The Highway

Sorry about the no chapter on Monday, I came down with the flu over the weekend and it pretty much turned my brain into mush. Feeling better now, so enjoy.


"Hey, kid. Wake up." said Shane as he lightly kicked my leg to wake me up.

"Something happen?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"RV broke down. Get out." he before getting off the RV.

'Oh, we're finally at the highway.' I thought as I stood up, got my knife and gun, and walked outside.

It had been two days since the CDC blew up. On the first day, we had to lay low in Atlanta because the streets were filled with walkers because of the noise from the explosion.

On the second day, we started to make our way to Fort Benning but we had to lighten the caravan because of gas expenditure and now there were 7 people in the RV, which was not comfortable.

And today, the third day, is the day the horde passes through the highway and Sophia gets lost, leading to a search for her in the woods that ends with Carl being shot, and the Greene family introduced.

But I had decided that I wouldn't let Sophia die but would make it so somehow we end up at the farm.

Even though I'm leaving in the future and have no plans to return to this world, I still want the group to survive for as long as possible. And Hershel and Maggie are indispensable for that to happen.

Not to mention, I really want Glenn to end up with Maggie because they were my favorite characters in my past life. And even though I never watched past Season 3, I know Glenn gets killed by Negan which I would warn the group about before leaving, along with warning them about some other things.

"Matt." said Amy, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Let's go look for supplies."

"Amy, be careful. Matt, look out for her please." said Andrea, who had warmed up to me a little after saving the group from being blown up.

"I'm not a child." said Amy.

"Matt." said Andrea.

"It goes without saying." I told her before Amy and I started walking.

"God she treats me like a child." said Amy.

"She's your sister. What do you expect?" I asked as I used my Radar to try to see how far the horde was and to not get surprised by anything.

"To treat me like an adult. I'm 22 for crying out loud."

"You said you were 24."

"Shut up. Don't correct a woman about her age." she said as I chuckled.

As we continued to walk, we would stop and quickly look at what the cars had before deciding to check them out or not.

"Let's check that SUV." I said, pointing at an SUV that was more intact than other vehicles.

Using my Radar on it let me know there was no threat inside, but I still cautiously checked through the window before opening the doors.

"Check the glove compartment. Might have medicine. I'll check the trunk." I said before opening the trunk and laying eyes on a stash of weapons.

"Nice." I said as I picked up a katana.

'Must've been a weeb. Who else would have a katana in 2010?' I thought as I unsheathed the katana and touched the metal.

"Feels real. Sharp too. I'll take it." I said as I checked the other weapons there which consisted of some nice knives, two hatchets, a folding shovel, and a firewood axe.

"Hit the jackpot. What about you?" I asked Amy.

"Me too. Look." she said smiling while showing me a box of condoms.

"Haha. Anything else?"

"Some generic acetaminophen and some ibuprofen."

"Good. Let me take these back to the RV. Hold tight. Be careful." I told her as I picked them up and started walking back to the RV.

"Whoa, is that a sword?" asked Carl.

"Yes, it is, little man. I'll let you see it later."

"No you won't." said Lori, looking up from searching a car to shoot me down.

"Sorry, Carl." I said, winking at him before I continued to walk to the RV.

"Be careful with those." said Carol.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

"Matt, what'd you find?" asked Rick who was on sniper duty next to the RV with Dale on top of it as lookout.

"Bunch of knives, some hatchets, a shovel, and an axe for firewood."

"Nice job. Put them in the RV." he said patting me on the back as I walked in to put the weapons on the table.

"Damn!" said Andrea who was trying to put her gun back together.

"You okay?" I asked as I set down the weapons on the counter.

"Where's Amy?"

"She's okay. She's up ahead. She's near Lori and Carol. Don't worry." I said.

"I'm her sister. I'll always worry."

"It's what I told her. Anyway, I'll get back to it. Be careful." I said as I exited the RV.

"You too."

Exiting the RV, I could see that Rick was looking through the scope of his gun and was about to shoot a walker before he hurriedly put his gun down and crouched down.

"Matt! Get down!" he whispered loudly.

"What is it?" I asked back, crouched down.

"Bunch of walkers coming our way."

"Shit. I'll go tell the others to hide under a car and not make noise."

"Let's go."

Crouched down we both quickly walked up the road to inform the rest of what was happening.

"Lori, under the car now. Carl, Sophia you too. And stay down and be quiet." he said before getting under a car while I went to where Amy was.

"Hey, look at this." she said showing me a bra.

"Shh, get under the car. I need to warn T-Dog and Daryl." I said.

"What is it?" she whispered.

"A herd of walkers." I said before signaling to T-Dog and Daryl to get under a car which they did before I did the same and got under the car next to the SUV, with my head in the direction of the herd so I could use my PK if need be.

'God I could get a good chunk of the mission done if I killed this herd.' I thought before I checked to see how far I was from completing the mission.


- Kill 1000 walkers (204/1000)

'Not bad.' I thought before putting my focus on the situation at hand.

And good thing I had because the walkers had just reached my area.

Looking over at Amy I could see she was a little worried so I signaled to her to stay quiet and keep calm to which she nodded.

Using my Radar I could see that there was still a decent amount of walkers left that needed to pass us by, so I just waited.

And a few minutes or so later, would've been faster but walkers are slow when they're passive, the horde had passed us by, but I knew there was still a straggler or two around.

So I signaled to Amy to wait while I slowly got out from under the car and into a crouching position and looked around.

And looking over at where the kids were hiding I could see two walkers still near them so I quietly made my way forward.

Right as I was about to move and get closer, I saw Sophia move out from under her car and alert the two walkers.

"Ahh!" she shrieked as the two walkers dropped down to get at her, but before they could do anything, I ran up and stabbed the closest one in the skull with my knife.

Then the other one switched targets to me but I kicked it back, making it stumble before I stabbed it in the brain as well.

"Sohpia, you okay?" I whispered.

"Thank you." she said crying as she came up to hug me.

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe now." I said, comforting her.

"Oh, my baby. Thank you, Matt. Thank you." said Carol hugging me before embracing Sophia while the rest of the group huddled around.

"Nice job, Matt." said Rick.

"Thanks, but we should be quiet still. The herd isn't that far off."

"Herd?" asked Glenn.

"Yeah. I've seen one of those before. A bunch of walkers migrating for food. A herd."

"You've seen one of those before?" asked Shane.

"Yeah. But it wasn't as big as the one that just passed us by. That was something else. A horde would be more accurate."

"Herd and horde, sound about right." said Shane as Andrea came over covered in blood.

"Andrea!" said Amy, running to her.

"I-I'm fine. A walker got in the RV and I accidentally made some noise. I killed it though thanks to the weapons Matt found." she said.

"I'm glad you're okay. It's also a reminder. We all need to start carrying around a knife or something similar with us. Even the women and children." I said.

"Not the kids." said Lori.

"I agree with Matt." said Shane.

"Me too." said Rick.

"Rick!" said Lori.

"We're not in peaceful times anymore Lori. Everyone needs to be able to protect themselves and carrying around a knife is the best way to do it. We can't be using guns all the time so knives are our best bet." he said.


"I agree." she said.

"Sigh. Okay, but you have to teach them both how to be safe with them and not to play with them since you brought it up. And if anything happens to them, I'm putting the blame on you." said Lori to me.

"Not a problem." I said winking at Carl who had a smile on his face.

"That'll be for later. Right now we need to come up with another plan. We can't go forward anymore, not with the horde blocking our path." said Rick.

"We can double back now that we have the gas. I just need to fix the RV first and move some of these cars out of the way." said Dale.

"Okay. Let's do that then. Glenn, help Dale with the RV. T-Dog and Daryl, get us some more gas. Matt, you and Shane move these cars out the way. Everyone else, scavenge anything useful from the cars but stay close." said Rick.

"Come on, kid." said Shane as he entered the station wagon while I put one of the cars in neutral before he pushed it with the station wagon while I steered it out of the way.

And while we were clearing cars, I noticed a nice yellow Mustang exactly like the one I wanted in my past life.

"Phew. This baby is nice." I said as I walked around the Mustang.

"You like Mustangs?" asked Shane as he saw me admiring the car.

"Like Mustangs? I love Mustangs. Always told myself I'd get a 1967 Mustang Fastback when I saved the money." I said.

"Why don't you take it then? The RV is already cramped and you and Amy can ride in the Mustang." he said with a grin.

"I'd lov- Holy shit."


"This isn't any Mustang. This is a 1967 Shelby GT500." I said, completely dumbfounded after noticing the iconic Shelby emblem with the cobra.

"Ain't that a rare one?" asked Shane.

"Only ever 2,000 or so made. Why is it out here?"

"Some poor rich bastard had to leave it behind. Imagine the look on his face when he realized that. I'd love to see it." said Shane with a chuckle.

"I'm definitely taking it now."

"Go ahead but it's your responsibility. But first, help me move the rest of these cars then you can drool about your new ride some more later."

"Right, sorry."


After a half-hour of moving cars around, I was finally able to get back to my new ride.

'God, I can't believe I found this here. Thank you Lady Luck, but please let it be working. If not, I'll just come back and put it in my inventory before I leave this world. Maybe look around some more to find other cars, it's not like they're being used.' I thought as opened the car door and got in the seat.

"Oh yeah." I said feeling the leather seats and gripping the steering wheel.

'Don't make me hotwire you.' I thought as I checked all over for the keys until I found them in the sun visor.

'Thank you Lady Luck. I love you.' I thought, kissing the keys before putting them in the ignition and turning.


"Fuck yeah." I said, hearing the sweet purr of the car and checking how much fuel it had before turning it off and getting out.

"Looks like you found a new toy." said Amy as she walked over with some supplies and saw me with a big smile.

"Yes I did. Just needs a little gas."

"So, who's riding shotgun?" she asked, hinting at something.

"You ride with me. Free up some room in the RV." I said.

"Okay." she said with a smile before going off to put the supplies in the RV.

"Alright, listen up." said Rick as we gathered around him.

"The RV is fixed which means we're moving. We're gonna double back and take a bypass that Glenn flagged on the map. You know the rules. Let's move." he said as we all started loading up.

I took my things from the RV and put them in my car while Amy did the same.

As I was fueling up my car using siphoned fuel, I also noticed that Shane was loading his things in a new car which meant he still had the thought of leaving.

'Let's hope he gets over it and doesn't want to kill Rick. Doubt he will though.' I thought as I got in the car and started it up.



I know the Mustang on the highway is not a 67 Shelby GT500 but rather just a normal 67, but I decided to make it a Shelby GT500 because I love that car.

And for the katana, he won't use it because it's too cliche for me but it's a staple of zombie apocalypse fanfics so I added it.