Speedrun 18

"Wait! Don't leave me!" came a desperate shout, which made me chuckle and poke my head back into the room.

"Umm... So... Do you need any assistance, miss?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the seemingly twelve-year-old vampire loli who had lived for more than three hundred years.

"Please get me out of here!" she pleaded her expression a mix of relief that, after three hundred years of solitude, she could talk to someone and fear that I would simply leave her here to rot.

"And why would I do that?" I said confusion marring my face, "You're there for a reason. How do I know you're not simply going to attack me if I save you?"

"I won't please believe me!" She claimed, tears trailing down her cheeks.

The fact that she was relatively mentally stable was a testament to her mental fortitude. I knew that if I were in her position, I would have long lost my marbles. Although, I also knew I could never get into a situation like that, not only did I have Mai to pull me out of a world if needed, I could also employ the Library System itself.

"Fluffy, this whole situation screams: 'Kinky time gone bad'," I said, giving the little Nightmare a glance, who agreed with a silent nod.

"Pervert! It's not what you think!" came a frustrated shout from the girl.

"Pervert? Really?" I asked with a chuckle, "Shouldn't you be more grateful towards the man you're asking to save you?" I said raising an eyebrow before adding, "Also, aren't you the one flashing your boobs so eagerly?"

"Ahh!" she shouted, finally realizing how exposed she was, "Don't look!"

"Yeah... Like I would be even a bit interested in the body of a child." I mumbled with a deadpan expression.

The female mind was truly a mystery, as my words seemed to both relax her, as she realized I had no bad intentions towards her body and annoy her that I wasn't seeing her as a woman.

I started walking up to her, while raising a finger towards the ceiling, and fired off a condensed beam of [Annihilation] right through the head of the giant guardian of this room, a scorpion artificially created by her uncle.

The loli vampire screamed in fright, her eyes wide as saucers, as the gigantic beast impacted the ground right beside her. I couldn't help but shake my head and wonder: During her three hundred years of imprisonment, had she not once looked up? Did she really not know she had a roommate?

"Fluffs, go and eat that thing, then try adding the composition of its exoskeleton to your scales, and also attempt to replicate its ability to shoot out spikes," I instructed, and the little Nightmare followed my orders eagerly. "Also, it should have a corrosive poison, check if it's better than the one you have." I swiftly added, my interest in the scorpion, after I analyzed its biology, waning.

A happy "Shaa" resounded, followed by another scream as the vampire loli finally noticed Fluffs. Her eyes shakily trailed all of her movements, a fearful expression marring her face. "W-What the hell is that creature?!" she whispered, stuttering.

[Fluffy Img]

"Oh, that's my cute little pet, Fluffy," I explained with a casual smile, causing another happy "Shaa?" to resound in the background. "Yes, yes, you're the cutest," I replied to her while rolling my eyes, then looked back at the trembling loli.

"F-fluffy?" She repeated in disbelief, "There is nothing fluffy about it!"

"Shaa!" Came a hiss of annoyance, making the loli shudder and look away.

"She has a fluffy personality." I explained with a grin, "So, what's your story, Aletia?" I asked, and she zeroed in on me, her eyes going wide. It had been three hundred years since she had been called that.

"You!" she exclaimed, her perky little bosom bouncing. "How do you know that name!?"

"Oh, I love doing this!" I said with a clap and sat down next to her, my back against the cube made of a complex material called Sealstone. It continuously sapped away mana and, in turn, became sturdier with each passing second.

While I scanned and analyzed the atomic and mana structure of the material, and a few other mental instances were doing the same to the Divinity Stone's and the material that coated the Scorpion, in the hopes of figuring out how to replicate them, I began my convoluted explanation of who I was, where I came from, and why I was here.

"You see, I'm an interdimensional traveler..." I started, excitement laced in my voice. "Summoned to this world to be a hero!" I exclaimed, theatrically raising a finger toward the heavens. "Yet I was pushed away, backstabbed, and betrayed by my own," I said with a grim tone.

"Really?" she asked, her eyes gentle, her voice almost quivering.

"Hell nah," I snorted, shattering her image of me in an instant, and making her pout in annoyance. "Like I would allow that," I added, rolling my eyes. "Nope, I came here on my own volition to mess with a wannabe god, and for that, I need you, Aletia," I said with a grin, 'accidentally' forgetting to mention that she'll be the bait.

"Don't call me that! I let go of that identity the moment they betrayed me. I don't want to remember." she exclaimed in displeasure, her eyes going glossy, telling a tale of pain and betrayal.

She shook her head, returning to reality, and then she squinted her eyes and looked at me, "How do you even know that name? Did my uncle send you to finish what he started?" She asked in suspicion.

"Well, I know a lot of random useless stuff," I said with a shrug. "One of them is that your uncle didn't imprison you to take over the throne, but because he loved you and didn't want you to fall into the hands of the aforementioned god," I explained casually, not really caring if she learned the truth long before the original storyline. "Although, I must say that it was quite a retarded plan. But at least he left a recording crystal somewhere in this room in which he explains his reasoning." I added rolling my eyes.

"Lies," she dismissed my words, averting her eyes. However, they swiftly widened in shock as she felt something firm poking her chest. "What the hell are you doing!" she shrieked, her eyes glued to my offending appendage.

"Huh, it's surprisingly firm," I mumbled, unbothered by her protests and squirming. I continued to poke the almost non-existent bump on her chest, immersing myself in the biological information I was receiving from her.

I ignored her existence and extracted a drop of her blood then immediately converted it into a race card, only to be genuinely impressed by its contents and the offered abilities. Her variant of the Avataru Vampire race was quite different from the simple Vampire race I already had, and it offered a plethora of benefits, especially for a mage like me.

[Avataru] [Arifureta]

+2 STR, +3 INT, +2 VIT per Global Level

- Gain the skill [Mana Mastery], granting you an innate proficiency in magic, allowing for faster learning of various forms of magic and higher magical potential than other races.

- Gain the skill [Blood Conversion], a unique ability that allows you to convert the blood of others into energy, replenishing your Mana, and stamina, and enhancing your physical strength, while also granting a slight increase in your overall magic power.

- Gain the skill [Blood Oath], which empowers you significantly when you enter a magical pact with an individual and drink their blood. This bond enhances your magical abilities, strength, and agility. However, consuming the blood of anyone else yields significantly less energy and power.

- Gain the skill [Automatic Regeneration], allowing you to automatically regenerate any injuries or lost body parts, while also preventing aging and death, as long as you have remaining Mana.

- While equipped gain a natural affinity for dark and shadow magic, making you adept at casting spells related to these elements.

I equipped the race and was about to check the new skills, but a shout pulled me out of my thoughts. "Stop copping a feel!" She grimaced, her cheeks rosy, and her eyes blazed with fury.

"Oh, don't mind me," I said with a cheeky smile, giving her one last squeeze. "I was just inspecting the Queen's merchandise," I added with a grin.

"Merchandise?!" She muttered in shock, disbelief painted across her face.

"I'm just messing with you," I said with a chuckle, snapping my fingers and dissolving her bindings. The mana-consuming material turned into dust, and she yelped in surprise as she suddenly fell to the ground.

"How?" She whispered in disbelief, her red eyes filled with wonder as she looked at me.

"Huh? Oh, you're referring to the material that kept you bound?" I asked and she nodded, "I simply converted the molecular structure of the material into silica," I explained with a shrug.

"But you didn't use any mana!" She exclaimed, raising her hands into the air, completely forgetting the current state of her attire.

"You might want to cover up," I said, giving her a pointed look.

She looked at me confused before realization dawned on her. Her eyes widened, and her left hand went between her thighs while her right one covered her modest chest. "Pervert," she whispered, looking away, her earlier question completely forgotten.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am that and more... Get over it..." I said, rolling my eyes, not even a little bit affected by her body. However, an idea swiftly sprung up in my mind. "You know what, I have an offer for you," I said with a wide smile, drawing her attention. "Before I give you an outfit, would you like me to alter your body? Make you look more mature?" I added, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Why?" She squinted at me, unsure why and what I was offering her.

"Eh... It's just a simple offer, there is no hidden meaning behind it," I said with a shrug. "Plus, I can't imagine how it feels staying in a form as a perpetual child."

"How long would it last?" She asked, intrigued, but still unconvinced that my offer was true and pure.

"Forever?" I replied after a brief thought. "It won't be a magical remedy, so it won't be affected by your regeneration ability. Also, to make it a bit more tempting, I'll throw in a few upgrades as well." I added with a grin.

"What do you mean upgrades?" Her skepticism only grew, as she squinted her eye at me.

"Well, first of all, in your current form, if you don't find another way, you won't be able to have children... Let's not talk about the fact that as a 323-year-old girl, your period hasn't even started yet..." My words made her shudder, but I ignored her discomfort and continued, "But, the baby-making act alone would be quite painful and dissatisfying with an infinitely regenerating hymen," I said with a wry smile, as she averted her eyes, a rose blush marring her face. "Although," I said, humming thoughtfully, "there is also a silver lining to this. You have the ability to confidently tell your partners it's your first time, no matter how many times you've actually experienced it." I added with a chuckle.


"Shut up!" she shouted, her face now a deep shade of crimson from embarrassment. She averted her gaze and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to regain her composure. After a moment, she turned back to me, wearing a cautious expression. "Nothing in this world is free," she said, her voice laced with skepticism. "If you can truly deliver on what you're offering, what would it cost me?"

"Your body and soul!" I exclaimed jokingly, adding a villainous laugh at the end, which made her look at me with disgust.

"Oh, for God's sake," I said, rolling my eyes. "Slap yourself," I commanded, activating [Mental Domain]. Not a moment later a sound of a slap resounded in the room, and the stunned vampire girl looked at her arm in disbelief.

"If I wanted to make you an ethereal sex slave, I could do it without you even noticing," I said in a grave tone. "Not only could you not provide an ounce of resistance, but I could even make you think that you're in love with me and this is how it's supposed to be." I explained looking deeply into her eyes, as she shook, "Just accept the offer I made from the goodness of my heart and enjoy the benefits," I added with a blank expression, making her gulp in fright and reluctantly nod.

"Excellent choice," I remarked, my expression shifting into a smile. "You might experience some initial discomfort, but please endure it," I added warmly as an overwhelming surge of mana surrounded her.

For a fleeting moment, she tried to resist, her own magic surging in an attempt to rival mine, but it was swiftly snuffed out by the overwhelming quantity and quality of my mana. Her objections began to form on her lips, her mouth opening wide in a soundless scream, but I paid them no heed. Instead, I activated [Assimilate], forcefully extracting her overpowered regeneration skill from her being to prevent it from hindering my biological alterations. Following this, I promptly triggered [Matter Manipulation].

Since my objective required the creation of additional cells to facilitate her transformation, and the skill alone was limited to manipulating existing matter, I had no choice but to also employ [Master of Natural Creation] to conjure the necessary supplementary materials.

Her screams of pain, no longer dampened by her regeneration skill, were drowned out by the roar of my mana as I sculpted her flesh as if it were clay. Her bones disintegrated, only to be instantly reformed, now denser and more resilient than before.

Her transformation was profound, not just in height; she quickly outgrew her former 140 cm stature, reaching a comfortable petite height of 160 cm. Additionally, her figure underwent significant enhancement, with her bosom expanding considerably, her hips widening, and her behind gaining ample curves, giving her a more voluptuous appearance.

Her facial features were subtly reconstructed, imparting a mature allure, while her once-neglected hair received much-needed attention, now flowing down her back in glossy tresses. Even her eyebrows underwent a refined adjustment.

But my alterations didn't stop there. I meticulously adjusted her circulatory system, along with her heart, lungs, and brain, making any necessary changes. Finally, I deactivated my skills and reintroduced [Automatic Regeneration] into her being.

She took a trembling breath, her body shuddering as it struggled to adapt to its new biological functions.

I averted my gaze, though it was needless since I had just worked on every aspect of her body, even the most intimate. Her transformed physique exuded a captivating allure, and I wanted to avoid temptation.

The seductive whispers of my darker instincts enticed me, whispering, "No one would ever know."

However, the rational side of my conscience retorted firmly, "But you would."

And it won, at least partially.

I snapped my fingers, and a black dress gracefully enveloped her figure, I couldn't help but scold the primal, lustful side of my mind for choosing such a revealing outfit. Letting out a resigned sigh, I examined her transformation closely, raising an eyebrow as I remarked, "Hmm, you bear a striking resemblance to Marin."

However, I remained convinced that I had merely adjusted her current state to align with what her natural growth would have been, had her skill not hindered it and had she consumed sufficient sustenance.

"You!" she growled, regaining her breath, her eyes locked onto mine.

"I?" I replied cheekily.

"You!" she shouted, raising her voice even more.

"Yes, yes, I..." I said, rolling my eyes. "You already have a subject; you just need a verb and an adjective to form a simple sentence."

"Ugh!" she grunted, pushing herself off the ground and stomping her way toward me. "You said I'd feel slight discomfort. So why did it feel like I went through a grinder?!" She shouted, pressing against me, seemingly unaware that she now reached up to my shoulder, her index finger and elongated, reinforced fingernails poking my chest.

"A slight miscalculation. My bad, Aletia," I said with a wide grin, thoroughly enjoying how riled up she was.

"Stop using that name!" She protested, grimacing, and I rolled my eyes.

"Then what should I call you? Princess? Queen? Boobies?"

"Why would you even call me Boobies?"

"I'm not sure if you realize it, but you're pressing two of my masterpieces against me," I said, giving her a pointed look. It was at that moment she realized where the unfamiliar weight came from.

She looked downward at the two ample mounds pressed firmly between us. "What the hell?" she mumbled, taking a step back and groping herself. Her eyes widened, and she locked eyes with me.

"Why are my boobs so large and sensitive?"

"It has nothing to do with my personal preference," I stated with a wise nod, gesturing with my hand to create a mirror between us, in hopes of averting her attention. "This is the appearance you would have had if your skill had permitted your development."

"Oh my god," she exclaimed in shock, reaching out to touch the mirror's surface. "Is this really me?" she asked with a hopeful tone.

"Who else would it be?" I replied, now standing directly behind her, our eyes meeting in the reflection. "Truly a masterpiece," I added, a mischievous grin playing on my lips as I watched her blush and avert her gaze.

[Aletia/Yue Img]

"Shaa!" complained Fluffy.

"Yes, yes, you're a masterpiece too," I replied with a chuckle, giving my scaly companion some attention.