Speedrun 24

[Authority: Relativity]

- Gain absolute dominion over the five-dimensional axis.

My perception of reality warped, resembling a kaleidoscope of infinite, branching shards of broken glass, frozen in time until my gaze met them.

Reality itself bent as my frame of reference shifted, forcing me to observe time and space from an external perspective. I saw everything and yet nothing simultaneously. My mind burned with the intensity of [Hypercognition], like a galaxy filled with bright stars, each mental instance pulsating at its peak. However, even with the assistance of [Universal Sense], I comprehended only a minuscule fraction of what I was truly perceiving.

I felt lost yet strangely aware of my when and whereabouts. In this world, I existed nowhere, never, and everywhere, always, all at once. Still, I could only grasp what my limited mind could process, and that was far from everything.

[Chains of existence broken.]

[Tier of your being has increased to 7.]

A tremendous pressure bore down on my psyche, like an overflowing bubble on the verge of bursting. Cracks formed and instantly healed, while [Hypercognition] gained levels at a tremendous pace. However, I knew I couldn't endure this for long. My mind was already overwhelmed, incapable of containing...

"Infinity," I muttered aloud, seizing control and snapping my frame of reference back to the precise Arifureta world, back to the point before I lost control of my newfound skill.

"What nonsense are you mumbling about now?" Aly's voice cut through the air, pulling me from my thoughts for a moment.

"Nothing," I mumbled, shaking my head, still in awe.

It was just a brief glimpse, yet it had been overwhelming.

My mental instances worked tirelessly, sorting through the seemingly infinite information that had been thrust into my mind by that single glance. I couldn't help but grin like a lunatic, and only my immunity to insanity prevented me from tilting over the threshold of mental collapse. This was dangerous and exciting, and the twenty levels of [Hypercognition] I had gained from that single glance were more than welcome.

This "skill," if I could even call it that, was special and remarkable. It was akin to divinity, yet fundamentally different. While Divinity used internal divine energy to warp reality, Authorities wrested control from reality itself, allowing the user to manipulate, shape, and mold every aspect of its being to their liking.

However, Authorities had one glaring flaw. Their strength was intricately tied to the reality the user was in. If a reality lacked an aspect related to one's Authority, they could still work, but only by projecting them over reality.

And here lay the reason I couldn't consider this ability a mere skill: Authorities didn't fall under the complete purview of Rule Breaker.

Don't misunderstand me; breaking universal rules and world laws was still possible with Authorities. However, how could one take control of something that simply didn't exist?

For example, how would one with Authority over magic, control magic in a world devoid of mana or magic itself?

The answer was rather straightforward: by creating it. This was precisely what projecting an Authority entailed. At the ongoing expense of the user's internal energies, it established a temporary universal or world law. This law would seamlessly integrate into the world and grant the user complete control over it.

Yet, the most intriguing aspect was what comes next: when the projection ends and the temporary law is lifted, the changes made to reality, if not fundamentally opposed to its essence, do not revert but persist indefinitely. They remain altered forever, or at least until someone else modifies them once more.

In theory, one could introduce magic into a magic-less universe using this method. However, accomplishing such a feat would necessitate the rewriting of numerous universal laws and probably consume a substantial amount of energy.

This revelation alone made me realize how truly potent Rule Breaker was. Despite its limited range, centered around the user, it possessed authority over virtually everything, and it was a truly frightening concept.

I pulled myself out of those thoughts, unwilling to delve too deeply into the power of the system itself or its creator. Instead, I refocused my attention on my newfound Authority.

It simply stated that I had gained dominion over the five-dimensional axis, granting me complete control over the three spatial axes ('x, y, z'), mastery over the temporal axis ('t'), and command over the dimensional axis ('d').

In simpler terms, distances and intervals became meaningless under my control.

But my abilities didn't stop there. I could alter the flow of time, reverse it, accelerate it, tilt the axis of time itself, or even fundamentally change how time functioned in this universe.

To demonstrate this, more to myself than anyone else, I stood up and attempted to utter 'Stop' to freeze time across the entire Arifureta universe. I didn't try to alter my perception of time, as I did previously; instead, I aimed to halt the progression of time itself. However, all I could manage was a feeble "S" before a massive headache hit me like a truck, and I wobbled on my feet, falling to the ground, utterly drained.

Aly rushed to my side, worried, and checked on me, but I ignored her as I checked my status to discern what went wrong. And at that moment it became evident that attempting something of this magnitude was incredibly draining.

Energy: 36 / 144,793,836 (25,926,028/s)

Even with the tremendous boost I received from Hypercognition, Energy Generation, as well as Universal Physique, what I had attempted almost cost me my life. This also raised concerns about whether my [Blessed by Death] ability would work with my current physique. With how my current physique functioned, reaching 0 in energy reserves meant instant death.

I also realized another flaw with Authorities: their cost and my inability to predict how much an action would consume. Yes, Authorities used the user's internal energies, but there was no indication of how much an action would cost.

This uncertainty might have been the reason it only raised me to tier seven; I didn't have enough power to control it to its full potential.

However, I refused to be defeated by my own ability. I was determined to learn, analyze, and conquer it. I waited for a few seconds for my internal reserves to refill, reassuring Aly, and then stood up.

"Stay here for a moment," I said before shifting my frame of reference. A few quick shifts concluded that local temporal, spatial, gravitational, or dimensional warping cost me nothing, not even a speck of energy.

It was only when I expanded my abilities to a galactic and multi-galactic scale that I noticed significant energy drops, though still not as drastic as my previous temporal stop attempt.

With a sigh, I attempted my earlier action once again, but this time in a more controlled environment. I took on my divine form, increasing all my attributes by ten times and boosting all my abilities by a quarter.

Energy: 18,867,750,677 (12,602,980,721/s)

While this was already a significant number, it wouldn't last long with my current divine reserves. I activated my Authority, projecting it through reality, and carefully observed my reserves as I attempted to stop the progression of time.

"STo-, Guh!" My divine form dropped, and my energy reserves dwindled to the last few million points. I gritted my teeth and struggled to catch my breath.

I knew I was almost there, but I still had a long way to go. With a sigh, I gave up on the attempt, feeling utterly defeated. However, I was determined to master this ability, even if it meant tearing universes apart to find a way.

A thought then struck me, reminding me of my initial idea of infinite energy generation and storage, and a mischievous grin spread across my face.

"It's definitely time to craft myself a staff," I said with a grin, refocusing my attention on my Authority.

[Relativity] wasn't confined to temporal control alone.

Space became my bitch, existing only to pleasure me. There was nothing I couldn't do with it. I could rip it a new hole, bend it over a table, and have my way with it, and it would gladly take it.

"Huh, that might even be possible in the Marvel universe." I mused before I shook my head, dismissing those thoughts and casting a quizzical glance at the mental instance responsible for such an extravagant explanation before banishing it from existence. "I know I'm feeling a bit... peckish, but let's stay focused," I chastised the rest, my tone filled with annoyance.

With a sigh, I once again redirected my attention back to my Authority.

The explanation regarding space, profound as it was, was accurate. I could sense the entirety of space within this universe and control it without the constraints of distance. This granted me a form of omnipresence, albeit not in the traditional sense. I could manipulate space but still needed to focus on a location to move or observe it.

However, one of the most potent abilities of [Relativity] was distance manipulation, not merely between objects but on microversal and universal scales. With a single thought and enough energy in my reserves, I could compress all existing atoms, triggering a Big Crunch and collapsing an entire universe. Conversely, I could expand the space between atoms, causing the destabilization of matter on a universal level.

The snap of Thanos was child's play compared to this power, and I had yet to explain all its facets.

However, perhaps the most astonishing aspect was its control over dimensions. Creating a new dimension was as simple as a thought, collapsing one equally so, and traveling between them was a breeze.

And to prove it, I focused on one of my soulbound partners, and I took a step.

My frame of reference shifted, and reality obediently followed suit. My energy dropped by less than ten percent, yet I traveled an immeasurable amount of distance, in no time at all. With that single step, I found myself towering over the meditating Olivia.

She appeared deeply engrossed in her meditation, seemingly unaware of my presence. Yet, my heightened perception allowed me to detect a potent presence looming behind me. Yet it somehow felt fake, like he wasn't truly here. I ignored his quizzical look and shouts, as they dissipated into the ever-increasing distance between us. This space was created by his essence, but I was its master now.

I couldn't help but wonder why Olivia was in a world inhabited by a tier seven entity, especially without telling me about it. I shook my head, a hint of annoyance crossing my expression. "This time, she's in for a real spanking..."

I turned around, my eyes flashing with a dangerous glint. "Touch her, and everything dear to you will suffer for eternity, while you'll be forced to watch, unable to help." Despite his tier-seven status, I was confident that my combat abilities vastly overshadowed his. My words were meant for him alone, and only he could hear them. I could see a hint of anger flash in his eyes, but ultimately, he sighed and relaxed.

"You're the second one to warn us," Jihan stated, shaking his head. "Who are you?"

"The second one?" I questioned, my gaze shifting to Serena for a moment, but I dismissed the thought. She wouldn't threaten a tier-seven entity, not with her programming. "I'm her boyfriend."

"Ah, the boyfriend," he said, nodding in understanding. "It told us to stay quiet about its existence, and we didn't question it," he continued. "It was vastly more powerful than us and could manipulate our system."

"Who is 'us'?" I asked, puzzled by his cryptic language.

"We, I, and us," he replied simply, as if that explained everything. "Anyway, your girlfriend promised us help, in exchange for ours."

"Did she now?" I deadpanned. "What did she promise?"

"Assistance against the Darkness and a safe haven for our people," he answered.

"The Darkness?" I inquired, intrigued. While the safe haven wasn't a problem, as I could create a dimension for them, this Darkness sounded both ominous and interesting.

"The one that looms over the future of this realm."

I closed my eyes briefly, shifting my frame of reference once again. That's when I saw it. "This universe has no future; its end is approaching at an ever-accelerating pace."

"Yes," he nodded. "We've seen it as well, yet we are unable to do anything against it, not on our own."

"It seems that whatever it is, it's even consuming time itself. I'm unwilling to check it out just yet," I remarked.

"Don't," he warned with a grave expression. "We sent one of us, and that's the last we heard of him."

"It's still a billion years away, but at its pace, it will be here in less than ten years," I said, rubbing my chin in thought. "Why haven't you moved this reality somewhere else?"

"We did," he replied, shaking his head, "and we ended up with the same result."

"Hmm... awkward," I commented with a shrug. "Alright, I'll help, but I need to amass more power."

"We understand," he responded solemnly. "If you or your girlfriend require any assistance, be it knowledge or otherwise, be sure to contact us. We would gladly help."

"So it's the 'help me to help you' situation, or more precisely, the other way around," I mused. "I don't really need anything from you at the moment, but please continue guiding Olivia with whatever she's doing," I said, gesturing toward the still-unresponsive girl. However, I couldn't resist adding one more warning. "Although, do I need to repeat myself about what happens if she's harmed in any way, shape, or form?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No need," he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Good," I said with a smirk. Without further ado, I turned my attention to Olivia, mischief dancing in my eyes. Leaning forward, I captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

In an instant, her eyes snapped open, her earrings morphed into swords, and the world transformed into a sea of blades, all launching towards me. Yet none of them had the ability to reach me.

"Well, hello to you too, baby," I greeted with a chuckle, her eyes widening in realization of what she had just attempted.

"I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, reaching forward to grab my head. The blades surrounding us vanished from existence, and her lips pressed against mine in a desperate attempt at an apology.

"Apology accepted, at least for the murder attempt," I said with a chuckle, as our lips separated. "I had a little chat with your friend over there," I gestured behind me with my head. "You'll have a few things to explain when we get back home, but I'll leave you to do what you need to do for now. We'll talk about it later," I added with a wink, chuckling as her expression went pale.

"I can explain!" she protested, but I simply placed a finger across her lips.

"Later," I said with a gentle smile that promised a bit of kinky punishment. I patted her head. "He seems quite desperate to find a way to save his world, and he promised to help us help him. So wring him dry of all his techniques, at least learn the ones you want or need. It will be useful not only for us but also for him. So don't be shy," I advised, and she nodded in response. I simply smiled and praised her, "Good girl."

"I need to go. I still need to merge another skill, and my future secretary awaits me. That is if she wants to join us. After that, I might head to a few other worlds for some 'resource gathering,' but after that, we're heading to Marvel. Try to complete your training before that."

"Alright, I'll try, but each additional energy container becomes harder and harder," she said with a grimace, her eyes flashing with determination. "Show me the girl."

"Nope," I replied with a chuckle. "You'll see her when we meet up. Finish your training first."

"Okay," she said with a sigh, a hint of annoyance tinting her words. She then tilted forward, capturing my lips once again. "I love you," she added with a lot of affection.

I flashed her a mischievous smile and replied with the same words she had said to me an hour ago, "I know." However, I also used [Soul Cohesion] to send her a packet of my true emotions, making her pout and huff in annoyance.

"I deserved that," she admitted, looking away.

"Yeah, you did," I chuckled. Then, I winked and whispered, "I love you."

With those words, I shifted back to the Arifureta world, and one last time, in this merging session, turned on the Merging Screen, as there was still one last skill on my list.

Aly continued to look at me awkwardly, however this time without voicing her words, so I ignored her and focused on my most important skills, and their future combination.

This one will be bigger and more complex than anything I merged before, and I just hoped it wouldn't be enough to push me through the tier eight threshold, as my previous merger already locked me out of tier two worlds.

The skill I was planning to make was comprised of 40 skills that were interconnected to varying degrees but could be categorized into four distinct categories.

The first category was "Creation, Destruction, and Manipulation," including Master of Natural Creation, Matter Manipulation, Comi-Coat, Annihilation, Disassemble, Healing Toxicity, Soul Manipulation, Technopathy, Elemental Mastery, Raise Dead, Organic Affinity, Mass Affinity, as well as Spirit Affinity.

The second category encompassed my "Crafts" related skills: Cooking, Alchemy, Enchanting, Mystery, Arcane Blacksmith, Blacksmithing, Metalworking, Craft, Tailoring, Leatherworking, Drawing, Writing, and Crafting Affinity.

The third category consisted of "Knowledge" related skills: Physics, Biology, Coding, Engineering, Chemistry, Geology, Handiwork, Linguistics, Code Master, and Herbology.

Finally, the fourth category delved into my "Reality and Causality Warping" skills: Rewind, New Order, Absolute Command, and Information Affinity.

With a determined mental push on the system-generated 'Accept' button, I initiated the merger. For a moment, the merging system appeared to stand still, struggling to handle the sheer number of skills going into the mix. I could practically envision its gears grinding, sparks flying, and internal components warping as it struggled to amalgamate the new skill.

Yet I didn't have to wait for too long, and thankfully, apart from what I could only describe as an ultimate skill, no other notification greeted my screen.

  [Authority: Existence]

- Gain absolute dominion over existence itself.

(A/N: Once again finishing on a high note... :P For a sneak peek, if you can't wait to know what the skill could do, search for Existence Manipulation on google, and the result from Superpower Wiki should give you a fairly good explanation. Although, it has to be noted that this Authority won't be entirely the same.)