Doll Island: Part 2

I forgot to tell you guys and girls that the FL, Odette, looks just like Odette from Mobile Legends, but doesn't follow the same tragedy as Odette from The Story of the Swan Lake. Did anyone have a nice Christmas with your family? If you did, great! If not, maybe next year? Though, I can't believe that it's almost New Year, yay! Not yet for me. Though, there are some people who have an earlier New Year. Still happy New Year everyone, since I'm awake for the countdown. Be safe and enjoy the reading.


Odette gathered all the sticks that she can carry from her second trip into the forest and went back to the beach where her classmates were. She thought to herself in embrassment, 'I don't know how to build a shelter nor does my crew. My crew knew that collecting sticks would be useful to create shelter and I just followed along. I bet my classmates thought I knew what to do in these types of situations or something. Geez, I hope somebody knows what to do otherwise I'll be making myself look like a fool!'

Odette shook her head to snap out of her thoughts and picked up the pace to the beach campsite. When Odette arrived to the beach campsite, she actually saw one of her classmates giving instructions on making two types of shelters with different shapes and sizes.

Odette squinted her eyes and saw that it was actually Leon who was giving out the instructions. Leon is a Thai man with a slightly tanned skin tone, a happy-go-lucky personality, stands about 5' 8" or 172 cm, a lean body shape, is decent-looking, has a natural messy Asian hairstyle, and has large brown eyes. Internally, Odette cried to herself, 'My prayers were answered!' Odette walks closer to Leon and asked, "Hey, Leon! I didn't know that you knew how to build shelters? Where did you learn how to do such a thing?"

Leon stopped what he was doing and looked at Odette. He gave her a small chuckle and replied to her, "Let me and the others finish building the shelters and start the fires first. Then I will tell my story, okay?"

Odette gave a nod in understanding that building the shelters was their top priority. It was pretty much self-evident that the shelters were used for protecting them from the sun, wind, rain, etc. She gently leaves the sticks on the ground and goes to her female classmates to see how they feel.

Leon saw that Odette left, he continued to finish the shelter he was working on. After two hours or so, Leon, some of his male/female classmates, and Odette's remaining crew finished building at least five different shelters. Two "A" shaped structures and three shelters that were leaning against two boulders/a tree. Odette's classmates cheered that they finally have shelter for the night. Some rushed into the shelters to claim their spots, but they were interrupted by Leon and Odette who said, "Stop", at the same time.

Leon gestured to Odette and said, "You go first, Odette."

"Thank you, Leon." Odette thanked Leon for allowing her to speak first. She continued to speak to her classmates, "Everyone, you can't be doing that! I know that you guys and girls are all stressed from what has happened to us."

"Nonetheless, we need to have rules and orders to keep us safe. We are not barbarians. We are civilized people."

"First, we should segregate genders or simplier terms, boys should go with boys and girls go with girls. Don't you all agree with that kind of setup?"

Odette's crew agreed with her and the some of her classmates voiced out their agreement. While, others were keeping quiet. Odette looked around and saw that the majority agreed with her. She clapped her hands, "That's good to hear!"

She turned to Leon, "Now it's your turn Leon."

Leon gave a small nod to Odette and begins to talk to everyone about the shelter, "The maximum capacity of one A-Framed shelter can fit four people inside, while the Lean-To shelters can have up six people inside."

"Don't forget we only have five-sh--"

Someone interrupted and asked Leon, "Doesn't that mean that only twenty-six people can sleep in shelters for the night?"

"What about the rest of us?"

Leon was looking at the person who interrupted him.

It was Omar, who is a Black American man (Jamaican-Born or an African American [1]) with an Espresso Brown skin tone, has a serious personality, around 6' or 182 cm, somewhat of a muscular body shape, has short curly black hair, and has small brown eyes.

Leon then answers his questions, "Yes, Omar, only twenty-six people will be sleeping in the shelters for the night"

"However, we'll take turns sleeping every four to five hour interval. It would allow some of us to be more well rested, while the others would be keeping watch."

"Since, we don't know what is living on this island, except for the birds we have heard and saw when we got to the beach."

"Is that explanation okay with you, Omar?"

Omar thought about it for a bit. What Leon said was reasonable enough and gave Leon a nod that he understands. Omar waits for what Leon has to say to the group.

Leon then talks to the group, "Now that it is getting dark we have to build a fire. Not to mention, segregating everyone to which shelters to sleep."

"How about this the boys would get the A-Framed shelters, while the girls would get the Lean-To shelters?"

The girls smiled, while the guys grumbled in annoyance.

Another guy, instead of Omar, speaks up for the guys, "That's isn't fair for us guys! Why do the girls get more shelters to sleep in?"

"I believe that us guys should have more shelters then girls, since we'll be watching the night."

"Girls are weak in general and I don't think girls are willing to stay awake for the night, am I right, girls?"

Leon, some guys who don't agree, the girls, and Odette's crew looked at the guy that spoke to the group.

It was Bjorn [2], a Sewdish man with light skin tone, has a Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), is seven inches taller than Omar (6' 7" or 200 cm), bodybuilder body shape, blonde hair tied as a man bun, along with a well-kept mustache and beard, and turquoise/mixed with brown colored eyes. Bjorn is basically the tallest guy out of all of Odette's classmates.

Some guys and girls voiced out to Bjorn that he was going to far with the way he was discriminating against the girls. Even two girls and three guys were holding back Theresa from punching Bjorn's face and nuts.

Odette raised her voice and said, "Everyone calm down there's no need to fight each other!"

Everyone quieted down, since they were acting like children. Well, except for Bjorn and some of the guys who agreed with him. They clicked their tongues and showed looks of disapproval.

Leon begins to talk and agrees with Odette, "Odette is right everyone. Tomorrow, I can ask a few people to help me build two new shelters."

"Just wait patiently and don't forget, I have to build several fires to keep us warm for the night."

Leon starts to walk away not wanting to deal with Bjorn's bit****g. The classmates were going to go as well. While, Odette's crew stayed with Odette.

Odette gets her classmates' attention by clapping her hands, "Okay, we have an agreement that the boys will have the A-Framed shelters and the girls will have the Lean-To shelters."

"First, the boys will elect a leader and the leader will designate who goes into the shelters. While, I will designate the girls, alright!"

Odette took her crew and the girls to the shelters. Bjorn was angry that they dismissed his own opinion. He looked at his guy classmates and threatened them, " You guys will make me the leader, right?"

The weaker guys agreed with Bjorn definitely since they won't get beaten up. The other guys that already agreed with Bjorn gave their votes to Bjorn once again. On the other hand, Omar and Hugo didn't want to be in Bjorn's reign. They left to meet up with Leon and help out with starting the fire.

After a short walk back to the main campsite, Leon opened up his bag and searched for his SOG Camp Axe. After finding the Camp Axe, he went to pile of sticks that the crew and guys have gathered. Leon takes the shealth off the axe and shaves some of the sticks that have bark to use it for tinder.

A moment later, Omar and Hugo came to back to the campsite as well and saw Leon already making the tinder for the fire. Omar speaks to Leon, "Hey, Leon. How can we help?"

Hugo followed after Omar and said to Leon, " Yeah, how can we help you Leon?"

Leon stopped what he was doing once again. He thought to himself, 'Why is there so many people interrupting me today? Well, whatever.' Leon kept that thought to himself and looked towards Omar and Hugo.

Hugo is a German man with a normal skin tone; has somewhat of a timid personality, unless he is with Omar, he becomes more courageous and starts talking normally to other people. Hugo is about 5' 6" or 167 cm tall, slim body shape, dark blonde hair, and medium brown eyes.

Leon responds to them, "Sure, you can help set up the sticks and tinder up into a teepee or log cabin."

"Though, we are going to need some logs as well, otherwise we won't be able to keep the fire up for the whole night."

"That will be all, we don't have time to waste, Omar and Hugo."

Omar and Hugo, both nodded at Leon. Omar then asks Leon, "Leon, do you have a flashlight that we can use, since we used most of the longer wooden branches for the shelter"

"Both Hugo and me would like to find some more in the forest."

Leon went back to his backpack with a quick search and took out a flashlight and headlight. He handed them both to Omar and Hugo and said,"Both you should be careful as we don't know what will happen tonight."

Omar and Hugo thanked Leon before going to the forest to find some logs or long branches for the fires. Leon goes back to work to make some tinder first and making them into a bird's nest shape.

-----Back to Omar and Hugo pov----

Omar and Hugo are already at the edge of the forest and campsite. They both turned on the flashlight and headlight and walked slowly towards the forest. Omar picked up small sticks and jabbed into the soft parts of the ground every meter or so they walked. The sticks will help them find their way back to the campsite.

Hugo didn't question what Omar was doing and kept looking out for logs or long branches. They walked for who knows how long. Not long after, they found some dry-enough logs big as three forearms or more.

Omar was able to carry two logs at once, if he tried, but that will be a waste of energy in this type of situation they are in. Omar just carried one log and Hugo found some long branches that can be used as well. Hugo can only carry two branches at once as he didn't have enough strength to carry anymore load with him.

They walked back to the campsite and went back to the forest to and fro until they got enough logs for the night. They did that cycle for at least seven times already and it felt like a tedious process for them. Almost two hours has pasted since the duo has been looking for logs and branches.

Omar and Hugo went to Leon after they finished collecting the logs and long branches. They don't have the tools to make the logs into smaller pieces to be burned. Leon already finished with his tinder ages ago. He set up teepee or log cabin formations that have fire burning for both shelter areas and the main campsite.

Leon looked at both of them with a slightly annoyed face, while looking at his wrist watch as well, and said, "You guys know that you don't have to waste that much time to look for logs or branches, right?"

"We can do that by tomorrow and it's 9:13 pm already."

Leon sighed a bit and gestured them to the fire, "Come on you guys."

"You guys are the last ones back, so enjoy the fire."

There were some people in the main campsite enjoying the fire. Leon went to his backpack to get some metal cups that can hold 30 mL of water and his Stansport Canteen that holds about 4-Quarts of water. He gave his classmates, Omar and Hugo included, the cups and poured in some water for them to drink. His classmates thanked and gave him back the cups.

Leon walked to the girls' shelter with the cups and canteen with him. He did the same there by giving them water and walked to the guys' shelter as well.

Leon didn't like going to the boys' shelter as it had Bjorn there. Internally, Leon was thinking that Bjorn was so toxic that when he breathes he would defeat a Weezing effortlessly. Not to mention, he would make the bombing of Hiroshima a joke.

Bjorn laughs a bit before taking Leon's canteen for himself and answers to Leon, "Thanks, Leon! I needed a drink of water." Bjorn drank about a quart of water and did not give Leon the canteen back and kept it for himself.

Leon grumbled underneath his breathe, "Bastard." Leon walked away not caring for the canteen anymore. At least he still had a small canteen in backpack.

---Odette and some of the girls who stayed awake/ after Leon gave them water short pov---

Odette is outside of the shelter while watching the beautiful night sky with Theresa.

Theresa is a Black American woman with a mocha latte brown skin tone, has a honest and direct personality, about 5' 9" or 175 cm, with a bricc body shape, C-size bust, black hair, and chestnut brown eyes.

Odette asks Theresa, "Hey Theresa. Do you think that we can get off of this island?"

Theresa answers Odette, "Nope, I don't think so. Since, we may be on an island far away. Not a lot of people will know which island to search for us."

Odette stays silent and Theresa also becomes silent. They waited until their shift ends for the night.

--- The next morning---

A girl and some guy screamed that they found several dolls inside and outside of their shelters.

Odette and the rest come to see the commotion. The group was pretty scared to see that many dolls even when they were awake for the night. They couldn't understand how these dolls were placed here without them noticing.

Odette saw a piece of paper on one of the dolls and read it aloud, "We are watching you... don't throw away these dolls or else face the consequences."

The group knew they were not alone on this island.

[1] If it is offensive to anyone. I, respectfully, don't know the correct term to use, since there are many Black people who take on different identities from society's point-of-view. In the U.S., a lot of people use the term African American by default. Of course, they have their own preferences and so forth. I don't get to decide what identity they choose.

[2] Not the Bjorn from Vikings (2013) Drama movie.

Youtube Researching:

Survivorman - Les Stroud

Field Days

Distractions From YouTube:

Trevor Noah - Comedian

Pokemon Figures Making by Squash Clay

What type of girl are you? (security breach animation) by Your Cup of Chii

Dan Povenmire (One of the Creators of Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy's Law)

I FINALLY got this 12 painful hours later by Mint Blitz/Halo Infinite content

Recommendations from my mom and YouTube:

Meteor Garden (Rom-com drama)

Miss The Dragon (Costume drama)

Raised By Zombies by Guy Collins Animation