I am a studio myself

"Is it necessary to ask? Of course you are more easily bullied."

Chihiro easily said something that Hina couldn't react to for a long time: "I would like to consider Koharu, but she is already thirty years old."

"Exaggerating! Chihiro, don't talk about my embarrassment!"

Shiroyama Koharu puffed out her cheeks like a child. Even though she was thirty years old, this movement suited her perfectly.

This is unbelievable. The male faculty members were almost all peeking at Koharu with curious eyes. Could it be true?

Did she really say that in front of the students? She refused?

"Why are you pretending to be young now? Don't you like playing forbidden love games with students? It's fine to say." Chihiro gave her a disdainful look.

The two are very much alike, they both love to drink beer, and they both want to marry themselves. Maybe this is why they can become good friends. After all, they had known each other since they were in school.

Koharu snorted and didn't plan to talk to her.

With fewer people to draw the gun from, Chihiro turned her muzzle at Hina again.

So, Hina spent the whole morning with Chihiro, she really didn't know what to do. Everyone was in the same staff room, looking up and down all day, escaping for a while, but unable to escape for life .

Finally, it was Chihiro's turn in the last class, and Hina could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hina Sensei, do you want to have dinner together?" Koharu offered an invitation.

It was noon, and the school canteen was open. Worried that Hina couldn't find a place, Koharu got up to ask a question as she set off.

"Ah... no thanks, I have a bento." Taking out a cloth-wrapped bento box from the drawer, Hina pointed at it.

Seeing this, Koharu had no choice but to go alone: "See you later."

"See you again."

Watching Koharu leave, Hina sighed inexplicably. Even though Koharu is a bit odd, she is undoubtedly much better than Chihiro.

Because of her personality, she doesn't like eating in front of other people, Hina packed up the things on the table and made her way to the roof with the bento box.

Generally, the roof is empty, she knows the news from others, walks up the stairs, and occasionally greets students who recognize her.

Soon, Hina came to the roof gate.

The door was slightly ajar, she didn't think much, and went out.

Today's weather was good. Bathed in the warm sunshine, Hina brushed her wind-blown hair, and the depression that remained before was swept away.

Spreading out the cloth wrapped in the bento box, spreading it on the floor, Hina sat down and opened the bento box, and was about to enjoy it when suddenly she heard a light tapping sound from the side of the roof.

Feeling strange and somewhat familiar, she leaned over and looked at the other side of the corner.

"Huh, Hasegawa-san?"

At first glance, Asahi was eating bread and typing with one hand, and Hina didn't expect to see him here.

Asahi turned to look at her, saying nothing, but Hina took the initiative to bow.

"I heard from Chihiro sensei that you are Hasegawa Sensei."

[Translator's note: Sensei is not only used to refer to teachers, but also mangaka, novelists, etc.]

Hina looked curious: "A few years ago, there was a genius novelist among the students who was preparing to take the exam. So I bought your work and read it, is this the writing of a new work?"

Due to the closer distance, Asahi could smell the scent from his body.

"Um, almost, I was planning on making this new work into an anime movie."

Asahi had this idea before, and it didn't take long for [Kotonoha no Niwa] to be made into an anime movie that is less than an hour long.

When the time comes, please ask Misaki and the others, several people will be able to complete the task.

Misaki can finish a 30 minute anime movie on her own, provided she is given time, maybe one person is enough.

She's a studio all alone!

"Anime movies." Hina widened her beautiful eyes, as if she were looking forward to it more than she was.

"Do you eat bread during the day?"

Seeing Asahi typing silently, Hina couldn't help feeling that the teacher cared about her students.

"Enough, school will end soon this afternoon," Asahi answered lightly.

In Japan, there are six classes a day, four classes in the morning, one 50-minute class, one hour plus break, a lunch break of about 40 minutes, and two classes in the afternoon.

In other words, most of the time to finish school work is at 3:30 p.m., and after that is time for club activities.

So Asahi won't waste any time on lunch, by the way, he's from the Home Club.

"Is that so..." Hina fell silent.

She wanted to ask if Asahi wanted to try his bento, but she wasn't very familiar with it yet, but then she thought of the ignorance between the two of them, so she gave up.

After two or three mouthfuls of bread, Asahi started concentrating on typing.


Not daring to disturb Asahi in his creative state, Hina silently ate her bento while peeking at the words on the screen.

It doesn't look like a work of fantasy.

Hina mutters in her heart that Chihiro has told her all the information she knows about Asahi, and she doesn't know anything about the new type of job announced online.

She wanted to ask, but what if the writer's inspiration was disturbed?

Therefore, she ate the bento carefully, like a hamster stealing food.

"You don't need to be afraid to disturb me." Without looking to the side, Asahi suddenly spoke.

Asahi just thinks that there are too many people in the class, and he likes to find a quiet place, and this small movement can't affect him.

"Oh." Hina relaxed a little after hearing those words, and then tried again: "Well, can you show me your new job after you finish it?"

"Of course there is no problem. What I write is for people to read. If not, why should I write it?"

Asahi agreed almost without hesitation, he shook his head, this posture was a little tiring.