Speedrun 12

"Lizzy, be the mother of my child!" I exclaimed with a radiant smile, making the 120-meter-tall, 160-thousand-ton kaiju blush.

Well... Not really... Godzilla, the King of Monsters, or Lizzy as I'll call her, didn't truly understand my words, especially because they were muted by the ocean water and came out as nothing more than a few gurgles.

Her reptilian eye blinked in confusion, as she bared her teeth before emitting a low rumble. It was clear that she had decided I wasn't worth the effort. With a dismissive turn, she averted her gaze, closed her eyelids, and returned to her slumber, making a pointed effort to ignore my presence.

"That's rude," I said with a snort and glanced sideways, attempting to spot her reproductive organs.

Some movies portrayed her as female capable of laying eggs, while others had no clear indication of her gender. Unfortunately, like dragons, she had a reverse scale that might be concealing her reproductive organs, and I couldn't identify any secondary ones – not that lizards were known for having them. However, assuming she was a female, without confirmation of a male counterpart, a daddy-zilla, it was reasonable to assume she was capable of asexual reproduction.

(A/N: I made a hilarious mistake while attempting to determine Godzilla's gender. Typing "Godzilla Sex" into Google turned out to be an unintentional source of amusement, resulting in a good ten minutes of laughter. The results weren't what I expected, but they were unexpectedly educational. XD)

"Well... To be honest, it doesn't matter if I misgender you, now does it?" I mused thoughtfully.

Annoyed by the water muting my words, I waved my hand and activated [Elemental Mastery] to displace the water and create an air bubble on the ocean floor. Sea cucumbers exploded, sponges dried, and Lizzy crashed into the corals beneath her as the water supporting her vanished.

A low rumble emanated from her, and her back scutes began to flash blue as a substantial amount of bioelectricity gathered within her. My wristwatch pinged, drawing my attention away from the clearly ready-to-attack lizard, as it already completed its initial scans of the creature.

My primary mental instance immersed itself in the plethora of data displayed on the holographic screen above my wrist, while a secondary one took over guard duty, effortlessly dispersing the atomic breath aimed at me.

"Hmm... Seems like I was right; you are a She and capable of asexual reproduction," I said with a nod after obtaining a comprehensive understanding of her biology.

Her biology and genetic makeup were intriguing. She was a result of genetic mutations caused by radiation, which awakened some dormant genes from her dinosaur ancestors while she was still in an embryonic stage.

Her body featured a thick skin and had the overall shape of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, long arms like an Iguanodon, a tail resembling that of an alligator, and dorsal plates akin to a Stegosaurus. Although her DNA was a jumbled mess that couldn't be directly matched with any known species, it did bear a close resemblance to the DNA of chickens and ostriches.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that the kaiju, the King, or should I say Queen of Monsters had relatives in the poultry world.

Turning my attention back to Lizzy, I continued, "Now, only one question remains: do I infect you directly with the mutagen, do I use a Neomorph to infect you, or do I force you to lay an egg?" I said thoughtfully, ignoring the monster's agitation as [Gravity Manipulation] kept her firmly pressed against the ground.

Infecting Lizzy with the pathogen, as intriguing as it sounded, would likely result in a hybrid being created since Neomorphs tended to take on the characteristics of their host. While Xenomorphs did this as well, it wasn't to the same extent. So, the second option wasn't as tempting. The third option, forcing Lizzy to lay an egg, was a long shot and would require meticulous manual DNA editing to produce something I would like.

Well, it wasn't like I wasn't going to do that anyway, but why go through all that trouble when the first option could create a crossbreed that I simply needed to scan, read through its biological data, then alter and recreate it with [Master of Natural Creation] to grant it magical abilities and make it permanently obedient?

"All three options have their merits, however, you would probably produce something akin to a Neomorph Queen if I go with the first one," I added, nodding to myself as I finally decided on a course of action.

"Although, I could also try crossbreeding. Hmm...." I hummed as another idea surfaced within my mind, "There are quite a few gigantic monsters living in this world...."

After weighing the pros and cons, I shrugged, "It's whatever, I'll just warp the biology of the end result if I'm not satisfied with it." With a flash of [Mental Domain], I rendered Lizzy unconscious, putting an end to her struggles against the intensified gravity.

For good measure, my outfit shifted into a hazmat suit, and I retrieved my replicator to start the replication process on a ping-pong-sized capsule containing the mutagen, which, without me holding back the water, would have been crushed by the pressure immediately.

The replicator, working on such a small item, finished its task in record time and was swiftly deposited back into my inventory. Then, with a quick spatial gate, I opened a portal directly into Lizzy's stomach depositing the container, and through the same gate, using a telekinetic tether, I crushed it.

Its contents instantly atomized, turning into a gaseous form and seeping into the walls of Lizzy's stomach.

My scanner was still active, recording the changes she was undergoing in real time, and the readings I was getting were mesmerizing. It was one thing to look at data collected by someone or something else, and another to witness the transformation in person. I was truly floored.

The mutagenic pathogen had immediately deemed the host as compatible and was diligently working on rewriting its biological systems. To my surprise, it worked extremely fast, almost on par with a low-level [Overhaul]. I could only stand there and watch as the inner biology of the reptile shifted and morphed. Her biomass decreased at an accelerating rate as her internal reserves were rerouted to something the mutagen deemed was more important: a sac that hadn't existed a few seconds ago.

Originally and similarly to poultry, the apex predator of this world didn't have a womb. Instead, it had a specialized uterus that facilitated the formation of eggs and their shells. Also similar to its cousins, through the initial scan I found out, she had a three-in-one combo: a cloaca that functioned as a rear orifice for urinary, digestive, and reproductive functions.

But the mutagen didn't truly care about all of that. The sac it created was something akin to a womb but without a visible or viable exit. It connected directly into Lizzy's bloodstream, sapping all the nutrients it had in its blood at an alarming rate.

It took barely a fraction of a second, and my watch detected an additional heartbeat. By its estimate, if the embryo continued to develop at the same rate, it would need a good two days of gestation. But you know me; I didn't want to wait that long. So, with a swift application of temporal magic, while keeping Lizzy's mind in a shutdown state, I accelerated the progress of time within the kaiju's body, allowing the baby Neomorph to complete its formation.

When the squelching sounds, accompanied by movements under the skin, appeared, I decelerated time and watched as two bony claws ripped through the bone and skin of the reptile. With a bone-crunching sound, it pulled itself out of the chest cavity of its host.

"Oh, you are one ugly bastard," I muttered, an excited grin spreading across my face. "I love it."

My watch was already working its magic, scanning the biological data of the newly created monster, while I continued to observe as it exited its deceased host's body.

[Xenomorph-Godzilla crossbreed Img]

The creature was anything but subtle, displaying characteristics of both its original host and Xenomorph biology. However, instead of an insect-like carapace, its skin was fleshy and lathery, oozing a slimy substance that my watch identified as highly corrosive. Surprisingly, the scans also indicated that the creature was unbothered by its own corrosive secretions.

Its elongated, cylindrical skull lacked visible facial features other than its mouth. Notably, it also lacked one of the main characteristics of Xenomorphs, the inner pharyngeal jaw that could shoot out like a piston with enough power to smash through bone and metal.

However, that didn't mean this creature was without weapons. It possessed multi-rowed teeth lining its wide jaws and a sack connected directly to its esophagus, similar to Lizzy. My watch notified me that this sack could theoretically superheat air and turn it into plasma, and by my observations, and by that I mean the plasma attack that I just dispersed, I couldn't help but agree with it.

Along the middle of its narrow back, sharp and hollow bony protrusions extended, ready to deliver the same corrosive substance that coated its body to anyone who dared to touch it. Its fifty-meter frame also sported a jagged tail about as long as its body, capable of delivering large doses of the corrosive substance. Oh, and it could spit that substance at supersonic speeds too.

Did I mention that? No? Well, the [Annihilation] barrier, formed thanks to my mental instance reserved for defense, just absorbed about a hectoliter of the corrosive substance. Fun times indeed.

"You're quite the naughty little boy, aren't you?" I chuckled, unfazed by its repeated attempts on my life. "Well, it doesn't matter," I muttered as my watch pinged, signaling the completion of all its scans.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed with a grin, clapping my hands enthusiastically. With all the data I now possessed, I had no use for the original creature. I could recreate it whenever I pleased using my [Master of Natural Creation] skill, however, I didn't simply want to kill it.

"Let's see you in action," I said, nodding and telekinetically grabbing hold of the fifteen-thousand-ton creature. I expanded my awareness across the globe and then located the perfect sparring partner.

"Oh, you may be just a newborn, but I think you might stand a chance against it," I remarked with another nod, manipulating space to teleport us both to a skull-shaped island in the South Pacific Ocean.

The earth trembled as the crossbreed's colossal feet struck the ground, crushing trees and bushes in its wake. It curiously surveyed its new surroundings, tilting its cylindrical head to the side, using echolocation and thermal vision to gain a better understanding.

Upon detecting something in the distance, it swiftly adjusted its posture, tilting its body downward, and with remarkable agility, it lunged forward. Its current posture minimized air resistance, while also making it difficult to spot, just like its shorter relatives. I trailed closely behind, floating high in the sky, out of its reach and concealed by a layer of magic that rendered me invisible to all its senses.

To my astonishment, its ambush predator instincts worked flawlessly. Despite its immense weight, each of its steps barely made a sound. It slowed down, its body hovering just inches above the ground, and then, like a piston, it propelled itself forward at speeds rivaling a fighter jet.

With a single bite, accompanied by a resounding crunch, it swallowed a full-sized bison whole. However, what it did next took me by surprise. Displaying an air of arrogance, it raised its head toward the sky and celebrated its first successful hunt with a deafening shriek that echoed throughout the surroundings, drawing the attention of the prehistoric fauna.

The true king of the jungle, now aware of this audacious intruder, couldn't allow it to invade its territory unchallenged. A mighty roar reverberated, silencing every creature within the primeval jungle and issuing a direct challenge to the Neomorph.

The ground shook as a 120-meter-tall, 25-thousand-ton behemoth approached with astonishing speed. It raised a car-sized boulder in its massive hand, tilted its right shoulder back, and focused all its power into a throw, launching the boulder at the Neomorph with supersonic velocity.

However, the Neomorph, relying on its innate fighting instincts even as a newborn, bent its legs and skillfully launched itself into the air, evading the ranged attack with a graceful mid-air rotation.

Its neck emitted a dark blue glow, and my [Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation] alerted me to the gathering terawatts of bioelectricity. It opened its mouth wide and unleashed a devastating plasma beam at the King.

In a desperate response to the retaliatory strike, the King barely managed to tilt its body to the side, but it couldn't escape unscathed, losing its left arm to the ferocious attack. He roared in fury, his right arm pounding its chest then tore a massive tree from the ground. With renewed ferocity, it charged toward the arrogant challenger, rapidly closing the distance.

Utilizing the tree as a makeshift club, it unleashed a devastating strike at the side of the Neomorph. The impact sent the monstrous creature momentarily off balance, its tail swaying to the left to counteract the forces, while the tree splintered but failed to breach its tough skin.

The Neomorph's right leg slammed hard into the ground, allowing it to regain its balance. Its wide-open mouth once again channeled its deadly atomic breath. However, this time, it didn't simply unleash it on the oversized gorilla; instead, it combined the attack with its corrosive acid, sending a point-blank plume of acid that rapidly ate away at the challenger's skin.

"Okay... I didn't expect that," I muttered in astonishment, observing the enraged gorilla futilely using its rapidly deteriorating right arm to strike at the Neomorph, only to be skewered by the spikes on the creature's back.

As the corrosive plumes entered Kong's lungs and bloodstream, his attacks gradually slowed down. That was when the Neomorph delivered the final blow. Using its exceptional hearing, its tail expertly maneuvered behind Kong, and with swift, decisive precision, it impaled Kong's back, shredding his bones and piercing his heart, simultaneously injecting a lethal dose of acid into his chest cavity.

With his last vestiges of strength, Kong attempted to bite down on the monster before him, but in his weakened state, his fangs failed to penetrate the Neomorph's skin. His legs buckled, and with a mournful whimper, he collapsed forward, causing the earth to shake violently.

The Neomorph, thrilled with its victory, raised its head toward the heavens and let out a triumphant shriek. However, its celebration was short-lived, as in the next moment, its head was severed from the rest of its body.

[Neomorph (T3) x1 slain (5,000) 5,000 XP Received]

"Shut up!" I shouted in annoyance, my ears ringing from the deafening noise. With a swift wave of my hand, I unleashed a destructive force, in the form of [Annihilation], erasing any traces of the brawl. Simultaneously, a system notification appeared before me.

[Subuser Olivia Lane has submitted a request to depart from the world: "Tales of Demons and Gods"]

[Combined Item Extraction fee: 1,157 WP]

[Authorize the exit?]

"Sure," I said with a shrug while accepting the prompt, and exited the world myself, eager to spend quality time with my girl.