(A/N: Happy New Year everyone!)

I shut the door on the mutant delegation's faces for the second time in a row, disregarding their startled shouts. I then turned to the girls.

"Into your room right now," I ordered Aly, wearing a serious expression.

"Why?" She asked with a puzzled look. "I can defend myself," she added with hope in her eyes.

Rolling mine, I insisted, "Your mental shields are non-existent, and two telepaths are in that bunch. Room, now."

Without giving her a chance to argue, I teleported her to a room, vanished the door, and, ignoring the groan of annoyance coming from her, turned to Olivia.

"Remind me to put her through some mental training," I said, and she nodded in agreement. "Anyway, keep your mental shields up, but also keep the attacking part reined in. These people are an annoying bunch, but we don't really want your defenses accidentally lobotomizing the old guy or the redhead," I added with a wry smile, making her chuckle and nod once again. "Though, if they keep on pestering, just do it," I added with a shrug. "They are inconsequential."

"What about the rest? Should I be worried about any of them?" She asked, tilting her head, still sitting comfortably on the sofa with the depressed Sky lying on her lap.

"The guy that's about to cut into our door," I started as two sets of claws ripped into the door, then froze as time halted its progression.

Olivia momentarily tensed up, a sword appearing in her hand, giving the metallic claws a calculative look. Finding them frozen in place, she turned back to me with a confused expression.

She was about to ask what happened, but seeing me smile with a nonchalant attitude, she dismissed her weapon, sighed, and then reclined on the sofa.

"Please continue," She said, as if she wasn't originally startled, making me chuckle.

Drawing on my 'infinite' wisdom, I didn't call her out on it and I continued my explanation. "That guy," I pointed at the door, "can regenerate almost indefinitely, plus he has, you know, metallic claws and a skeleton made out of pretty much indestructible metal. The bald one is a schemer, manipulator, and a telepath. The redhead is also a telepath, but way stronger and something akin to a demigod. The guy with glasses is the weakest. He can shoot lasers out of his eyes, though in reality, they are portals to another dimension, but that doesn't matter. Lastly, the sexy one can control the weather pretty much on a global scale."

"Really? The sexy one?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, "That's your description of her?"

I shrugged and simply said, "Well, she's a chocolate-skinned goddess." Not impressed by my explanation, she huffed and crossed her arms, making me chuckle and say, "You'll see."

I walked up to her, sat myself down next to her, draped my arm around her shoulder, and pulled her closer. Then, I unfroze the local time, allowing the three adamantium claws to continue their path, cleaving our front door apart.

"Sorry for the intrusion," Logan said with an intimidating grin which dropped swiftly as he stepped through the threshold littered with door fragments.

Instead of finding us startled and panicked, as he assumed he would, he found us comfortably sitting on the sofa, patiently waiting for their entrance.

Yet before he could voice his confusion, the white-haired chocolate-skinned goddess stepped forward and put the wannabe wolverine into his place with a well-deserved slap to the neck.

"What did we discuss in the plane!?" She screamed at Mutton-Chops, as her eyes went white and the smell of ozone spread through the room.

"Ouf..." He grimaced, rubbing his neck, and turned back towards Storm to give her his peace of mind. However, after seeing her angry expression, he stopped and rethought his words. "No... Violence?" He asked after a moment of silence, sounding uncertain, practically admitting he didn't listen.

Judging by the sparks of lightning that emanated from the girl, she didn't precisely appreciate his honest answer.

"Oh... Now, I get what you meant by the Sexy One," Olivia chimed in, nodding in agreement with my earlier words. "Though her outfit is quite silly, she should fire her costume designer."

"Right?" I exclaimed in agreement, "Blue and yellow are not aesthetically pleasing together. Though, that skintight outfit does wonders for her curves."

"Hmm..." She hummed, squinting her eyes and giving me a thoughtful look, "Do you think I would look good in spandex?"

"Yes," I replied that instant, "However, I'd have to kill anyone who lays eyes on your godly form while you're wearing it. That perfection is only for my eyes to see."

"Oh, stop it, you," she swatted my shoulder, playfully rolling her eyes, while a bashful smile bloomed on her face. She wrapped her arms around my chest, pulling herself even closer, while we both skillfully ignored the peanut gallery that slowly trickled into the apartment.

Our nonchalant atmosphere, however, was swiftly interrupted by mental probes, coming from two different sources, requiring us to disperse the fluffy atmosphere and turn serious.

I turned towards the uninvited guests and simply stated, "You'll be paying for the door."

"I apologize for my colleague's actions," the baldy in the wheelchair rolled forward, defensively raising his hands.

"You could have simply made an appointment, Charles," I said, giving him a pointed look.

"You know of me?" He asked, surprise clearly audible in his tone.

"How could I not?" I replied with a snort, and tilted backward interlinking my fingers, "Charles Xavier, one of the leaders of the two main mutant factions found in the U.S. A fool, unable to see the bigger picture, and a self-proclaimed messiah of mutant kind, blinded by his own self-righteousness."

"No need for hurtful words, we only came here to talk," he professed, clearly annoyed by my words.

"Talk?" I tilted my head, "From what you're doing right now, someone would think you're here to gather information."

"What do you mean?" He replied with a faux smile, yet I could hear his heartbeat accelerate.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you cut the crap. You and the redhead bimbo should also stop attempting to read our minds." I said with a smile, all the while trying to decide if I should drop my mental shields, delegate, and bring forth about a thousand mental instances to play the Nyan Cat video on repeat.

'I wonder if anyone had ever died from that video?' I thought to myself with a chuckle.

While the two telepaths exchanged looks, the boy scout moved forward with a grimace on his face.

"I don't know who you think you are, but I can't allow you to disrespect the professor like that."

"The professor? So I can continue disrespecting your girlfriend?" I said with a snort, then turned back to the baldy and with a chuckle said, "You do train your attack dogs quite well."

A beam of concentrated energy left the boy scout's eyes, not aimed directly at us, but as a deterrent, aimed a few inches to my left. Yet, even that was enough to trigger Serena's inbuilt defensive instincts.

The attack was removed from the annals of time, erased from existence through simple temporal manipulation, while Olivia and I were surrounded by an almost impenetrable dimensional barrier that spouted out of nowhere, yet was there since forever, all the while the boy, who tried to be a deterrent, simply imploded, showering the room in his innards.

An unnatural silence descended onto the surroundings, while the atmosphere literally grew heavy from the excessive mana now available in the air. The delegation's eyes went wide from shock, yet they were unable to do anything, held in place by me.

"That was a bit excessive," I sighed, rolling my eyes and snapping my fingers. Then, in the blink of an eye, as if his death never happened, the boy's body was reconstructed, his soul pulled back from the afterlife, and he once again stood in front of us, before dropping to the ground, heavily heaving.

"W-what... Happened," he stuttered between breaths, his eyes shaking as fear gripped his heart.

"That's what a real warning shot should look like," I said with a chuckle, grabbing his chin, "Next time you aim your parlor trick at me, you'll wish you stayed dead." My grip tightened, making him release a grunt of pain as his jaw cracked, "Am I understood?" I asked in a serious tone, making him gulp and attempt to nod, all the while his eyes refused to work.

If the earlier display of power wasn't enough to make him behave, the [Mental Domain] instilled fear I implanted into his mind would make him a terrified little mess whenever he saw us. And, if the puddle gathering just below him wasn't a clear indication that it worked, his terror-induced trembling was.

"Good, now fuck off." I waved my palm, sending him flying through what was left of our door, and after I heard the loud crash and a grunt of pain caused by the impact with the wall, the two broken ribs, and a dislocated shoulder, I turned back to the others, held firmly in place by my kinesis.

However, my hold was unnecessary, as Olivia had also acted, holding them all hostage with her blades.

Everyone stood there in shock, frozen in fear, as blades of all sizes and forms surrounded their heads, waiting for the slightest of movements to separate them from their necks, while both Sky and Fluffy surrounded them with tendrils darkness, which danced in the air, ready to shred their bodies in a blink.

"Good job, sweetie," I said giving Olivia a light pat, "But unnecessary, you can let them go."

"Sure," she shrugged, dematerializing the weapons all at once, which was followed by Sky and Fluffy deactivating their own skills.

Turning my focus back to the gathered, with an irritated tone, I asked, "Anyone else want to try something stupid?"

'No sir,' was the response I was waiting for, but not the one I received.

"W-what the hell just happened?!" stuttered the chocolate goddess falling to the ground, while the rest regained their bearing.

Logan took up a defensive posture, released his claws, and gritted his teeth. The professor rolled back, raising his arms to his head, while the redhead remained completely stoic, standing amidst them.

"Just a little display of how out of your league you are," I said, giving the redhead an 'I dare you to try something' stare. "I think you overstayed your welcome. State the reason you came, how you discovered us, and leave before I make you." I added with a smile that promised excruciating pain.

 A shudder went through them, yet the redhead remained seemingly unconcerned.

"We detected three new mutants appearing," admitted the professor, realizing his mental attacks had no effect at all.

"No, you didn't," I interrupted him, "How could you? There are no mutants in this apartment." I squinted my eyes at him.

"W-we use a machine, called Cerebro. It amplifies brainwaves, allowing us telepaths to detect people across vast distances."

"Yeah, that could work in a normal situation," I nodded in agreement, "Though, there is a slight problem in this one." I said grinning at him, finally realizing how and why they were here, "You are in the same room as us, yet, even now, you're unable to access our minds. There is no way that even amplified, you could have detected two out of the three people here." I chuckled, "And even if in some miraculous way you did, the last place you would be after getting a feel for my mind would be here." I turned towards the redhead, and squinted my eyes at her, "So what's your true game here, Phoenix." I asked, my words turning ethereal, shaking the foundation of the building, and forcing everyone but her to the floor.

She took a step forward.

Her outfit morphed into a red and black skintight costume, while her mind relentlessly assaulted my mental shields, yet all I felt was light taps.

The air around her ignited as she intensified her assault, searing the carpet, charring the walls, and leaving a trail of cinders in her wake, all of which vanished the next moment.

While releasing a loud groan of ecstasy, two brilliant white wings sprouted out of her back, made entirely out of the fire, which consumed the life force of those nearby, raising her ability to the next level. Yet, once again her abilities were countered, as the stolen life force was reinvigorated the next moment.

"Finally free," she grunted, her eyes shining bright like stars, basking the room in an otherworldly glow.

"Does this count as pestering?" Olivia asked, turning towards me, completely ignoring the showoff, while her mental assault relentlessly continued.

"Not sure," I replied honestly, not feeling any danger or strain from facing the cosmic entity.

While the Phoenix's mental assaults could have been dangerous, the millions of simultaneous mental instances I was running effortlessly repulsed her attack, even without the direct use of [Mental Domain].

Similarly, Olivia had an easy task defending herself, as her mental defenses had long since evolved to rely only on the attack, more precisely mental blade attack, that could be enhanced by the multitude of her blade-related skills.

With surgical precision, she could split someone's consciousness, remove memories, or cleave someone's ego... And that was all before her training in the world of The Gamer.

With her current power level, I was unsure if even I was completely safe from her serious mental assaults, not that she would ever use it on me.

The Phoenix ignored our little chat, anger flaring in her as she locked eyes with her captor, "You will pay for imprisoning me!" She declared, raising a palm, and aiming an attack at the badly, only for her to turn confused when nothing happened.

She grimaced, turning her attention back to me, and declared, "Don't intervene, Outsider."

"Nah, bitch. I do what i want, you're not the one in command here." I provoked her with a grin, "Why did you orchestrate this meeting, miss universal representation of life?"

"Watch your words." She grimaced in annoyance, not used to someone talking down on her, "You shall return what you have stolen from me, what you've stolen from us." The bird declared, and I was unsure where all of her confidence came from.

"You stole something from her?" Asked Olivia tilting her head in confusion.

"Not really," I shrugged, "I just have a higher authority towards life than this proud chick does, so she and a few others lost their power."

Olivia nodded in understanding and asked, "Can you give it back to her?"

"Yeah, if i leave or die. So, nope," I shrugged, "Also, even if I could, I wouldn't. Most of them are crazy so that power is better in my hands."

"Like you're not one of the crazies," She chuckled, and turned back to the bird girl, "Sorry girl, he's not going to give it back. You should go."

Olivia's words were met with a disdainful snort, "I should make you learn what disrespecting your betters means."

"Try me, bitch" she countered with a grin, and I was momentarily stunned by my wifey's attitude.

'Maybe I'm having a bad effect on her?' I thought to myself, then shook my head and dismissed that thought, 'Nah, it can't be that.' I denied it internally, even though the evidence showed the contrary.

"Maybe I should erase the life that's growing inside of-"

The fire pigeon didn't get to finish her sentence.

How could she?

The same instant she threatened the baby, she ceased to be.

There was no indication of an attack, no aftermath, and no destruction.

All that was left of HER, was an unconscious body and a seemingly simple line stretching indefinitely throughout the cosmos, originating from Olivia's index finger.

"That bitch..." Grumbled the angry baby mama, as reality shook trying to readjust after losing one of its universal constants, life.