Bunny Rose: Field Auditor

Graduation time is finally coming! YAY!

Being a field auditor was a dream come true for Bunny Rose. Checking and paying attention to details while assessing old and new tribes, their culture and teachings, their way of life, agricultural state and development as well as health measures, was the favourite aspect of her new career. The eagerness to meet new villages, new cultures, new traditions, and suggestions for building a better life, it's what drove Ada's to specialize on her career.

Also, Bunny Rose graduated from martial arts, gymnastics and archery.

She needed to add more acknowledge on other fields like:

Auditing annual crops as per region

Auditing population numbers

Talking to the chiefs of the region

Advice hunting groups on hunting season

Auditing numbers of species in extinction

Any new crops added

Harvesting conditions

Bunny Rose's interests of meeting a man, a soul mate here not in the immediate future.

She had some male friends but no interest in meeting one. Not yet until at least she graduates from the academy.

She was sitting in the cafeteria when an announcement came through the speakers:

Full moon celebrations will be restricted this year due to climate change imbalances registered by the telescopes on the north hemisphere. Drastic changes of temperature swings will cause seas to raise up and in some other regions to cause severe draught. Nearby habitants of the area have been notified to start migrating to the assigned emergency shelters provided.

Bunny Rose's great portfolio, graduated in martial arts, strategic military activities and scientist, her knowledge has helped many far stablished cities and small towns to develop at their own pace and directed by a group of selected well known scientists on the well known field of nutrition to increase the longevity of the adults in he tribes, to better direct their towns and cities, their welfare snd security against bad influences from other inhabitants and cultures.

Close to her graduation and mastering courses, met a handsome guy. This soon-to-be Hydraulic Engineer was on his almost completing his last semester studies on his career.