Speedrun 10

(Stargate – Andrew POV)

I drifted through the vastness of space, far away from the Milky Way galaxy, my ethereal form surrounded by a mesmerizing array of colors, while spatial gates opened and closed all around me, in a symphony of cosmic transitions. With each gate's activation, one of my divided consciousnesses sprang into action.

I invoked [Elemental Mastery], conjuring a colossal lightning bolt that dwarfed skyscrapers in size. Simultaneously, another facet of my mind seized control, employing [Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation] to adjust the bolt's electromagnetic frequency to match that of the Zap gun. Then, I released it toward a spatial gate and unsuspecting planet.

Analyzing the weapon's operational spectrum took mere minutes, and with some practice, I elevated the skill's level to 36, allowing me to replicate it with almost effortless precision. Contrary to popular belief, the three shots of the weapon were not inherently distinct; they were only limited by the weapon's size and power supply, preventing immediate dematerialization upon the first shot.

In my version, a single blast sufficed. An initial surge of energy was necessary to activate the skill, but [Elemental Mastery] came to the rescue, providing the required boost.

Once again, my contemplations were interrupted, this time by a cascade of notifications. However, unlike the previous interruptions, this one signaled the completion of a quest.

[Goa'uld (T2) x57,217 slain (572,170) 57,217 XP Received]

[Goa'uld (T1) x1,127,217 slain (1,127,217) 11,272 XP Received]

[Goa'uld (T0) x2,756,525,173 slain (275,652,517) 0 XP Received]

[Quest: [Goa'uld's Bane] Completed 40,000 WP (1/8) (5,000 WP) Received]

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the spatial gates all around me simultaneously closed. This endeavor had been mentally draining, though not quite in the way I had anticipated. Fortunately, the quest only demanded the pruning of 75% of the total population, sparing me from having to hunt individuals on a cosmic scale or simply collapse this entire universe to complete it.

My mind felt refreshed and ready, capable of repeating the process ten times over if necessary. Yet, the weight of death on such a colossal scale bore down heavily on my consciousness. I didn't want to dwell on the exact number of lives I've extinguished, and I deliberately pushed that grim tally from my thoughts, though it undoubtedly numbered in the hundreds of billions. One thing was certain: even if any remnants of the Goa'uld still existed in this universe, their recovery would be a monumental challenge.

Both my mind and body ached for Olivia, her comforting presence, and the gentle touch I had grown so accustomed to. This separation was the longest we had been apart since becoming a couple, and the depth of my yearning surprised me. It felt odd, and for a fleeting moment, I wondered if I might be losing my sanity. I even found myself missing her scoldings and her exasperated huffs.

With my Olivium levels running so low, I instinctively tugged on [Soul Cohesion], allowing her emotional warmth to flow through me, revitalizing and soothing my fatigued psyche. On her end, I sensed her surprise as she picked up on my emotional state. I didn't have to wait long for her to reach out to me.

"Hi, is everything alright?" Her voice was gentle and caring.

"Now that I hear your voice, everything's perfect," I replied with a smile, and I could almost envision her rolling her eyes. "I just missed you and wanted to check up on you," I quickly added.

"Huh? I miss you too," she responded with a hint of surprise. "I'm doing fine - we're doing fine. Sky and Serena are keeping me company, and we've transitioned to the second dimension connected to this world." She sighed, then raised her voice in mock annoyance, "You have a lot to compensate me for!" Oddly enough, her irritated tone was like music to my ears, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah? What for?" I replied swiftly, my grin widening.

"This world is dreadful! These insufferable 'Young Masters' just won't stop bothering me! Serena even depleted her mana storage at one point!"

"Huh... That's quite an accomplishment," I remarked, blinking in amazement. "Just how many 'Young Masters' did you and the others eliminate?"

"Just a moment..." The [Link] fell silent briefly before she relayed the number. "7,592 at the moment. Wait a second... God damn it... 7,593 now," she added with a deadpan tone.

"It sounds like you're having a blast," I said with a snort.

"Blast my ass," she retorted. "We stumbled upon some cultivation manuals in a dreadful place. One of them even allows cultivating by making and drinking tea, of all things. Sky and I attempted one called The Blazing Phoenix Qi Cultivation, but we gave up after making no progress in a few hours." Her frustration was evident. "We can't make sense of all the yin-yang nonsense and inner peace refinement," she added with a sigh.

"Yeah, it seems like that's a universal issue," I mused. "Well, perhaps not in all worlds. You might want to visit the world 'Library of Heaven's Path.' The main character should be able to explain things without all the unnecessary complications. Although, that world is worse than the one you're in, and the main character might try to recruit you as his student..."

"7,594... I don't even care anymore... We're currently on our way to a female-only sect. Hopefully, they can shed some light on things, and if not, then I'll give your suggestion a try," she said with a sigh. "How are things on your end? I've noticed that you've completed quite a few quests."

"Things are going smoothly. I just need an hour or two to wrap up two more quests, and then I might move on to the next world," I replied. "Although, this time I might not jump into a random world. I realized how lonely I felt without you, so I might go and get a pet."

"Aww..." She teased, a playful tone in her voice. "What do you miss about me the most?"

"Everything, even your deadly farts in the mornings," I said with a chuckle.

"Well, screw you too," she retorted with a chuckle of her own, but beneath the banter, I sensed a hint of longing and a touch of shame. "But you convinced me. I'll keep a few in reserve just for you."

"Hey now!" I protested with a laugh. "I don't have that kind of kink, and you know it!"

"Hmm... Then I might need to think of another birthday present," she mused thoughtfully.

"Oh right, it's getting close..." I trailed off with a sigh before adding, "You don't need to get me anything. Your presence is the best gift I could ever hope for."

A sweet chuckle echoed through our mental connection before she said, "You're sweet, but I really want to get you something, or at least do something for you."

"I would accept a cosplay as a present," I said with a grin, already picturing her in her cat form wearing a maid costume.

"You can have that anytime you want, but this will be your first birthday since we became a thing. I want it to be unforgettable!" She spoke with enthusiasm and then abruptly changed the topic. "So, what kind of pet will you get?"

'She must have thought of something at that moment,' I thought to myself, before shaking my head at the abrupt shift in conversation. "You know me, just a sweet little puppy."

"For some reason, I can't quite believe that..." She sighed. "Just don't go overboard, okay? Please?"

"I promise it won't be something out of a Lovecraftian nightmare."

"That's good enough for me," she replied with a snort. "Serena just notified me that we're getting close. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, stay safe."

"You too. I love you," she said before adding, "And Andy, if you ever feel lonely, just call me. I'll be there for you for all of eternity."

"Thank you," I whispered, then added, "I love you," before disconnecting our mental link.

Another sigh escaped my lips, and strangely, after our conversation, I found myself missing her even more.

I raised my arms and gave myself a light slap on the face. "Stop brooding, you've got things to do," I muttered to myself as the shattered bones in my skull swiftly reformed. "Also, note to self: get something to increase my physical resistance," I chuckled, though the words emerged slightly gurgled.

I retrieved the Stargate Mapper from my pocket and obliterated it with the power of [Annihilation]. It had served its purpose, long since completing its task. The only remaining usefulness it had was in periodically updating the location of the Ancients' spacecraft.

I had already visited a few of these spacecraft, dismantling their defensive systems and extracting all the information I required about this universe. There were several planets on my list to explore, each with unique environments that had taken divergent evolutionary paths compared to Earth's biosphere.

Some of these planets held an extraordinary allure for me. Worlds composed entirely of crystals, where silicon-based lifeforms thrived, aroused my curiosity to an extreme degree. I could hardly contain my excitement at the thought of visiting them.

Utilizing the data from those spaceships, I also pinpointed and visited a handful of the Ancients' repositories of knowledge. These remarkable ancient machines contained downloaded memories from select individuals before their ascension. Just like Daniel Jackson once did, I placed my head into the machine, and it bestowed upon me a profound understanding of the universe's inner workings. This extraordinary experience also elevated some of my knowledge-related skills to unprecedented heights. However, as a result, the strain on my soul was becoming increasingly palpable.

I also made a visit to Atlantis, the ancient city created by the Ancients, which now existed within a separate dimension, patiently awaiting my further exploration. My intention was to eventually hand it over to Earth, significantly advancing their technological prowess by several millennia.

"Let's swiftly wrap up these quests, and continue exploring," I muttered to myself with a determined nod. Once again, I assumed a seated position and activated [Mana's Blessing], combining it with my other mental skills.

This world had an overwhelming number of quests, and I had no intention of tackling all of them. However, the major ones were on my agenda, and I aimed to complete them in a single decisive strike.

Two quests, in particular, stood out. The first required me to eliminate the Ascended Ori, and the second involved pruning the Wraith, a scourge of the universe. Both quests promised generous rewards, and I had efficient solutions for both.

The Ori, once ascended, transformed into energy beings. While the temptation to study their current biology, or what was left of it anyway, was strong, I had no intention of pursuing their path of ascension. I was confident that [Energy Absorption] could annihilate them, and I didn't want to become a similar being, especially considering the possibility of encountering others with similar abilities in the future.

As for the Wraith, they were a humanoid hive-based species with a bluish-green coloration. They fed on life force as a form of sustenance. Instead of conquering worlds, they preyed upon them, invading, culling, and then retreating after satisfying their hunger, then entering hibernation that could last for centuries.

I had no intention of scouring countless planets in search of Wraith or tracking down energy-based entities near their home galaxy. My plan was straightforward utter annihilation.

I fragmented my mind into countless mental instances, and hundreds of thousands of light-blue portals materialized around me. Some led out into the void of space, while others connected directly to distant planets within the cosmos. Each portal bridged the gap between my current location and a remote solar system among the stars.

The colossal star behind me disintegrated, disappearing from the starry sky as [Energy Absorption] devoured its very essence to the core.

Energy coalesced within me, and I clenched my teeth as I directed the entirety of what I had absorbed and generated into [Infernal Mastery]. My surroundings began to warp, and on a molecular scale, the laws of physics faltered, as an immense influx of energy, heat, and radiation gathered around me.

[Thermokinesis] surged into action, intensifying the heat even further, elevating it to a level this universe had experienced only once before. Energy seeped out, vaporizing the remnants of this solar system, as I struggled to contain it with my limited manipulation skills.

Finally, through sheer determination, I activated [Arcana], amplifying the potency of [Infernal Mastery] by the level of my [Mana Manipulation], increasing its potency by 334%. I

In a blinding flash, brilliant enough to be visible across multiple galaxies, I unleashed all the pent-up energy. Two galaxies were instantly condemned to annihilation, and a third of my current galaxy was vaporized.

The unleashed heat equaled the birth of a universe, scorching enough to liquefy the fabric of space itself, heedless of the laws of physics. The portals disintegrated with impossible speed as the cataclysmic wave surged through them. In that instant, my screen filled with the death throes of trillions.

[Title: [Harbinger of Apocalypse] received.]

[Quest: [Ori's Bane] Completed 10,000 WP (1/8) (2,500 WP) Received]

[Quest: [Wraith's Bane] Completed 60,000 WP (1/8) (7,500 WP) Received]

[Wraith (T1) x455,303,037 slain (455,303,037) 4,553,030 XP Received]

[Ori (T4) x20 slain (7,190,200) 7,190,200 XP Received]

[Class: [Tailor] has reached Level 25 (Max)]

[Class: [Physicist] has reached Level 50 (Max)]

[Class: [Necromancer] has reached Level 38]

[Class: [Soul Mage] has reached Level 36]

[Class: [Arcanist] has reached Level 34]

[Global Level has reached Level 109]

As the euphoric sensation of power and experience settled within my soul, I sent a silent prayer to all the innocents who had perished. Their sacrifice had not been in vain.

I shook my head, a grimace marring my expression. I was annoyed at how much I sounded like the Dumbledore I knew. Then, with a sigh, I refocused my attention on my notifications. I deliberately avoided dwelling on the death toll; I didn't even want to think about it. Instead, I directed my attention to the experience I had gained. Only a small fraction of my kills had granted it, as very few entities in this world could be classified as higher-tier beings. However, those that did, elevated me by several million points, pushing my class levels forward.

I had gained a newfound respect for my power. With [Arcana] now at its foundation, I was tantalizingly close to reaching Tier 5. I might not yet have the ability to obliterate galaxies with a mere gesture, but I was on the precipice, so very close.

[Harbinger of Apocalypse]

- Amplify the destructive power of your cataclysmic attacks by 25%, ushering in devastation with unparalleled might.

- Instill terror in conscious beings as the harbinger of their impending doom, sowing despair and panic in your wake.

- Gain the power to absorb the essence of destruction from the world around you, replenishing your own strength while hastening the demise of all who oppose you.

- While equipped experience increased resistance from conscious races, who recognize the dire importance of your role as the bringer of the end.

(A/N: This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, only 2,600 words. I was out of town and couldn't find the time to write.)