Are You Telling Jokes?

"How long have you been drawing?" Asahi asked casually after removing the paintings one by one.

"Since Asahi went out at noon."


"Until now."

Does that mean Mashiro has been drawing since Asahi left the house?

"How about taking a little break, do you want to eat something?" Asahi suggested.

Asahi can't imagine drawing like Mashiro non-stop. After all, he's a lazy cancer patient.

"I'm not hungry." After Mashiro said this, a cute grunt came out of his lower abdomen.

"Your stomach seems to say hungry."

"Wait a minute, I'll talk to it first."

"You don't need to have meaningless conversations, you must really like Baumkuchen."

He took out a Baumkuchen from his pocket, and suddenly Asahi thought about buying some snacks for Kobato.

Seeing the cake, Mashiro showed a different expression for the first time since just now.

After receiving the cake, she had no intention of tearing open the packaging bag, and was about to pop it into his mouth.

Before taking a bite, Asahi snatched it up and unwrapped it for her, almost forgetting that Mashiro lacks common sense when it comes to this.

Holding the baumkuchen in her mouth, Mashiro slowly ate it layer by layer like peeling an onion, Asahi just stared at her like this.

"Want to eat?" With a cute expression on her face, Mashiro tore off a piece and asked Asahi to eat it with her mouth open.

"Not needed."

"Very tasty."

Maybe to make him understand the charm of Baumkuchen, Mashiro put a small piece in Asahi's mouth.

The tip of his tongue accidentally touched Mashiro's finger, Asahi watched her retract her hand, and continued to tear off the cake and put it in her mouth nonchalantly.

Shaking his head, Asahi left the room and returned to the living room, leaving Mashiro to enjoy some happy moments alone.

Glancing at the to-do list on the front of the fridge door, colorful magnets were affixed everywhere. Asahi moves forward to remove the magnet covering his name, only to discover that he's in charge of cooking tonight's dinner.

Since he spent a lot of time in Utaha in the afternoon, it was almost 6 p.m. now. It's time to prepare the dishes, and the others will be right back.

Wearing a kitchen apron, Asahi took out a tablet, clicked on the recipe website, and started preparing the dish.

In his conception, his return today should have been very late, many skills and methods of writing had not been taught to Utaha. But the other party was sick, so he had no choice but to return early.

Since it was his turn, today it was delicious to make fried tuna, fried prawns, spinach and ham salad, and soy sauce flavored fried carrots. The dishes she makes usually depend on last night's cooking.

Mashiro also likes to eat these things. Asahi doesn't know what the underlying principle is, and Mashiro doesn't seem to refuse all fried things.

It is estimated that all tempura is acceptable, and all can be tempura, so the correct answer is that she does not refuse all food.

Even if something goes wrong, it makes logical sense.

However, in reality, Mashiro is very picky about food.

When Asahi enters to put the finishing touches on things, Chihiro, who participated in the drinking party, returns drunk without incident. Jin has a red hickey on his neck before exiting.

"Time to eat!"

Chihiro waved his hand to indicate that she was full and there was no need to serve her.

Misaki and Kobato came down from the second floor after hearing those words, but Mashiro came out of Asahi's room in disheveled clothes.

"Whistle~... Asahi attacks really fast." Jin whistled on purpose.

"Ahaha, Mashiro-chan is perfect for Asahi. They are both super geniuses. They will definitely be even better when they have children in the future!" Misaki said to help match.

Chihiro opened another can of beer, took a long sip and said, "I won't deny it."

Usually Kobato was angry right now, but because she found out that Rikka was coming. She fell into a strange state, as if she were immersed in her own world, blocking out most of the outside information.

Asahi didn't say anything about this, and he didn't take this level of ridicule to heart.

But Mashiro, who was in the middle of the topic, peeled the fried prawns, then placed the peeled dough on Asahi's plate in a very natural motion.

"What are you doing?" Asahi asked.

"It's chipped off," Mashiro replied.

"Are you telling a joke?"

"It is not funny."

"There's no need to specifically deny it."

Mashiro tilted her head slightly, and turned her attention back to the unloading operation again, changed the second fried prawn to a normal prawn, transferred the peeled batter to Asahi's plate again, and then stuffed the prawn meat into her mouth in one bite.

Misaki watched the interesting interaction between the two and couldn't help but laugh. Even though there was only one more person in Sakurasou's dormitory, it was much more fun than before.

Asahi saw her competing with the fried prawns, and smiled helplessly. In fact, taking care of Mashiro is very interesting. Be patient, and he'll find too many cute spots in herself.

Only by observing Mashiro's behavior every day. According to him, Asahi can write a very interesting book.

"I've never seen Mashiro-chan's painting before, why don't you take this opportunity to look for it." Misaki is always full of energy, or else it should be evaluated as a thought.

"In a way, it's like I've never seen one either." Jin rubbed his chin and confirmed.

After picking up the Asahi tablet, Misaki finally said, "Asahi, borrow it!"

He searched with Mashiro as the keyword, and the query results came up immediately, with hundreds of thousands of links, almost all of them in English.

Apart from Mashiro, there was only Asahi who was proficient in English, so he was asked to take a look.

Asahi glanced casually, and chose the topmost page, which was the official website of the foreign art museum.

After searching for Shiina Mashiro's name, a web page with a very simple design appeared on the screen as the data was read.

The cyan background features the painting, which is a photo taken of an art museum wall.

The moment they saw it, it was as if the pores in the whole body had opened, and the nerves in the whole body were about to burst out.

Misaki let out an unspoken admiration, and Jin gulped.

It cannot be explained in words.

Seeing the light, hearing the sound, and feeling the wind are paintings.

When they scrolled through the screen, they could see the judges' comments, and there was even a Japanese subtitle.

"To appreciate the sensitivity and technical excellence that can express light, sound, air, and other things invisible to the eye, a unique view of the world cannot be explained by reason. Shiina Mashiro entered the realm of genius with this painting. Our common sense no longer applies to her."

This can be called a very high evaluation!