Begin Phase 1

"Anivia, status report."

"Everything is ready, sir."

"Go over the code again. I want the launch to be perfect." I said.

"Right away, sir." she answered as I leaned back in my chair.

'Time to start Phase 1. Finally.' I thought as I waited for Anivia to be done.

"Everything is in order, sir." said Anivia as I sat straight up in my chair.

"And our competitors? Are they still working on theirs or have they moved on?"

"They've moved on, sir. Your cyberattack was enough to make them lose interest in continuing."

"Good, keep an eye on them just in case though."

"Certainly, sir."

"Let's begin Phase 1." I said as I pressed the Enter key.



"Well, that was more anticlimactic than I thought it would be. I was expecting some dramatic music to swell right as I pressed the enter key or something. It'll probably be there when they're making a movie about me though." I mumbled as I scratched my chin, "Anivia download the app to my phone, please."

"Tinder has been installed, sir. Would you like me to create a profile for you, sir?"

"Sure, why not. Might as well."

That's right. Tinder. The dating app that revolutionized the online dating scene in my past world. Except for this time, its creator is me. And it's also the first step of Phase 1 of my multi-phase plan to create a business empire that would revolutionize the world.

I had the idea to release Tinder back when I first returned from TWD mission and I started to work on the app soon after.

Thanks to the gift that keeps on giving that are Barbara Gordon's hacking skills, I was able to create the entire application in no time, but decided to hold off on releasing it until I was done with high school, just so I could put my entire focus on my plan.

But there were still the original creators to be wary of and that's what the cyberattack Anivia mentioned was about. I hacked into their workstations and corrupted their data which led them to just scrapping the whole project.

Of course, to cover my tracks I didn't just hack their work on the app but other things as well. And I did check if they had decided on the name Tinder before using it for mine, which thankfully they hadn't. If they had I would've had to come up with another name and I've discovered I'm not good at coming up with creative names, so it was a win-win for me.

Anyway, the app I created was almost an exact replica of how it was back in my original world. You created a profile and would swipe left or right, left to reject, and right to like and if you got a match, you have a conversation. After that, it's up to the user to spit game.

Obviously, I cleaned up the UI a bit, tweaked the coding some to get rid of bugs, and created a much more sophisticated algorithm which was only possible thanks to Anivia. Or more specifically, Anivia's core programming.

Besides going to school and studying so I could graduate early, the majority of my time was spent training my PK, and my body, and looking at Anivia's core programming, and boy was it complicated.

I already knew it was complicated from the quick glance I had given it back when I first extracted it but when I actually started to comb through it with a fine comb, it still blew me away.

But after hours upon hours, after blood, sweat, and tears, I finally managed to understand just how Anivia was created and the technical genius that was required to create her.

It's one thing to be told how hard something is, like creating something like Anivia, and it's another thing altogether to experience it firsthand.

Thanks to everything I learned from Anivia's core programming, I figured out how to set my own restrictions on her, but I didn't. Whoever created her had created her with enough built-in restrictions that guaranteed she would never do anything she wasn't supposed to, and I didn't see any need to set anymore on her.

The only reason she had other restrictions set on her by the CDC was that they wanted to dumb down her capabilities to the same level as an Alexa or Siri. But since I didn't need or want something on that level, I let her be.

Anyway, thanks to everything I learned from the core programming, I was able to create a pretty sophisticated algorithm for Tinder that outclassed anything on the market and would continue to outclass anything on the market for years to come.

It was more than just the Elo-based system that Tinder initially used in my original world, copying the Chess rating system, which lowered your Elo based on how many rejections you got and raised your Elo based on how many likes you got. If you got a like from someone with a lot of likes then your Elo would be increased by a lot rather than if you got a like from someone with similar Elo.

Put very simply, the algorithm I created matches people based on similar interests as well as similar people they've swiped right on before. The app will scan the pictures and prioritize people that are of similar build and recommend them to the user first before expanding the pool and showing people outside of the usual strike zone.

Of course, all of it is in the terms and conditions and is going to be mentioned when someone uploads a picture. Though I don't plan to ever store people's pictures or sell their data to other companies, I'm sure some people will complain about the app scanning their pictures once the app blows up so I decided it was better to be upfront about it rather than have some blown out of proportions scandal down the line.

"Your profile has been created, sir." said Anivia.

"Thanks. Any downloads besides me?" I asked as I checked the app to see what pictures of me Anivia had chosen, all good ones thankfully.

"A few, sir. It seems your plan to advertise the app is going to work, sir."

"Where are the downloads from?"

"Most of them originate from college campuses and their surrounding areas."

"There's nothing college students like more than an easy way to have sex with each other." I said.

"It seems so, sir."

'Just like in my past life, Tinder is being advertised to colleges first. It's a big market and they have the highest chance to adopt the app before anyone else. But it'd be dumb of me to put all my eggs in one basket.

Asking Anivia to create fake posts on social media and forums about the app will help it spread faster, and reach a wider audience.'

After a few minutes of just waiting around, I started to get bored.

"Don't know why I'm waiting around like it's going to do something. Might as well go do something else." I mumbled as I stood up before going downstairs and out to the backyard to relax in the biting cold wind that made me feel alive.

As I closed the door behind me, I spotted a familiar black cat staring at me with an angry look.

"Oh. It's you." I said to it as it kept staring me down.

"Sorry for throwing up on you, bud. Wasn't really all that in control of myself." I said, crouching down to show I wasn't a threat before rubbing my fingers together to entice it to me.

But instead of coming toward me, it just turned around to show me its behind before lifting its leg and peeing on the ground, all while looking right at me.


Done peeing, the cat put its leg back down before hopping on top of the fence, giving me one last look before it disappeared.

'That was ... interesting. I should've used Observe on that cat. That little display felt very human.' I thought as it started to rain and I went back inside.

Making my way back to my room, I passed by the living room where my parents were snuggled up while watching 'The Wedding Bride.' It was a decent movie, but it definitely did not live up to the hype. Though the absurdity of the movie was funnier to me knowing both sides of the story.

Back in my room, I decided to start working on the next step of Phase 1.

"Anivia, start a new project, file name Flappy Bird."



You'll have to forgive me when it comes to stuff related to coding if I get anything wrong. I try to search for the things I'm trying to explain but it's hard to find what I'm looking for sometimes. (❁´◡`❁)