A Foul-mouthed Fairy?

Inside her luxurious room, the Sect Master looks at several pages whose words were written by the magic feather, or rather, sent from someone far away.

She sits in the chair behind her desk and searches for a specific page, one that a person sent she trusts. And it doesn't take her long to find that page, and then she starts reading it.

'Coffins, damn coffins, that's what we got from the great ritual; two for the Golden Skull Sect portals and one for the Silver Skull Sect portal.'

The person who wrote that report seems upset with the ritual's result, but that's a sentiment shared by all necromancers, except the Sect Master of the Bronze Skull Sect, of course.

She already expected that result when they saw the coffins through the portal, so she continues reading the page.

'When we felt that powerful aura coming from the other side of the portal, we all thought we had found the powerful undead servants that the ancient book said, but there's a small problem, we couldn't open the coffins.'

'The most powerful and intelligent people in the Golden Skull Sect have tried everything, but the magic that seals the coffins is totally unknown and so strong...'

'In the end, the Supreme Master used his legendary technique, the Sacrificial Blade. I've never seen anything like it; the attack destroyed a whole mountain, creating a mile-wide crater... but the damn coffin was still there, motionless and intact, without a single scratch.'

'Now your brother is furious. He used the life of an ancient and loyal Elder for nothing; the coffins cannot be opened, not by any means our people now possess.'

The letter ends with that person relating how the leaders of the Golden and Silver Skull Sect want news of the Bronze Skull Sect and the mysterious figure they saw pass through the portal there.

"Damn!!" The Sect Master punches her desk out of frustration.

She expected her brothers would stay focused on the 'other specimens' while she could have more time with Klaus. But since they can't open the coffins, she knows they'll come for him even sooner.

Now she has to send reports to her older brothers using words that discourage them from demanding Klaus immediately, but making him seem less interesting seems impossible.

She does her best to write those reports with the magic feather, but the longer she spends on such a tedious task, the more she thinks about Klaus.

"Ah..." After several minutes of writing that report, she lets out a long sigh and gets up from her chair. Then she walks to a shadowy corner of the room with a thoughtful expression.

The Sect Master stops in front of what looks like a large piece of furniture covered with a thin sheet. She slowly places her hand on that sheet and pulls it back in one motion, revealing a large framed mirror.

[Let's see what you're doing...] She thinks as she touches the mirror and after some grey light emerges from her hand, something that is not her reflection appears on the mirror's surface.

"Irina..." Klaus' voice comes through the mirror, bringing a mix of conflicting feelings to the Sect Master's heart. Yep, that mirror is magically linked to the secret chamber, and she activates it just in time to hear him speak his first word in that world.

Hearing him speak doesn't really come as a surprise to the Sect Master; above everyone, she understood that he was not an undead servant as soon as she saw his eyes the first time.

She knew it was only a matter of time before he started revealing his true nature, something she has no idea what it is but very much wants to discover.

The problem is that his first word seems to be that fairy's name, something that no one there is supposed to know. Not knowing that Klaus drank the fairy's blood, the only thing the Sect Master can think is that their connection is already too strong.

[Shit, what did I miss!?!] She feels like punching the fairy's image in the mirror.


In the chamber, the fairy is perplexed. She was careful not to reveal her name or any personal information even since she was captured by the necromancers, so how can a being who just came from another world and shouldn't understand their language know that?

"It was my blood, wasn't it?" She asks at the same time that she already has her answer because that's the only thing that could make sense.

"..." Klaus still doesn't understand Irina's words; those few drops of her blood were very powerful, but he used almost all of its power to revitalize his internal organs.

One of the few pieces of information he got from her blood was her name, and he already loves how it sounds; in fact, the more he looks at her, the more he likes her appearance, her fragrance, her voice... and of course, the more he wants to drink her blood.

But that's different; Klaus doesn't want to hunt the fairy, rip her throat and bathe her in her blood as he likes to do with everyone else. Irina is unlike anyone he's ever met, and she awakens new feelings in him, making him want to hug her... drink her blood gently... take care of her…

Irina has no idea what is going through Klaus' mind, but she doesn't see hostility in his eyes. Her mind is also in a mess as she doesn't know what she thinks about that.

She looks around the chamber, especially at the door. "I hope these damn pigs are not listening to us..."

"..." Klaus continues in silence, gazing at her with a curious expression.

"Shit, can you understand me??" Irina asks. "If you can, just don't say my name out loud; I don't want them to have any information about me!"

The more Irina talks, the more Klaus finds her captivating. She looks like such a gentle, pure, and cute creature, but she also radiates courage and even looks wild sometimes. He would be surprised if he knew that half of her words were curses.

She continues talking to him for many minutes; after all, he is the only person in that cold, dark room with her. But after not receiving any response, she starts to get tired.

"Oh, damn..." She sighs and curses again. "Maybe I'm going crazy, and you never said anything in the first place?"

"..." Klaus continues to look at her the same way in silence.

Although he doesn't say any words, his eyes say a lot about his intentions, and it increasingly embarrasses Irina. "Can you please stop gazing at me as if I'm a piece of meat?!?"

Nothing; he ignores all her words and just stands there, devouring her with his eyes. She wants to beat him for that, but also, she knew she wouldn't do it for fear of breaking his fragile old bones.

"Fuck this shit... fuck you!" She gets stressed due to that situation and turns around so she doesn't have to face Klaus' eyes anymore.

Irina tries to ignore Klaus, but she can't stop thinking about him. A creature that came from another planet and drinks blood? That is very bizarre and also so intriguing.

The more she thinks about him, the more questions she has and no answers she finds. After an indeterminate time, her tired mind shutdowns.

It's hard to rest being imprisoned in such a sinister place as the home of necromancers. And Irina hadn't slept yet since she was captured, taking her body close to the limit.

But something changed after Klaus arrived; Irina eventually managed to sleep for a long time until she woke up again feeling quite refreshed.

"Oooah…" She yawns, surprised that she managed to sleep on that hard, cold floor.

Then she looks back and sees Klaus there, in the same position as before, motionless like a silent guardian, meditating with closed eyes. But it seems that something has changed; before, his body looked like a bag of old and lifeless bones; he was like a young man trapped in an ancient man's body.

He still looks fragile, but now his skin seems less pale and his limbs less skinny; he even appears to have gained some muscles. [Did anyone feed him???]

As Irina analyzes the changes in Klaus' body, he opens his big crimson eyes, surprising her. "Ah! Damn, you scared me!!"

"..." He ignores her complaints and suddenly turns his eyes to the chamber door.

That's the second action Irina has seen him do, so she also looks at the door, which immediately begins to open.

The sound of the door squeaking against the floor echoes inside the chamber, followed by quick footsteps with high heels; it'st's the Sect Master, naturally.

She looks pretty excited about another round of experiments with Klaus and gives him a friendly smile before glancing at Irina for a second.

"Did you miss me?" The Sect Master asks Klaus in an intimate and confident manner.

He just looks at her with his usual cold expression, making Irina laugh. "As if he would actually respond to you, stupid woman."