Last Day


"Ugh. Still not used to that noise." I mumbled with disgust as I wiped some zombie matter from my shirt that splattered on me after crushing its skull with my PK.

'It's been two days since I left. Wonder if they're still at the farm.' I thought before I began to remember what had transpired since I left.


After walking back to the farm and putting the Mustang in my Inventory, I walked back to the highway before hunkering down for the night in an abandoned RV.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a good night's sleep because a small herd of walkers passed by a few hours into my rest and I must have been snoring because they started banging on the RV. And let me tell you, it's not at all pleasant to be woken up by a herd of walkers wanting to eat you.

And thanks to my foul mood, my PK was augmented enough that I was able to kill the small herd with just one PK Cut before going back to sleep.

On my second awakening of the day, I quickly ate some canned food before I started walking in the direction of Fort Benning. As to why I decided to go to Fort Benning, I wanted to scavenge what I could from that place before going back home.

On the way there, I was also keeping an eye out for any vehicles that I might want to pick up, as long as they were intact and not forever contaminated by zombie stink.

The first one I picked up, both to get to my destination faster and because it looked cool, was a motorcycle, more specifically a black 2002 Harley Davidson VRSCA. It was a little scratched up from being thrown on the ground but it could be easily buffed out.

But that was the beginning and end of my vehicle shopping spree because I didn't find anything else that I wanted, not that I was too bummed about it considering I got the Mustang and a sweet motorcycle.

So I rode in the direction of Fort Benning, taking the backroads to avoid running into any survivors while killing any walkers I drove past. And after an entire day of driving, I managed to make it to the military base just as the sunset.

I put my motorcycle back in my inventory, activated the Camouflage and Night Vision function of the Spy Watch in Glasses form, and walked into the base.

Just as I had suspected, the base was entirely overrun with walkers which was good for me because it meant I could finish the mission and scavenge the place.

And so, one long and bloody night later, I had looted the entirety of Fort Benning and was 5 walkers away from completing the mission just as the sun rose. Obviously, I had not killed all the walkers in Fort Benning because that would have been way more than that mission required, so I just incapacitated any walkers I came across so I wouldn't complete the mission. I could have killed the last 5 but since I was unsure if I would get transported back home after finishing the mission, I decided to wait.


'5 walkers left before I can go home. I should probably sleep first before I go back home, don't want to be a zombie when I get back. Nice pun.' I thought with a tired grin on my face as I exited the garage/hangar where the tanks were held.

Of course, there weren't any in there since they were all being used elsewhere but I checked on the off chance that there were. Not that I needed any more since I had already picked up more than just a few tanks.

Exiting the garage, I then made my way to where the Major General stayed when he was on base because that was the best room I had found during my search.

But as I made my way there, I felt my PK react like it had when I was fighting the crystal before a barrier was passively constructed around me.


'Fuck.' I thought as I felt a bullet hit the barrier before I heard the sound of a gunshot.

Looking in the direction of where the bullet came from, I saw the glint of a scope a few hundred feet away.


'The barrier won't hold much longer.' I thought as a second bullet hit the barrier while I took out a tank from my inventory before hiding behind it.

'Not like I have to hide my powers anymore considering I'm leaving soon.'

Using Radar, which thanks to my constant use of PK had a larger range than when the mission first started, I was able to find out where they were.

The sniper had one more person next to them while two groups of two people were flanking my position, from the left and the right respectively. And from the image I got back, it seemed like they were military.

"What's up with the shoot first, ask questions later routine guys? We're all just trying to survive." I shouted to no answer.

"Look, I'm a good guy but I don't like being shot at. If you shoot at me one more time, I'm going to take that as a sign of aggression." I said, again to no answer.

Looking at the ground around me, a dead walker head was nearby so I brought it to me with my PK, before sticking it out above the tank.


"Okay then. No mercy." I said as I wiped away the splattered remains of the walker's head.

'Have to take out the snipers first.'

Taking two bullets out of my inventory, I used my PK to line them up with where the snipers were before adding rotation and then launching them.

With Radar, I could see that the bullets hit their intended targets, taking out the long-range support. Even though they had attacked me first and had no intention of letting me go, it still left a bad taste in my mouth knowing I killed two people. But I put it in the back of my mind before focusing.

With the two groups unaware their support had been killed, they still continued toward me so I just used my PK to choke them and dangle them in the air.

Putting the tank back in my inventory, I turned around to see four men in military gear and balaclavas with skulls painted on them, making choking noises and frantically grasping at their necks.

"Sigh, I wish I didn't need to kill you all but it is what it is. Survival of the fittest. But I do want to know why you attacked me. So, who wants to talk?" I asked before I noticed that they were looking in the direction of where the sniper was.

"Oh, your long-range support is dead, so don't expect any help." I said before fear appeared on their faces and one of them raised his hand.

I stopped choking on him and switched to a full-body hold so he wouldn't try anything.

"Cough, cough. What, cough, are you? Cough." he asked, coughing from inhaling too much air at once.

"Doesn't matter. Why did you attack me?"

"W-we were going to sneak in during the night and get some stuff but we saw you. And your p-powers." he said.

"So you decided to capture me?"

"Y-yes. The Major General wanted to know how you did what you did."

"Major General?"

"The s-sniper you k-killed. H-he was the Major General."

"Oh. So, he wanted to find out how I got the abilities I have. Not surprising."

"A-are you going to k-kill us?" he asked, looking at his comrades who were starting to turn blue from the lack of oxygen.



"Whether you are going to leave me alone or not."

"We will! Please! We were just following orders! We all have families!" he pleaded, looking sincere.

"Okay." I said before freeing them from my hold.

"Thank you." he said before going to check up on his comrades who were just about to pass out.

"Don't try to follow me or interact with me or I'll kill you. Good luck surviving." I said as I walked away while still keeping my attention on them just in case.

Luckily for them, they didn't try anything and I walked away in peace. But I was no longer comfortable going to sleep in a place with potential hostiles around so I decided to just finish the mission.

Quickly killing 5 walkers, I heard a familiar noise.



World: The Walking Dead (TV)

Difficulty: Easy

- Investigate what world you are in √

- Kill 1000 walkers (1000/1000) √


- 500 SP

- Random Item (Low)

- Random Ability/Skill/Talent (Low)

[Mission completed. User must leave world in 48:00:00.]

[Would User like to leave now?]

[Yes] [No]

'So I get 2 days before I get forcefully kicked from this world. Not like I can't come back with the World Travel function anyway.' I thought as I read the message.

'Actually, before I leave, I should try something I've been wanting to test but haven't had the chance to, flying. It'll be harder for me to do without anyone spotting me in my world, but here, I don't really care. Besides, it shouldn't take me 48 hours to find out if I can fly yet or not. Only a few minutes. And if I can fly, I'll spend the rest of the time practicing.'

Deciding on my next course of action, I pressed no on returning back to my world before checking my surroundings.

With my immediate surroundings clear, I began to try to fly.

'In most fiction, when telekinetics fly they describe it as locking onto themselves with their telekinesis and then moving around. Shouldn't be too hard.'

I focused on first coating my body with my PK. Considering it's the same principle except one is a coating while the other is a strong grip, I decided it was a good place to start.

Once I coated my body, I decided to tighten the hold on myself enough that I would be able to move but not enough to hurt myself. With that done, I decided it was time to make myself float.

With a firm lock on myself, I started to slowly increase the power until I was barely floating above the ground.

'Awesome.' I thought with a big smile on my face.

Now with me floating above the ground, it was time to start moving around. I started with slow movements at first so I can get used to it. Forward, backward, left, and right. It felt very much like when I moved other things around but with myself. After moving myself around in a circle for a few minutes, I decided that it was time to take to the skies.

"Okay, time to fly." I said, going through a checklist before I did.

"Levitating, check. Balance, check. Now time to go up slowly and come down slowly. Don't want to shoot up into the sky unprepared."

Moving vertically while seeing the ground get farther away is a very surreal experience.

"Holy shit, I'm actually flying. HAHA!"

After a few minutes of increasing my speed of movement in all directions, I felt like I had enough of the training wheels.

"Okay, you can do this. It's just like you've been doing before, except you're going to be moving a lot faster and a lot farther from the ground. That's not a terrifying thought at all. 1, 2, 3, Go!"

And with that, I shot off into the sky as fast as I could. And it was awesome.


The feeling of air rushing past your body and the noise it makes is unreal. Comparing flying in a plane to flying with your body is like driving a bicycle compared to driving an F1 car. Two completely different experiences, yet essentially the same thing.

After a minute or so, I decided that I was high enough in the sky. I stopped my movement and just floated amongst the clouds for a moment.

Looking at the clouds around me, the city below me, and the sun peeking above the horizon, it all hit me again.

'I can't believe this is my life.'

'I wonder what the future has in store for me.' I thought as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.



Back home next chapter.

Also wanted to say that I will be trying a wheel/randomizer for the rewards. The Item Wheel's options are Random Anime Item, Base Token, Money, Talisman, Teigu, Sci-Fi Item, Upgrade Token, Pill, Potion, Vehicle, Technology/Blueprint/Knowledge, Shares, and Gag Gift. I will spin it 5 times and whichever one was landed on the most will be the reward. I still have to choose specifically what, but it will be of the category most landed on.

As for his Ability/Skill/Talent, I will personally choose something befitting of an Easy mission.