Birthday Presents

"Why do you look so lonely? I have noticed it. When I realized it, I subconsciously became, I care more than anyone else."

When a chant with only a guitar sounded, Kazusa felt an inexplicable tremor.

Maybe it was a connection between the lines, or maybe it was Asahi's magnetic and inexplicable sad feelings.

"...Even love that cannot be conveyed will one day emerge until a vague answer is found. Even now this love can't start, you are too dazzling..."

Before he spoke, Asahi had more or less sinister intentions, but after he actually sang, his emotions instinctively integrated into the singing, and he had long forgotten to observe the reactions of mother and daughter.

Youko was a bit lost in thought, even though she knew it was a song for her daughter, she couldn't help but remember the day when she first met Asahi.


At receptions, Youko had cheered for drinks and chatted with all kinds of people, discussing cooperation, or refusing to start a conversation. Until she sat alone in a corner by herself, watching the so-called high-class people wearing various masks come and go, she was unknowingly bored.

"Madam, can I sit here?"

At a certain moment, a voice sounded from behind, she thought it was another man approaching her, but when she turned around, she found that it was a boy.

At that time, Youko was very surprised, so she didn't refuse, so the two took this opportunity to get acquainted and chat.

While chatting, Youko found that even though the boy was young, his knowledge and conversations were very funny and mature.

The conversation got deeper and deeper, until she got drunk and was invited home, she never thought about getting into a deeper relationship, but alcohol always clouded her mind.


Youko would never regret it, let alone hate it.

That feeling of ease and tolerance had not been felt for a long time, no matter how strong she was, she was still a woman, so she half-heartedly accepted.

Back then, she had not expected that the two of them would know each other thoroughly and have a secret relationship.

Recalling the past, Youko was full of love in her charming eyes and had tears in her eyes.

Age has never been a barrier between relationships. She and Asahi couldn't publicly announce it, that was enough. Because she had seen too much, Youko felt that this relationship was precious, and guarded it carefully.

Similar to mother, when Kazusa was in a daze, the first time the two met each other, the experience was not beautiful, but very happy and relaxed.

When she fell into despair, it was Asahi who pulled her out. Otherwise, she didn't know what she would do if she gave up on herself.

Even though she didn't know him that well, Kazusa thought that sooner or later their relationship with each other would deepen.

After playing a song, Asahi put down his guitar, looking at the mother and daughter in a different light. Place the guitar freely and flexibly with one leg bent.

"This song was given to you, Kazusa. There are also scores for the piano version. Unfortunately, there is no piano here. I'll give you scores when I get back."

"Give it to me?" Kazusa hesitated for a moment.

Asahi said: "Of course, the agreed birthday present can never be changed, happy birthday."

"Thank you."

After a long silence, Kazusa's voice was a little softer, and the moonlight reflected on her face through the hot spring, making her look even whiter and weaker.


Youko clapped her hands to get the two people's attention, and took out a bottle of mulled wine from her bag.

Asahi didn't know much about wine, so he didn't know what brand it was, but Youko took out three glasses from the cupboard in the room, and poured the drinks one by one into them.

The alcohol content of this wine is much higher than the previous sake, although it is not very high, but it is enough for Kazusa.

Kazusa furrowed her beautiful brows, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and felt that it felt a bit strange. She couldn't say it, but she could accept it.

"How about that?" Youko asked.

"Still acceptable." Kazusa was expressionless.

Asahi tried to drink half of it, smacking his lips: "It's delicious."

He doesn't look at brands when he drinks, he drinks what he likes, and rejects what he doesn't like, it's very simple.

After drinking a bottle of wine for more than an hour, Kazusa was so dizzy that she didn't care about her loose bathrobe at all, and her dazzling white skin seemed to burn people's eyes.

Youko did the same, but accompanied Asahi to open a second bottle of wine in the yard.

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked down curled up in the room, the bright red face and cute sleeping face of Kazusa. Youko jerked lightly, letting her left foot rest on the curve of the steps in the courtyard to obey gravity and sway.

"Enough for today."

Asahi walked into the room with Youko half propped up, and gently placed her on the bed closer to Kazusa. In the end, he came to the bed farther away to lie down.

Though Youko teases him into trying to sleep and drink or something, Asahi resolutely refuses and considers the consequences.


The next morning, the three of them left the hot spring hotel and headed back via the highway.

When sending Asahi and Kazusa to school, it happened to be the start of second grade. Youko gestured goodbye to the two of them, then rushed to the airport, and the plane that was scheduled to go to Paris at noon.

"Let's go."

Asahi yawned, he didn't sleep much last night, and he woke up early today. He clearly didn't get enough sleep. Looks like he'll have to make up for it in class.

Kazusa watched as the car's license plate disappeared around the corner, then followed Asahi to school with a complicated expression. After a few days, her view of his mother changed.

"Don't think about it, remember to come to Sakurasou after school, the anime music should be done by you."

Waving to Kazusa in the shoe cabinet, Asahi walked alone to third grade general subject. The second class happens to be Hina's class. Seeing that he was late, she only gave him a disapproving look while she was not paying attention.

Luckily, he didn't reveal him secret, Asahi returned to his seat under the attention of the whole class, then immediately lay down to sleep. Most of the people treated him with respect, especially Hina, as if she couldn't see it.

Unfortunately, a true warrior can not only sleep openly in class, but also sleep with the teacher afterwards.

After remaining like this until noon, Asahi was awakened by the noise for a few minutes.