The Witch's History: Part 2

The little girl was playing with her doll her mother has made for her when her father left the campaign.

As she was playing with it, a piece of string ripped out of the doll. She knew something was wrong and told her mother about the uneasiness she felt.

Her mother heard what her daughter said and knew that she was probably right. Her daughter always had a strong intuition when something wrong is going to happen soon.

She told the village chief and her neighbors that they had to leave. Most of the villagers didn't believe her and thought she was a crazy woman.

Though there were four families who believed her. They were her and her husband's closest friends whom they've known since childhood. The four numbers consisted of 4 men, 4 women, 2 boys and 2 girls. They packed their belongings they could carry along with food and water supplies for the road.

They left the village in 3 days time in 2 carts to travel to City of Kreonevell, Lord Rothhall's domain.

The group of 14 villagers ate their food supplies which consisted of mostly black bread. While at night, they would cook and eat pottage, forage for some nuts/berries and ate their vegetables that would spoil quickly.

Their food and water lasted for about a week's worth of time. To replenish their supplies, the men had to hunt game and the women collected water and edible fruits and nuts near the river they come across.

After another week of traveling and rain, they reached the city walls and they were surprised that they haven't seen or met any wolves, bandits or thieves along the way.

Once they reached the gates, the soldiers asked them to pay an exorbitant fee of 10 silver coins for the carts they have to get in.

They mumbled and grumbled that these guards were too greedy for their own good. As they know that 10 silver coins would allow a peasant family eat and drink for a whole year without working.

With no choice, they paid the gate fee to get in. After they got it in, they were in awe of the bustling city.

People were shouting prices or what they wanted to trade with other people on the streets. The women talked and gossiped of what noblewomen are using such as expensive perfume, makeup, clothes, and slaves. The boys would run and chase other boys with wooden swords pretending that they were heroes from a fantasy story. While the girls were talking and playing with their friends and roleplaying their dolls to be princesses, knights, kings, queens, or some evil villain.

The group of villagers asked for directions to where they can trade their items for money.

They got what they wanted and traded most of their valuable items and got back a total of 5 silvers. Adding to their collection they have a total of 15 silvers all together. Its still not enough for them to do anything in the city as everything was expensive to afford.

They would need minimum of at least 20 silver coins to be a stable city family of 3. They split the coins evenly to 3 silvers per family.

They had to find work for the mean time. Most of the villagers found jobs. The women became weavers or cooks at bakery. While, the men would either be masoner, road worker, or a carriage man.

Not the Witch's mother. It seemed that she was out of luck. Everywhere she went she couldn't find work.

It must've been the way that city folks were giving her daughter looks of resentment, annoyance, disapproval because of her daughter's platinum hair and violet eyes.

The Church manipulated them that if there anyone strange or have been seen using magic they should not associate with them.

Since, these type of people may have killed others and may used people in their experiments.

The villagers tried to help, but they couldn't help her all the time as they had their own struggles to take care of their family. They could only help her for a week's time at most.

---After a week passed---

The little Witch's mother and the little Witch were on their own.

Everything was going wrong and the little Witch asked, "Momma are we going to be okay?"

"We're going to be okay." Her mother smiled and answered to her daughter with a white lie.

Again she had to lie her daughter once more. She couldn't help it as she is already feeling bad doing so.

---p.v. change to the villagers after the group left the village and before they arrived at Kreonevell---

One of the old village guards saw something off in the distance. Once the figures got closer he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, "Hey! Look, look! The men have came back home from their successful campaign!"

The villagers spread the news and came to village gate to welcome.

Though the village chief felt that it was too fast of a campaign to be back home this early.

"Every--" Before the village chief could reply to his fellow villagers, he was struck by an arrow to his throat.

The village chief was wheezing for air and grasped his throat, but it didn't last long and the village chief fell to the ground with blood oozing out.

The villagers screamed not knowing what just happened.

More arrows flew and struck several villagers in varies places and blood splattered everywhere onto the ground. The villagers tried to run, but thought of the little Witch's mother who told them before hand that they should move out the village. They could only regret for not listening to her.

The Cedraybar soldiers came into the village center and round up all the men, women, children, and elderly.

Drard came to the scared villagers and brought their men who had gone to the campaign to the village center as well. You could see a familiar face, the Witch's father who miraculously survived the night raid.

"Here are all your men back in one piece", said Drard in a friendly tone. None of the villagers had the guts to say anything back to Drard and looked down to the ground.

Drard frowned and thought of a fun plan out loud, "Ah, I know what I can do! I will close my eyes and spin around with both of my hands to point to 2 lucky people. Now let's begin the game!"

Drard spins around for three times and found his 2 lucky people. They were a beautiful woman and a young boy.

"Oh, what are your names?" Drard smiled and asked the two of their names.

The two woman and child kept quiet and continued to lower heads down not wanting to look at Drard.

"Fine, be that way." Drard shrugged his shoulders and points to a soldier, Drard asked, "What is the cruelest thing you can think for these two, lucky people?"

The soldier points at himself as if saying "me"?

Drard nodded and said, "Yes, you. What do you think you want to do with them?"

The soldier walked up to Drard and whispered his idea.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh, that sounds great!" Drard nodded his head twice before smiling and agreeing with the soldier.

Drard clapped his hands and asked his men, "Men take the women away, you could do whatever you want with her. Oh, don't forget to bring me that metal bull that we picked up."

The men grabbed the women with lustful eyes. While, the woman's eyes diluted knowing what would happen to her. She begins to struggle to break free and shouted for help while crying, "Help me!!! Help me!! I don't want to go!! NOO!!! No!"

The men wheeled a metal bull after the woman was taken away and Drard said, "Now that's out the way, here's the bull that I needed."

The men gathered leaves, sticks, made tinder, large wood, large stones so that the fire can't escape, animal fat and flint. After that was done, they put the child inside the bull and start to make a fire beneath the bull.

They waited a few minutes and you could hear the screams of agony from the child.

The villagers felt cold sweat on their backs. Even Rothhall and his men couldn't believe that there was such a monster who could do something to a child.

Drard and his men were heartless, but of course this is war and any methods can used against your enemies.

Drard continued doing it to 4 more pairs of villagers until he became bored, he asks his men, "Men kill all the elderly and men, but leave Rothhall alone to me-- take the women as your trophy, and sell the children to people who will love them dearly."

All the soldiers came up to the elderly to either impale their swords to their chests, head, legs just to hear them scream.

Even the Eclium soldiers tried to struggle to get out of their bindings with red eyes. The Cedraybar soldiers finished the last elder they walked towards the Eclium soldiers to do the same thing.

The little Witch's father could only cry saying his last words, "I'm sorry my wife and my daughter for not being able to see you again."

The Cedraybar soldiers also cut their manhood and stuffed it in their mouths. While, they are still in pain, the Cedraybar soldiers decapitated the Eclium soldiers of their heads and staked them to the ground for all to see.

"Men, we're done here! Let's move to the next area!" Drard commands his men to move to their next target.

--- Back to the present of little Witch and her mother's dilemma---

The little Witch's mother used the last of her money to buy a hot pie for her daughter and gave it to her daughter and said, "Here dear, you can eat this."

The little Witch took the hot pie while asking her mother if she wanted to eat, "Momma, do you want to eat it too?"

"No dear, I already ate my hot pie, so you can have." The little Witch's mother smiled and told her daughter to eat her hot pie.

"Okay, momma!" The little Witch eats the hot pie happily.

The little Witch's mother knew this can't go any further and she becomes desperate.

The mother went to a store called "Dreamland" to work as a p********e. She wanted to sign the contract for work, but reading the contract, the contract stated that she could only leave the building once a week. She had no choice, it is all for her baby girl to have food and clothing.

She asks her manager if she is able to get her salary early. The lady manager agrees and gives her 10 silver coins which is a month's worth of salary.

The Witch's mother found a job and comes back to the little Witch in a very happy mood. She asked the little Witch while giving her 1 silver coin, "Dear, I found work and I'll be going there when it's the afternoon. You can play with Cateline and eat with her family by giving them the silver coin, okay?"

"Okay, momma!" The little Witch answered back to her mother and ran to Cateline's family to play with Cateline.

Night came.

The little Witch waited and waited for her mother to pick her up, but there was no sign of her.

Cateline told the little Witch, "You can sleep with me and my family for the night. Do you want to do that @#$%&*& ?"

"No, I'll wait for my momma", said the little Witch as she shook her head.

For two days straight, the little Witch didn't stop waiting for her mother. She only took naps and didn't accept the bread and drink that Cateline's family have given her.

"What is that woman doing!? Leaving her child like that", said Catelin's mother.

Cateline's father replied and shook his head, "I don't know, but we should take care of @#$%&*&."

Not long before Cateline came into her inn's room where her mother and father were talking about @#$%&*& earlier.

She told what happened to @#$%&*&, "Ma, Pa! @#$%&*& has fainted on the ground!"

On the bed, the little Witch was being tended by Cateline's mother ,while Cateline was next to her.

Cateline asked her mother, "Ma, is @#$%&*& going to be okay?"

"She will be fine dear. Make sure you tell her to eat, and drink and tell her that her mother will be back soon." Cateline's mother replied to Cateline's question.

Cateline nodded her head that she understood her mother, "Okay, Ma."

In the afternoon, the little Witch woke up and found her best friend, Cateline, napping on the side of the bed.

Feeling movement, Cateline jolted up and saw her friend woke up.

She asked in concern, "@#$%&*&, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not. Does my momma love me anymore, Cateline?" The little Witch was slient before she responded back to Cateline crying.

Cateline didn't know what to say and hugged her friend tightly to show that she was here for her.

Cateline let go and told the little Witch her mother's instructions, "You have eat and drink, you can't do that to your body, okay? We can wait and see if your momma will come back!"

The little Witch nodded her head. She ate and the drink food given to her.

---The next day---

The two just walked around to see the bustling city. Though some of the boys thought that the little Witch was weird for having platinum hair and violet eyes, so they threw rocks at her.


"It's a monster!"

Cateline saw this and tried blocking the rock throws, but one of the rocks flew past her and hit the little Witch's forehead causing it bleed.

Cateline fumed with anger and chased after the boys to kick their third legs.

She got only four boys' third leg as stated to the air, "Humph! That will show those boys not to mess with me!"

Three days have passed and the Witch's mother can finally take a break to visit her daughter. She felt disgusted in those lustful and only her daughter can wash away the filth those men brought her. Walking back to the inn where Cateline's family was.

She saw a little figure waiting for someone. The little Witch saw her mother and started to rush to her to give her a hug, "Momma!"

"My little girl!" The mother hugged her daughter back in happiness.

Cateline's parents came out and they weren't too happy with the little Witch's mother.

They wanted to have a talk with her. Cateline and the little Witch saw this and went somewhere else to play while the adults talked things out.

"What were you thinking leaving your child for six days! Don't you know how sad she was!? She even fainted waiting for you! What kind of a mother are you?" Cateline's mother flew into rage and questions from the little Witch's mother.

"I have no other excuses, I needed a job to pay for my daughter's meals and I had no other choice to be a p********e. I have to work for six days and only one rest day."

Cateline's mother and father gasped. They understood and promised her to keep quiet. As they knew being a p********e, most women cannot escape the job without manager's approval or until the women lose their worth.

After the talk Cateline's parents and the little Witch's mother they came out of the room.

Cateline's parent told the little Witch, "Your mother had to work really hard to give you food and clothing. You won't be able to see her for a long time, you will be able to see her once a week, okay?"

The little Witch's mother nodded at Cateline's mother's response.

The little Witch looked at both her mother and Cateline's mother.

She nodded her head showing that understood what they wanted to tell her about her mother working. She can only put it in the back of her head and not think too much of it.

The little Witch's mother took her daughter to buy clothes, food, and drinks. They spent the rest of the day talking about their day and walked around to enjoy the activities people were doing.

This continued on for five months, and life of the mother and daughter duo became better. The little Witch even became 7 years old.

It was not so good for the little Witch's mother. During the 2nd and 3rd month she was working, she felt sick and threw up. She got the manager to ask for someone to be able to tell her what's wrong with her body.

A robed person came to visit her at night and told her that she was 2 months pregnant. The little Witch's mother was shocked about the news and asked the robed person if she can get rid of baby inside of her.

The robed person nodded their head and took a potion from their sleeve and said, "Drink this."

The little Witch's mother drank the mysterious potion and felt a noticeable change within her body.

The little Witch's mother thanked the robed person.

While, the robed person waved their hand and left. Once outside of the building, on the robed person's hand was the the little Witch's mother's 2 month baby. The robed person let out a small laugh before disappear.

Still even though five months passed, the little Witch was tired of waiting for her mother and wanted to visit her mother's workplace.

Arriving at her mother's workplace, the little Witch saw her mother's arm wrapped around another man's arm other than her papa.

She came up to her mother and tugged her skirt, "Momma what are doing with this man?"

Before she could explain the Nobleman slapped her face, "You w***e! You told me that you were a single lady with no child!"

The man left in anger. The mother was on the floor holding her cheek. She got up and grabbed her daughter's hand to go back to the inn. In the inn's room a crisp slap could be heard.

"@#$%&*&, you ruined my chance! My chance for both of us to be rich from that Nobleman's spendings! We don't have to live like this and I could've bought a small house for us to live in!" The mother's anger clouded her judgment and slapped her daughter on the cheek.

The little Witch fell to the ground holding her cheek while crying. The little Witch didn't understand why she was being slapped.

Her mother realized what she had done and tried to hug her daughter, but the little Witch moved away from her hug.

The little Witch then left the room crying. The little Witch's mother was left in the empty, cold room alone.

The mother and daughter duo's relationship was slightly distant.

The little Witch's mother wanted to explain to her daughter that she was sorry for what she has done, but Cateline's family didn't let her see the little Witch.

Nonetheless, the little Witch followed her mother, but didn't talk after they went back to their inn's room.

The mood of the two was awkward as none of them talked to each other for the night.

The next day, in the Cateline's inn's room, the little Witch asked her friend, "Cateline, I don't understand. Did I do anything wrong to make my momma mad at me?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong." Cateline hugged the little Witch.

--- one year time skip---

The war still continued for more than a year now, but people in the city didn't care as they had the walls and guards protecting them.

The little Witch is now 8 years old now.

While the little Witch's mother continued to work at "Dreamland" became even more bland and monotone. She was just having *** with her customers and would ignore her customers' weak libido to earn money.

Whenever she had her day off, she would visit her daughter on the seventh day to give money to Cateline's family and tried to mend her relationship with her daughter.

Still her daughter didn't talk to her often anymore. Of course, the little Witch was just scared to make her mother mad again.

During this time period, the little Witch's mother even contracted a disease that made her body weaker to the cold and other common ailments.

She could feel her body being weaker and weaker every passing day.

The little Witch notices this and ask her mother, "Are you okay, momma?"

"I'm okay dear." The little Witch's mother was happy to hear her daughter's concern for her and replied to her daughter with a smile on her face.

Still two more weeks pass and the little Witch's mother's condition became more worse than Cateline's family anticipated.

Cateline's family visited the little Witch's mother, but was silent.

The little Witch was also quiet when she noticed some thing was not right. She walks to her mother's bed and grabbed her mother's hand, then asked, "Momma, are you really going to be okay?"

The little Witch's mother held the little Witch's hand, "No, I'm not okay and just feel sick that's all. I'm sorry my daughter for being blinded by my anger a year ago. I hope that you can forgive me for slapping you on your face."

"M-momma, I forgive you. You'll get better, right?" The little Witch didn't know what the word "forgive" means and repeated the word her mother just said.

She still asked, "Momma, after you get better. I want us to go shopping and eat new food from the stalls."

The little Witch's mother responded weakly, "Yes, I will my dear. I will get better and go do all the things you want."

The little Witch kissed her mother on the forehead saying, "That's great!" and left with Cateline to her inn's room

Cateline's parents stayed behind, but Cateline's mother came in front of the little Witch's mother saying, "Why did you lie to your daughter?"

The little Witch's mother was slient for a few seconds and speaks to Cateline's mother, "I didn't want her to see me die in front of her eyes. Will you help me take care of my daughter?"

"We will take care of her for you in your stead" Cateline's mother nodded her head and promised to the little Witch's mother.

The little Witch's mother closed her eyes and smiled, while saying her final words, "Thank you."

Cateline's parents offered their prayers, "May you go into the Goddess's embrace."

They walked out of the inn's room to tell one of the workers to help them bury their loving friend and mother.