The Eerie House within the Forest: Part 2

David clutched his head and groaned in pain.


Moments passed before his pain subsided a bit. He blinked his eyes so that he can adjust himself to the darkness.

Barely able to see his hands, he somewhat tried to look around his surroundings anyways-- wanting to know what is his and his friends' situation.

David noticed that he was upside down as blood was rushing into his head. While, a slight breeze was coming inside the car's interior. He knew that windows were shattered from the collision of whatever that thing was.

He didn't want to touch anyone knowing that it might aggrieve their wounds or injuries, if they have any? With no other choice, David begins to tell the others if they were okay.

"Hey, is everyone alright?" In a loud whisper David tried to ask for everyone's well being. He waited for a minute or so, but there was no reply.

"Ow! Not the best choice I made." As David unbuckled his seatbelt and fell head first.

Rubbing his head a little before opening the car door. He slowly crawled out of its interior. As he got out of the car, he scanned his surroundings once more.

An image of the car formed in his mind and he was right about the car being flipped upside down. It's a total wreck. David heard two groans from the backseats.

"Hey, are two alright!?" As David to get both of Ben and Ashe answer him.

"Were somewhat okay, though Ben is bleeding a bit from his head. Said that he felt lightheaded. While, my glasses broke and my nose hurt." Only Ashe answered to David's question.

"Oh, that's good to hear." As David sighed in relief

Before making his way to the backseat door where Ben was located. Still concerned, he asked Ben directly, "How are you holding Ben?"

"Like what Ashe said to you. I'm bit lightheaded from the blood loss." Ben rubbed his forehead.

David opened the door to help Ben out. "Thanks man." As Ben grabbed David's hand before thanking him afterwards.

"No prob."

David made his way to the other side of the car to help Ashe out. Ashe responded to David, "Hey, David! Why didn't you help me out first?"

"No can do. You're not as injured as Ben, are you?" David could only look at Ashe with deadpanned eyes.

'What happened to ladies first?' Ashe was speechless and as she thought to herself.

David made his way to Vee's door, but realized that it wouldn't budge due to the "thing" that collided with the door. He went to his door to help Vee out.

Inside the car, he could roughly see Vee's figure dangling down from her seat. He carefully grabbed Vee to his embrace before unbuckling the seatbeat.

He came out of the car with Vee in tow. The other two walked to David and asked in worry if Vee was okay.

"Is Vee okay David?" Ashe wanted to ask if Vee was okay.

David unlocked his phone before turning on the flashlight function to have a good look at Vee's condition. He opened her eyes and used his hand to feel her pulse and breathing. He spoke to them to give them the news, "Vee's okay, but she has a concussion"

Ashe breathe out in relief, "Phew that's good to hear."

Ben nodded in agreement, "Yeah, what she said."

They asked David what was the "thing" that hit the car. David shook his head saying, "No clue what it was. Though for sure, we're not alone within the forest."

All of a sudden, Vee opened her eyes and her body stood up right. But the others didn't realize that her eyes became pitch black before turning back to its original color.

"Vee, you're okay!" David was ecstatic that Vee was awake

But no one thought it was odd that Vee woke up from her concussion. They were glad that she was okay.

He gave her a hug and kiss on the forehead. He asked if she can stand and walk, "Can you stand and walk Vee?"

"Yeah, I can just a bit woozy."

David grasped her hand to pull her up on her feet.

He told the others the news. "We can't go up since the hill is steep, and we can't go to our left as it's all forest. So, we can only go right to see if there's a clearing. What do you guys think?"

"We'll go with your plan David." They thought for a moment and agreed with David.

David used his phone's flashlight function to lead the way. There were some rocks, tree roots, and some zig zags as they crossed the terrain. After who knows how much time has passed.

David's phone gave a notification that his battery has reached fifteen percent. David also checked the time. It was 9:17 pm. All of them heard the notification too. Before someone talked about the situation they're in.

"This is bad, we'll be walking blind at this point. Ben replied in fright.

"Well, duh Ben. You don't need to be so anxious, we still have our phones too." As Ashe was rolling her eyes at Ben.

"No, that isn't good at all. We need to have at least one working phone to call for help if we had the chance. We can't just waste our phones' batteries to light our way." Even though, Ben was frightened-- he still tried to think rationally at a situation like this.

"Ben's got a point using our phones like this. Otherwise, we will get ourselves in more trouble than what we ask for. Come on you guys, we can walk until my phone dies out." David looked at Ben thoughfully, then looked at Ashe to reply his agreement with Ben.

Vee was slient the whole listening to their conversation. No knew what she was thinking

Still they nodded their heads and continued walking with David.


What seemed like forever, David had one last look on his phone before it died out. It was only 9:53 pm. Thirty-six minutes have passed from the time he last checked.

"Okay, we got to walk in the dark from now. You guys are good with that?" As David told his friends.

"I'm good with that." Ben replied to David.

"I'm annoyed that we can't just light our way through the forest. It will be easier for us." Ashe murmured her answer.

"What was that Ashe?" David couldn't hear what Ashe and wanted to know what she said.

"It's nothing important." Ashe answered in a somewhat irritated voice.

"Okay, then." David scratched his head. He was confused to why Ashe didn't want to tell him her answer. But respects her choice and tried not to think about it any further.

"But let's continue on our way through the forest." As David asked the others.

They nodded their heads in agreement and David who saw them nod their heads continued walking. The rest followed his footsteps slowly in the darkness.


Vee stopped and the group notices this [1].

"Hey Vee, why did you stop?" David queried her for her answer. The other two friends looked at her too. Waiting for her answer.

"David, I think I know the way from here." Vee looked towards David and told him her answer that she knew the way out of the forest.

"Really? You do? You know the way out of the forest." David raised his brows in surprise. Not know that Vee knew the way out.

"Woohoo, we can get out of here!" Same for the two friends. They were ecstatic to hear the news.

"So, where do we go from here Vee?" David asked Vee for her reply.

Vee didn't answer David and the other two friends. She continued to walk deeper into the forest step by step.

"Vee wait for us!" They had no time to think before speeding up to Vee.

The group of friends kept walking with Vee in a awkward silence.

An unknown amount of time passed once more.

Vee stopped again and the group had to stop with Vee.

"Vee, why did you stop again?" David asked in concern as it was too weird and suspicious of Vee to do so. The other two showed concern as well, but kept quiet to hear Vee's answer.

The breeze stopped and everything was quiet. Too quiet for everyone's taste.

They felt rumbling noises and sounds coming from every direction.

"It's here!" Vee shouted in a maniacal laughter. Whatever it was, it was coming closer and closer.

The rumbling noise stopped.

As soon the rumbling noises stopped. Ashe got out her phone and turned on the flashlight funtion to see what it was.

"Aaaah!" Ashe's pupils dialated. She screamed and dropped her phone in fear and fright. The two boys saw it too and trembled in fear.

What showed up in front the group of friends was grotesque monster made up of flesh. Faces were stitched across it's fleshy body; eyes were mounted everywhere as they constantly looked around it's surrounding; a closed, giant mouth in front; and hands and feet were used for movement or grabbing something.

"Yay, new friends!"

"Come play with us!"

"Come join us and be apart of our happy, family."

The many faces on the monster opened their mouths and answered to the group of friends what they want in multitudes of voices.

Laughter, sadness, madness, groans of agony and so on could be heard from the monster.

Vee walked up to the monster and opened her arms. As if to welcome the monster with warmth from a mother's embrace.

"Vee, noooo!!!" David shouted and exclaimed to Vee. David moved his feet, but it was too late.

All the eyes of the monster squinted whether in delight, cried in sorrow, in shock, or any other expressions that can be expressed.

The monster's hand grabbed Vee from her head, arms, and feet.

Whoever controlled Vee released her binding and Vee resumed control of her own body again.

"Huh, what happened?" Vee blinked her eyes and didn't know what happen to her. All she saw was the monster who was holding her.

She could only cry before the monster ripped her apart. Limb from limb.

Blood splashed over the ground and to the group of friends. A short moment later, they realized what happened to their friend.

"Wah--Aaa-aahaa, waa-ahha"! Ashe could only cry at a situation like this.

"We're screwed. We're doomed. We're going to die." Ben dropped to the floor trembling. A kept on murmuring how they were going to die.

"No, this can't be true." David was in disbelief before in denial as he couldn't believe that Vee just died in front of him.

"So good... So good! Meat... Meat!" The monster opened it's main mouth to eat Vee's body part leisurely and in bliss.

"Let's get out of here! Now!" David snapped out of it and grabbed his friends in tow.

They were still traumatized from the event and could only move away from the monster eating it's dinner. The direction they were heading was going deeper within the forest.

[1] Scary music to set the mood from that point down to the end. The music I chose was 3 Hours of Scary, Ominous & Creepy Horror Music | Instrumental Halloween Music By Peder B. Helland. Don't listen to it at night, while reading.