MHA 21

(12 Years Later from the MHA world's perspective - Eri's POV)

"What's the next class?" my best friend, Judy, asked as she walked up to my seat, a wide smile on her face.

"History," I replied with a groan, stowing away my book and moving towards the door.

"No~" she exclaimed dramatically, following closely behind me, "If I have to sit through one more class on Quirk history, I'm going to lose it." She grumbled, clear displeasure on her face.

"Same," I mumbled, deftly maneuvering through the crowded hallway. "I heard we're starting the New Age in this class."

"You actually pay attention to what the teacher says?" she asked, feigning shock and clutching her chest.

"Well, some of us want to get into college," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Why bother? You've got the looks. Just find a good-looking, rich guy and live the dream," she said with a mischievous grin, making me chuckle.

"Not everyone wants that kind of life," I replied, giving her a pointed look with a smile. "Besides, I'm pretty sure my Uncle would haunt me if I took that path."

"Your Uncle?" She looked puzzled. "Why not your mom or dad?"

"Yeah, my parents are supportive no matter what," I explained, shrugging. "But my uncle..." I shook my head, "He's nice, but also kind of overprotective. And he can be really intimidating at times. He wants me to succeed and not waste my potential, especially because of my versatile quirk. It could be useful in various fields."

"Ah, the wonders of matter manipulation," she said with a playful pout. "Some of us plebeians with animal whispering quirks don't have as many options."

I chuckled as she accidentally slapped someone's face while gesturing. "Sorry!" she exclaimed, checking on the person she had hit, as I continued towards the classroom, amused by her antics.

Her words brought back memories of a time when I had wished for an ability like hers. I absentmindedly touched my earrings, a warm smile gracing my lips. "I'm glad he didn't grant that wish," I muttered to myself.

"How scary is your uncle?" Judy's question snapped me out of my reverie as we entered the classroom.

"Hmm... Remember Jason?" I whispered, taking my seat and arranging my notebooks on the table.

"The cute guy who had a crush on you?" Judy whispered back with wiggling eyebrows and a grin. She settled into her seat in front of me and turned around.

"Yeah, that was everything but a crush. It was more like he was obsessed with me," I said with a grimace. "He disappeared for three days without a word and came back gay as a bag of popcorn and hasn't looked my way since."

"Huh... Mind Manipulation quirks are highly regulated. Do you think your uncle had a hand in that?" she asked, raising an intrigued eyebrow.

"I honestly have no idea," I admitted. "He can be quite mysterious at times."

Judy's grin widened mischievously. "Ooh, he sounds just like my type." She teased. "So, what does your uncle do for a living? Is he loaded?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

I chuckled. "He is, but I think Auntie would literary skin you alive if she heard that. Uncle is sort of a researcher, I guess?" I said with a shrug.

"Only if she found out," Judy attempted to wiggle her eyebrows again, only for both of us to be startled, along with the entire school, as a lightning bolt struck a tree just outside the school building.

"Holy shit!" Judy exclaimed, her voice competing with the ringing in our ears caused by the sudden loud noise. The rest of the classroom rushed toward the windows to see what had happened.

"Yeah... I think that was a sign," I commented, shaking my head with a wry smile while offering a silent apology to Auntie for my friend's cheekiness.

Auntie had her moments of jealousy, and as the thought crossed my mind, another rumble echoed through the clear sky. "Sorry," I muttered under my breath.

Returning to the topic at hand, I continued as my hearing gradually returned, "My uncle and aunt travel a lot and never stay in one place for too long, and they took me on a few trips here and there." I added without going into details, "But their kids do visit quite often."

"Oh, so you have cousins?" Judy's interest was piqued. "You've never mentioned them before."

"Yeah, I do. The older one of the two recently came to visit," I began to explain, but before I could continue, the teacher, Miss Mable, suddenly entered the classroom.

"Alright, class, move away from the windows and take your seats. The firefighters have already been notified; they'll take care of it," she instructed, her voice projecting authority.

"But Miss Mable, wasn't that strange?" Mark asked from the back, his expression tinged with fear. "There are no clouds anywhere. Do you think someone was using their quirk?"

"There's no need to worry. None of the nearby quirk sensors have been triggered. Plus, no one was hurt, except for the tree, so there's no need to dwell on this," Miss Mable reassured with a professional smile, attempting to calm the concerns of the students. "It might have been some kind of strange atmospheric discharge," she added with a shrug, gesturing for the rest of the class to take their seats.

"Or an angry aunt," I mumbled under my breath, a smile spreading across my lips as the class finally began.

"Alright, everyone. Last week, we finally finished the history of quirks – when they first appeared, how they influenced society, and how they evolved over time." A collective groan echoed through the class, and she clapped her hands to quiet them. "Yes, yes, I know," she waved them off. "It's a really interesting topic, but it's part of the curriculum and will be on your finals next month," she added with a serious expression, ignoring the continued groans.

"So, with that out of the way, starting this week, we will be learning about what was dubbed the New Age," she announced, clapping her hands together. "You were all young, but some of you might still remember it. Does anyone know at which point in our history we view as the start of the New Age?" She scanned the classroom expectantly, her gaze sweeping over the students, but then puffed her cheeks when no one raised their hand. "Come on, class, you can do better," she shook her head and pointed at Mark, the class nerd. "Mark, any ideas?"

"Umm... The revolution?" Mark answered, his voice uncertain.

"Close, but incorrect," Miss Mable responded, shaking her head. She then pointed at another student. "Clara, any ideas?"

"None whatsoever," Clara replied nonchalantly, chewing gum and not seeming particularly interested in the class.

"Yeah, I thought so," the teacher retorted rolling her eyes. "Pay attention to the class, and do spit that gum."

" 'Kay," Clara replied with a lack of respect, and Miss Mable sighed, clearly disappointed. She couldn't do much about Clara's behavior, given that Clara was the dean's daughter, wielding more influence than the teachers within the private school.

"Let's get back on track," Miss Mable continued once Clara had taken her seat. "The event that historians recognize as the catalyst for the New Age was the emergence of a singular individual," she resumed, her gaze fixed on the display screen as she clicked to reveal a slightly blurry image of a widely recognized figure. The image depicted him in his iconic pose, a posture that was quite familiar to me, and yes, remarkably, protected under a pattern.

"Excuse me for the blurriness, but the school board decided that the costume of this individual was too provocative for your young minds," Miss Mable explained with an eye roll, a sentiment I couldn't help but share. After all, we were all eighteen or older, legally adults and even allowed to drink.

A wistful smile tugged at my lips as memories from four years ago flooded my mind when I had the chance to see the man wearing that costume with my own eyes. It had been quite the shocking revelation and an unforgettable experience, in more ways than I cared to admit.

"The villain, later proclaimed as a revolutionary, The Quacker, and his fateful wife Petal were responsible for bringing about the start of the New Age."

"How did his wife look like?" someone asked from the back.

"We do not have an image of her, unfortunately. However, we do have a crude depiction created from the recollection of multiple Russian witnesses," she explained, showing us a supposed image of Aunty in a pink dress that looked nothing like her. Suppressing a chuckle, I watched as the sky rumbled once again, causing Miss Mable to look out the window in confusion.

"Huh, there might be a storm brewing," she mumbled, shaking her head before resuming the lecture. "Now, we do not have a lot of information about these individuals, especially Miss Petal. However, we are aware of their actions." She clicked the screen once more, displaying an image of Uncle engaged in battle against a group of heroes with his rubber ducks.

"The Quacker's first appearance is recorded in Japan in the summer of 2157. Precisely sixteen years ago, he began his villainous career by robbing five banks on the same day. For a total of 500 Japanese Yen, which would be roughly equivalent to two of today's Dollars."

"That's absurd!" Shocked murmurs filled the class, and Miss Mable continued with a knowing smile. "Do not let the amount misguide you," she cautioned, shaking her head. "He entered each bank vault, took a single Japanese bill, and left the bank without causing harm or getting caught. So, what does that suggest?" She turned her attention to the class.

"He didn't need the money?" someone ventured, and Miss Mable shook her head, preparing to elaborate. However, another student from the opposite side of the classroom quickly supplied the correct answer.

"He was making a statement."

"That's correct!" Miss Mable exclaimed, her enthusiasm evident. "He was making a statement—a declaration that he could do as he pleased and that no one could challenge him."

"But was he challenged?" a curious voice piped up.

"Oh, indeed he was," Miss Mable responded, clicking the blackboard once more to show an image of a large duck and a city in ruins. "His quirk remains a mystery, as he exhibited a range of abilities that seemed unrelated. For instance, he controlled rubber ducks, teleported people, and even displayed extraordinary physical strength. Some even speculate that he could manipulate fate!" She clapped her hands, her excitement palpable. "However, we cannot be certain as his true identity was never revealed."

"He sounds more like a deity than a person with a quirk," another student added, just as the sky rumbled again.

"Well, yes, but let's not delve into the theological aspects of this," Miss Mable cautioned with a chuckle, steering the discussion back to the topic at hand.

"The Japanese Hero Association of that time attempted to apprehend him, but their efforts were in vain. Many of the confrontations ended with the heroes knocked out, often due to a rubber duck striking them in the face."

"But how could a rubber duck knock someone out?" Sheela, the typical blonde cheerleader captain, voiced her confusion.

"The mechanics behind it remain unknown to us. However, he had the ability to launch them at speeds comparable to the speed of sound, but that wasn't the primary reason for the knockouts." Miss Mable explained, shaking her head in bewilderment. "What we do know is that individuals struck by his rubber ducks, specifically in the head, fell unconscious. They would awaken a few hours later with a mild headache. This suggests the possibility of a sleep-inducing quirk, but again, we lack full knowledge of his capabilities."

She continued, "Most of you are likely familiar with the globally renowned incident called 'The Quackening,' which transpired twelve years ago." She manipulated the blackboard to display images of cities overrun by hordes of rubber ducks. "However, what many of you may not be aware of is that it took The Quacker and Miss Petal a mere five hours to bring the entire world to its knees. They commanded armies of rubber ducks, ranging in size from typical rubber duck dimensions to colossal ducks the size of cities. There was even an account of a rubber duck the size of the moon, clearly visible with the naked eye!" Accompanying her explanation, imagines of rubber ducks appeared on the screen behind her.

The class remained captivated, a mixture of awe and disbelief painted across their faces as Miss Mable skillfully delved into the intriguing history of the New Age. The resounding rumble of thunder, accompanied by a flash of lightning that momentarily lit up the classroom, and drew my attention to the erratic weather outside.

"Aunty is surprisingly moody today," I mumbled to myself, eyebrows furrowing. I couldn't help but wonder what might be causing the unusual disturbances. However, my thoughts were briefly interrupted, as Miss Mable seamlessly resumed her lecture.

"Moving on," she continued, "the army of ducklings not only sowed chaos, but they also caused considerable damage to several significant structures. The upcoming video may startle you, but please remember that no individuals were harmed during these events. The incident occurred in New York, at a building known as the Empire State Building, which was a prominent landmark of its time."

With a simple tap on the screen, a video began to play, showcasing a colossal rubber duck suspended just above the towering skyscraper. Slowly, the bottom of the oversized duck opened, enveloping the building in a soft pink glow. In the next instant, a blinding burst of pink light erupted, and the Empire State Building disappeared entirely, transforming into what appeared to be a cascade of delicate rose petals.

The classroom was alive with gasps of surprise and amazement as the video unfolded before our eyes, capturing the class's attention and leaving us spellbound. Miss Mable's lecture was clearly resonating, and she continued her narration with a beaming smile on her face.

"Now, you might be wondering why some view this individual as a hero and revolutionary, rather than a villain," Miss Mable posed, her fingers tapping on the screen to reveal a series of newspaper cutouts from around the world. The images depicted the capture of corrupt politicians and military personnel, along with scenes of subdued villains in handcuffs.

"We are still unsure of the exact method used, but what we do know is that just a few hours after the Quackening came to an end, a two-thousand-page document bearing the insignia of the Quacker was published worldwide, in every language spoken on Earth," she explained. "The sheer logistics of achieving such a feat should have been astronomical, yet this was all accomplished from a single apartment in Musutafu, Japan—now recognized as a protected historical site. This apartment was reportedly the residence of The Quacker and Petal."

An image of an unassuming apartment flashed on the screen, prompting a snort of amusement from me. "Uncle would find this quite amusing," I muttered under my breath.

"The document contained revelations about various wrongdoings dating back to 2100, spanning a total of 57 years," Miss Mable continued, her tone turning more somber. "This revelation triggered a global uproar, leading to massive protests across the world and the subsequent unification of nations for a common goal: eradicating corruption and ending manipulation." She raised her hands dramatically, adding emphasis to her lecture. "Heroes relinquished their positions, with some even switching allegiances. Politicians, law enforcement, and military figures were exposed, captured, and subsequently incarcerated for their crimes. Sir Nighteye of Japan played a pivotal role in this endeavor. After a stress-induced quirk evolution that left him in a weeklong coma, his abilities evolved to include glimpses into a person's past as well as their future. With the aid of his longtime friend All Might, he assumed leadership of the Japanese Hero Association, initiating a purge of corruption from within, starting at the very top."

Miss Mable took a deep breath, her voice unwavering. "Many heroes, and perhaps unsurprisingly, some villains too, discontent with the existing regime, rallied behind their cause, leading to the formation of a revolutionary force. The global revolution lasted a mere week, culminating in the triumph of the revolutionary army and the establishment of a new worldwide order. Initially, there was public outcry over the new decree that only licensed individuals could wield their quirks in public spaces. However, these protests quickly subsided when the global crime rate plummeted to nearly zero."

As if on cue, the bell signaling the end of the class rang, and Miss Mable concluded her lecture with a smile. "We'll delve further into this next time," she promised, prompting a collective cheer from the class. "Alright, everyone. Please read chapters 28 and 29, we'll continue with chapters 30 and 31 in your textbooks on Thursday. Class dismissed!"

The classroom was abuzz with activity as students gathered their belongings and engaged in lively conversations about the captivating lesson. Judy turned around, her face a blend of excitement and curiosity. "Can you believe all of that, Eri?"

I chuckled, my amusement mirrored in her reaction. "Which part? The ridiculously dressed villain turned revolutionary symbol, the rubber duck invasion, or the fall of corruption?"

"Yes," she replied playfully, and our laughter rang out as we packed our belongings and headed toward our lockers.

"Yeah, all of that seemed like a badly written fairy tale." I agreed, shaking my head.

The fantastical tales that had captured the imaginations of so many felt almost surreal to me. Having heard the original stories from the very individuals involved, I knew that reality was often more nuanced than the legends that had sprung up around them. Uncle had always been the mischievous type, and his actions were driven more by boredom than any grand purpose.

"So, any plans for tonight?" Judy inquired as we navigated the corridors.

"Studying," I responded with a raised eyebrow. "The same thing you should be doing," I added pointedly, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Boo. Do you want to know what I'll be doing?" She mockingly pouted.

"More like who?" I quipped, already sensing the direction of her answer.

"Matthew," she confessed with a mischievous grin.

"Judy," I sighed, exasperation lacing my tone. "Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"He does indeed," she acknowledged with a nod, unfazed by the fact. As we exited the school, she continued, "But when has that ever stopped me?"

I shook my head, offering a playful eye roll. "Sometimes, I question why I'm friends with you."

Her response was quick and confident. "Because I'm good company."

Before I could respond, she exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm, "Oh my god! Look at that guy over there!" She pointed toward the school gate, where a lone man stood, seemingly indifferent to the crowd of girls surrounding him.

"Uncle Andy?" I blinked in surprise, spotting him amidst the crowd. I hadn't expected to see him so soon, considering they had visited just about a month ago.

Judy, always quick to pick up on things, wiggled her eyebrows mischievously. "Is that the famous Uncle?" she teased, earning another eye roll from me.

"I'll find out what he wants and introduce you later, alright?" I suggested my intention was more about keeping her away from Uncle than anything else.

"You're the best wing-woman!" Judy exclaimed, giving me a tight hug before stepping back. I waved to Uncle and started making my way through the crowd toward him.

"Hello, Uncle Andy! What brings you here?" I greeted him with a warm smile, my eyes scanning the area to see if any of the others were with him.

"Hi, Eri," he replied, returning the smile. The noise around us seemed to fade as we conversed. "I'm actually looking for Nathan," he continued a wry smile on his face. "The little rascal managed to disable every tracking enchantment we had on him and ran away from home," he sighed, his frustration evident.

Ah, that explained Aunty's mood. "No wonder Aunty is upset," I commented, finally understanding the cause of the bad weather. "What happened?" I inquired, my concern genuine as I listened intently to his response.

"Nothing much," Uncle Andy waved it off, but his casual response made me raise an eyebrow. Kids don't just simply run away from home without a significant reason.

Sensing my skepticism, he sighed once again and continued, "He snuck into my lab, and accidentally collapsed a dimension. Then he ran away, expecting to be punished for it. And he would be, mind you. You don't simply end a universe with about quintillion life forms living inside of it, without getting at least grounded for a week." He spoke as if it were an everyday occurrence.

My eyes widened in horror as his words sunk in. "He killed so many people?!" I exclaimed, shocked by the implications.

Uncle Andy quickly shook his head. "No, no! Mai extracted every living soul from that place, well, most of them anyway, some fish did end up dying." He said with a wry smile, "He would be in much bigger trouble if they had all died," he explained with an exasperated expression. "So, have you seen him in the last few days?" he asked, his concern for Nathan evident in his eyes.

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the situation wasn't as dire as I initially thought. "He came over to our house two days ago," I replied, confirming that Nathan had indeed visited recently.

"Perfect," Uncle Andy said with a smile before waving his hand. Suddenly, I found myself back in the living room of my home. His expression turned serious as he squinted his eyes, and the air around us seemed to grow thicker. A grimace crossed his face, and he made a swirling motion with his hand. Time itself seemed to rewind before my eyes. I watched as my parents returned home, their movements reversed, and the cycle of day and night repeated rapidly until it abruptly stopped.

Uncle Andy's grin returned as he extended his hand and seemingly plucked something out of thin air. "Found you!" he exclaimed triumphantly, holding a small blue speck of dust in his palm. He examined it with enthusiasm before turning to me with a smile. "Thanks for the help," he said appreciatively. Then, his expression shifted to one of contemplation, and he added, "You know what, your birthday is pretty close. Here's a little early present, just in case we don't make it this year." With a wave of his hand in my direction and I felt something stir within me.

[System integration in progress...]

A reverberation echoed through my thoughts, catching me off guard.

"I need to go catch that little runt, or Olivia would have my head," Uncle Andy joked with a chuckle, waving his hand. "See you later!"

He vanished into thin air, leaving me bewildered and lacking an explanation for his present.

"Eri, get ready for school!" my mom's voice shouted.

"Coming!" My own voice echoed down from the upper floor.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. "Damn it, Uncle! You forgot to take me back!" I exclaimed in frustration to no one in particular. In response, reality seemed to warp and twist, depositing me back into my own timeline. A note hung before me, floating in the air with the word "Sorry" written on it.

I grumbled under my breath, "At least tell me what you've given me!" I demanded, and new words materialized on the note: "Think or say 'Status,' and then 'Help.'"

"Status?" I uttered aloud, unsure of the outcome but completely trusting him. As soon as the words left my lips, my vision was inundated with a flood of text.

[System integration complete...]

[Welcome to Nexus v5.7]

[Tier 2 Authority Granted...]

[Nexus Key Granted..]

[Dimensional Travel Enabled...]

[Displaying Status]

But before I could delve deeper into the meaning of all of this, I was absurdly interrupted.

"Where did your uncle disappear to?" Judy asked frantically, her gaze darting around in search of answers.

"God damn it Judy..." I muttered, rolling my eyes in annoyance.