Sure enough, he is a siscon

After recovering from his daze, Asahi looked at the position of the bed.

Kobato lay face down on the bed, hands holding the bunny ears and beating the poor doll hard.

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, she subconsciously raised her head and turned her cute little face, which had not yet faded from the blush.

"What is it?" After closing the door, Asahi came to sit by the bed, and asked with concern.

"Onii-chan is also a big idiot!" Kobato groaned angrily and buried her head in the blankets, leaving the back of her head to face him.

Of course Asahi knew why she was angry, so he didn't mention what just happened, and changed the subject: "Tonight's main course is hot pot, are you sure you want to stay in the room and get angry?"

Hearing this, Kobato's ears twitched.

Asahi pretended not to see it, and continued to seduce: "Whether it is beef, pork, lamb, or chicken, there are hamburgers, steaks, fried chicken, sausages, etc., and the beef is high-grade Wagyu."

Knowing everything about Kobato's likes and preferences, Asahi knows exactly how to impress her.

Kobato didn't like frozen meat because it had a lot of fat in it, so Jin bought high grade.

"And there's cake too. Misaki deliberately added a lot of cream and fruit to the cake."

Just like the devil's whisper, Asahi clearly heard the sound of his little sister swallowing hard from under the blanket.

"Since Onii-chan said this, there's nothing I can do."

To save face, Kobato got up and used her big brother as a shield, her beautiful heterochromatic pupils sparkling, filled with desire for food.

"Then follow me downstairs."

Sometimes Asahi has the illusion that he is not raising his little sister, but his daughter.

Going downstairs, this time Misaki doesn't tease Kobato anymore, because she found a new "playmate".

Mashiro didn't seem impatient either, she answered all the basic questions, and she tilted her head and made funny gestures when she found something she didn't understand.

Dan Jin was working on the ingredients, cutting the meat into thin slices, washing the vegetables, and setting the base for the hot pot.

Everything looks so harmonious.

"Hah? Looks like I'll be back in time."

As soon as Asahi came downstairs, he saw Chihiro coming in from the entrance while leaning against the wall, and looking drunk.

Asahi frowned: "You're back, what lesson did the new Sensei teach you?"

Chihiro showed a strange, ambiguous smile when she heard the words: "You said you weren't interested, so you couldn't hold it in so quickly. Don't worry, the agreed reward will definitely be there, but she's really hard to deal with, and she can drink so much."


Asahi was stunned for a moment, maybe Chihiro really took the picture secretly.

With this character, maybe she really could do that kind of thing.

"To greet her, I didn't even go to the bar this time, maybe I can find some prey." Chihiro sighed and looked at Asahi: "If I can't find a husband in the future, I will leave it to you."

"I don't like collecting supplies." Asahi refuses viciously.

"Hey! No matter how you say it, it's too much!" Chihiro muttered dissatisfiedly: "Obviously, women my age show the most mature charm. Look, this waist, this chest, these legs, this uniform is tempting…"

Seeing her ramble there to justify his name, Asahi rolled his eyes and prepared to head into the kitchen to help Jin deal with the ingredients.

When they passed the living room, they found Misaki and Mashiro writing and drawing on the table.

"What are you doing now?"

"Oh, what a loss." Misaki crumpled up the paper that Asahi couldn't see clearly and threw it into the trash, She looked at Mashiro again with a new look and saw the same type: "As expected of a modern painter, a super famous figure in the world of design art has produced a work, that has won awards in an art exhibition at a foreign art museum!"

Misaki admits from the bottom of her heart that she is still far below Mashiro on her level. After all, she was a world-class genius: "However, I will not admit defeat! Ha ha ha ha!"

The vitality girl had obviously lost the painting competition, but she didn't show any signs of despair or surprise, and her fighting spirit became more and more high.

Asahi looks at Mashiro's sketchbook, where there is a picture of Kobato hugging a strange rabbit doll in a chuuni position.

It was obvious that while looking at the painting, Asahi couldn't express his feelings in words, just like a real god, and even if it was about to move in the next moment, it was no wonder.

Asahi didn't hesitate to express his admiration: "This is indeed a very fine painting."

His achievements in art are about the same as Misaki's, maybe a little better at best, maybe even better in music, but not as good as Mashiro's.

After thinking about it, he said, "Could you give it to me?"

Mashiro returned his gaze and nodded, "Okay."

"Anything? Mashiro-chan wants to give something precious to Asahi for the first time?" Misaki didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and the entire Sakurasou Dorm could hear her, she screamed on purpose.

"First time?" Mashiro tilted his head with a confused expression.

Asahi said without changing his face: "If Mashiro wants, I don't mind."

He is not an innocent little virgin, he doesn't care about some temptations.

Unexpectedly, Chihiro, who was sitting cross-legged at the dining table, was dissatisfied: "Why? We are cousins, why is there such a big difference in treatment!"

Could it be that she was sentenced to death because she was a bit older and had a bad personality?

"Chihiro sensei, after you pick up the lost morals, maybe there's something to play with."

It is rare for Misaki to make serious suggestions. Chihiro's external condition is definitely not bad. What is unacceptable is her unrestrained and terrible personality.

"Tsk, they are all shallow men." Chihiro opened another can of beer.

On the surface, she brushed it off, but in fact, the bitter wine had entered his throat and hurt his heart.

Asahi ignored them, took Kobato's portrait from Mashiro's sketchbook, turned it over, placed it in the glass frame used to frame the photo, and hung it in his room.

Jin happened to have prepared the side dishes for the hot pot, brought the pot to the dining table, adjusted his glasses, saw him fiddling with it, and said, "Asahi is a siscon."


Mashiro, who was pure and reserved by nature, put away her sketchbook, her eyes showing a light of curiosity.