear and awe inspired by the absurd spectacle I had orchestrated.

"Could you please explain to me why creating a moon-sized duck was deemed necessary?" Olivia's arms were crossed, and she tapped impatiently on the rubber surface of the control room. Her expression was far from amused, and her tone held a hint of skepticism.

"Oh, I can definitely give you at least ten reasons why it was necessary," I replied confidently, choosing to disregard her unamused demeanor.

"Go ahead then," she challenged, her tapping growing more pronounced. "Enlighten me."

"First of all, the quest-" I raised my finger, ready to begin, but she interjected before I could speak another word.

"Which you thought required the creation of an entire army of rubber ducks, rubber duck-shaped spaceships, and a rubber duck mothership—"

"Quackship," I corrected her with a straight face, my tone dead serious. She arched an eyebrow at my response, as if silently asking, 'Are you being serious?' She then shook her head, correcting herself, "Quackship. You believed that spending half a day creating all of these silly things was the most logical way to complete the quest?"

"Not really," I admitted with a casual shrug. "But let's consider the alternatives, shall we? Would you rather have the planet subjected to an invasion by rubber ducks, or witness the abrupt disappearance of their moon or sun—or perhaps both?" I raised an eyebrow, my point made.

"You're always so... extreme," she muttered, shaking her head. "You could have created a simple illusion and achieved the same result."

"Yes, I certainly could have," I agreed, flashing her a mischievous grin. "But where's the fun in that?"

She dropped her hands and let out a sigh of exasperation. "It's almost as if you're living your second childhood. What am I going to do with you?" Despite her frustration, a faint smile played on her lips.

"You could continue to love and support my unique hobbies," I suggested playfully, earning an eye roll from her.

"Can orchestrating planetary invasions count as a hobby now?" She chuckled.

"In my book, it certainly can," I replied with a casual shrug, then using my power of creation, I conjured a remote control and levitated it enticingly in front of her. "Care to take control of a duck army?" I offered, a mischievous smile tugging at my lips.

With an exaggerated and theatrical sigh, Olivia finally gave in to the allure of the controller, her resistance crumbling. She reached for the device and settled in beside me, her head finding a comfortable spot on my shoulder. With a rapid series of clicks and precise tilts, she took command of a rubber duck army in Europe, her body leaning in response to the twists and turns she orchestrated. Her colorful language occasionally punctuated the air as she vented her frustration at the heroes who managed to thwart her playful invasion.

The rubber ducks were relatively harmless, simply inducing sleep upon impact, and Olivia quickly grasped the mechanics. Utilizing her [Multitasking] ability, she seamlessly controlled a squadron of fifty ducks, orchestrating a dazzling and almost cinematic confrontation against a formidable assembly of heroes, each boasting an array of unique abilities.

As time passed, even Sky, no longer content with mere observation, grew weary of the sidelines and eagerly joined the fray. A controller was placed in her paw, and she hopped into the action with her own brand of enthusiasm. And so, with a shared purpose, we immersed ourselves in the quirky invasion, transforming an ordinary Saturday evening into an unexpected and unforgettable bonding experience.

After all, what better way to bond than through a whimsical and light-hearted planetary incursion?

[Quest: [Pro Villain] Completed 3,000 WP(x2) Received]

[Quest: [Take Over] Completed 6,000 WP(x2) Received]

"Hmm... China really dropped a nuke on their own city," Olivia murmured in disbelief, her gaze fixed on the screen displaying the mushroom cloud billowing upward in the aftermath of our global panic-inducing quest completion.

"Well, they do have an overpopulation problem. Losing a city or two probably doesn't make much difference to them," I replied casually, attempting to downplay the unexpected turn of events in China during our whimsical invasion.

"Speaking of China," she turned to me, her eyes narrowing suspiciously, "I heard something quite interesting the other day."

"What's that?" I asked innocently, though deep down, I had a hunch about the topic of her inquiry.

"Yesterday, a city in China mysteriously vanished from the face of the earth. Any idea about that?" she inquired, a hint of a dangerous smile playing on her lips.

"Oh, really? That's news to me. How tragic," I responded, activating my [Acting] ability to conjure a convincing gloomy expression.

Olivia, however, was far too perceptive to be fooled by my act. She maintained her deadpan expression and continued, "Funny, because your levels have seen quite the spike lately."

"Well, you know, I've been diligently working on my crafting skills. The profession system has been a great investment," I said, offering a nonchalant smile. "WP well spent, I'd say."

"Cut the crap, Andy," she rolled her eyes, unamused by my response. "Did you, or did you not, destroy a city?"

"I did, but let me explain," I said, raising a finger in an attempt to justify my actions. "I had my reasons."

"And those reasons were?" she asked impatiently.

"I needed to max out one of my classes to merge a skill," I replied confidently, trying to make it sound like a reasonable explanation. "You see? A perfectly logical motive."

She paused, clearly not convinced, and then threw her hands up in the air. "You know what, fine. Whatever." Letting out a sigh, she shook her head, quickly shifting the topic. "About the nuke... Do you want to go down and fix that?" she asked, her head tilting adorably to the side.

"Not really," I admitted, but then I grinned and added, "Although, if you decide to wear your sidekick costume, I might consider it."

Her arms crossed in front of her, and she shook her head firmly. "There's no chance I'm ever wearing that costume."

I arched an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on my lips. "Is that so? Because as far as I remember, you still owe me a wish from our little bet back in the DanMachi world."

Olivia visibly tensed, attempting to maintain an air of nonchalance. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," she replied, her gaze intentionally avoiding mine as she feigned innocence.

I continued to grin, thoroughly enjoying her discomfort. "Oh, but I have a crystal-clear memory of someone making a bet and losing, resulting in them owing me a wish."

Her eyes widened, and she released an exasperated sigh. "You're really going to use it for something as... trivial as this?"

"It's not trivial at all," I retorted, my grin growing wider. "I simply have a desire to witness you in that sidekick outfit. And if you choose not to comply, well, I do have a wish to utilize."

"Ugh, seriously Andy, is this some kind of dress-up fetish of yours?" Olivia groaned in exasperation.

"Maybe it is." I shrugged playfully. "I just want to see my amazing girlfriend looking adorable in a pretty little dress, is that too much to ask?"

Olivia let out a resigned groan, giving in to my request. She tapped the display on her watch, activating the nanites and initiating the transformation of her outfit. In a flash of pink light, her appearance underwent a complete change. Standing before me was Olivia, now clad in a pink corset dress that featured a playful floral design on the fabric. The dress ended a little above her knees, perfectly accentuating her figure. Her pink high heels added a touch of allure to her overall appearance, making her look both charming and elegant. To complete the ensemble, a matching pink mask with a delicate flower motif covered her face, adding an air of mystery to her new look.


"Happy now?" she deadpanned.

"Ecstatic," I replied with genuine delight, thoroughly enjoying the sight of her in an outfit of my own creation.

"Why so much pink?" she grumbled, clearly unimpressed.

"You look absolutely stunning, like a princess," I complimented, appreciating the design I had created, while swiftly waving my hand to conjure a mirror before her.

"I look like a walking cupcake," she muttered, twirling around to get a sense of her new look.

"And I'm tempted to take a bite," I quipped with a grin, relishing in the playful banter.

"Is that so?" she arched an eyebrow, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Care for a taste?" she offered, a teasing invitation hanging in the air.

"While I'm tempted to take you up on the offer and bend you over the nearest control panel... If we want to leave this world anytime soon, now would be the best time to act."

"Fine," A small pout formed on her face, and she reached for her watch to change her outfit, but I reacted faster. I swiftly conjured a barrier around her wrist, blocking her physical contact with it, making her look my way, and raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Please?" I pleaded, "Stay in that outfit."

"Why?" she asked in confusion, "It's impractical to fight in this. I'll be flashing my panties to everyone during a fight."

"Pink suits you well, and you look gorgeous. Also, no, you won't," I said, shaking my head, "There is a defensive enchantment stitched onto your panties." I said with a smile, "Everyone who sees them, loses the last five seconds of their memories."

She raised an eyebrow in surprise, "That's actually quite useful in a fight," she pointed out.

"Yes, it is. Although, don't go flashing your panties to everyone," I said with a chuckle, "I don't want you to develop a strange new fetish."

"Fine..." She said with a sigh, "I'll stay in this ridiculous outfit of yours..."

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad," I teased, activating [Master of Natural Creation] and conjuring a stunning silver tiara adorned with countless pink diamonds - a tiara fit, not for a princess, but a queen.

Her eyes widened in shock, and she cautiously reached for it, but I playfully pulled it back, eliciting a pout from her that couldn't help but make me chuckle.

"Let me crown you, my queen," I said with a grin, playfully extending my hand toward her.

She rolled her eyes, but played along, gracefully dropping to one knee and tilting her head forward.

I gently placed the tiara on her head, and with a touch of theatrics, I announced, "I hereby crown you, Olivia Lane, as the queen of the multiverse. May you reign for all eternity." As the words left my lips, a peculiar rumbling sound echoed in the background, capturing my attention.

"Huh..." I muttered in surprise, extending my spatial awareness as far as it could reach, yet failing to detect anything out of the ordinary. "That was strange," I mumbled.

"What was strange?" She asked, now standing up and adjusting her hair, her cheeks lightly flushed.

"You didn't hear that peculiar rumbling?"

"No?" She replied with confusion evident in her voice.

Given the understanding that sound doesn't propagate in a vacuum, I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow and murmur, "Interesting..."