Devil's Time

"It's so beautiful!"

Hinata could only sigh.

In the field of view, there is a surfer playing in the sea. Looking from the west, she can also see the shape of Mount Fuji, and the endless shore is refreshing and full of joy.

The thick clouds hung low above the sea, covering the sky like a big fish, and the scale made people excited.

Hina's gaze shifted from the large fish belly facing the ground in subtle gray gradations to the sea surface, the color of the clouds near the sea blended with the color of Mt. Fuji floating on the sea in the distance, and was blocked under the sky.

The sea surface that was about to enter dusk was like a vast sand pit, completely still, not looking like water at all.

Hina imagined she was running over a sand pit, it felt so wide, so she got even more excited.

The sea has a very charming charm.

(A sight can calm the heart) Hina thought casually.

This thought reminded her of a scene she had seen earlier, a scene she had seen on the train ride home the day she came back from Tokyo.

At that time, the sun was setting, the sky was getting darker, every house was gradually turning on the lights, and it was faintly visible that there were people preparing dinner in every kitchen.

She was surprised to find that the warm yellow lights were very far apart, and the physical distance between each household and another was much farther than in Tokyo.

Maybe this is the face of true loneliness. It's clearer after the sun goes down, and people will be timid, so people here will naturally miss friends.

Hina seems to have made a major discovery.

There was the sound of clanging metal coming from behind, Hina raised her head, the tram started to rush forward, the other side of the iron pillar passed by, the clouds covered the sunset and shone brightly, and an outline appeared on the sea under the layer of clouds.

Seeing this scene, Asahi happened to save a beautiful photo, and Hina looked at the sky with the camera.

He always feels that after today, his ability in photography has become stronger and stronger, and he can capture extremely beautiful and harmonious pictures by taking pictures casually.

"Wow! Very comfortable!"

Taking off her high-heeled sandals, stepping barefoot on the soft and warm sandy beach. Experiencing the most sophisticated foot massage, Hina finally freed her nature, like a canary escaping from a cage.

Asahi watched Hina run to the edge of the waves, the cool and pleasant ocean water flowing between her calves, and she kept laughing happily.

Smiling and shaking his head, Asahi followed slowly.

In this beautiful shoreline where the water and sky line, even he was infected a lot. The cool sea breeze blew on his face, and looking at the golden sunset, he felt his heart open wide.

Bending down to grab Hina's sandals off and lead her away, Asahi's eyes follow her relentlessly.

In front of outsiders, Hina is a gentle, caring and kind teacher. She gets along well with colleagues and students. Only by Asahi's side can all the true feelings in her heart be released.

Finally, after about 10 minutes, Hina tired of running back and forth, obediently calmed down, and they walked hand in hand with Asahi along the 10 kilometer long coastline.

Looking down at the woman's crystal clear toes, which glowed strange colors under the golden mottled seawater. Before Asahi could take a closer look, Hina bowed shyly to block his view.

"Do not see."

"Why? You are mine?" Asahi deliberately teases her.


Hina couldn't think of a reason, so she chose one: "Just don't look at it!"

She does not deny that she is "his."

Because of the truth of this sentence, Asahi felt an inexplicable tenderness toward Hina.

It is not clear whether it is a loss or an advantage.

Grasping Hina's slender waist tightly with the back of his hand, Asahi thought for the first time that this was a real step-by-step relationship, and the two walked for a while.

"I'm tired of walking."

Hina did it on purpose or because she was really tired, and she suddenly said.

The next moment, Asahi put the camera hanging around his neck on his body, then hugged the woman who was starting to know how to act like a baby in the posture of a princess for a walk.

There was an indelible smile at the corner of her mouth, and Hina's green eyes, which were brewed with countless light dots, looked up from low to high on Asahi's side face. The sense of security that once filled her heart... Then Hina took the initiative to say those words.

"Asahi-kun, I like you."

There may be environmental factors. When Asahi heard this, he was obviously a little surprised. It was obvious that Hina was able to put the teacher-student relationship aside and say these lines, which undoubtedly showed how important he was to the other's heart.

However, Asahi only paused for a moment: "I have to say this first. I was planning to stay the night, but it's a shame you got ahead of me."

"Hehehe, I have always been bullied by you, I have to win once."

Hina closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the waves, feeling even cuter than before.

Asahi was silent.

After walking along the shoreline for another 10 minutes, he put Hina down, and the two huddled on the beach, watching the sun set.

"According to the time, now is the time to meet the devil."

Asahi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly an idea came to him.

"What is wrong?"

Hina tilted her head and asked.

In Japan, twilight is a period of the supernatural, when ghosts and youkai are most likely to appear, and it is also when humans and ghosts can appear at the same time.

"It's okay, I suddenly decided on the next anime movie I will make."

"Dating me, you are still thinking about this."

Hina pretended to be angry and bit Asahi's finger.

"Then don't want this, let's go back now."


When watching the sunset, most of it sinks into the ocean. Asahi urges Hina to get up, go back to the station and put on her sandals, and the two of them take the train to the Shinjuku area again.

As one of the most famous business districts in Tokyo and even in Japan, the two took a walk and found that it was still early evening, and there were still several hours before the premiere, so they went shopping in Ginza, which is less than 8 kilometers from Shinjuku. Have dinner, and see the night view of Ginza.

There are seven cinemas here, and the premiere of [Kotonoha no Niwa] was held here, and the scale is not too big, but not small either.