Speedrun 7

(Stargate – Andy's POV)

Floating in the vast expanse of space, a contented smile graced my features as I admired my handiwork. Resting in my palm was the completed Stargate Mapper, now fully operational and diligently populating the star charts within my watch's database. Its current appearance was quite deceptive, bearing no resemblance to its former state when it stood as a colossal celestial entity, a star twice the size of Earth's sun.

Surprisingly, the entire setup took no more than a few hours of my time.

Creating Magical Dyson Spheres was familiar territory to me; I had already crafted eight of them, seven within my own domain and one to provide mana support for Serena. Hence, this was nothing particularly novel.

Aside from setting up the energy source, I dived into some programming and designed an application to manage an army of Subspace Stargate Pingers, collecting data exclusively from successful connections and relaying it to my watch.

Fundamentally, the technology wasn't groundbreaking. At its core was an ordinary Quantum Personal Computer, a staple found in every household within the Star Trek universe. The application, on the other hand, acted as a basic controller complete with a database, issuing commands to the SSPs.

The entirety of this contraption was encapsulated within a temporal sphere, where time raced ahead at fifty times its normal pace. Unfortunately, I couldn't push the boundaries any further—not due to mana limitations, but due to the inherent constraints of the Stargates themselves.

The process of establishing connections and handshakes between the Stargates occurred within a mere 10-millisecond timeframe. While this might sound remarkably fast, the fiftyfold acceleration meant that one second within the sphere translated to a mere 20 milliseconds outside.

I could have potentially fine-tuned and adjusted this, but I chose to leave some margin for safety.

Originally, I intended to leave the contraption here, veiled in an illusion, letting it work its magic. However, once I finished crafting and conducted the necessary tests, I realized I still had enough mana at my disposal to shrink it and apply weight reduction enchantments. And so, that's exactly what I did.

In the end, I was left with a cold, non-reflective obsidian sphere the size of my marble.

Gazing upon it felt peculiar; the enchantments covering its interior absorbed and converted all light emitted by its star. As a result, it appeared as a void in reality, lacking any discernible features on its surface.

The mapper had been active for a few minutes now, and with each passing second, a new Stargate icon appeared on the three-dimensional holographic star chart hovering above my wrist. To be perfectly honest, I found myself utterly fascinated by the spectacle unfolding before me.

I realized that my initial assumptions were way off the mark when it came to the Earth Stargate team's possession of Stargate addresses. It appeared that they had not even uncovered 5% of the addresses within their own home galaxy.

With the knowledge that it was only a matter of time before I located the elusive spaceship I sought, I decided not to waste any precious moments, I placed the sphere inside my pocket and continued to warp through space, exploring planets that had yet to be documented in Earth's database.

After seven warps and six misses, I stumbled upon a planet that initially seemed promising as a potential habitat. However, upon closer inspection, it became clear that the planet was far from suitable for human life. Despite its picturesque beauty, the wildlife's friendliness, and the near-perfect environment, there was one glaring issue – its flora.

Somewhere in its evolutionary history, one of the primordial fern species that served as the foundation for all vegetation on this planet had developed an aphrodisiac with a photochemical reaction that only activated during the night. The effectiveness of this aphrodisiac was undeniable, as evidenced by the raging boner trying to poke a hole through my nanite-reinforced briefs. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, my innate resistances, [Unwavering Resistance] and [Adapt], allowed me to quickly adapt and ignore its effects after a brief exposure.

Rather than leaving the planet after encountering such a potent substance, I opted to stay and delve into its secrets. I traversed the planet's surface, meticulously scanning its flora and employing the data analysis capabilities of my scanners, coupled with the powers of [Overhaul] and [Healing Toxicity], to try and replicate the effects of the aphrodisiac on the spot.

With my skills, mental capacity, and advanced equipment at hand, replicating and even enhancing the aphrodisiac's effects proved to be a relatively quick endeavor. The final product, now efficiently replicated by [Healing Toxicity], materialized as a translucent, odorless gas, that had the potential to bring about the end of civilizations in the most passionate and intense way possible. Unfortunately, without suitable test subjects on hand, a comprehensive assessment of its effects remained impossible.

"I should consider testing this on the Goa'uld," I mused with a smug grin. "I'm curious about how their symbiotes react to it. While they can filter the host's blood, I doubt they could manage something of this magnitude." Lost in thought, I scratched my chin, my planetary exploration temporarily set aside. "Well, there's only one way to find out," I added, a smirk playing on my lips.

I immersed myself in the memories extracted from Earth's database, attempting to recall the planets where the Goa'uld infestations had been encountered. By correlating the Stargate symbols with the corresponding coordinates on my watch, I was ready to warp to one of those planets when a faint pink flash at the corner of my vision caught my attention.

"The fuck was that?" Confused and intrigued by the unexpected phenomenon, I momentarily shelved my plans making the Goa'uld horny, and directed my focus toward the source of the flash. Despite my heightened senses and abilities, no indication or movement registered in response to the occurrence. Determined to unravel the mystery, I approached the bush that had emitted the light.

A casual wave of my hand effortlessly uprooted the vegetation, revealing a sight of profound beauty before me. In a darkened clearing stood a single delicate, pink flower. The canopy of trees above cast a shadow over the area, with a single beam of light piercing through to illuminate the solitary blossom.

As I ventured into the clearing, a strange silence descended upon the environment. Not a single sound from insects or creatures could be heard, and even the rustling of leaves was absent. It felt as though my presence had offended the sacred nature of the place, with every creature seemingly fixated on my actions. This seemed like a sensory dampening field, though no magic or abilities were detectably affecting me.

"Well fuck, this is creepy" I whispered, frustrated by the strange atmosphere that had enveloped the area. I waved my hand and cast an illusion over myself, causing the eerie silence to dissipate and the natural sounds of the environment to return.

Walking toward the solitary flower that had captivated my attention, I muttered to myself in confusion. "What the fuck is that flower?" I pondered aloud, my curiosity piqued. "Is everything here in some kind of symbiotic relationship with his thing?" As I drew closer to the delicate pink blossom, I voiced my thoughts. However, with my earlier scans, I knew there was no evidence to support such a hypothesis.

As my scanner worked its magic, a plethora of information about the enigmatic flower unfolded before me. The plant's appearance indeed bore similarities to a lotus, yet it sported significant deviations. Its root system was intricate, delving both deep into the ground and branching out on the surface. Fine hair-like structures covered the roots, secreting juices that could dissolve even bones, and those same juices were responsible for creating this barren clearing.

The stem, in contrast, seemed delicate and fragile, crowned by two large elliptical leaves sprouting from either side of its base. The scent emanating from the flower carried a subtle hint of the aphrodisiac I had encountered earlier, its fragrance both enchanting and alluring.

However, the petals held the most captivating and dangerous aspect. Their delicate pink hue was accompanied by sharp thorns on their tips, each laced with an exceedingly potent neurotoxin. The petals emitted a pink bioluminescent glow, which was what had caught my attention earlier.

In a moment of whimsy, I found myself muttering, "You're just as beautiful as you are dangerous." I chuckled, "I'm almost tempted to name you Olivia."

Despite my initial temptation to leave it as it was, the carnivorous and acidic nature of the plant made it impractical to place it anywhere near other biological matter. With a tendril of my mana, I encapsulated the dangerous plant in a literal bubble, then activated [Overhaul] and [Master of Natural Creation] in tandem and my focus shifted to altering its genetic makeup while removing its metaphorical fangs.

Before my eyes, the plant underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. The roots that had covered the ground's surface receded and vanished entirely. The aphrodisiac in its fragrance was completely removed, while the neurotoxin in its thorns was transformed into a blend of glucose and the same aphrodisiac. Its stem thickened and became more robust, capable of supporting multiple flowers. Two new flower buds, ready to bloom, sprouted on the side of its stem, each accompanied by two new leaves emerging from the base of the plant.

I gazed upon my recent creation, a satisfied smile curving my lips. Through the mental connection shared with Mai, I issued a command, "Mai, conjure a portal, about a meter wide, right where I stand. Then, plant the flower I send through into the garden."

"The Garden?" Mai's curiosity seemed heightened, the words voiced with an added touch of emphasis, as the fabric of reality itself seemed to shift before me.

"Do we have multiple gardens?" I raised an eyebrow, seeking clarification.

"As far as I know, we don't," came her prompt confirmation, provoking a sigh and an eye roll on my part.

With a mental nudge, I infused the plant with mana, gently uprooted it, being careful not to disturb its intricate network of roots, and guided it through the beckoning portal.

"Plant it within the garden I've set up," I stated. "I've tweaked its genetic makeup. Now it can self-pollinate. Make sure it gets soil rich in minerals, ample light, and water, and it should thrive."

"Got it, Master," Mai acknowledged as the flower materialized within our realm. "It's really a beautiful specimen. I'm sure she'll love it."

"I hope so," I replied, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Though, I'm a bit puzzled by the choice of 'Eden' as the garden's name," she remarked, a note of confusion in her tone.

"It's a biblical thing," I explained with a chuckle. "But honestly, it's not meant to follow the original story. No snakes allowed, I promise." I added with a grin. "It just felt like the right name, much better than calling it 'The Hanging Gardens of Babylon'."

"It does sound nice," she conceded, a mental nod coming through our connection.

"Thanks for your help. I'll let you know when I find a suitable planet."

"Sure thing, take care, Master." And with that, she closed both the portal and our mental link, returning her focus to her tasks.

With that done, I shifted my attention back to the surroundings that once again exuded an unsettling silence. "No way am I hanging around in this eerie atmosphere. It's just too creepy." With that sentiment firmly established, I honed in on the spatial coordinates of the Goa'uld gate I'd managed to pinpoint, and initiated a spatial distortion.

Space itself contorted to a degree that seemed almost implausible, instantaneously bridging the gap between the two locations, rendering 'here' and 'there' momentarily indistinguishable. The transition unfolded seamlessly and without delay, depositing me on... an empty, desolate planet.

"Strange, did I mess up the coordinates?" I muttered to myself in a state of bewilderment, hastily verifying the spatial information displayed on my wristwatch. Yet, despite meticulous scrutiny, I remained certain that I had arrived at the intended planet.

"There should have been a thriving forest near the gate," I muttered under my breath, my gaze sweeping across the landscape as I grappled with the unfolding puzzle.

The atmosphere, which I expected to be pure and breathable, was undergoing a gradual loss of oxygen saturation while also diminishing in density. The terrain encircling the gate appeared almost as if it had been stripped bare. The absence of not only vegetation but also the very topsoil left nothing but exposed bedrock in all directions. Baffled by the sensory disconnection I experienced, or perhaps the lack thereof, I engaged Celestial Eyes, sending a pulse of mana coursing along the planet's surface.

Yet, the more I scrutinized this enigma of a world, the more my own confusion deepened. The scarcity of soil wasn't an isolated phenomenon; the entire planet had been stripped down to its elemental framework. Not a solitary living entity graced the surface or nestled beneath it. It wasn't just the top layer of soil that was absent; all minerals and even water seemed to have been eradicated from this expanse, a realm larger than Earth itself.

"Did someone strip-mine a habitable world?" I murmured, grappling with my perplexity. "A Stargate team was here less than a year ago. How in the world did, whoever did this, orchestrate such a colossal operation in such a short span of time?"

The Goa'uld having such technology was certainly within the realm of possibility, and I was determined to uncover the truth.

Enveloping myself within a temporal bubble, much to the dismay of my trusty Stargate Mapper, I bent the progression of time, gradually undoing its flow. As the days rolled back, the environment surrounding me started to reform. It was nothing short of captivating to witness soil, trees, and the entire landscape reassemble in concentric fragments around me. This process, at least, answered my question regarding the culprits behind this extraordinary phenomenon.

Bringing my temporal manipulation to a halt, I observed the reconstituted scene with fresh insight. It wasn't that the Goa'uld lacked the technological prowess for such feats; rather, I had been oblivious to their capabilities. This was an uncharted territory, absent from both the televised series and the borrowed database I had at my disposal.

Vast pyramidal spacecraft adorned the heavens, distinct from the larger motherships that sporadically graced the series. Although smaller in scale, they remained colossal in their dimensions. From each of these imposing vessels, five rings, each comparable in size to four Olympic swimming pools, descended gracefully, embedding themselves into the ground. A radiant glow ensued, only to be followed by their return journey, ascending swiftly back to their points of origin, while leaving a huge chunk of earth missing.

The Goa'uld were using transportation rings, designed by the Ancients, to strip mine planets.

"Curious," I murmured, pondering the motivations behind their actions. My hand casually rose, while I utilized electromagnetic spectrum manipulation to deftly redirect the incoming energy projectiles. The Goa'uld glider that had fired the shot attempted a swift evasion maneuver, only to be abruptly immobilized as all its kinetic energy was siphoned away, before its own attack impacted its hull, blowing it up in the air.

The abrupt occurrence caught the attention of numerous gliders, prompting a swift descent upon my location, weapons at the ready. A mixture of exasperation and amusement compelled a sigh and an eye roll from me.

Without hesitation, Cataclysm materialized in my grasp, and without any grandiose gestures, special effects, or even the slightest delay, I activated [Spatial Slash], while I traced a horizontal line through the air. In response, space itself tore apart, cleaving the descending ships perfectly in half before consuming them entirely, leaving not a trace behind.

"Time to inspect those vessels," I declared, a casual wave of my hand distorting space and transporting me onto the nearest pyramid-shaped spacecraft.

(Tales of Demons and Gods – Olivia's Perspective)

"So, let me get this straight," I addressed Serena, my tone tinged with irritation as we finally stepped into the last room of this harrowing ruin. "We traversed fifty death traps, battled an endless horde of those mindless shadow creatures, and contended with illusion barriers that forced me to witness Andrew's death in endless loops. All of this just to obtain a piece of paper and some dust from those decrepit bookshelves?" I threw a pointed look at the dusty, dilapidated furniture in question. "I'm on the brink of blowing up this place." I gestured at Sky, who nodded in weary agreement.

Serena's response was concise, "Please calm down, My Lady. Although that paper bears a unique temporal signature distinct from the rest of this realm, it's of no significance. The true object of our pursuit, or what once was, resides on those shelves, now in the form of dust." Her tone was matter-of-fact as she continued, "Kindly position me toward the shelves and give me a moment."

With a heavy sigh borne of fatigue, I complied with her request. Clutching the pendant, I directed it towards the dusty shelves, and the moment I did I could sense the mana within it roiling and surging, prompting concern to bubble within me. I couldn't help but voice my worry, "Serena, we're underground. This won't result in an explosion akin to the last time, will it?"

"Negative," she responded succinctly. A radiant blue luminescence enveloped the bookshelf, and it was as if the eras had been peeled away. Gradually, the shelves regained their former splendor. The dust that had cloaked the surface began to coalesce and transform into books and scrolls. Before my eyes, the aged, rickety bookshelves metamorphosed into a pristine state, adorned with countless volumes and parchments.

My gaze swept across the array of titles gracing the bindings of the books and scrolls, and my eyebrows arched in perplexity at some of the names. "Heavenly Steps? Nine Yin Profound Qi? What in the world are these?"

Confident, Serena clarified, "Those titles represent techniques employed by individuals who ascended to higher dimensions." As she spoke, my curiosity got the best of me and I extracted one of the tomes, scanning its contents.

"That's all well and good, but could you perhaps translate this text into something more comprehensible?" I grumbled with exasperation, reading a passage aloud, "Commence by selecting a teapot forged beneath a confluence of celestial omens, when the astral harmonies of Yin and Yang conjoined in harmonious unity. Place it atop an intricately woven mat, its fabric infused with the echoes of ancient incantations. Hum a mellifluous incantation resonant with the cadence of the Nine Heavens, as you kindle incense infused with the fragrant notes of Immortal Cedarwood. Like, seriously, what does any of this even mean?"

Serena's voice carried a hint of fascination as she attempted to distill the meaning of the ancient text. "In essence, it's guiding the practitioner through a ritual involving specific items and chants. These rituals are typically aimed at channeling celestial energies and nurturing inner strength."

I released an exasperated huff as I returned the book to its place on the shelf. "Well, that's a relief. I was starting to worry that we had accidentally discovered an interdimensional tea ceremony cookbook."