Doll Island

I don't know much about weather out in the sea nor ocean. Same as being a pilot/sea captain and their regulations and laws. I just found little bits/pieces of information that I can use to make the story. If it's not accurate enough tell me, what should I write for the weather conditions and people's profession?

Side note (S.D.): I don't know if the story is good and all, since I was busy trying to find the info above. So, enjoy the (boring?) read and tons of clichés.


It was supposed to be a normal high school reunion with my classmates and I.

And yet I lied to myself that it was just a figment of my imagination as it wasn't supposed to be real. Here right in front of my eyes, it couldn't be more true.

Trembling from fear. All I thought in my mind was 'I-I have to run; run as far as I can!"


Odette continues running for an unknown amount of time, even though she was short of breath. She just kept on running as far as her legs can carry her.

Odette felt that she had gotten far enough, she stopped to take a short break and greedily, gasping for air.

Thinking to herself, 'I'm not safe yet. I got to warn the others!'

"Are you okay?"

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a voice behind her back, but didn't want to turn around.

--- Wakes up from her dream ---

Brring! Wake Up! Brring! Wake Up!

The alarm clock was still ringing as Odette abruptly woken up from her sleep. She could feel cold sweat from her back. She repeats to herself that it was just a dream. It was only a dream.

She calmed herself down and puts her nightmare in the back of her head. She reached out her hand to turn off the alarm clock; then climbing out of her bed, she folds her blankets.

She walks near the windows to open the curtains to look outside of her room. It was a nice view as she can see the morning sunrise and small figures of people starting their days. Odette stood there for two minutes before she went into the bathroom to take a shower.

The college semester ended sometime ago and earned her bachelor's degree in both Business and Psychology. Today was the day that her classmates and her planned to have a high school reunion after four years have passed. The reunion was also on the day of her birthday as well. Odette is excited to meet them again.

Though there was only 100 of her classmates who were going to show up as the rest of her classmates gave their excuses of why they couldn't come. She accepted the fact that people were just too busy and had their own lives to care for.

After she finishes taking her shower, she put on a nice dress, heels and light make-up to meet her classmates.

Odette went out of her her room and took the elevator up to the roof. It was pretty windy up on the roof. There up on the roof you could see someone waiting next to luxury helicopter. It was Odette's private pilot who has arrived early and was waiting for Odette's word to go.

Odette continues walking until she arrives next to the pilot. Odette asks the pilot, "I want to meet my classmates. You know where the meeting place is?"

"Yes, Miss! I was briefed about your reunion a week ago." The pilot nods his head and tells Odette that he knows the location.

The pilot helps Odette get in the helicopter and closes the door. The pilot goes to the cockpit himself to check the helicopter's systems, turned on the engine, and instruments.

Five minutes later, the helicopter's main and tail rotor were already spinning.

Whumpa-whumpa, whumpa-whumpa [1].

The helicopter takes off.

--- 10 minutes later ---

The helicopter lands on a helipad and stops it's rotors and engine in about 3 minutes. The pilot gets out of the cockpit and opens the door for Odette, "Miss, we have arrived."

Odette gave her thanks to the pilot and left to meet her friends.

Taking the elevator to see her friends next to the harbor. The hundred classmates all gave her hugs and their greetings after meeting again as they haven't seen her for four years. Odette only talk about for a short time before she stopped them and grabbed their attention, "It's been a long time, since we have met again. Our high school reunion is going to be different."

"Here, I'll show you why it's different from normal high school reunions."

Odette walks and her classmates followed behind her. After a short walk, they arrived at a huge yacht.

"Do you see this yacht behind me? This is my private yacht, The Graceful Angel, that my dad made for me four years ago."

"We will be taking her on a cruise to Europe, Australia and back home. It would be roughly 6 or more months."

"What do you guys and girls say? Want to have fun traveling for our reunion, it's on me!? It's all free!"

Everyone of her classmates were silent at first before they showed all sorts of emotions. They cheered with excitement and would love to go on a cruise with her. This would be one of the best high school reunions yet.

"Okay, okay. Calm down and climb aboard my yacht."

The classmates climbed aboard and we're asked to take off their shoes and heels by the 40 crew members.

The yacht was truly beautiful as it was decorated with gold and diamonds. Odette showed her classmates to every place on the upper deck and bottom deck of the yacht.

The Graceful Angel had a gym, bar, dining place, cinema rooms, and a beach club [2].

Odette then for the cabins, she designates that boys go with boys and girls go with girls. The classmates cheered and started to enjoy their time on the cruise.

--- Two months passed ---

The classmates and Odette already travelled to Europe. They had fun being tourists. Even though, they were sightseeing Europe, the culture, clothing, etc; it was nice to see a new place then their own country.

The classmates took pictures for memories to preserve the time they spent together.

They were close to Australia and took a small break and used the small submarine to see what was below the ocean.

Night came.

The beautiful night sky could be seen, but it's scintillation [3] of stars were block by the light coming from the private yacht in the middle of the ocean and clouds that started to form.

The people on the yacht were buzzing with energy.

People could be seen either dancing alone or in groups of two towards the music; others were chatting with one another about the different topics they heard from the news, life, etc; others would be drinking from the bar or dining the finest cuisine; they would be watching movies at the cinema; etc.

Everyone was having fun, while having a good time with each other's company.

Odette was walking around her yacht seeing everyone's expressions. She was happy that her classmates were indulging in this special occasion that they were coming back together for their high school reunion.

When she walked by a group of people, people would stop what they were doing and raise their wine glasses to drink with her. She would occationally accept their raised wine glasses and take little sips; before continuing with her walks down to the yacht's lower decks to check on her crew.

She would ask the crew if everything was alright. The crew respond to her that everything was alright. She made her way back up to yacht's deck and headed towards the Captain's cabin.

Once, inside the Captain's cabin, she asked the female Captain, "How's the weather, Captain?"

The female Captain responds, "Everything is fine Miss! It should be smooth sailing to where we are heading, but I'm slightly worried about the storms that will form during our trip."

She nodded her head, "I'm not too worried about that continue watching out for the storm, Captain." She turned around to leave the Captain's cabin and headed towards her own cabin to sleep.

She took a shower, put on light sleeping clothes and climbed to bed to sleep. Even though there were still some people partying and talking through the night, it was peaceful for her to sleep through the noise. The yacht's cabins were somewhat sound resistant to make the voices and music muffled.

Only short three hours of sleep, she feels and notices the whole yacht violently shaking. Climbing out of her bed as fast as could, she headed straight to the Captain's cabin. She didn't care about her image as that is not important right now.

She came barging into the Captain's cabin, "What happened Captain!?"

"A popcorn thunderstorms started to form an hour ago. Several more are coming our way with heavy winds." The female Captain responds back calmly, "Better get back into your cabin, Miss, and put on your bedbelt, we're in for a bumpy ride."

She went back to her cabin and to secure herself to her bed.

The female Captain talks into a microphone, "To all staff on the upper deck, please bring the guests back to their cabins. Also, make our guests wear life jackets as well."

The crew members brought back some of the guests to safety of their cabins, but there were some guests that were agressive to the crew members.

Many of the crew members either saying, "Sir" or "Ma'am, please don't fight we need to get you to safety"

The several angry, drunk men didn't listen and punched some of the crew members. While, few of the drunk women were biting, stomping, scratching, or screaming at the crew members as well.

Thunderstorms become severe, winds traveling faster and rogue waves started to appear.

The yacht was rocking and shaking even more. A huge wave about 16 meters came and hit the yacht's deck, sweeping away the crew members and drunk people with it.

The crew members and Odette's classmates were safe inside their cabins buckled up for whatever will hit the yacht.

Large tornadoes, or a waterspouts, started to form. It was not good for the yacht and the Captain made her decision to leave as quickly as possible.

Still the waterspout hits the yacht and many dishes, wine bottles, etc., were flying.

The classmates amd some crew members prayed that they will be safe.

The Captain lost control of the yacht and the yacht was sent in a different course. It was unknown were the yacht will be carried by waterspout and the water's current.

--- Unknown place, somewhat like an island ---

Roughly, 4 to 5 pm.

The yacht was a wreck now as it had impacted against several huge rock underneath it's hull. The yacht was filling with water quick and the crew members, classmates, and Odette jumped into the water and swam towards the island.

Odette, her classmates, and crew members didn't know where they were. It looked like an unknown island and there seems to be no inhabitants on the outskirts of the island.

Odette notices that her classmates were quiet and shocked from what happened to them. Sje gave them time to recover and asked her crew to do a headcount.

From the original number of classmates there was only about 60 people left. And from her crew there was only about 20 people left.

Odette directs some of her crew members to swim back to the yacht to gather anything that they could use.

The rest of her crew members would collect wood, sticks, and so on to make a shelter for the night. Odette helps with the search for materials to build the shelter

Walking into the tropical-like forest spots for some time. Odette found some sticks on the ground and walked over to it; picking up the bundle of sticks she found, she carried it back to the island's beach to allow the others make a shelter.

There were other crew members who were, like herself, carrying back all kinds of wood and sticks for the shelter they headed back into the tropical forest to search for more wood for extra measures.

She sees this and was encouraged to continue searching deeper inside the tropical forest to find sticks and wood as well.

Night was coming soon and they would need to build a fire and shelter to keep warm.

[1] Tried making a helicopter sound effect

[2] The beach club has lots of water toys (e.g., Water guns), jet skis, a submarine, etc.

[3] Scintillation or twinkling of the stars.

Info about The Graceful Angel:

* Costs about 600,000,000 to 700 mil dollars. It's not the most expensive yacht. The most expensive one is called History Supreme at about 4.8 billion $.

* About 400 ft or 133.33 yds or 121.92 m

* Some of the decorations/yacht itself is made out of some gold and diamonds.

* is where I tried finding an annual expense for the yacht. Costs about 18 million or more.

Here's some YouTube videos, people, channels, etc.:

the bee movie making me question everything for 4 minutes straight

Edna Mode being an icon for over 6 minutes


The Infographics Show

Touhou player by Rong Rong

Casual Geographic

Nick Pitera

Steven He

mrnigelng (Uncle Roger)