Is This a Date?

To be able to get to where she is today must not have been on his own.

Utaha knows in his heart where the limit is to what she can do.

However, with Asahi's help, the limit has been raised a few more levels.

Even a lot of the plots were written with reference to his opinions, and even the protagonist accidentally substituted for him, so this book couldn't be said to be a painstaking effort on its own.

Asahi himself doesn't think so, he only gives general directions, and the specific implementation is still for Utaha.

"Thank you very much for your kindness."

Because she was preoccupied with business, Utaha barely listened to what book fans had to say. Even though she was slightly apologetic, she had no choice but to respond with a polite and courteous smile.

"Ah, no need, no need, I hope Kasumi Utako sensei can write better works in the future, this is the best feedback for us book fans." Tomoya also said very seriously, it seems he really likes this book.

"Initially, I was still worried about whether to cut it in half because of poor sales, and I planned to use the power of the blog to help support publicity, but now it seems that I am thinking too much. Good job can really stand the test."

As if Tomoya had written this book himself, he somehow had a proud expression on his face.

Utaha felt that the person in front of her was a bit strange, but she didn't think too much about it. People who can like his work are good people: "OK."

After signing for him, Utaha asked him to go to the other side of the bookstore, where the second volume could be purchased.

"Ah, I won't bother."

Feeling the hostile stares from the book fans lining up behind him, Tomoya's scalp also tingled, as he was delaying time a lot.

After sending out the first book fans, Utaha gradually got into a rhythm.

The others weren't as passionate as Tomoya, and most of them kept order, didn't cause trouble for others, and left in a reasonable way as soon as they got the signature.

Asahi was not used to it, like some indifferent things in his previous life. If they were stationed in Japan, they would cause trouble for others, and they should apologize.

In this country full of decency, Asahi really can't fully integrate into it. He is an ordinary person, and there is also a reason for his choosing to become a novelist.

The autograph session in Utaha didn't last long, and the number of fans of the books paled in comparison to Asahi's. There were less than 200 people, and it was completed in just one hour.

The bookstore had no intention of accompanying us until 5 p.m. Seeing that all the book fans who had come had signed autographs and left happily, Utaha stood up rubbing her sore wrists.

"Let's rest for a bit, I was much more uncomfortable than you at the first autograph session." Asahi came over and spoke with experience.

She was inexperienced at first, but there were hundreds or even thousands of people at the first autograph session, and he almost broke his hand. Then Sonoko rubbed it long ago to get better, even so, she still had a dull ache the next day.

This was someone who had not written in a long time, at that time, he had not practiced calligraphy, and his handwriting might be difficult to describe.

But the strange thing is that his bad fonts at the beginning were more valuable and had collection value, but his signature value after practicing calligraphy was much lower.

Rare things are precious, the ancients never cheated.

The past that could be called black history had long since been sealed in the depths of his memory. If Asahi hadn't seen a similar scene in Utaha, he wouldn't be able to remember it for a while.

"Then it's up to me to fulfill my promise to invite Asahi-kun over for dinner. No matter what Asahi-kun proposes today, I will accompany you to the end."

With a provocative breath, Utaha looked very serious.

"Hah?" Asahi raised his eyebrows and said, "Everything okay?"

"Of course." Utaha was a little insecure. Hearing Sonoko say that Asahi is very dangerous, she can't...

There was one thing that needed to be said, after the period of online communication, Asahi and Nayuta's relationship had become much closer. Utaha clearly understood how much Asahi disliked politeness, so it was at his request, that Hasegawa-kun evolved into Asahi-kun.

"Alright, you two go; I will return to the editorial department next." Sonoko stood up and said goodbye willingly, leaving room for other young people of her age.

What's more, what she said was definitely not a lie. As the deputy editor-in-chief of the publisher, she had too many things to do all day.

Taking a taxi and leaving, Sonoko got in the car and immediately sent Asahi a "work harder" dynamic image.

"Is this a date?" Strolling on the street with Utaha in casual clothes, Asahi looked up at the sky, the weather wasn't so good today.

"Wh...what?" Utaha was slightly surprised when she heard the taboo word leave Asahi's mouth, but then she reacted and pretended that it was no big deal: "Hase... Asahi-kun is probably a virgin guy who has never dated a girl and is shaken by it?"

Asahi snapped his fingers and nodded very seriously: "As you can see, I am a virgin, just like Utaha."


Eh, no honorifics?

Utaha was a little flustered, she obviously wanted to take the dominant position in her speech, but she needed some time to relax after Asahi continued.

"Since you're hosting guests today, I decided that the itinerary should be fine."

"Uh, wait..."

Utaha instinctively lets out a sound, but is interrupted by Asahi.

"If you don't mind, could you accompany me to Sensoji Temple?"

Without giving Utaha time to speak, Asahi had a faint smile on his lips: "If you don't answer, I'll take it as your approval. "

"This... Why are we going to Sensoji Temple?"

Subconsciously responded with Asahi's thought, and the strategy Utaha had thought up at home before departure seemed useless.

Asahi replied casually: "My little sister wants me to help her ask for the lottery."

To make Kobato happy, Asahi can only go on a trip.

Another reason is to not give Utaha the chance to take the lead, so she can relax.

There's no use relying on passivity to make a wise girl like Utaha lower her head.