To see you

After leaving Sakurasou, Asahi went to the old place Youko had mentioned.

It was a French restaurant, and it was there where the two met for the first time. Later, for commemorative reasons, most of the two's meetings were held there.

Asahi's time is good, relatively abundant, but Youko is very busy, and her career is doing very well. Otherwise, he wouldn't have considered that his daughter had just moved to a new and unfamiliar environment, so he donated over a million yen for the school's piano.

In fact, from this point on, it can be seen that he loves his daughter very much, but today his daughter's expectations were too high, and he was too aroused, so Youko couldn't talk to him at all.

When she arrived at the place, Asahi explained the situation to her in French when the maid greeted her: "Take me to the private room that Youko ordered."

This restaurant only speaks French, which may sound strange to outsiders. Opening a restaurant in Japan is only in French, but the owner doesn't seem to care how much money he makes, maybe this is his oddity.

After comparing the information, the maid led Asahi into a private room. The room is connected by floor-to-ceiling transparent glass. Sitting in the direction of the meal, he could see the bright Tokyo night outside.

Party lights, colorful neon lights look unbelievably beautiful in a wide field of view, and the continuous stream of traffic looks like a long queue.

The maid served a cup of coffee, then politely left and gently closed the door of the private room.

Only at this time did Asahi think about looking into the private room. All private rooms are around 100 square meters. The dining table is in front of floor-to-ceiling glass, behind it is a small living room with a sofa, and next to it is the bathroom.

This is definitely a private room for couples, with lots of heart-shaped elements, like ninety-nine red roses placed on the rug to form a "heart".

It had to be arranged by the man on his own initiative, but Youko didn't expect it to be done beforehand.

The lighting in the private room is a bit dim and soft.

Asahi took his coffee and waited for the heroine's arrival with peace of mind, the aroma of the coffee mixed with a hint of bitterness made him feel very happy.

Not long after, the private room door opened again.

Asahi's eyes moved, and there was a shocking fluctuation.

a mature, charming, and beautiful woman.

"Waiting for long"

Smiling, Asahi came forward to hug her, and it took about ten seconds for Youko to let go… She took off her coat very naturally.

"At least the coffee is still hot."

Asahi pointed at the steaming coffee in her hand, and combed her short, shoulder-length hair for him.

"Then I'm not too late."

Youko smiled, then signaled to the maid who came with her that it was time to serve food.

The maid made no difference as the couple seemed to have a large age gap, and nodded and left very obediently, without looking sideways, even though Youko was very beautiful.

"Why do you suddenly want to return to Japan?"

Asahi asked with a pillow on his chin.

"To see you."

Youko loosened the button on her collarbone, and the eyes on the other side flashed playfully.

Then, as if thinking about something, she took out a small makeup mirror and reapplied her lipstick.

Asahi looked at the thin gold bracelet she gave him sparkling on Youko's wrist, adorned with a small star, which fits her slender wrist very well.

"It's not just to look at me."

Asahi shakes it with a spoon, and guesses: "You are going to have a piano recital in Japan."

"I haven't even said it yet."

"That means my guess was right."

Asahi watched as Youko opened a bottle of red wine by default, took out two goblets and poured them separately to calm down.

"I'm not old enough to drink."

"Aren't you taking less from me?"

Youko gave him a charming look, and pointed at the corner of his lips.

To be honest, Asahi didn't really like red wine, and he didn't comment on the so-called evaluation of high-class people, but it could be used to cheer up under certain circumstances.

In the concept, there is no difference between ingredients and drinks, some even only have two choices: good or bad.

Youko was well aware of this, so much of her cooking was to their liking.

After a short wait a piece of French cuisine was delivered.

The light was set to the darkest, only the light near the dining table was slightly brighter, the two of them were shrouded in darkness, and the atmosphere became somewhat ambiguous.

Putting a piece of fish into her mouth with a fork, then gently wiping her mouth with a napkin, Asahi lowered her head and took a sip of red wine, looking at the mature woman who was enjoying her dessert gracefully: "You just came back to find me, does your daughter mind?"

"How come? He locked himself in his room and never came out."

Youko smiled wryly.

Asahi shook her glass of wine lightly: "Then am I the culprit who caused the division between mother and daughter?"

"It should be fine to spend a day with him tomorrow."

Knowing her daughter, Youko knew exactly what her daughter wanted.

"What's that..."

Asahi muttered, looking aggressively at the woman in front of him.

Her delicate lips looked extraordinarily charming under the light, she tore the bread with her slender fingers, put the sauce in her mouth to chew gracefully, and took a sip of red wine, a series of movements so skillful.

"That's too explicit, if you were another woman, you would definitely scare me."

Youko swallowed the red wine unhurriedly, held a small piece of freshly cut steak with her fork and put it into Asahi's mouth.

Asahi "ah"

Taking a bite of the steak, Asahi said faintly, "I will treat different women in different ways."

"Tsk, that's why you're treating me in such a casual manner."

"This is the lowest level of provocation."

Asahi looked at Youko who couldn't help laughing even after she finished speaking, helplessly flicking her forehead.

"Actually, this time I came back, besides the recital, I also wanted to visit an old friend."

Youko seemed to be full, so she focused on cutting the steak to feed him.

"Old friend"

"You don't want to know about men and women."

"We are not a couple."

"Ah! It's too much. I was a bit sad just now."

Yoko cut a large piece of steak to express her dissatisfaction.

"Then I will make up for it later."

Asahi made a serious suggestion.

"Phew, my old friend is a diplomat."

Ignoring his words, Youko said to herself: "Her family is a political family, her father is the former prime minister of Japan, and she has a very cute daughter. I taught him to play the piano before, and his musical skills are very good. He won a gold medal in a piano competition, he's a real genius."