after traveling almost 3 km they finally arrived at the initial destination, namely radio station arvinta (fictitious name), they were at that time exactly 100 m from the entrance gate which was currently surrounded by hungry zombies.

andrianto '' look at the condition of the place. we have to find a little gap so we can break through the fence easily,

widya '' ok, let's try to turn around we look for another door that is easy to enter I will move to check another door the rest stay here waiting for information from me.

Widya swiftly and slowly walked along the side of the radio station building

Ayumi "It seems things are getting worse here. The possibility of us succeeding is very low," said Ayumi to Andrianto

Andrianto, yes, it's just a possibility, not a certainty. In this mission, of course, we have thought carefully about all the bad possibilities, right? Answered Andrianto

ayumi''hmm.. hopefully we won't get stuck here sergeant, promise you will bring us back safely and succeed in completing our mission, said Ayumi to andrianto

andrianto '' for those things I will definitely try my best for our success, but to be honest to bring our team home as intact as before I can't guarantee. Andrianto answered

Ayumi "Whatever and however we have to look after each other Sergeant

During the conversation, Widya informed via earpiece communication that he had found another safe door to enter the building

widya ''the west door is safe, follow me

they rushed to catch up with Widya

when they ran slowly to catch up with Widya, Ayumi accidentally kicked a beer can and made a noise

Ayumi' 'oh shittttt

and one of the zombies realized their existence, suddenly the other zombies realized their existence. and the hungry zombies chased them. There was a chase scene between the alpha team and the hungry zombies. Widya waited in front of the entrance while cocking his weapon getting ready to shot at the zombies, and Wisya managed to drop two zombies that almost reached them and quickly they entered the building and followed by Widya who immediately closed tightly and locked the door tightly and covered it with heavy objects, they helped each other to move the object to hold the entrance .

steve '' that was close oh my god

andrianto ''this is just the beginning we have to hurry through every room, and stay alert, come on

Ayumi '' hello Doctor Mahendra .. are you here, Ayumi shouted

no sound was heard in each of the rooms, but they continued to walk through each of these buildings. then they arrived at the door of a room where the lights in the room flickered and heard the sound of classical music breaking up. With great care, Andrianto and the team approached and opened it. slowly the door.

alicia '' be careful sergeant, watch your step, said alicia, whispering scared

kreeeek '' the sound of the door when it opens

suddenly they were greeted by a zombie who suddenly appeared from behind the door, and it turned out that in the room there were 4 zombies inhabiting the room. zombie. And while Widia was cocking his gun suddenly appeared from behind another zombie who pounced on Widya from behind and caught him, and swiftly Steve hit the zombie's head with a beam and immediately shot him. Widya survived

steve ''are you okay sergeant, are you bitten'' shouted steve full of panic

Ayumi'' finished them, closed the door, the Sergeant shouted Ayumi to Widya

On the other hand Andrianto was still fighting with other zombies and was in a desperate position. And Alicia immediately aimed a shot at the head of the zombie who was strangling Andrianto, but unfortunately the shot missed and almost hit Andrianto. But swiftly Widya immediately hit the zombie with a pipe until it fell. the fight in the room was very tough, the zombies seemed to be strong and powerful. and after a few moments the situation was starting to be safe, the zombies in the room were successful in overthrowing them. but it was very unfortunate that Sergeant Andrianto was bitten on the shoulder.

andrianto'' guyz sorry I can't seem to continue this mission, Sergeant Widya please replace me

ayumi''sergeant ... what happened, said Ayumi sadly, stay with me sergeant

widya '' sergeant .. hold on

alicia '' it's useless .... it's useless ...

andrianto ..don't come closer... don't come closer ayumi you take one step closer to me the account will shoot you ... andrianto shouted at ayumi who was trying to get close to him

steve "sergeant please….it's not over yet….let's hold on

alicia ''it's impossible it's impossible n …..sergeant hold on ..screamed hysterically while crying he didn't expect

andrianto "you have to keep going, finish this mission and leave this place, because there is nothing else in this place

Ayumi '' but sergeant ,,,

andrianto'' quickly leave…. this was an order shouted by Andrianto very angry

Ayumi "Come on Sergeant, hold on you promised... you are a tough person Ayumi said while crying

andrianto ''forgive me doctor'' you have to hurry away now..andrianto said while pointing a gun to his head

widya '' sergeant, don't do that... please don't do it, sergeant

duarrrrrrrrrr…..andrianto shot himself

they accepted with a heavy heart and with sadness after losing one of the most important members of their team, the tears of emotion and not expecting what they felt. And the leadership was taken over by Sergeant Widya and they had to immediately hurry to leave this building

widya ''guys, let's hurry up ... Sergeant Andri has ordered us, don't get lost in this sadness, Ayumi, I will continue this mission and keep his promise to you

Ayumi '' okay sergeant, while crying

steve ''okay we have to move soon...go go go

they rushed to get out of the building and looked for another exit so they could get out safely. and on their way down the hall they were again surprised by the appearance of several zombies in front of them, and it turned out that in this building there were still zombies inhabiting it, with swiftly they fired at them

steve ''shiitt surprise what else is this

they were moving forward until they found another exit and one by one zombies appeared in front of them as if there were lots of zombies in this building. step by step they moved from one floor to another until they arrived on the third floor. free from the zombies that control this building.

alicia '' looks like for a while we have to stay here until morning, said alicia with a sigh

widya '' yes right, for the time being until tomorrow we rest, everyone make sure this room is safe check in every corner of this floor stevie lock the entrance.

steve '' ok sergeant..

and for the time being they will spend the night in this building until early morning, after making sure this floor is safe they begin to rest, and eat the supplies they bring. in a situation like this all bad possibilities can happen, therefore they divide who is temporarily on guard and temporarily resting. and tomorrow they must also be prepared for the rigors of the journey which is likely to succeed 50%, but Ayumi and friends remain optimistic to continue this important mission for the end of this global epidemic.