Piano and Guitar Ensemble

After not touching the instrument for a while, he suddenly had the illusion of itchy hands.

"The song [Snow Dream] just now was not bad. If Youko-san hears about it, she will definitely acknowledge you."

Selecting a guitar, Asahi tries to play it.

Kazusa turned the page of the sheet music and said, "You know another instrument."

Asahi stroked his chin and pondered, "I don't know as much as you do. At that time, I just picked up a few musical instruments and studied."

Piano, guitar, sitar… There were also some unpopular instruments that Asahi had practiced before, of course the most practiced was the guitar.

Strumming the guitar strings, hearing the tune, Asahi adjusted it again, then stopped after confirming that it was barely satisfying.

Hearing these words casually was too painful.

After a few strums, Asahi started playing the guitar. Kazusa temporarily stopped playing the piano and listened.

With the introduction of a beautiful melody,

She knows what this song is.

The song that Asahi plays on the guitar is called [Romance De Amor].

The main melody is based on traditional Spanish folk songs, the beautiful and simple music melodies are fully integrated with the clear decomposition chords, full of tenderness. It is a timeless masterpiece in guitar music.

At the same time, this song is also a piece of music that guitar learners, especially those learning classical guitar, should learn.

The melody is beautiful and exciting, which makes people's emotions calm, like a lake that is blown by a gentle breeze, with ripples and slowly moving into the distance.

Although the difficulty is not high, it is definitely not an easy task to play like Asahi, which makes people feel imaginative.

In addition, Asahi has mastered changing the timbre of the tone at will during the whole process, and some self-processing of the rising and falling notes will not seem superfluous, but will make the tone more lively.

Kazusa thought she couldn't do this, she could play the melodious [Romance De Amor], but couldn't reach Asahi's level.

Therefore, the gap between the two is even more obvious.

Something moved in her heart, maybe it was reluctance, maybe it was recognition, Kazusa couldn't help but press the keys to play in the ensemble as Asahi's playing reached its climax.

Piano, guitar and violin can be used as the main ensemble, so Kazusa's addition doesn't seem strange and sudden, like a gurgling stream flowing into a river, natural and peaceful.

After slightly adjusting the rhythm to suit Kazusa.

The ensemble is seamless, and the sounds of piano and guitar echo through the basement until the end of the song.

Putting down the guitar, Asahi said: "It's been a long time since I played it, it seems I haven't forgotten it."

"Better than me."

Kazusa opened her mouth, her eyes were no longer like looking at a stranger, but much gentler.

"Don't talk about this, remember that you will participate in the piano competition this month."

"Mom said?"


In about half a month, a youth piano competition would be held in Tokyo, and except for those from the Suimei University of the Arts Affiliated High School Music Club, people from all over the country would come.

This year's jury is very famous, and the competition has a high gold content. Asahi heard that there is a senior pianist who is ready to accept students, and world-class pianist Touma Youko will also be a judge.

Kazusa changed her posture and asked, "Will you participate?"

Even though she had never heard Asahi play the piano before, Kazusa had decided that he was better than herself at this, because her mother was not allowed to make mistakes.

"No, piano is just a hobby, and I don't like to show my face."

Asahi shook his head and denied, "But I'll watch."

Will he go to take a look… Kazusa didn't have any fluctuations on the surface, but he remembered it in her heart.

At this time, footsteps were heard on the stairs leading to the basement.

The next moment, Youko's figure emerged from the shadows.

"So you are here. When I came back, I saw shoes at the entrance, but I searched several rooms but couldn't find them."

Youko smiled at Asahi.

"Since you're back, I'll be back first."

Asahi stood up and walked towards the stairs.

"It's late, just sleep here, your clothes are not dry yet."

Youko stopped him.

Asahi winked at her, feeling that staying here was not good, Youko remained calm, so he gave up on leaving.

Kazusa glanced at the two of them, not seeing their eye contact, and continued practicing the piano by herself.

When the two who had just been separated for a day came out of the basement, without Kazusa watching, Asahi's attitude became casual: "I came home really late."

"No way, my daughter's friend is so entangled that I can't escape."

Youko took Asahi to the second bedroom, and said: "I have taught that kid before, and his talent is not much different from Kazusa's."

Sitting on the edge of the wide bed, Asahi naturally stretched out: "If you have this time, why not spend more time with your daughter, from my point of view, you and your daughter should have a good talk."


Youko leaned over and kissed Asahi, showing a charming and gentle smile: "Sorry to trouble you today."

Why she never wants to accompany his daughter, but because of work. She had lived overseas for many years, and Youko didn't want to take her immature daughter there.

Asahi yawned: "It's not a problem, get back together as soon as possible."

After the two embraced for a few minutes, Youko left the second bedroom.

Lying on the new blanket, seeing Youko coming down the stairs, Asahi casually pulled the blanket to cover his upper body and planned to sleep.